Domestic na Kanojo

Did anybody else watch this? Can we please talk about that ending?

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What the actual fuck? He is getting with Rui after all? I was rooting for her earlier on, but clearly Hina and him were soulmates. Now she is living on her own somewhere far away because they got found out? Can't they just date when he graduates? By can't they love eachother? If he cared so much to write such an amazing book while in that state of dejection, how can he let her go?

Rui a shit
Hina a best

What kind of fucking sad ending is that. That picture was bullshit. The fact she read that book and hasn't reached out to him at all, hasn't communicated. It's sick

It's hard to live your whole life together with someone moaning her ex-cheater's name nightly while touching herself.

im still mad

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That was before she fell in love with him. Do you apply that logic to Rui? Who is kissing the MC even though he is madly in love with Hina?

Isn't that before he put a ring on her? She literally has it on a little pedestal and even bought his book. They were supposed to get married. They can literally lay low until he graduates.

>That was before she fell in love with him
People tend to repeat what they did in the past user. Especially the easy-going type like Hina, who offered her first time to her own teacher, who is basically a cheating pedo.
>Do you apply that logic to Rui? Who is kissing the MC even though he is madly in love with Hina?
She just wanted to save him from the destructive relationship with Hina.

Rui was a best till this panel

no, this is very current in the manga, and you'll wanna punch your monitor when you get to it

Manga worth picking up?

Wait the manga continues? I thought the story was over?

oh you are in for some bad times my friend

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Rui is such a jobber that she has to make sure that Natsuo doesn't find out about Hina's feelings despite having all the possible advantage. And later on has to beg Hina to not tell him about anything despite doing the worst to her. I know Ruitards aren't sane but your delusions are on a completely different levels.

Hina is accessory to adultery, she is an evildoer who spreads pain to everything she touches, like a poisonous snake

It was her making a move, did he even reciprocated in that scene? In the source material it takes quite a bit of time for him to actually get together with the younger sister, including getting BTFO'd by the teacher yet again and realizing the younger was always there for him .

lol. The funny thing is even during their breakup Rui tries to do what Hina accomplished by asking Natsuo to write about their breakup. She is a retard to think that saying something like that would help a writer. Not only does she fail to understand why Natsuo was able to write because of Hina, but she also though she had it in her to make him do the same for her as well. Till the very end, she tried to replace Hina and failed miserably.

You need to be 18+ to post here Mohammad.

>she has to make sure that Natsuo doesn't find out about Hina's feelings despite having all the possible advantage
>And later on has to beg Hina to not tell him about anything despite doing the worst to her
You understand that she did all those things for both Natsuo and Hina's good, right? Those two's relationship is so destructive that it affects everyone about them. Rui just can't bear to see that. Same reason she wanted to stop Hina's immoral relationship with Shuu at the beginning of the series.

Why the fuck can't eveyone be happy?, now everyone is hurt fuck fuckity fuck
Fuck you Sasuga you're worse than fucking Seo.

>Sasuga you're worse than fucking Seo.
They aren't the same. Seo punishes the faithful and reward the treacherous. Sasugao does the opposite.

Ruitard you aren't fooling anybody. Rui has proven time and time again on how big of an hypocrite she really is. Your headcanon won't change shit. The fact that she kisses Natsuo after him declaring that he has decided to spend his life with hina shows how little she actually cared about Hina. Doing that, making sure that he doesn't find out about Hina's feelings, begging her to stay silent just shows that Rui was always a selfish and manipulative cunt who used other's situations especially her sister to get what she wanted. She herself even admits it. So no matter how much you try to change the source material to fit your headcanon, it won't help.

This AO thread really sux. Could we all just go straight to the manga and talk about how TeamRui on suicide watch? Oh wait, those threads don't even last long anymore because they have nothing to say because they get rolled so badly every time and these latest chapters just ended all hope for them. Delusions are all that's left for them.

lol another crybaby that still can't believe what happened in KNIM

kill yourself

Lmao Ruitards forget that once she leaves for America she gets the Big Bland Cook

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How new are you? If an anime airs recently then 95% the source is still ongoing.

>The fact that she kisses Natsuo after him declaring that he has decided to spend his life with hina shows how little she actually cared about Hina.
It just mean she realized both Natsuo and Hina were going to engage in a very dangerous relationship and wanted to save both since she deeply cared for them. You must see things in their own contest. It happened not long after Hina's adultery with Shuu, which saddened Rui so much since she understood well how their mother and the society would react when such thing was found out.


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TeamRui BTFO

How long are you gonna twist things to fit it in your headcanon? We literally see Rui admiting how selfish she was in taking advantage of Hina's situation to momo. Rui was always selfish, she never cared about Hina in the least when it came to Natsuo. I know desperate reaching is all you Ruitards have left but it really isn't healthy.

> I won't kiss him anymore
> Proceeds to kiss him

>Caring about anyone other than herself

She cant commincate with him because thats the condition for the school members who knew about their relationship to keep it a secret. So long as she's a teacher she has to cease contact with him, and everything she's doing and has done since has been for Natsuo's sake

Actually she was in Love with Natsuo well before that. During the hotel scene, she admits that she fell in love with him during their roof top talks, but made herself feel like her emotions where "like" instead of "love" because of teacher/student taboo and because of Shuu.

As for touching herself, She said herself that she did it because she wanted to move on from Natsuo and was trying to get him out of her head.

He did put a ring on Hina (not rui) and as for laying low, So long as Hina was a teacher, she could not mkae contact with Natsuo otherwise the school would make their relationship public.

user, you should of seen it coming.
Natsuo gave her watches to prove his commitment and solidify her trust in him.
Natsuo then agreed to tell Hina about their relationship, so that Rui would no longer be scared that Natsuo would leave her for Hina.
Natsuo even told Rui he wanted to marry her someday and spend his life with her.

NONE of that ever made her more secure, or confidant, or trusting, or understanding. She always reverted to the same ol' scared, selfish obsessed woman she always was.

Even Marie had to tell her, that because she cared more about him not telling her about the writers block than caring about his suffering, that she was more obsessed than in love.

And nothing Natsuo ever did was going to change that. All because Rui wanted the love he had for Hina to herself. and Not only did she never say if she felt it or not, but her fears of losing him to his 'destined' partner and that she could never make him as happy as Hina, poisoned their relationship.

it was inevitable.

The younger abandons him while he's suffering a writers block, and she never even denies it. just says "dont be like this".


Ive seen some Bullshit but wow. You literally are making up BS to try and justify Rui's actions?

The difference between Hina and Rui, is that Hina was in a relationship that was not happy and deteriorated long before she was in it.
Rui on the other hand, knew full well both Natsuo and Hina where in love, but cared more about herself and disregared Hinas and Natsuos love so she could have Natsuo for herself.

And that guilt is what plagues her throughout the story. She's constantly scared that Someone will Take natsuo from her the same way she took Natsuo from Hina, and is scared that Natsuo never got over Hina and his love for her, that she saw in his eyes when he said he wanted to be with Hina forever, will rise up again.
Proving Rui has no confidence or faith that Natsuos love for her is as strong, despite everything he does to make her feel secure.

At least Rui had the balls to end the relationship herself, instead of someone taking Natsuo away.

Well, Karma's a bitch. Self serving characters like Rui who take advantage of others never win in romance.

Hinafags btfo forever

Some ruifags are really nasty, they''re so desperate that they are wishing for Natsuo's feelings for Hina to not come back and for Kajita to be a bad guy/try to force himself on Rui so that Al or Natsuo can help her, because deep down they know that if the Chef is a good guy as he has been implied that means that Rui most certainly can have a good ending with him and they do not want that as they self-insert into Natsuo and feel NTR'd because they want to be with Rui.
It's really sad and pathetic.

>All because Rui wanted the love he had for Hina to herself

You don't need to say anything else.

Going out for like a year or so and the girl goes out on dates with another guy. Then they break up. Sounds like a realistic situation. Kajita who devoted his whole life and threw away all possibilities of his future and school for his family is finally going to win at life. Heart warming story.

if Hina were supposed to be romantic endgame, she would have to be in play now

i don't mean that she has to necessarily do anything actively right now, but the story needs to hint at it, at the very least, or show any kind of indication that Nat could be "healed" by being with Hina again, for instance. But instead the narrative is completely focused on Nat and Rui individually rn. I still think Kei is gonna take the easy option and have the fucker Rui win.

False Flagging is bad for your health. I think it's time to move on just like Sasuga said in previous chapter. She obviously had another meaning directed at you suicidals self inserting over at TeamRui.

Endgame. Game Over Rui. Chapter 73, no escape.

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>At least Rui had the balls to end the relationship herself, instead of someone taking Natsuo away

Sasuga Kei has been incredibly gentle with her there. In the end Natsuo was the Shou senpai of this story.

They know on a subconsious level where this manga is going.

>if Hina were supposed to be romantic endgame, she would have to be in play now

Sasuga Kei went out of her way to have the Misaki arc end with Hina trying to save Natsuo's ass despite her being an outsider for most of it. This isn't even subtle in the least.

What kind of autist uses spoiler text in a thread where animeonlyfags are expected to be spoiled?

fuck, i just got off of Discord, they wont even try debate AT ALL. some poor Hinafag, wasting his time trying to talk to them and they just disregard everyting for Rui.

sorry gaylord.
Rui ruined her own romance with Natsuo shot her own ship into pieces.

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How the fuck is that falseflagging you faggot? I'm just stating facts. I'm a Hinafag but I'm trying to think objectively here. Just because I can see it from both sides does not make me a falseflagger.

Have you even been reading the manga?

Hina has always been in play, with plenty of moments in the story showing Natsuo still has lingering feelings for her, but keeps them down because he believed in her lie of 'never wanting to get back together again' and because Rui was in the way.

Hell, they've been through the fireworks festival, the stalker, the storm and now the drug dealers, each showing Hina has strong feelings and that Natsuo is just as dedicated to Hina's safety and her happiness and she is to his.

The narrative throughout Natsuo and Ruis relationship was that no matter what they did, the relationship was always going to fail. and Now Natsuo has the will to move on and 'start living' again.

The easy option is for Rui to win? after she abandoned Natsuo while he's at his lowest point? after she cared more about her feelings than his? after all he did for her, she never overcame her insecurities, her fears, her selfishness and her guilt? after feeling that Natsuo and Hina are destined for each other? after never fully trusting Natsuo or being confident in his love for her?
The hard option would be for Rui to win because she would have to over come and develop past all that.

The easy, and inevitable option is for Hina to win because the whole time Natsuo was with Rui, he was still shown to be drawn and attached to her.
do you just speed read?


>The hard option would be for Rui to win because she would have to over come and develop past all that.
I think that user meant in terms of least backlash for Kei making Rui the winner is easier. This anons been in other threads and said the same thing.

I know.
The whole time, Rui was scared that someone else would take Natsuo from her the same way she took him from Hina. Or that Natsuos feelings for Hina would re surface and that they are 'destined' to be together.

Instead, she chose the mature way out and admitted their relationship would not work and its better to be family.
I just hope the next chapters re inforce this. But no matter if they did, Rui-fags will still find a way to deny it all.
But to make up for her guilt for what she did to Hina, i believe Rui will support Natsuo and Hina being destined and their relationship when it starts again.

That way, Even Hina-fags will start to like her

oh. Well maybe.

Though i don't think backlash will matter in the end.
Naruto, bleach, nisekoi, My little sister cant be this cute, re zero, akame ga kill.
The backlash amongs the authors of these was tremendous. some more than others. I dont see why an author should change directions just because the fans want it. None of the above did (though re zero is ongoing).

Sasuga already said she's making the story with a plan in mind. and the story all suggests a Hina ending.
besides, most of the Rui-fags are now anime-only fags. Hina has the most fans in the manga only audience.

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>in terms of least backlash for Kei
Implying Sasuga Kei gives a shit about this with all the drama she's doing.

Rui is going to end up with Kajita, Natsuo will most likely end up with no one or Hina

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>she chose the mature way
Considering all the shit that Rui did to Hina, the mature way for Rui would be to confess to Natsuo that she knew about Hina's feelings but never told him about them and rather took advantage of the situation. That's what made it possible for her to get him from Hina in the first place. Then again I doubt Rui would ever do that.

I was really upset with Rui wanting to break up, I thought it was really selfish from her to try and emulate the same situation with Hina. But it seems that its backfiring, since Natsuo is already trying to go back on his feet and trying to recover his writing. The only way this manga will surprise me more now is if he doesn't end with Hina, but I kinda doubt it. Also, fuck chefboi

Natsuo will be with Hina. there's no fighting destiny.

>Natsuo will most likely end up with no one or Hina
the flashforward from ch 73 shows that he is married and probably have a kid. It could be Hina, Serizawa or drug lady that I forgot the name

I hope it's not Misaki. I don't hate her but she doesn't seem like the right fit for Natsuo, Hina and Nat go a lot better together. Also fuck Serizawa.

trying to emulate the same situation that Hina caused would be downright cruel on Rui's part. to breakup with a man whose done everything to commit to her while he's already suffering. and wanting to re unite after he's sorted all his shit just so she can reap the benefits of the relationship? Thats like saying she isnt willing to work in hard parts of a relationship and would rather leave Natsuo to fix it himself, and will only turn up when things are going her way.

i'd be surprised if Hina and Natsuo didnt end up together either, because that would totally ignore all the suggestions and developments and moments between them and make the majority of the manga worthless.
Even with their breakup, Rui's relationship has proven they cant work together and are better off as family. Now neither will have reason to look back and wonder 'what if' since they did their best and failed all the same. so theire story parts wont be worthless since it answers that question of if they can work.
We never got that with Hina. and since they were so happy and had no issues in their relationship, and now even have their parents aproval (and hinted that Rui will as well) when they get back together itll be for good.

the only thing that could derail it is Serizawa. But i doubt Rui will allow Hina to lose to her.

Maybe she will admit it to Hina as a confession to her guilt and why she now supports Hina and Natsuo getting back together since she cant fight destiny. But to Natsuo, i dont think so, but its possible.

i'm pretty certain its Hina.
I believe the reason he has another ring is that he and Hina kept the rings they original had chained together and keep them on display in their house while wearing more official ones.

He's the false flagger saying he's a hinafag BUT (there's always a but) thinks rui will win because of exterior factors despite the twitter poll, sasuga's drafts. There's no getting through to him.

Would be glad if he stop falsely identifying himself as a hinafag.

>and wanting to re unite after he's sorted all his shit just so she can reap the benefits of the relationship? Thats like saying she isnt willing to work in hard parts of a relationship and would rather leave Natsuo to fix it himself, and will only turn up when things are going her way.
This right here is why I'm completely against a Rui end, and think ruifags that can't see how hypocrite they are for wanting it anyway.
Some say that Rui helped him to get it together after Hina left but that's not entirely true, he only stopped being obsessed after learning from Shuu-sensei that she moved on and hearing from Hina herself lie that their relationship was a mistake. Even after that her only solution for making him move on was to try and be a replacement for Hina, and after being a long ass time together with him she still always thought that what he gave her wasn't at the same level of her sister's, never believing him that he loved her and always assuming things on her own instead of trusting him.

Except what you're stating is anything but fact. Natsuo clearly said in the end "I have to move forward witrh my life like before, too"
And sasuga goes out of her way to write hina rescuesing him which is more than rui ever did for natsuo when hina left him. Read 65 again, she did jack shit other than bring snacks

そろそろ 俺も 前に 進まなきゃな...

The japanese line above and the pic beside are FACTS, not your fanfic.

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Can we talk about something besides the two main roasties of the series?

Do you like Natsuo as a protagonist?

I can't stand how he constantly lets himself be dragged into troublesome situations by everyone around him. I get that in a character-focused story it's sometimes necessary for the supporting cast to introduce plot devices to help progress the story, but I feel like this happens all too often in this case.
Off the top of my head, you've got Natsu being literally kidnapped by the drama club that's headed by a pervert and some college dudebros, who later drag him, against his will, to a brothel where more plot devices are presented to him.
Then you have the neckbearded hippie living next-door to him, who has no qualms breaking and entering into Natsuo's apartment and invading his personal privacy, such a hilarious and quirky guy. Natsuo is quite obviously disturbed by his neigbor's behavior yet he doesn't immediately call the police.
And most recently there's the drugs girl, who even before it was discovered that she was a junkie refused to leave Natsuo's apartment at his request. Again, he doesn't call the cops on her and just lets it happen.

On that note, I really don't like any of the side characters in this series. They just come off as overly eccentric, overbearing and generally obnoxious. Yes I get that a lot of the characters are just stupid college kids and that some of them have serious personal issues, like the drugs girl (I've managed to reduce her character description to just two words) as the most recent example.
Perhaps it's just the way in which the author depicts these characters that I have a problem with. They all just seem overly simplified, disposable and ultimately inconsequential to the story, even the ones with some kind of dramatic backstory attached. I've watched throughout the series as these background people show up abruptly, push the protagonist in some direction, maybe have a mini-arc dedicated to them (like the ugly chick at the cram school), and then fade into irrelevancy. At least the rapist Al looks to have a role to play again in this upcoming arc.

>her only solution for making him move on was to try and be a replacement for Hina, and after being a long ass time together with him she still always thought that what he gave her wasn't at the same level of her sister's
Even if that was her real intent on the beginning, what I don't truly believe, it changed. Natsuo and Rui both loved each other and their relationship was as serious as it could be. The thing is, both also wanted to follow their dreams, even if that would mean that they would get separate. Their break up wasn't because the feeling changed, but it's consequence of their paths (Rui's, in this case).

If it was the opposite, with Natsuo needing to go overseas, the outcome would be the same.Either Natsuo would feel guilty for leaving her and suggest the break or she would feel like she has dragging him and end their relationship. Anyway, now I believe that Nat will find a way to go back writing, and that will open the doors for him and Hina to go back

Kei will probably do everything to damage control and better Rui's image but no matter what she does she won't be able to change one thing and that is the fact that Rui was always selfish when came to things concerning Natsuo. She never cared about her sister or Natsuo's happiness. She was always concerned with what she wanted. She chooses to be honest when its convenient for her. She makes sure that Natsuo doesn't find out about Hina's feelings but tries to act like a responsible person by telling Hina about their relationship when it's actually just her way of saying " don't you dare go near him", hypocrisy at its best.

Are there even any Ruifags in these threads? I'm getting the impression that the majority of DnK threads here are becoming Hinafag echochambers.

Ruifags live in r*ddit

It was her real motivation. Natsuo hugged her tightly mistaking a long hair wig rui was hina. She decided to pursue him aggressively in that very same chapter.
He did love her genuinely but his love for her can never be measured up to hina (rui sub-consciousness was right in this case)

He never write rui in his awarded stories. He rejected letting his parents know about his current relationship, twice while he was so eager with hina. He intended to marry her someday but clearly not today, lol, so no ring for her (he gave it to hina)
So while he wasn't fooling around and did love her to some extent. He never went as far as he did for hina and actually backpedaled when rui, herself, offer to live with him willingly.

As an animeonly, that ending was pretty fucked. Hina was the true love that only failed due to shitty circumstances. Rui is just his second choice and fallback girl he uses to forget about Hina. He only had that one night stand in the first place to try to move on from Hina. Rui is so completely BTFO that it's just sad to see her trying. And from what the mangafags say, I'm guessing her standing doesn't improve much from where the anime leaves off and they even broke up or something. Also Natsuo a shit, fuck him.

Though dont expect any real discussion or speculation. for them its all 'i believe' and 'anything can happen'. At least the Hinafags do their part there too.

I don't watch the anime. Is it different from the current manga's progression?

They live in reddit and their discord where they all circle jerk each others head canon. Going as far as to say "Hina has no chance." And "Even if Nat doesn't end with Rui he won't be Hina." Etc. They are 100% convinced Hina wont win and if she does its shit writing. I'm fucking astonished how they miss all the hints and foreshadowing and call it shit writing. and the circle jerk just makes it worse They make me want to drive off a fucking cliff.

Read the manga

Yes we can. I jumped into a trash can for yt video for this series

If Hina doesn't win, then will that be shit writing?

This:Natsuo admits that His love for Rui is different from his love for Hina. And Rui is constantly scared that Natsuo was more in love and Happy with Hina than her. And it takes Hina's absence and Ruis assertiveness to give her a fighting chance, but as soon as Natsuo found out where Hina was, he chose Hina over Rui despite her tears.

As for Natsuo loving Rui. It was real and genuine. But it stands to reason that it was never on the same level as it was for Rui, which is why the 'destined' talk scares her and why she has to beg Hina not to do anything to take him away.
Hell, even during the storm, Rui was more scared that Natsuo was cheating on her with Hina than she was scared for their safety.

How did he get Blond hair and Blue eyes, despite being half japanese?

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Imagine watching the show and being manipulated into thinking Rui is endgame or a decent choice at all.
They changed the order of events that happens in some areas to push this as well.
Like in the show Natsuo makes the push and starts writing short stories every week only after losing the writing competition to Rui. When he actually made the push after meeting Hina's friend and she told him he needs a career to be with her. They changed the timeline of events to make Ruin more significant.

Unfortunately, without Hina or Rui, Natsuo comes off as kinda weak and idle. Outside of writing and his love life he really dosnt do much.

That being said, he is an extremely good willed person, willing to help others even though he dosnt know them and has no reason to.
As for his ambitions of being a novelist, its never really detailed despite being a part of his identity. It comes off as a dream and ambition, sure, but Hina fell in love with his talks about books and novels and we're never given that same spirit to care.

That being said, his worst part is that he isn't agressive or dominant when it comes to other people and tends to be dragged around by them (the drama club, the brothel) its an issues that he dosn't set boundaries with others that puts him in bad situations that would or worsened his relationship with Rui had she known.

I wish he was more stronger and dominant. But also i'd love it if it was proven that the reason he was weakwilled against such situations is because his relationship with Rui was never going to last and never drove him to be as mature in his activities as he was with Hina. He even went on dates with Momo when he was with Hina and told her about them too.

When it comes to side characters

Marie (yakuza) is best. i was disturbed by his outgoing gayness, but now its fun.
Fumiya (best friend) could use more screen time.
Hinas friends at the hotel are good looking,
The author is like an old sage i guess
The editor is meh, but allright
The lively author/script writing midget is cute
The glasses wearing drama club member with huge boobs needs more screen time. and i'd be torn between her and Hina if she was a factor.
Serizawa is funny, but also cringy. I dont think what she did was wrong in being there for Natsuo since he desperatly needed someone to talk to, but she's always put in sad situations that are either sad or funny.
Momo and Rickon are best couple. Rickon was hilarious and getting with Momo was heartwarming.
Alex, the american, will probobly be the one to end up wit Rui since he never gave up, and the story kept suggesting he would make moves on Rui as soon as he's able to. AS for the rape thing, Rui should never of lead him on with the 'wanna kiss' all of a sudden BS. way to toy with a mans feelings.
Chef... i dont care really. i prefer Alex to be with Rui over him though, since he's so hated by the Rui fans that i can see Sasuga breaking them up just to appease them to give them hope that Rui can be with Nat again. even though i doubt that happen even if they did break up, i dont wanna deal with Rui fags cheering over nonsense.

Well, the best damage control would be to Make Rui a member of team-hina. That way, at least Hina fans will appreciate her efforts in making Hina and Natsuo a couple

Ruis standing actually does improve in the manga. Its just that its easy to forget that she's taking so many advantages and disregarding that Natsuo loves somone else but makes moves on him anyway. The only reason she ever got a chance was because Hina lied to Natsuo.
And the relationship, filled with heartwarming moments, always lead to the same fights over trust and commitments because of Rui's constant fears and insecurites.
Until finally it was over. thank god.

Extreamly shit. So much has been done to suggest and propse that the two are destined and will together again, more than half the story will be wasted if it dosn't end up that way.

if there is one thing that i hate on this manga is the fact that Alex's rape attempt is always overlooked. I don't wanna see rui ending with chefboi, but i would take that 100 times rather than her ending with alex

So if Hina loses, the writing is shit.
And if Rui loses, the writing is shit.
Way to encapsulate both fanbases. Guess they're not so different after all.

Natsuo is a 20% good-looking overly dramatic bitchboi who never faced real problems in his life. To hell with him.

>I shouted his name while jacking off because I love you so much. I swear. I only thought of you when chanting his name
Do you even realize how cuck this situation is? Literally the same scene in NTR hentai where the slut shouting how much she loves her boyfriend why being rammed up by faceless old dude.

>We literally see Rui admiting how selfish she was in taking advantage of Hina's situation to momo
It's called being humble. Not everyone is a self-righteous prick who keeps preaching how great they are when they do good things.

>I hope it's not Misaki. I don't hate her but she doesn't seem like the right fit for Natsuo
She is the one fitting him the most actually. Both of them loath their own self, only by getting together can they overcome their insecurity.

>It could be Hina, Serizawa or drug lady that I forgot the name

Misaki is not relevant, Serizawa is a distraction (she'll have Natsuo save her from her virginity at best), it's really all about Hina.

>It's called being humble. Not everyone is a self-righteous prick who keeps preaching how great they are when they do good things.

Ahahahaha, oh man, this is good. Although Idk why hinafaqs are still bothering with you.

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How will ruicucks ever recover.

>Misaki is not relevant,

She was Natsuo's future wife, who he wrote about in chapter 73.

So is this the new ruitard strategy. While I agree that Misaki has better chances than rui, I still don't see it given how her arc ended without any romance.

The only reason to ever visit plebbit is to laugh at the ruitards coping with their delusions.


No chapter this week, or did I miss it?

227 isn't uploaded anywhere so you've got to find the Imgur link

user this much desperation isn't good for your health.

There won't be a chapter for 3 weeks. None this week because shes moving house. Week after because of Golden week, or that might be the week after and after that no Idea why. She tweeted about it.

>Has to finally admit being a piece of shit
>It's called being humble
I know Ruitards are a list cause but you are taking it on a whole different level.

Does covering your eyes make your life easier? Since you don't have to see the hard truth?

No, it's just that the way you try so hard to twist the narrative to fit it to your headcanon is not a very healthy behaviour, especially when the source material proves otherwise.

I hope Serizawa wins, she wanted to support Natsuo even when she knew he was a degenerate.

Well, can Hina shake 10 years off and stop being an alcoholic somehow?

Serizawa is so unstable she gets borderline-shocked even while trying to kiss Natsuo. Imagine what would happen in a real attempt to have sex.

Found the Ruifag. You really need to learn the definition of words before you try to make a shitty argument. It just makes your argument even worse. An alcoholic is some one who suffers from alcoholism. It is a broad term for any drinking of alcohol that results in mental or physical health problems. Hina has none of these. She used, I say used because we haven't see her drinking for a long time, yet another reason why she isn't an alcoholic, to have a drink to relax which is what most of the adult population does you fuckwit.

Alcoholism means getting enjoyment from drinking an alcohol.

How many cocks has Hina ridden again?

>It is a broad term for any drinking of alcohol that results in mental or physical health problems.
>mental or physical health problems.
>Health problems
Its the definition user. Stop. She doesn't have any physical or mental problems related to alcohol. Enjoyment could come the broad
part. But the usual signs of alcoholism is a dependency on it. Which she doesn't have. She literally shows no signs of being an alcoholic.

user why are you bringing in logic when talking to a Ruitard?

>mental or physical health problems.
Literally Hina's defined traits.

Probably too many to count, considering how easy for her to accept a man.

Come on man at least make it entertaining. Even Philip's cuck fantasies were better than this.

You fool. You absolute bafoon.

I didn't, hope that helps.

>the only thing that could derail it is Serizawa
I can't just see Natsuo dating her. All in all she is one of the reasons why Rui broke up with him, she might not be the main reason, but still. It would be proving Rui right to an extent.
That said I have no idea how she'll fit into the endgame, but it's Mao rather then Natsuo for her.

What are the chances Alex will save Rui from being raped by Khajiit?

>win at life

Given their track record, the other way around is more probable, but hey however unlikely that is that would be a nice twist.

It's really likely, I see that Sasuga Kei forces the idea that serious and hard-working men like Khajiit or Stalker-kun are creepy and dangerous while pretty easy-going bois like Natsuo are perfect for any woman.

If you don't know the name, just call him chefboi, animeonlyfags

But Rui is dating Kajita

>what is daterape

Ruitards embarassing themselves again. Do they have absolutely no shame?

Such an obvious samefag. At least don't make the timestamps a dead giveaway.

Wonder if this will be ending soon.

Shit series 1/10 /thread

The gangsters being dealt with too quickly was a wasted potential.

Would have been nice if someone got seriously injured somehow or at least have something more interesting happen. 226 was a pretty boring chapter but honestly, although helmet Hina was adorable.