How can we encourage Japan to animate more trap manga?

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By making them accept western lgbtbqqqq ideal you fucking degenerate.

Make the traps cuter
Yuki is cute! CUTE!

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traps are not gay though

Is the mc here a boy or a girl? I want more straight traps.

Hey femanon. Would you a cute straight trap?

Speaking of trap, can we discuss something, specifically the etymology of the word "trap" itself.
To put it straightly, that word is shit and I blame you guys for popularizing its usage.
For easy example, try playing Josou Kaikyou which was translated into English few months ago.
There's lot of conversation where the joke doesn't flow because the English translation uses "trap" to translate otoko no ko.

This manga went to shit the moment they brought in the tranny.

Buy as much as you can.

By buying their shit, I have all the 6 volumes of Prunus Girl and I have the one called Lily about a maid trap, I want to buy Himegoto now

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I really wanna see her anime.

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Do I even have to say it? You know what this thread is about.

It's Admiral Akbar's fault for being too quotable, clearly. That fish man had some charisma.

This gem getting animated would be 10/10. Great blend of humor and no homo. Except one of the brothers is legit gay, and the other isn't possible to call a boy with how he acts

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>men have the waistline at a lower position
This is factually wrong and the writer has no idea how anatomy works. Men have longer legs and higher hips.

These kinda traps i like that don't just look like girls with dick and some men in them like wide shoulders.

It's already gaining momentum now that we have Felix and Astolfo.

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Be hard gay and go to Japan to inspire the elevens.

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This one sucks because its always the same shit

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I still can't believe notMadarame cheated on Saki right after she gave birth with Hato


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In Spotted Flowers the mc which is like an alt universe Madarame that got together with alt universe Saki married her and got her pregnant
After meeting up with their old friends and the blonde boyfriend, I forgot his name, he gets super insecure.
Right after Saki gives birth to their kid he lets Hato fuck him, I mean like in the ass
Shit was fuckin wild

Wow, that sounds bad. I dropped Genshiken almost at the end of the manga when Madarame tells Hato that they can't be together, just right when some chapters ago he almost kissed him when Hato was drunk. I'm still mad that Sue won

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Also NTR.

Yeah genshiken was just a mess
Spotted flowers was looking really good and then it just went to absolute shit so quick

Something like this, lul?

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I'm only interested in the trap friend in this one now. The main couple is boring a repetitive, and the boyfriend's brand of retardation got irritating fast.

Yes I would, Satan. Yes I would.

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We gotta do it ourselves. Our at least I'll be doing it. I thirst for trap romance.

I wish I had the looks of a trap. I always wanted to have sex with lesbians, and to be cute in general
At this point I just make my own comics and self-insert

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Coulda been you user.

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unironically want to look like that
blame the weeb girls in middle school who loved girly japanese visual kei guys

Very nice.


Someone said Trap manga?

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Why are traps always named Yuki in manga?
Also, traps in manga are cute but I hate real life ones, is this normal?


OP's manga has a bonus chapter that's dedicated specifically to that though.

This just looks like a twink i don't understand the appeal.

We don't. Kill yourselves cancerous faggots.

Live with it. Trap is the most valid equivalent for "おとこの娘" and there aren't any good alternatives that capture cheekiness of the original term. The translators could put in the extra effort to smooth things out by mixing things up but that's extra unpaid effort.

Do you have propose alternatives to the term though? Tranny is harsh, girlyboy sounds silly and calling them poofs, queers and fruits aren't quite right either.

girl (male)

Jump in front of a train.

This desu.