Is intelligence attractive in a girl, or is it intimidating/a turnoff?
Is intelligence attractive in a girl, or is it intimidating/a turnoff?
Pick one user
Smart and hot is top tier shit bruh
Attractive, but intimidating.
Intelligent women aren't a thing. A good chunk of this board is made of males with 130+ IQ, while women of this level are nearly impossible to find in real life. All the "smart" females in anime are written by guys who never even talked to real women. It's not different from catgirls or other fictions.
Only if I'm smarter than them.
>males with 130+ IQ
>A good chunk of this board is made of males with 130+ IQ
Please tell me you’re joking
Most intelligent/competent women in anime are villains though. It's very rare to have an actual intelligent heroine.
I wish I was that smart.
How is this even a question? It's always a major turn on
Witty girls you can banter and have deep conversations with are the best.
Not like I'll ever actually do that because im a loser but I like the fantasy.
its hot as fuck
Some of the dumbest girls around turn out to be Yea Forums favorites.
Aqua would be a better example ~uguu.
Intimidating/a turn on. I want Kurisu to trample on my ego and (sexually) make me feel retarded.
The best ones are either super smart or borderline retarded. Average girls are trash.
They do exist.
Why do you not see them?
Because they're not dumb enough to deal with you, idiot. They're in hollywood or las vegas or new york hanging off the arm of a millionaire because they're smart enough to know that looking pretty and worshiping some wealthy fuck is enough to buy permanent access the high life.
The smart women KNOW they have it on easy mode and are milking it for all it's worth.
>A good chunk of this board is made of males with 130+ IQ
Try removing a digit
user, trophy wives aren't smart. Unless you're talking street-smarts or wisdom, which is something completely different.
The fact that you think 130 is an impressive number speaks more on you.
Funny how it always seems to work out like that.
Plenty of trophy wives are geniuses, actually. They might not be learned, which is a different subject entirely.
As far as "smartness" I'm talking about making intelligent decisions.
It's attractive but relationships will go no further than friends/close friends level.
Being in a long term romantic relationship with an intelligent girl honestly sounds like a pain in the ass, as evidenced by S:G itself, where Kurisu and Okabe constantly fucking argues whenever possible
130 is 2 standard deviations above the average. That means your IQ is in the top 5%.
It's an impressive number, statistically speaking, you fucking idiot.
>street-smarts or wisdom, which is something completely different
hi brainlet
Trickster waifus are the best.
>as evidenced by S:G itself, where Kurisu and Okabe constantly fucking argues whenever possible
Scientists argue all the time. They derive a lot of enjoyment from debate. In fact, many of them probably consider this a positive in a relationship.
Yes, yes, I was 16 once too
Girls that are intelligent and retarded at the same time are the best.
Would you date a retarded girl?
What about smart retarded boys? It blew my mind when I learned Keichi was supposed to be really smart.
Implying there are non retarded girls
I personally prefer street smarts over book smarts, myself.
No but I'd give her 10 more siblings.
People on Yea Forums will always claim every impressive statistic or accomplishment isn't actually impressive.
She doesn't have 10 years of fertility left in her.
>A good chunk of this board is made of male
Did I miss something?
The sheer amount of semen I'm gonna pump into her will rejuvenate her fertility.
Intelligent intimidating women are attractive and christina is a miracle of the universe
I forget, was she Asian or white? I just know she grew up in America.
She's Asian
Intelligence is a multiplier to base attraction.
Let's use a example.
Girl A has a base attraction of 100 with 100 intelligence
Girl B has a base attraction of 100 with 50 intelligence
Girl C has a base attraction of 50 with 100 intelligence
Girl D has a base attraction of 50 with 50 intelligence.
Girl A now has an attractiveness of 200
Girl B now has an attractiveness of 50
Girl C now has an attractiveness of 75
Girl D now has an attractiveness of 25
As you can see, the scaling of attraction to intelligence increases drastically depending on the difference between base attraction to intelligence, with huge penalties for going negative ratio and huge benefits for going positive ratio.
That's Dr. Makise to you.
Did she really get a PhD by age 17? wtf
i definitely don’t want to date a retard. also wouldn’t want a girl who prefers adaptations instead of source material. i can’t even get a girl in the first place anyways
She's not real, user.
I mean, does she actually have a PhD in-universe?
She published her first paper when she was 17.
Nice 'gif'
Shut up, it's already painful enough as it is.
intelligence is nice, but I place a higher value on kindness and consideration. plenty of women just lack basic manors anymore, because society no longer demands it of them.
Being too stupid is a turnoff. Otherwise whatever.
child prodigies are an actual thing. youngest person in the past decade to get a PHD was 15. youngest female was 17
to fix my post here, obviously I meant manners and not manors
Smart but also a dork is cute.
To me it's an intense turn on, I feel the most energetic and lively when discussing complicated things for extended periods of time but only a few people I know seem to have any passion for discussing a single topic for more than ten minutes. The only relationships I've ever been in are with people who are the same way, I don't think I could stay in a relationship with a dumb girl for any significant period of time.
What I would do to be that smart
t. doomer
i went out of my way to take the easiest classes in highschool and do the least amount of work as possible because i’m lazy as fuck. i didn’t learn a single new thing from school itself during my junior and senior year. being a prodigy sounds hard desu
Generally actual intelligence directly translates into kindness and consideration, even if it is a calculated action they deemed worthwhile.
Then why are the people in charge of the world almost universally psychopaths? Politicians, CEOs, generals, etc.all have far above average IQ.
>I feel the most energetic and lively when discussing complicated things for extended periods of time but only a few people I know seem to have any passion for discussing a single topic for more than ten minutes
>High IQ
user have you fucking SEEN the decisions these short bus rejects make?
I love intelligence girls!
how the fuck do you even become a politician? knowing that much can make anyone smart d e s u
Well at that level the reward part gets screwy. I'm talking person to person interactions. Even sociopaths will mimic empathy at that level. But if they are in charge of a lot of people, the person starts to become expendable for what they see as the optimal result for self gain.
they make smart decisions to benefit themselves and their sponsors rather than their people.
For a lot of them it's down to family connections and wealth (bushes and clintons are great examples of this) or being a really good bullshit artist but being shit at any conventional trade so you take a government job and bullshit your way through the ranks, being the right color or creed to take advantage of a period of societal unrest or get picked up as the mouthpiece for an already significant powerblock, or in very rare cases having some raw charisma and riding actual popular support into a posting. Very few of those methods actually require much in the way of skill or intellect and none of them require ethical behavior. It's also common knowledge the government jobs are an enormous dumping ground for incompetents which is why if you pay attention governments are practically perpetually inundated with inquiries into enormous corruption, incompetence, and gross wastes of resources, which would all be greatly improved if all of them were 140+IQ cute anime girls.
This 400 IQ Genius outsmarted Japan's #3 most academically gifted student and 4 other girls to winning it all, manipulating them into taking each other down and still having all of her sisters support her after she stole the love of their lives from under their noses.
>this board
>high IQ
Why would it be either unless she's practically a drooling retard?
yeah. if i can't have a serious debate with someone, they're probably not gf material.
She's prime bulling material, you virg.
Only once you crack her shell
I like cleverness and cunning, not just "I have 9000 IQ" shit.
user you can have both if she's 2d
Whoa I must be a genius
She ia a pervert genius girl after all
I'd love to bully her by drinking all the Dr. Bepis before she can get any, god damn the quality really has plummeted but I can't shake the addiction to the stuff.
>how do IQ tests work?
You fucking brainlet.
There are much worse thibgs you could be addicted to than Dk Pepper
Dumb girls have a grating sense of humor. Dumb girls are also very easy to get into bed, so it depends on what you want for an expiration date.
girls that are retarded are better :3
I hate actually dumb persons, since they always stick some problems and don't care about it.
Also they can't plan ahead and mostly fuck up.
You didn't get her character at all.
I'd prefer that to a girl who was dumb as bricks. retard girls are infuriating to listen to.
she is canonically has autism
Don't call my wife retarded
that depends on 2 things. one is the male in question, 2 is if the girl is cute
your wife? and yes
I thought she was just the only normal person in a group of high iq weirdos
google autism pls
That's so sad
Intelligence is extremely attractive and sexy.
>this entire post
t. Incel
I find the really intelligent and manipulative characters respectable as hell, so of course I'd find it attractive in a female specifically. But honestly I'd prefer it if the series gave some actual good reasons to believe that character's smart instead of just saying they're smart. There's more to the illusion of making a character intelligent than simply giving telling the audience of all their passed accomplishments only geniuses can do or whatever. I'd really find it attractive if that girl genuinely suffered from social interaction due to her high intellect, or would have plenty of odd quirks that many could see as bad personality traits. It just helps with the illusional of actual genius.
It's a shame you all seem to like smart girls so much, seeing as any smart girl would know to stay far away from any of you.
You realise that the OP features exactly what you're looking for, right?
Yeah but she likes Dr Pepper
No thanks
Delete this.
Excuse me? Dr Pepper is the drink of intellectuals.
All things, humans included, are just electronic devices.
Only if it's 2D. Intelligent 3D girls have a chip on their shoulder and usually aren't very pretty.
But Kurisu isn't believable enough. The only "flaws" she has are standard female character flaws, nothing to highlight or expand upon her genius. Hell, even pic related did better.
I know some smart 3D girl, she is pretty(actually solid 7-8/10), but she is hard to deal with.
She is still a virgin at 21(soon 22).
>hey this character has quirks and flaws that stem from their intellect and how it's affected their life
>they don't count lol