Attached: 20190423_152648.jpg (1080x1619, 728K)

Other urls found in this thread:


stop shilling shit manga, tired of every OPT being utter shite

Attached: 54.jpg (822x1200, 334K)

Attached: 002_2374129024901.png (800x1200, 197K)

I've honestly never seen an OPT that was less than half dogshit

post your non dogshit pages then

Attached: 003_1479650298.png (1015x1440, 1.15M)

Attached: 003.jpg (1280x1818, 435K)

Attached: 3.png (850x1200, 721K)

Attached: 1548610611650.jpg (835x1200, 246K)

Attached: GirlsSaurusDX661777.jpg (728x1037, 116K)

Attached: e4.jpg (1782x1280, 1.28M)

Hit me with some sauce homie

Attached: p23.png (969x1400, 657K)

i was a sword when I reincarnated. you sure you tried iqdb and saucenao to trace the picture? tired of spoonfeeding sometimes

Attached: 8.jpg (891x1300, 212K)

It is Ragna Crimson you fag

Attached: 006.png (1088x1700, 2.3M)

>translations still at chapter 4

I’m on mobile, so I couldn’t. I still appreciate the help, thank you.

It's not impossible to do image search on mobile. A pain in the arse to do, sure, but not impossible.

Huh! How bout that. Never even attempted, but I can. I’ll do that from now on.

Attached: 20.jpg (854x1400, 219K)

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-22-14-21-12.png (981x1074, 1.17M)

90% of everything is shit it's a law of creation
some of it is shit because it doesn't meet your tastes most is just shit though.

this was rather heartwarming.
shame that most of the authors works are shota garbage though.

Attached: Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha Arashi.jpg (1437x2048, 1.01M)


Attached: x10.png (968x1400, 313K)

This manga starts pretty generic but manages to take its completely simple premise and just stacks it with weird, fun, characters.

Quite a few chapters are out (40 ish), but updates are pretty slow right now.

Attached: Kawaiikereba Hentai demo Suki ni Natte Kuremasu ka.png (1114x1600, 815K)

Isekai bullshit, but it does the one thing which is rare.

It's short, each chapter only about 3-5 pages long and it's just a nice little read, the world that is built (while not being revolutionary) has enough there to be interesting.

Attached: Handyman Saitou in Another World.png (836x1200, 839K)

I'm not going to recommend this one unless you're interested in "how a series fucking dies."

There aren't many chapters, as it was canned before it went anywhere. The pitch is simple enough and the art is pretty good. However, when you read it, you'll be able to see that it's slow, very slow, atrociously slow.

Attached: Yuki to Sumi.jpg (870x1236, 357K)

Attached: 1543183975738.png (1114x1600, 893K)

Attached: 5 (3).jpg (1200x1714, 478K)

posting shota trash needs to be bannable

Attached: shinju-no-nectar-019-32.png (1077x1600, 585K)

Attached: Akai Ito no Noroi.jpg (1280x1883, 630K)

Attached: 25.png (846x1300, 274K)

Pure Girl.

Attached: 111.jpg (1096x1584, 594K)

Greatest doujin ever created.

>"best ever"
taste this bad should be criminal

Attached: Mone-san no Majime Sugiru Tsukiaikata .jpg (764x1200, 330K)

>translations never
end me

Attached: x11.png (923x1400, 248K)

>Kriss Vector
Not bad, but it really should be used with the extended mags to get the most out of the recoil-dampening system.

Attached: x19.png (603x436, 167K)

Chapter 9001: Man-time-to-reread saurus

Attached: Nejimage Factor.png (900x1300, 314K)

Attached: Sekirei 39.png (816x1200, 202K)

Chapters fucking when?

>when the author gets meta

Attached: literally me.jpg (1280x1876, 762K)

Attached: image (1).jpg (800x1138, 299K)

Attached: d77.png (826x647, 528K)

dem thights

Attached: 643523462.jpg (2060x1490, 1.75M)

Are you into badly drawn legs? What a weird fetish

Attached: OZM44.jpg (1688x1200, 1.73M)

If we could disregard rightmost girl the series would be great.

You mean just her? The best girl? Yeah I agree.

You can take her for yourself then, series would be better for it.

Attached: Isekai de Skill wo Kaitai shitara Cheat na Yome ga Zoushoku Shimashita.png (888x1300, 1.42M)

Attached: fujimi (4).png (1720x1300, 463K)

Attached: 003 (3).png (844x1200, 440K)

Ended too soon.

Attached: Boku ni Koisuru Mechanical.png (965x1400, 354K)

Attached: devilchi 1.png (913x1300, 882K)

Attached: Desire For Reply.png (971x1400, 295K)

Is the first chapter a oneshot? It ended with him at university age and went back to starting high school from the second chapter.

Attached: Drakengard Ending.jpg (2852x2048, 1.8M)

Oh fuck it was actually chapter 1.5. Disregard.

Attached: magical girl monhun.png (2246x1600, 2.54M)

Attached: OH DESIRE.png (1008x1434, 411K)

Attached: a1ccd94e16465af50a60eb36fa6e898d4cb89dc1_hq.jpg (704x1024, 184K)

Attached: That means her.png (899x1300, 268K)

Attached: 1474640045.jpg (2039x1440, 772K)

dem art

Shame I could never find online scans of the series. Would kill to show off the Tigrex splash page.

Attached: c3fc3cbbd916ca52dd33c3625421fd11f99beb98_hq.jpg (936x1024, 180K)

This needs to be picked up by a new group.

Attached: 7.jpg (950x1350, 489K)

I believe in you Tsutsui, make it happen...

that shits adorable

doujunshi never

Attached: opportunity_cost.png (1114x1600, 1.63M)

wtf? Too kino for a doujin. I want to give this man my moneys

Attached: kento.jpg (1535x749, 646K)

Attached: 029_1549269873.jpg (870x1236, 336K)

torako is such a fucking cutie I love her


Attached: This suit is black not.png (847x1200, 1.67M)

>see booby knight
>skeleton mc
needs to be axed and never scanned again.

>small brain: Adding additional context in the TL notes
>big brain: Inserting your own commentary into the TL notes
>galaxy brain: Pasting image macros over speech bubbles

Attached: 1530430293801.png (648x911, 655K)

Attached: joshikausei.png (864x1285, 854K)

Attached: H and Ero.png (959x1400, 603K)

Is it NTR yet?

I was actually referring to Devilchi. The scanning group seems to have forgotten about it.

Attached: b13.png (870x1236, 577K)

Feet don't bend like that.

Attached: img011b.jpg (1126x1600, 1.05M)

>not liking shota

Not even worth the (you)

good. I don't want a (you) from a disgusting faggot who loves porn involving little boys.

Whats up with japan making me want to fuck a bug?

Attached: newchap.png (884x1257, 895K)

Why did they have to reboot and abandon the massive tits.

Attached: 51.jpg (900x1350, 381K)

Hey, friend. Do you know what happened with the serie? I remember second season of the anime ended with a 3rd season confirmation message but it never existed.

This is a yuri manga.

Attached: this is a yuri manga.jpg (855x1200, 688K)

Dropped before even looking at it

Attached: Baby, Kokoro no Mama ni!.png (800x1136, 357K)

A cockroach should not be this damned sexy.

anime was 2 seasons, first season was 2 cour, 2nd season idk off top of my head.

manga had a rushed/terrible ending, then artist tried to reboot their cash cow but the reboot was axed because sales were terrible, for good reason, no one wanted to support author who ruined the original series.

This manga was comfy as hell
I would have liked to see where the author would have taken it if it hadn't been canceled

Would you?

Attached: T24.jpg (1696x1200, 1.03M)

I love steppe waifu.

Attached: x55.png (1125x1600, 423K)

Sources please I beg you

Attached: [TheSacredBlacksmith]-ch05-pg28-29.png (1699x1200, 965K)

Does this remind you of anything?

Attached: x7.jpg (841x1200, 1.09M)

Excellent taste my man.

New chapters when? Or did they drop it because it's been licensed?

Attached: y25.png (1262x1800, 685K)

Attached: ares.jpg (708x624, 200K)

found both of them using saucenao.
You can do that too.


Attached: Seriously anon.png (678x203, 64K)

Attached: extreme lewd behavior, not suitable for christian manga.png (1304x1854, 1.3M)

>It's all right if you're a little rough.


The latter.
Official releases are up to volume 2

Being a faggot like you needs to be bannable.

Agreed, taste as bad as yours SHOULD be criminal.

Attached: 8.jpg (673x1000, 170K)

>never used to wear clothes

Why not?


Is that translation accurate?

>yuk yuk yuk

Attached: laughing_draper.jpg (413x395, 19K)

Attached: Slime Life - Vol.2 Ch.39 - Check Up and Slime - 4.png (844x1200, 318K)

Got sauce? Neither SauceNao nor image search are giving me anything.

Attached: F3BAD9B2-B63F-409E-9F26-5A5F08E8A9D2.jpg (400x330, 35K)

Attached: 891325.png (2260x1600, 1.86M)

You don't recognize Shinmai Maou?

It's not garbage if it's straight. :^)

Attached: No, not this one you fucking idiot.jpg (640x432, 62K)

Attached: not this one dumbass.gif (480x270, 308K)

I do. But I couldn’t find this one.
The file name was “Spoiler Image” not exactly helpful.

Hover your mouse cursor over the "Spoiler Image" portion and a tag with the filename will pop up after a second or so.


SauceNao is also your friend!

Attached: thumbs-up_ws.jpg (300x265, 31K)

It's worth dealing with the terrible image quality of some of the scanlations.

Attached: x18.jpg (650x1024, 218K)

Attached: 0140.jpg (1105x1600, 546K)

Attached: k5.jpg (1179x1693, 866K)

Attached: 1556050571252.jpg (1115x1600, 590K)

need sauce user
but a few things

Attached: A Pervert's Daily Life.png (494x857, 728K)

Attached: s21.jpg (2820x2064, 1.35M)

Attached: x24.png (974x1398, 209K)

This is from an official Eva manga. Just want to say that.

Attached: 0085.5-010.jpg (1130x1600, 321K)

Last chapter was literally a year ago tomorrow. I thought I remember looking on their website sometime last year showing the status of various projects, and they showed that they had a number of chapters that seemed like they were posed for release, but were stuck on one part or another. It's a shame really.

Attached: danberu.png (960x1361, 2.2M)

Attached: tonikaku (1).png (836x1200, 410K)

To which I say BS!

i want to know this feel

Attached: 16.jpg (974x1400, 348K)

img search didnt work, sauce?

Is this just grayscale kyoani stills put into panels?

Where the fuck are you finding 40? I'm only seeing 17


Attached: 18.jpg (1075x1517, 593K)

Punpun literally did nothing wrong.

Attached: punpun sides.png (720x410, 135K)

Attached: Playful Imouto.jpg (800x1200, 258K)

Every thread, you with your Ibitsu...

Attached: raw muscles.png (1350x1938, 1.19M)

Attached: 1534195356851.png (559x799, 402K)

Attached: Z32.png (1124x1600, 967K)

Attached: 6.png (1260x1800, 1.01M)

Attached: x20.png (1124x1600, 1.42M)


Say something nice to dad.

Attached: Adam.jpg (1441x2048, 699K)

cute feet

Attached: Shingan no Yuusha - Chapter 12 - 25.jpg (950x1351, 735K)

cucked by licencing

Has it not been ripped?

Attached: DHE97PPW0AArBF8.jpg (680x559, 103K)

Attached: 025.jpg (702x1024, 295K)

only till chapter 30 i think

Attached: arachnid.png (2220x1600, 499K)

Fun fact: I'm a fucking moron and mixed that one up with another one I just started reading.

There are 17.

A moron's gotta do what a moron's gotta do, man.

Attached: saito-kun-wa-chounouryokusha-rashii.jpg (800x1164, 127K)

Beat this:

Attached: 15.jpg (1600x1022, 430K)

Attached: sabinuki kanojo.png (1264x1800, 506K)

Anime imminent.

Attached: uchi musume.png (836x1200, 971K)

Attached: goblin is very kind.png (1337x1920, 1.29M)

Attached: high risk.png (764x1200, 777K)

Man, where the FUCK are more chapters? I love this series.

For the longest time I wanted more chapters, but then as soon as they came, they came too quickly and I couldn't keep up.

Attached: tonnura.png (1089x1600, 590K)

Attached: 1555901697473.jpg (778x1200, 210K)

Attached: x18.png (1793x1300, 591K)

Attached: x1.png (640x958, 108K)


Attached: 71.jpg (1129x1646, 486K)

technically nope. By the way, I fucking hate that bitch so much.

she is a shapeshifter

Attached: kamimura yuuka.png (900x1280, 480K)

ganbatte daddy

Attached: A26.png (1002x1450, 532K)

Attached: 2a.jpg (1137x1599, 606K)

Attached: ojojojo.jpg (1128x1597, 334K)


>[Jorori] Natsu to Jun _ Summer and Innocence (COMIC HOTMILK 2019-01)

that was great

Attached: 1532390518835.png (502x43, 29K)

Attached: opt(32).jpg (1471x2100, 188K)

Attached: 1555573745880.png (893x1300, 299K)

Attached: opt(96).jpg (2145x3056, 1.38M)

Attached: opt(109).jpg (806x1200, 185K)

Attached: Jingai no Yome to Icha Icha suru (Dullahan).png (1125x1600, 345K)

Attached: flags.jpg (550x2650, 356K)

Shinji Ikari Raising project desu senpai

Attached: Q10.png (850x1200, 542K)

which one would enjoy asphyxiation play the most?

Attached: 1530302435265.png (1200x1000, 46K)

Attached: female reproductive organs.png (1110x1600, 312K)

Froppy, tho she has an unreal lung capacity.
Acid is close second. She's more openly into it while frog is more but keeps her fetishes and feelings hidden.

Attached: when you're bored with berserk but you still want to draw loli.png (1280x1831, 1.89M)

Attached: img005g.jpg (600x800, 89K)

This was fun while it lasted


So it was. I wish he would draw more, but taking his age into account I've already lost any hope we will see berserk ending in any meaningful fashion.

Attached: cute red army witch meets translation deader than russian democracy.png (1103x1600, 562K)

Is that actually worth reading? Does my boy Ryo actually get respect? Every time I've read a KoF manga it's been shit which is weird considering how anime SNK's shit already is.

Based. One of my absolute favorite artists. Nobody does moody like him.

Attached: Bakuon Rettou.png (2256x1600, 1.36M)

Attached: ancient magus bride.png (1790x1300, 668K)

What was it? Cant find anything but the lines look like the Keyman artist

What are you on about? It comes up on google both for the thumbnail and full size.

Attached: hishikawa.jpg (1200x1747, 492K)

Attached: Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai 45.png (901x1300, 207K)

Attached: Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi.jpg (960x1361, 443K)

Attached: Soukyuu no Ariadne.png (836x1200, 374K)

Attached: unknown spread.png (1914x947, 1.86M)

That was so fucking funny and creative holy shit. Shame everything else never lives up to it.

Attached: magicpunch.jpg (1494x2130, 700K)

Best ongoing manga, deserves a second page in this thread

Attached: x8.jpg (884x1268, 308K)

Attached: chainsaw perpetual.png (1568x1146, 1.8M)

Attached: elves fuck cats.jpg (1896x1400, 501K)

Attached: enen burn.jpg (870x1249, 206K)

Attached: hsg GO.jpg (869x1257, 301K)

Attached: im hate.jpg (1114x1600, 452K)

Attached: jk.jpg (1129x1600, 253K)

Attached: kimetsu blade.jpg (959x1400, 211K)

Attached: komi friend.jpg (869x1256, 139K)

Attached: mahou.jpg (950x1364, 285K)

Attached: in as many hits as possible.png (2856x2048, 1.93M)

Attached: outstomp.jpg (1600x1137, 212K)

Attached: ryo meta.jpg (836x1200, 318K)

Attached: sengoku pray.jpg (825x1200, 221K)

Attached: tz rap battle.jpg (1114x1600, 487K)

Attached: rd3.jpg (1456x1043, 328K)

Attached: akumetsu.jpg (800x1332, 225K)

Attached: asura passing marks.jpg (847x1200, 210K)

I need more people to read this masterpiece

Attached: Boku wa Ohime-sama ni Narenai - Chapter 15 - 1.jpg (1080x1536, 253K)

Attached: Fair Child.jpg (862x1220, 157K)

Attached: Paw, bitch..jpg (800x1200, 122K)

Attached: gnw ichipiko.jpg (869x1228, 188K)

i cant find out what this is for the life of me

Attached: 11.jpg (1070x1600, 684K)

Prepare for disappointment user

Google gives results for the full image.

Attached: beelze gods.jpg (728x1061, 99K)

Attached: lonely british woman hires a young girl to satisfy her needs.png (834x1200, 228K)

Attached: henjyo12.png (1230x1800, 981K)

Attached: cooking.jpg (1280x1882, 513K)

Attached: dungeon frog.jpg (855x1200, 215K)

Attached: 0161-008[1].jpg (1935x1400, 646K)

Attached: fire.jpg (827x1300, 255K)

Attached: gal drink.jpg (850x1200, 202K)

>That hint of a fang
Good shit

Wait, new transportations?

Attached: Heart Gear.png (1080x1577, 1.02M)

>you're kind of big in stature and that's scarey
but I thought women hated manlets

Attached: 24.png (847x1200, 271K)

Attached: 20190425_041320.jpg (1080x1677, 733K)

>shitty official translation that saps half the humor away

Attached: 009_74343468765.png (976x1400, 187K)

i really don't get how this little guy just like obliterates the others in strength. isn't this supposed to be realistic or something?

Attached: 001_990290235.png (844x1200, 234K)

Ragna Crimson is fucking amazing.

don't know how this hasn't been posted

Attached: 1541549152176.jpg (891x1300, 324K)

Enjoying that one so far
and im not just saying that because fairies are my fetish or something

Old dude is great


Attached: Even if you give up.jpg (872x630, 237K)

Attached: me right now.jpg (477x805, 168K)

Jesus fucking christ. That art is something else.

Attached: Anmari Sono Ki ni Sasenai de - Don't Make Me So Turned On. Ch. 3.jpg (1280x1859, 407K)

I don't know, can you give me the source?

Attached: x9.png (891x1280, 442K)

what's an OPT ? newfag in here (browsed only /pol/& Yea Forums for 2 years)

Come up on google.

One Page Thread -- stoke someone's interest in reading something by posting one page of it.

Attached: its my life.jpg (1128x1600, 532K)

whats this manga ? my peepee is hard by looking at this

That's where your own detective work comes in -- utilize sites like Google, Yandex, and SauceNAO to reverse search.

thx senpai

Try using your brain Yea Forums.

Attached: scp.jpg (1830x1410, 975K)

Attached: 26.jpg (1080x1609, 410K)

Attached: the huge match boy.png (1129x1600, 791K)

Attached: no catgirls allowed.png (960x1400, 1.13M)

Gone from us too soon.

Attached: oh my sweet alien.png (976x1400, 348K)

Ma man!

Attached: Skærmbillede 2019-04-25 kl. 19.31.25.png (398x572, 210K)

Attached: NOT Helck.png (800x1130, 221K)


Context check.


Based and Bearpilled

So sad. But then you don't remember the ending from season 2? The season 3 was confirmed but it never came out, lol.

Go back to /pol/ and stay there, shit stain.

Attached: republic of stones.png (1120x1600, 924K)

Attached: 1535616918656.jpg (764x1200, 462K)

fuck you nigger, you have to go back

This is great. Thank you

This is pretty good so far, only 13 chapters in.

Based dubs of hopeless
A shame I'll have to learn moon runes to read Mone san

Attached: Translations never.png (615x952, 710K)

I'm 20 chapters in and I can't get over how ugly the MC is

season 2 kinda went anime original, didn't follow manga.

Attached: alzheimer.png (1280x1830, 485K)


Attached: 03b.png (922x1300, 595K)

You don't need translations to just fap to it

Attached: st shout.jpg (1740x1244, 764K)

Attached: biscuit lewd.jpg (1118x1600, 256K)

What is it?

I assumed going into this series that Yuu would just be another weaksauce bland protagonist. Boy was I wrong, he's a Chad of the highest order.

Attached: d37.png (1176x1666, 687K)

Can a brother get some sauce?
Reverse image search doesn't give anything except some nip sites

You can get to the source of that image from those pages. Still, I'm surprised it even works with an image cropped so much.

Attached: a bit a bit.png (820x1200, 401K)

Attached: IMG_0100.jpg (1234x1912, 628K)

Attached: birb and loli.jpg (1126x1600, 465K)

Attached: k9.png (985x1400, 340K)

I did that a lot it's not exciting anymore
Another generic romance manga with some harem bait though now main girl won and are a couple, they're still hiding that to other tho.
Honestly they are at least one step above your generic couple that's indecisive as to kiss or not.

Attached: 1551996499579.jpg (687x1080, 172K)

The majority of it is redditors reposting shit over and over hoping to bait out recommendations


Attached: 159FB9F8-AB01-440D-96BB-173749FBB89F.jpg (657x348, 179K)

Attached: 002_34353090935.png (1110x1600, 681K)

I'm probably retarded as there are other ways(?), I used Yandex image search and read some japanese to get the answer: Devilman G ( grimoire ???? )

That's it. But it's not fully translated, so good luck.

Attached: eating a christmas cake.jpg (822x1200, 868K)

Attached: whoop.jpg (1924x2732, 503K)

Author sure has a fetish with heart pupils

Attached: ae97df45.jpg (572x887, 135K)

I was looking for a title.


Looks it up because this girl looks autismo cute, ended up enjoying it. Thanks, user.

Attached: 12.jpg (853x1200, 201K)

Attached: 12.png (799x1200, 395K)

Attached: l018.jpg (869x1247, 283K)

Attached: x1.png (1024x1533, 1.5M)

Attached: 1532598923674.jpg (728x1041, 292K)

Attached: Cannon.png (963x1400, 202K)

Attached: Nenene 3.png (889x1300, 223K)

not really a fan of old men x 16 year old girls

Attached: henjyo21.png (1230x1800, 767K)

Damn this thread is still kicking, yeah.

Attached: Yuusha ga Shinda.png (847x1200, 371K)

This is probably the slowest OPT in a while.

Attached: n6.png (1277x1800, 734K)


Attached: Tonari-no-Furi-san-ga-Tonikaku-Kowai Ch-005 Love.png (1114x1600, 357K)

Attached: 10.jpg (1200x1695, 321K)

Attached: kissxsis-10934515.jpg (800x1130, 178K)

Attached: 005_239090.jpg (1215x1850, 432K)

Attached: hcdn0003.jpg (843x1224, 259K)

Attached: 4.jpg (728x1151, 143K)

Attached: 010___1553904799.png (836x1200, 538K)

Attached: 1548154192998.jpg (1280x1834, 538K)

A fucking masterpiece up to chapter 5.

Soloist in the Prison is a good read. Too bad it never updates

Attached: i've lost it, i know i can kill.png (822x1200, 1.08M)

Best Girl.

Attached: Lala's_happy_embrace.jpg (658x573, 181K)

Attached: N6.png (850x1200, 684K)

New Nao-kun today.

Attached: x29.png (1900x1367, 1.21M)

An entire manga catered to my tastes.

Attached: THICC.png (957x1352, 933K)

>be a great general
>finally get a private audience with your lord
>yfw you find out he wants to pound your ass

All 'bout dem thighs.

Attached: Y1.png (990x1400, 262K)

Sauce? Search brings up nothing.

It's just a oneshot though. I find it both sweet and melancholic.

ch1 done ch2 proof soon

Attached: q45.png (1688x1200, 842K)

Can you guess what happened?

Attached: A18.png (1125x1600, 718K)

Damn, it was pretty short. Not that it needed to be longer, I liked it.

The top panel really gets me.

Attached: n8.png (1265x1800, 578K)

Just realized the heart she was eating was a fruit he grew for her, that's pretty sweet.

Attached: x1.png (959x1400, 1.51M)

Attached: x39.png (1975x2783, 832K)

Attached: img003d.jpg (1263x1850, 489K)

>only 4 chapters translated
>scanlation group seems to be inactive
I want to die.

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How is the planet with manga vs the anime? I liked the plot but the awful CGI made scenes that probably would have been pretty cool horrendously un-cool

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>But it's not fully translated
There are official releases, btw.


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the sweetest vanilla i ever read