ITT: Canonically ugly characters

ITT: Canonically ugly characters

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I want to give all these girls the dick except
Am I depraved?

No, because none of them are actually ugly.

How about now?

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But they're all canonically ugly.

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try saying that to my face and not behinds a screen you god damn insect

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what was that?

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shes just chiness.

Absolutely incredible

now I know what you are thinking

yes they fuck
yes this is an h-doujin


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no, yunyun is god tier

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>literally not a single friend or boyfriend
nah, she's ugly

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what was the name of this? i remember Reading it years ago.

If anyone's curious and likes psychological drama, it's a great read

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they just can't handle her autism

is this true? i think she's kinda cute

more like she's unattractive on the cellular level

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MC dumped Lara Croft for her though

Hinata is FAT and UGLY!

thought it was going to be a regular series like Somali to Mori no Kamisama

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Excuse me? What did you just say?

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nope. even kazuma thinks she's attractive

Dwayne Dibbley?

She had a face? didnt notice anything above her neck.

They couldn't have been more on the nose.

You're move, Yea Forums

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Kumiko looks like she always smells slightly sweaty. Also, she probably doesn't shave and doesn't wipe properly, so her crotch always smells like fermenting pee and vaginal excretions.

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What happened in your life that lead to you typing that.

a question is usually followed by a question mark

He became KyoAni fag. He probably even watched Tsurune.

He found this place.

Yuzuki's mom is off her rocker.
Hinata is cute. CUTE!


Cue Ben-to girl.

Wow you couldn't be more wrong you autistic mother fucker.

Hinata is my ideal girl.

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And no digits will change that!

Nobody will fuck her

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No amount of shitposting will make it true.

Shut up. Hinata is very cute

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canonically ugly and gay

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No he dumped tits mcgee for Lara
He dumped Reiko for homely

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>she sees your dick

Nah, she's cute.

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how dare you

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ur mum

It's nice that even girls that are supposed to be ugly in 2D can be cute.

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Fuck off, Shinobu.

i unironcally think her nose is cute

That's realistic and hot as hell though.

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Stupid is not the same as ugly

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He’s a girl?

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But she is also supposed to be kind of ugly.

canonically BASED character

Lara revived just so MC can reject her for homely anyway

>most popular female character by far
How does she do it lads?

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