Was it really *that* good, though?

Was it really *that* good, though?

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yes in my opinion


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Aged like milk

the movie was. a few episodes were. it didn't age amazingly. Hyouka is the kyoani masterpiece

It's a time flop.

Looking back, probably no, I liked it because I was 14.


you can stop spaming these threads now

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>Hyouka is now a masterpiece
I remember when it came out everyone was making fun of it

Only boomers like this show due to nostalgia. It's shit.

>Hyouka is the kyoani masterpiece
In terms of audiovisuals I think I'd agree (although that'd be a tie with Disappearance),but premise-wise Haruhi is just more interesting.

The first season was.

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I literally fell asleep 3 times watching Hyouka at night

yeah, Hyouka's story is tame, but it is more about the characters than a plot, I guess

Haruhi wasn't refined, until Disappearance... even then, it was basically Mamoru Oshii's Urusei Yatsura 2

Yes; but nu-Yea Forums hates it.

>nu-Yea Forums
hello neo-Yea Forums

S1 is more refined than the movie in how it's structured, Disappearance is a pretty straightforward adaptation just with a few nicer animation.
>even then, it was basically Mamoru Oshii's Urusei Yatsura 2
Except it had actual character conflict and wasn't an attempt to kill a romcom series with silly out of place postmodernist babblering.

fair enough... I liked Disappearance, it just felt generic really.

It was at the time. Now it's a classic and can't be criticized anyway

Name other anime movies that are mostly about the protagonist talking for over two hours and half, you can't.

Yea but mostly because of Yuki

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Perfect Blue
Eva 1.0...

I get it, but it didn't create the most interesting story, felt like a CW show in that regard

fuck off autistic reifag there is already a thread for you

Yes, only Endless 8 sucked.

Mima doesn't really talk much much PB it's mostly about her being thrown up in some over the top situations mixed with a silly slasher subplot. Also much shorter.


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yes. i finished the series today.

Be honest Yea Forums did you actually watch Endless 8?

Yes. No regrets.

yes. I think it was good as a means to help the audience empathize with Yuki. If we thought it was endless after 8 times, how did she feel after 15000?

No I just skipped around through the episodes in disbelief that it actually lasted that long. It's a cool idea but watching the same episode 8 times in a row just isn't fun

It's not the same episode, that's what makes it so much more bewildering than just broadcasting the same episode eight times

they reanimated the same episode 8 times

There were many differences

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I never could enjoy it, honestly. When Yea Forums was creaming their panties over it I just never understood why.

It's so that you can feel the same sense of being trapped that Yuki feels

and we watched it

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This, I don't like the artstyle change in season 2.

so you'd say the yuki anime is worth watching?

And endlessly posted about it.

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I wish I liked Yuki because it seems like her spinoffs are the only things keeping this series "alive".

there is no Yuki anime

nothing is perfect dawg

But we get pretty close on occasion

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I watched it as it aired with no prior knowledge of the story, it was frustrating to watch but I don't regret it

Yuki is aight but her spin-off is awful

I remember having an awful day at school, coming home near crying but taking solace in the fact that a new Haruhi episode was out and probably subbed while I was at school, there was no way it would be another Endless Eight episode, it had gone on for four episodes already, right?

Anyway that was the magic number for me, I snapped and dropped the show, didn't pick it back up years later when the movie was dubbed

Okay why does everybody say the Yuki spin-off is bad? I liked it.

Everyone but the bassist

She was boring, character personalities were cut down to make the series a generic romcom, lack of the main series themes etc.

She looks like Yuki, has the same name as Yuki, has all the same friends as Yuki does, goes to the same school as Yuki did, but don't be fooled. That show is NOT about Nagato Yuki.

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I really need to rewatch Haruhi

You've got forever, it's not like s3 will ever happen

Because the show lead the audience under the pretense that it was a mystery anime when in reality it was actually just a fancy Slice of Life where the biggest mystery was who took MC’s umbrella

Yeah, It's a commentary of all of the 90's school supernatural shows for being too corny.

Honestly, at this point even if we got season 3 Yea Forums would probably just trash it

literally nobody gives a shit what Yea Forums thinks

I liked it too, although I have to agree with

No it's a supernatural coming-of-age about fiction and reality

Why can't it be both?

LN goes downhill after disappearance.

How relevant would the Haruhi series be today if it had regular source material? It seems like it was just left to fade away. It was an an extremely dominant IP at one point, but could it have maintained that energy?

With plotlines that actually go somewhere, not always resolving back to the status quo

The opposite. Almost everything after Disappearance is better than S1, and Dissociation is as good or better than Disappearance.

I did but not as it aired. Watched it about a month ago for the first time. It started to get really painful around episode 6 but was worth it if you just focused on what Yuki was doing for most of them. Paid off big time later as you all know.

Dissociation is fucking garbage. It's just a clusterfuck of gimmicks without any concrete purpose or interesting conflicts. Tanigawa was too concerned with meta bullshit that he forgot to write ab engaging story. Being 3 books long makes matters even worse.

Dissociation has the best development for the main cast and introduces one of the best characters. Literally everyone gets meaningful development, including Taniguchi of all people, and it culminates into Kyon's biggest scene since this monologue from Disappearance. It's easily the first or second high part from the series depending on whether you like Disappearance more.

It was shit

>best development
Um what? Haruhi slowed down her inner chimp even before dissociation. They just show her acting like a normal human would towards yuki and that's somehow magnificent development huh? Kyon has no development. Their relationship doesn't develop at all. They just added a scene to say "see how close these two got". Writer spent too much time on other dumb shit instead of focusing on relationship between haruhi and kyon.

I liked it because it had practically the whole original voice cast and it gave more exposure to Asakura and Tsuruya. It also did play around with some references to the events of the main series, though in that aspect it wasn't as entertaining as Haruhi-chan (which had some pretty explicit things from the later LNs).

I don't know what you mean with "regular" source material, but to me the one thing that makes Haruhi so good is that every single volume of the LN has been good; the plot is still based around mixture of mystery, scifi and slice-of-life elements. The author could have milked out more volumes if he turned it into a generic harem with no real substance like the majority of popular LN series, but he honestly admitted he couldn't come up with more material and put the whole thing on hiatus.

No, anime shouldn't try to be meta.

>Haruhi slowed down her inner chimp even before dissociation
She does it on a whole other level here. Like the scene where she almost ignores Sasaki. Or scenes showing the brigade preparing for the upcoming graduation. Dissociation is when Haruhi goes from love interest to actual brigade leader (hence Kyon's "leader" line)
Same goes for Kyon really, he gets a bunch of important introspection scenes.

Why aren't other tanigawa works translated?

Aren't they?

Gakkou wo deyou is considered cult classic in nipland and yet it isn't translated. Dengeki aegis 5, zetsubokei, bokusekai aren't translated either.

Did sasaki appear in recent short story?

Yes, I actually enjoyed.

Damn, that's a good question here.

What might be the answer, user?

Not unless you count Disappearance. Without the movie, the series is mediocre at best.

The most cringe yet popular opinion.

I rewatched everything recently, and to me, it holds up. There are a few chapters we can do without, but overall, I think it's pretty good.
I still enjoy it the most when I watch it in the broadcast order.

>There are a few chapters we can do without
I hope you aren't talking about those fun shorts

desu I enjoyed season 1 more than the movie

Based and redpilled.

Some of these hold the most important developments for the characters, especially Someday in the Rain

No, those were pretty good, and Kadokawa's own english subs made it ten times funnier if we're talking about Hahuhi-chan.
No, I think endless 8 could have been two chapters long at best, one to stablish the situation, the other to solve it, heck, in the book we only read about the final loop, and what is chronologically the last chapter is pretty boring. Also, the school festival was a really by the numbers kyoani chapter that has no reason to exist other than to connect small things you didn't need to and the musicl show because of course it will have one.

Someday in rain is my favorite episode. The mood and atmosphere is perfect.

>Also, the school festival was a really by the numbers kyoani chapter that has no reason to exist other than to connect small things you didn't need to and the musicl show because of course it will have one.
It's literally one of the most important episodes for Haruhi's character, rewatch it

You had to be here in 2006 to get the appeal. Yea Forums culture was so much different back then. But I guess you can still be a newfag.

I did last Sunday. I agree that it's the chapter that grounds her the best, but that only works if that's the last chapter, and it would end like she found the joy she could never find before interacting with people outside her little club, that she is finally integrating herself into the world instead of her integrating the world into her. It's meaningless if the very next day, she goes back to be the Haruhi she was before.

it was hard enough just getting translations for the new Haruhi short story
if it's not an isekai or trashy romcom don't expect LN translations for anything else at this point, I've learned

no, even if there was a new volume she wouldn't appear she was essentially put on a bus and written out in the last one.

First season was fun because of the broadcast order. Second season was fun to shitpost about EE on here. The movie was very good.

Out of all of it, the movie is probably the only thing that still holds up while the first season is just passable.

I want to watch the movie but don't wanna watch the whole series first, it's so long. What do? is it worth watching it all?

Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody > Movie
>that episode ending


Best thing Kyoani has to offer

Yes. It was fun.

It's just 16 episodes + endless eight

I really liked it when I was 15 14 years ago.

Kyoani fucking did a lot of dumb shit like airing out of order and the endless 8 to make me hate them, and lose interest in haruhi.

Haruhi and chuuni s1 plus movies are the only watchable things that studio has shit out.

Im gonna be honest, I watched 4 and skimmed the rest.

Agreed except Chuuni is shit too.

Replace the tryhard animation budget for hyouka with a modest one and you have one boring as fuck show.

You could say that about most KyoAni shows. They take average material and present it will with good art direction and animation.

It's just a really poor rip off of naruto.

The greatest tragedy in anime is that Kyoani let off the gas when it was at the height of popularity, before the va drama, thus forever denying us more seasons.

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Maybe Hirano shouldn't have been a whore.

>It's meaningless if the very next day, she goes back to be the Haruhi she was before.
She's pretty decent in the next wo episodes, Guess more Mikuru undressing was uncalled in the last one but I blame fanservice

>tanigawa let off the gas when it was at the height of popularity

>we'll never get to see a girl this hot again
why live

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Close but no cigar.
Let me be the black sheep of the bunch and say I liked Violet Evergarden the most out of everything KyoAni produced.

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You seem to be the fan of shallow-pretty looking vapid-bullshit.

She doesn't go back to regular Haruhi afterwards, that's when she starts caring about outsiders. In Intrigues, she befriends a rando

I could say the same about people that prefer stuff like Chuunibyou or KEY adaptations.
To each his own my friend.

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>why live
to worship her

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VEG was pretty, but only had a couple of really great episodes like the one with the mom letters for example. It's not like the show is bad but it feels strained, like it is trying really hard to have emotional depth when it's just not meeting the mark.
Pacing probably is part of the issue. 1cour anime are both too long and too short to write anything really good. You either need a movie or OVAs for something brisk, or a 2cour or more for a slow-burn if you want to make something really great.
Haruhi, Hyouka, K-ON, Lucky Star are all first-stringers on the KyoAni lineup and VEG, Tamako Market (+movie), Nichijou, and Hibike are all second stringers.

> and Dissociation is as good or better than Disappearance

Jesus Christ. What level of dumbness are we at? 20th? How deep does this go?

I still don't get how she's so hot, despite being a relatively simple design.

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This is objectively true though

No, it was just above average, I watched the whole show once, then the movie and then I threw it away like a used condom and forgot about it. I'm not saying it's bad, but it's nothing mindblowing.

You know, I was never really a fan of heavy escapism anime. There's something about a colorful world with nothing but happy and friendly people that rubs me the wrong way. I'm not sure why but that's probably the reason behind my distaste for stuff like LS, K-On, Tamako and such. As for Hibike I really liked how the dialogue made the characters feel really human for their age but hot damn the drama is contrived.

There's something about the idea of a child/monster coming to terms with her own actions and expressions by witnessing others experience suffering/grief on an episodic format that really stuck to me.
Again, I understand I'm a black sheep of sorts and I understand that Violet Evergarden's fanbase is littered with cancer.

As for Haruhi I think it was ok. Not bad, not great - just ok. Disappearance was great though.

It had Haruhi in it, so yes.

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Was it kino ?

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Yes. I like that the lyrics are a direct reference to Melancholy.

Nichijou has the field beat for production values but Hyouka is kind of close

Why did Kyoani stop with Haruhi? There was still a lot of source material to animate? But I guess now that the zeitgeist is gone and Hirano was found out to be a slut we'll never get a 3rd season now

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Among other reasons, they've shifted to using properties that they own rather than ones from other sources.

When you allow a slut to voice a popular waifu, and then she decides to continue being a slut, it ruins your brand and image. Sometimes it's non recoverable. Women just shouldn't be slutty.

One, it's way more profitable to own everything you make an anime out of.
Two, a slut VA ruins brands.

why are there so many haruhi threads today?
there hasnt been new material in ages

Ishihara’s best is Haruhi or Disappearance
Takemoto’s is Maidragon
Yamada’s is K-on which is the peak for me

Same with K-On

Disappearance had 3 directors and Maid Dragon sucked dick.

>it was basically Mamoru Oshii's Urusei Yatsura 2

This has to be one of the most pretentious and retarded post in all Yea Forums history.

Maybe not but Haruhi is still my waifu.

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No, but we were younger and dumber.

>bassist turned the slut down
I wonder how assblasted she was.

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What a curse. I hate the author.

Looking at this makes me realize much their animation quality has improved since then.

Their soul hasn't

Quite the contrary, Yea Forums.

I recently rewatched it, so the fabric of the universe bent itself in order to entertain my interests.
Expect a lot of Hakumei to Mikochi threads next week.

Yes, in one sitting.

Unlimited Bait Works.

Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita did the out of order thing better.


Season 1 was a masterpiece (though surpassed by many others in the meantime), so was the movie.
Season 2 was complete garbage and I don't mean just Endless AIds.

>surpassed by many others
name them

Maid dragon had better colors than every filter-soaked piece of garbage KyoAni’s made for the past 6 years

There's plenty of source material in the tank, but no upcoming source material to promote. That's a problem for the publisher Kadokawa, which actually owns the rights to Haruhi. Tanigawa killed the series when he set his pen down.
On the other hand, we got a new season of FMP, so that may no longer be an insurmountable problem. And based Gatoh also managed to bring Kadokawa and KyoAni to the table together for Amagi, so maybe miracles can happen.

Monogatari, Fate/Zero, Steins Gate, Madoka, Girls Last Tour are some that come to mind.

But you probably just want an answer to shittalk my taste, right?

i wanna believe
just give me this snowy mountain syndrome OVA

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Among those, Monogatari is the only one remotely similar, but I didn't really like it. Haruhi's more down-to-earth style worked more for me.

Also unrelated but I miss Madoka's time travel episode. Cool stuff.

It wasn't as experimental as Haruhi, they just swapped the arcs and not the episodes inside of the arcs

All the way through. Can't get the full Disappearance experience otherwise.

i watched the ones that actually had interesting things going on.

The whole internet was about Haruhi back then, it was EVERYWHERE. This was the last Big Thing before the normies took over. You missed it and nothing will ever emulate it.

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Yes, but watching it for 8 episodes weekly was a kick in the nuts. After the third loop I just started watching the episodes fast forwarded, and then watched it normally until the end.

Before it aired, if you had told me before that that I'd watch several episodes of Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu on 2+ speed, I'd say you were crazy.

Kyoani was pretty much dead to me after that, and no the Disappearance movie didn't make up for it. At all.

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I hope you're not implying Maid Dragon did not have filters. It sucked dick in every department excepting the animation and sound design.