How big is too big Yea Forums?
How big is too big Yea Forums?
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That's more or less just right from where I'm sitting.
As big as your moms lmao gottem
check them
If it's hanging too low you went too far.
Oh you won't be doing the sitting.
Kawakami always makes great butts and thighs.
When the hips are 50% longer than the shoulders.
Just fatt enough to break my neck
I said a fat ass, not a land whale
That's disgusting, and I'm nothing an increase of gross flabby asses all across the board, especially in hentai.
How can we stop the niggerification of Japan?
FACT: 65% at minimum of an anime girl's weight should be in her lower body.
Fuck off Ireland
D-did she died?
Behold the apex predator.
The fearsome Tyrannosaurs Rex.
Butts like lips are more closely tied to the shape of the body than breasts are. They start to be too large when they distort the overall shape of the body.
Got the source?
Why are Americans so trashy?
Just right.
I'm with you user, there's nothing more disheartening than go into any echi/galko/sukidarake thread and find current Yea Forums loudly flailing their arms and screaming like literal niggers because PANTIES and TITS, there's literally no taste whatsoever in these threads and every retard memeing about thighs/ass/tits masterrace is just a fucking
yeah that fucking sub human ching chong with her eyes made to look like human eyes with plastic surgery is not trash
That is a T rex disguised as a human.
Koreans are worse with their plastic surgeries.
that's just a hapa, you obese roastie
user, you're gay. First step is acceptance.
This doujin is a godsend.
hapas are godsend
There is no way that person survived.
i can see into the future
IMO its mainly thighs and some cushion on the buttocks. nothing exaggerated though. FWOMP
>Majority female country
>Literally a feminazi country
>One of the largest plastic surgery consumers
>Idol stars are literally used as prostitutes for foreign investors
>greentextig on Yea Forums
This is the butt I like.
she doesnt have any ass
borderline pedo
borderline fag
You are so wrong. This butt is just the right size and firmness. It resists gravity yet when you squeeze it it gives in the right amount and there is enough meat for you to play with. It also signals that the owner of this butt is healthy and active but also has had enough nourishment to have this kind of butt. When you press your hard dick against its not like a waterbed of filthy fat inside it. Its a healthy firm butt with muscle and a nice layer of fatt over it.
it's not big enough until it feels like you can fall in
no its skin and bones
borderline homo
Anything bigger than pic related
something like this looks pretty good, I kind of don't like when they go like this
even though it looks yummy
no it's a fucking drawing