ITT: 2/10 anime

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You're favorite anime


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Sword Art Online

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I hope you mean 0 and not the original

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0 had better characters, both were equally retarded

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every isekai show. Though some of them are probably 1/10

It only gets more than a 1/10 because that one scene with the teleporting car was unintentionally funny.

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>0 had better characters

Re:Zero is a masterpiece though

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my wife Maho is so cute

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She'd be my wife if she didn't smell so bad.

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Definitely the only good thing about 0

There are so many worse ecchi harem anime than DAL, fuck off.

she showers every day user, what else do you want?

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No shower can remove her immense butt smell.

That's why it's 2/10 and not 1/10



Your favorite anime
You're a faggot

Y-you too

Go commit giving your last hamon.

>liking DAL
Sounds like you're the retarded one here

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don't be such a downer user. We love you.

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Literally unwatchable.

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