Detective Conan 1033 spoiler

Haneda: "The future holds a good move..."

Haneda: "for the watchtower bishop"...

[TN: “Watchtower bishop” (遠見の角) refers to playing the bishop in your own half of the board, where it can exert its influence over the enemy pieces.]

Haneda: Are you saying...

Haneda: you will kill me despite that?

Rumi (thoughts): Such a foolish guy...

Rumi (thoughts): Foolish...

Rumi (thoughts): Fool…

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Other urls found in this thread:

Koba: Are you alright, Wakasa-sensei?

Rumi: Y-yeah...

Rumi: I've been somewhat anemic recently...

Conan (thoughts): She was pressing down on her eye...

Conan (thoughts): So as I thought...

Conan (thoughts): her right eye...

Guy: Inspector!

Guy: Following the marks of the corpse being dragged, we found a holiday villa behind the woods...

Yama: A villa?

Guy: And what's more, that villa...

Guy: Belongs to this man, who was killed!

Yama: Eeeh?!

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A four-leaved clover !

If by any chance, this is the four-leaved clover that Ayumi-chan found...

Then the unfolded cardboard boxes...
That were piled up in high numbers inside the car...

The mud that was up to the elbow... in her right hand's reverse side...

It might be...


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As I thought...There are tire marks behind the tire...

There's no mistake... The culprit is that person.

She led us here in order to make it found by us !

This body she made appear... like it was magic...

Sidenote : What is this trick that Conan found out ? Next time, resolution !

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Will something finally happen? stay tuned for another 100 chapters.

what kind of happening do you want?

I know what the trick is, but I don't think we have been given enough contextual clues to explain how she did it without it being noticed at all.

B.O being actually being explored instead of just the occasional member now and then.

i dont understand why rumi is freaking out towards haneda

you remember asaka? my guess she's asaka.

>you remember asaka?
Not really, in fact I'm trying to remember Haneda.

dead shogi player

Right. Well it does seem we're getting somewhere. I wouldn't be surprised if something did happen related to her eye but it isn't a fake.

How many manga can claim to have cracked the 1000 chapter mark anyway.

All the ones Conan is competing against.

Remember when the 22nd movie trailer spoiled the falling satellite hitting the water?

I don't watch the original trailers often but I know Funi kinda spoiled the bad guy in the 14th Target trailer because they wanted to use the dramatic gun spin scene and did black fades when it showed the culprit and ran but you can see the color of his clothes even in the 10+ year old 240p video. I'm pretty sure he's the only guy in that film decked out in neon teal/turquoise.
I like how this is kind of insulting and then you get this shot of Conan.

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Sometimes Ran's karate or scolding really goes beyond humorous slapstick. He literally passes out here and Conan doesn't have to stun him. She isn't even concerned.

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Okay, so does this confirm she isn't Rum, or what?

What episode is that?
In some fillers they go overboard in making Ran violent for comedic purposes. In the manga I don't think she normally beats up people without a good reason.

That was a sad scene.
It would be insulting if Conan were an ordinary boy, but Ran has suspected Conan of being Shinichi so many times and sees so much of Shinichi in him, their existences overlap in her mind. And like she's said, she isn't the strong girl on the inside that she tries hard to appear as on the outside.
Conan knows that and doesn't blame her for it at all.

just putting more weight in her relation with haneda kohji.

Yea it's a filler, 694. I can't remember what she scolded Kogoro for but she did it in public in front of Mitsuhiko who even backed away frightened.

She hit Conan once. I thought that was extremely out of character and it made me feel bad. I can't remember what episode it was but it was one with him out of the suit showing his suspenders because she was dragging him through a hall with them. Done in a more comedic scolding fashion than her being a brute to her dad.

I don't remember one where Ran hit Conan, or maybe I haven't watched it yet, but recently I watched this episode where she threatens to beat up Conan if he doesn't go to her karate match. He's cringing in fear of her for the whole episode, it's really out of character for both of them. This one was based off the Special manga too. I know it's noncanonical but I wish Gosho had stopped his assistants from including shit like that. It just gives people a wrong idea of Ran's character and fuels her haters.

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Yea I love that story but damn Ran was really over the top there. I'm skimming episodes to see if I can find it.

You guys actually read this shit?

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>he doesn't read and watch Conan every day

yes, and?

You don't? Are you some kind of loser?

I thought that was a severe panty shot for a minute.

I wish I was Kogoro
>have hot wife, having me-time while she'll eventually come back after the separation is done
>have hot daughter, can accidentally grope and faceplant between her tits and despite a whopping or two, it won't emotionally damage her to where it ruins the family dynamic and she feels horrible about it, she takes it as just more wacky drunk antics on par with eyeing a girl in the store saying cheesy pick up lines
>cute moocher boy who despite upstaging you is still a joy to have around even if you're too uppity to admit it, hangs out one-on-one sometimes and is essentially as much offspring as Ran is, when he feeds you compliments which he totally means it's very nice
>nice comfy two story office/home right above a coffee shop with a cute waitress
>fame and glory in your golden years, past your prime you just get to sleep and wake up hearing how great you are and the fame and glory is still there
>girls and women love you
>blinded by your own charm that most attempts to pick up a woman that fail dont bother you or you dont even notice it as a failure
living the life

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Top right looks like a girl.

>fame and glory in your golden years, past your prime you just get to sleep and wake up hearing how great you are and the fame and glory is still there
That's why I hope it's never revealed to Kogorou or the public that Conan is the one solving his cases. Just let him enjoy his moment of glory without getting humiliated with the truth.
But I wonder if Shin'ichi would ever tell Megure the truth about Sleeping Kogorou. I kind of want to see him come clean to him in private after all's said and done about how the cases were really solved, since Megure trusted Shin'ichi so much and was the first one to give him a chance back when he was just a mystery-loving high school kid.

Don't forget >Frequent blackout incidents after which people give you credit for solving cases.

If you squint your eyes a bit I can see what you mean...

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you cant just post this

Why not?

Gender bending Conan is dirty and wrong.

It's only dirty if you make it dirty.

fuck off zoomer

why are Conan threads so slow here?

Yea Forums for the most part focuses on other anime, Conan is fairly basic so unless some huge reveal happens or big event, it's mainly just a small group that hangs out and posts cute conans and talks about favorite cases. It's cozier that way.

I feel like I've sinned just looking at this.

She's just a girl user.

Besides, Conan is perfect just the way he is.

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I'm just so damn happy for him.

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>there are people in here who don't read Conan every week
You must be 18 years or older to use this site.

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>ywn be cuddled by your waifu

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Being that close I bet he'll never forget it. Not to mention she's in her underwear.

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a haibara that isnt sad isnt a real haibara

I want to own a perky Ai cel. She's so precious.

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Why is this still going on? What's the point of this series anymore? There's more digression than Pokemon's animated series.

>Aoyama is 55
If he ends up out of working condition before Conan is done, do you think the series will be handed forward? Takahiro Arai, who made the canon Zero SOL spinoff, is an obvious candidate for art. But if Aoyama couldn't even write the script anymore, all we could hope is he at least has enough broad strokes notes for the remainder of the story for someone else to finish the job.


You're way out of the loop if you think there's more digression than Pokemon.

This would be pretty sad IMO but yeah, at this point the most possible scenario is Aoyama not being able to finish Conan which would be both hilarous and sad.

I fell off this series ages ago, nothing is ever going nowhere.

I assume he'll work to death because the way he'll die unfortunately won't give him much indication that this is the big one and to wrap things up. He's has past scares before and didn't take the series to a resolution. He really wants to keep going until the end, either that or the publishers insist.

Either way, I'm sure he's taken precautions that once he goes, it can be finished the way it needs to. I honestly hope he's wrote out the entire final arc and just updates it as thing change. Rather than basic "conan goes here and gets kidnapped ran and amuro go to help" level guidelines.

Man, I'm so worried about the inevitable fate of Gosho and DC.

>nothing is ever going nowhere.
He knows who the boss of the org is, his parents are staying in Japan to help him, and Shinichi is dating Ran. There is progression, it's just done in a way where usually it just snowballs. Except those instances, because they did happen pretty fast.

Is movie 23 better than 22?

>49 OPs and 59 EDs

I bet she wont forget it either.

>both are fujo movie

I kind of wish I lived in the timeline where DC had a tighter plot progression and ended 10 years ago, instead of going on and heading the fujobait direction with the rest of the industry. I mean sure, the fujo audience was there from the beginning like with any shounen series, but the series didn't used to pander openly like they do now.

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I guess but Kaito existed before Gosho started creating male characters seemingly to just pander to fujos. Kid is his own character, any time I see Amuro or Akai I just see walking money.

>I guess but Kaito existed before Gosho started creating male characters seemingly to just pander to fujos
it seems you're missing a flood of kaishin fujos back then. fujo will ship handsome guy with another handsome guy, they're programmed to do that.

Shotacon fujos are treating the latest movie as a KaiCo movie, and they're the ones who go back for repeat viewings and buy the merchandise. There's no way it was released without them in mind.

As long as DC is being milked for fujobucks it won't have a proper ending.

Remember how Jodie fucked with Conan's phone?

How much time has passed since this dude turned into a kid?

Hopefully he figures something out after this chapter.

When she switched his phone? I wonder if he changed phones after that.

chapter raws

Anyone else completely and utterly exhausted from this show?
I have been binging all episodes up to ~780 back and forth since I was a child.
I can't watch any of the newer episodes, at all because I am bored to hell with the formula.

including fillers? newer fillers are trash

>including fillers?
Yes. I didn't even mind them so much.
Are the episodes even supposed to be rewatchable? I almost always remember who the murderer is 5 minutes in and the method is also pretty easy to recall after the first hints.

You don't even like the characters anymore? I watch/read for the characters even though I also find most of the cases too formulaic. The BO cases or any of the ones that depart from formula are usually still good.

The characters? I don't mind them so much.
Shinichi is a typical Gary Stu.
Conan has too many allies to ever be in real danger again (see: the episode where Ai transformed back for the first time. That episode was thrilling because it was realistic that either one of them would die at any moment.
Ran is just Ran.
Mouri definitely needs more badass moments.
BO characters are okay, but the whole switcheroo, trying to guess which BO agent is which and whether character X has really died, was all too tiresome. The franchise ended for me at Vermouth arc.
I don't know how well the manga series is doing in comparison, but the newer episodes simply aren't charming/ are soulless regarding their artstyle. Everything is so bright and pointy, there is always inferior variations of old tracks playing, when in the old Detective Conan there was a lot of time where people would talk in silence. The whole atmosphere has changed.

>Are the episodes even supposed to be rewatchable?
for me, yes. especially when the story enters an arc, I like how gosho scatter hints in episodes and warp them in climax episodes.
> I almost always remember who the murderer is 5 minutes in and the method is also pretty easy to recall after the first hints.
well, it's no longer mystery when you're already know what the mystery is, that's the feeling you only get when in your first time. how you you try to catch up until the latest case, user?

>how you you try to catch up until the latest case, user?
I am not. I was skipping through countless episodes to limit myself to BO episodes. The latest one I can remember is the episode in the train, which not only had alot of exhausting disguise tricks, but was so underwhelming I couldn't even get hooked to it.

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>Shinichi is a typical Gary Stu
I wouldn't call him that. Even though he's perfect in a lot of ways he still has his own personality and flaws and embarrasses himself like a normal teenager.
>but the newer episodes simply aren't charming/ are soulless regarding their artstyle. Everything is so bright and pointy, there is always inferior variations of old tracks playing, when in the old Detective Conan there was a lot of time where people would talk in silence. The whole atmosphere has changed.
I agree wholeheartedly. The anime today is drastically different from its heyday in the 90s, and for the worse. Classic Conan anime had a noir atmosphere, while newer episodes feel more like a Saturday morning cartoon. But colors/lighting being too bright and shiny and BGM being generic and forgettable is the norm with anime the past decade, so I guess there was no way DC would have escaped that decline.

sorry it was "how do you try to catch up until the latest case". I see you like ver's arc, nice taste.
bell tree express/mystery train, I consider that warp up was good. I agree that bourbon arc was stretched too long and the suspense was worn out because of it.
>limit myself to BO episodes
I suggest you to also watch nagano cases and heiji cases. just see which cases you're interested from this rather than only see BO episodes

>I wouldn't call him that. Even though he's perfect in a lot of ways he still has his own personality and flaws and embarrasses himself like a normal teenager.
I have been caught in this discussion before, but I really don't understand where you guys are coming from. Mary Sues/ Gary Stus don't exist in their fullest extent in professional media, but Shinichi comes very close to the definition. He is designed to be the perfect love interest: high intelligence, chad attitude, rich and lives in a mansion, talented in several skills, athletic, bilingual in a country where everyone has trouble differentiating ra and la, has perfect pitch and literally plays the most clichee instrument, the violin; most popular character in his school, popular in his city and in his country, parents are renowned celebrities, every case he solves is solved successfully, often with minimum amount of deaths (there are very rare exceptions like that stupid jewel thief case, but he is unimportant, anyway), has ties to the other greatest detective in Japan, CIA, Tokyo Metropolitan Police, the bogdanoffs, former BO agents, the greatest thief in the world.
His quirks are nothing compared to his positives, if you read ASOIAF this guy is Rhaegar Targaryen in anime form, both having a cruel twist in fate that make them interesting.

I am legitimately convinced if Detective Conan was a manga without him shrinking in the first place, the fandom would be considerably smaller, as it is his unusual position and the way he has to deal with it that makes him interesting as a character and a detective.

Fucking this. I marathoned the shit out of it when I was 12-13. Now it's a drag, I barely follow it. There has been way too many cases and I just want the plot to conclude at this point.
Also Bourbon is a shit character

What are some good flaws that Shinichi could've gotten because of his situation ?

-Dropping Ran for Ai (not a flaw but not cliche loyal childhood love)
-Getting more and more depressed
-Being less of a moralfag

user, the author said in an interview years ago that he had the ending already written just in case it needed to end abruptly, now i ask you, with this fact in mind, do you really think he really intends to explore the B.O? You will get episodic cases until he finally wants to put an end on the story, it will be underwhelming and that will be it

If Rumi turns out to be RUM after all, wouldn't that mean he/she already knows Conan=Shinichi?

how so? the closest thing rum suspects have in knowing conan = shinichi is kuroda calling conan "kogoro's bag of wisdom". Rumi only shown to have aptx list, and that's not a lead to conan's real identity.

How you guys keep up with detective conan?
Long ago I watched the anime and it was so repetitive with little to no plot development that it became massive to watch and i dropped around the episode 300.
Is there any actual plot, some bigger mystery, an development to conan.
I'm really interested as the manga goes on for so long.

Because nothing fucking happens. Conan is the equivalent of your run of the mill tv cop show were nothing happens until it ends.


>most popular character in his school
That sounds like an exaggeration. The rest of his school may be proud of him because of his accomplishments, but people who know him know that he's a huge dork who's autistic about mysteries. That's enough to turn off girls who might be casually interested in him because he's rich and talented. He's not like popular guys in other manga who are surrounded by a gaggle of hanger-ons. The love letters after he got famous seem to come from girls from other schools who don't know him personally.
>I am legitimately convinced if Detective Conan was a manga without him shrinking in the first place, the fandom would be considerably smaller, as it is his unusual position and the way he has to deal with it that makes him interesting as a character and a detective.
Of course, that's the whole reason the series exists and why it got so popular in the first place. If he were just a high school detective then there would be too much overlap with Kindaichi for one thing.

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>Is there any actual plot, some bigger mystery, an development to conan.
Yeah, the BO plot. There are a lot of unrelated cases in between but the development is still there.

>That sounds like an exaggeration.
It is technically true.

BTW have you watched that early multi-parter where Conan turns into Shinichi in that play with Ran? Shinichi later on wakes up in bed still stuck as Shinichi.
When Shinichi first revealed himself under his mask, the whole audience seemed like they were orgasming quietly.

I never watched the adaptation of that arc; I mainly stick to the manga. But that's the scene I was thinking of when I said the rest of the school is proud of his accomplishments as a detective. And the whole scenario was really dramatic and shocking, with the murder followed by Heiji's fake Kudou act, and then Shin'ichi doing his dramatics and taking off the mask when they thought it was Araide under there; of course it was exciting for them. He's known as the school detective and watching him there was kind of like watching a star athlete represent the school in a match. But they didn't seem to treat him with that kind of awe at other times. So I think saying he's the "most popular" is still an overstatement when his social life otherwise seems pretty low-key.

my kids

So when does he grow up?

When he gets his cure at the end of the series.

Didn't he already get the cure but end up needing to use it for someone else or something like that

it's been so long I've forgotten

No, all he's been able to get is temporary cures, but he always reverts back to a child after a period of hours. A permanent one doesn't exist yet.

When will Gosho end his ''masterpiece''?

Sherry again when?

Hopefully never. She doesn't want to be Sherry again anyway. Let her live peacefully as a child again.

I mean as a cameo

Yea, I don't think they ever focused on it again.

Here we go. Nice 5 month wait.

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At least we're getting another remaster.

Yea, I'm curious how it'll look since the old rerun I dug up with a message from Aoyama at the beginning for it wasn't quite remastered. I assume the colors aren't exclusive to this broadcast (I haven't compared) and are just how it was when they made the episode. These early digital episodes looked kinda weird especially with colors.

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For the people interested in the new english dub of the 2 recent movies, would you rather have episode dubs or movie dubs?

Episodes. Canon aside from fillers mixed in, and we'd be missing way more just getting movies which are good just for action and the occasional BO focus. If we are getting the movies I wish they'd go back and do Darkest Nightmare and Raven Chaser. Especially fucking Raven Chaser.

The episodes route gives you way more options and stories than just some action flicks. I don't know why anyone would choose films over episodes unless either you're a fan really into one or some of the movies, or an industry guy who knows it'd be far easier to do the films and not a mountain of episodes. Despite the surreal idea of Conan having another chance in America being toyed with, I don't think we're going to be as lucky as Germans and start up the main series again after 10+ years with the original cast.

This movie stuff just reminds me how I wish Case Closed (unfortunate changes aside) took off over here a bit more so the series could have lasted longer. We were really getting into some good stuff. It always annoys the fuck out of me they got the full S5 license and stopped so damn close to Haibara's episode. If they did do another run from where CC left off I imagine it wouldn't get very far again. 50~ episodes more at the most.

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Where would 50 episodes after where Case Closed stopped put the series?

Since hour specials are split up with Funi releases and other places you'd have to go by the international episode guide numbers. The dub stopped at 123 (130 to the dub) and the episode internationally counting 50 after that is 169/180 Venus' Kiss, a filler right before Araide's introduction and just after the Spider Mansion case. Going by normal numbers 50 episodes later would be 173/184 The Revival of the Dying Message (Part 2), the end of a canon case and the one right before the episodes on the boat where Heiji is pushed overboard and it ends with him flashing Ran.

This hypothetical ends up putting us back in the same fucking situation I just noticed. 10 episodes after Venus' Kiss is the really great Haibara story with Gin and Vodka at the hotel. I'd be annoyed they'd presumably have that full season's rights again and so close to yet another important Haibara episode.

Just can't win. Honestly I wouldn't even be surprised if it would have happened this way.

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That's hilarious.

You can unfortunately say that about the entire situation of Conan in America. It's pretty rough but I can see why people laugh and mock how the IP was handled here. It's just disappointing to me though. Of course I'm more bummed about what has happened rather than that hypothetical. Besides, if it made it that far I'm sure the sales would have increased. It seemed to be heading towards that pattern when the CC S5 DVD was released and made it to the top sales of Funimation DVDs on Amazon.

People really didn't like the more juvenile days of Conan here. I guess it didn't help that despite Funimation wanting older viewers they tried to market it in a really cliche obnoxious kid noir way that makes some of their promotions hard to sit through. I think if I saw some of what they were putting out first I'd get the wrong idea too.

I think the best thing to come out of this is to just say America doesn't really deserve Conan. I mean, I'm anxious about the new movie dub(s) but as for a huge IP success, people prefer other stuff or were turned off by the marketing of the anime, since the manga is still running here.

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The fact I will never have a Sonoko GF is really depressing.

>a Sonoko GF
Why? She's good for a one night stand. Maybe a few extras. She doesn't really seem like the ideal type to fully love and be with. She still swoons over other guys and especially Kaito despite having Makoto.

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I really wish we'd get new chapters of Magic Kaito more regularly or Gosho would just pass it on to someone else or something. I like Kid and it would mean stories that don't involve fujo pandering for once.

>stories that don't involve fujo pandering for once.
You can't really guarantee that since he can be written in fujo-y ways or introduce Akai or Amuro type characters.

Unless he develops Kaito's relationship with Aoko more, more Magic Kaito would be rejoiced over by fujos since he's one of their most popular boys.

I liked her when I first saw it as Case Closed during it's original run on AS and I'm a man of loyalty.

Sonoko is for mindbreaking until she has hearts for pupils and can't live without the cock of the man who dominates her. Maybe if she cheats on Makoto enough, someday he'll man up and give her what she wants.

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Whenever I think of Sonoko I also imagine her dub character. Never saw it air on Adult Swim though, wish I had.

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Conan is such a cutie.

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I haven't kept up with this series in years. If something could even be considered a spoiler, is this series coming to an end soon?

bury that optimism deep.

There are signs that the end is coming, but at the current rate it'll probably take a few more years.

I love him.

Probably not but it really does feel like we're entering endgame, which even still can last awhile. Shinichi and Ran are dating, Conan knows the boss of the Black Organization, and a couple other things. The anime is finally scheduled to adapt the boss reveal story, I wonder if they'll give it huge promotion. They already put a remaster of that specially related case before the adaption airs.

I'm comfortable with it going on for some more years as long as Aoyama can keep the quality as its always been and doesn't die before he can finish the story himself.

All 3 are Rum.

>Shinichi and Ran are dating
That's progress, it looks like Ran finally fucking knows who Conan really is.

Does time move in this series? If each murder case takes at least a day, certainly Conan must be at least 10-12 by now, nevermind also counting the days in-between cases.

>I wonder if they'll give it huge promotion
I don't think so, someone told me that filler eps are having bigger rating than canon case eps.


It's being kept ambiguous whether she knows or not. Conan is still keeping up the charade in front of her and hasn't told her outright, but it seems like she probably knows and is keeping quiet until he's ready to tell her.

more or less...

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I honestly can't think of any western series outside of Disney shit and Spongebob that comes close to the longevity of certain Japanese series like Detective Conan.

I love this OP, it's really nice. They even have Sato hanging out with Megure.

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Western comics like capeshit and Archie are probably a better comparison.

>7400 episodes
Jesus Christ

I've seen about 1/4ths of them.

I wish Ran would blush and dokidoki to Conan sometime.

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You can only pretend to be retarded for so long.

Ran should take the same drug and become a loli as well.

Guiding Light, a soap opera, ran for 57 years.

Capeshit is at least by different artists throughout the years.

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You are speaking my language user.

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If Gosho croaks before the ending, that could very well happen in DC's case.

I want to vermouth vermouth's vermouths

So has Conan's grade school friends been relevant in any way after all this time?

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>new detective conan episode mystery
>it's not a murder case
Episode dropped.

Aoyama said the Detective League is a cover for Ai.

>Detective (((Boys)))
>has girls in it

They're relevant in a character development sort of way. Getting befriended by them has helped Conan learn to be more patient and tolerant, and they've helped heal Ai's heart after the trauma she suffered in the BO.

I know, mitsuhiko is a fag

I don't get it, did Conan win or lose? If he won, then he won, but if he lost I assume the point was Hiroki let him back to the main hub anyway because of the never going to kill anyone thing. I've always saw it as him winning but the way people died in the game wasn't very lenient. Genta was shot, which is fair, but Ai got hit by a falling pillar or something and despite not being crushed under it she still got a game over. Sometimes when I see the train port scene it looks like Conan drowned. As soon as he opens his mouth I figure it'd count as a game over, did he actually get one or did Hiroki let it slide? He was violently tossed back and forth, it seems like it was too much for him.

I never minded or cared but people liked the dub translation to be more gender neutral.

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But it's literally "shonen" tantei

What's the closest to status quo? That's what will happen.

Shounen can be gender neutral in Japanese too. For example 少年犯罪者 means juvenile delinquent and doesn't only refer to males.

Some consider it a wonky translation and some consider it a dub name change. I'm fine with either, I don't care about the gender issue and Detective Boys is fine, but Junior Detective League does have a nice ring to it.

Neither of those options affects the status quo more than the other, either way Conan got out of the game.

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Why are they all playing the same instrument? What's the point of that? Dumb brats.

Me on the right

Maybe they're supporting a larger band or posing for a violin magazine.

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Conan is probably the only one who actually knows how to play an instrument, and the others just copied him.

They have music class. Also this OP is great.

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>mitsuhiko with the girls

I don't get why this series needs the Conan gimmick. Why did it need to start out with turning the main character into a kid and basically remaining that way for years without ever resolving it? Couldn't the main character still do detective shit as an adult?

I don't get why so many people don't understand it.

This is the exact complaint people had when the first episode finished airing on Adult Swim on Toonzone. The series isn't just about solving cases, the characters, their situations, and their dynamics all create its own atmosphere. The primary story is something Aoyama wants to tell. It also sets up a series of a kid detective which is different from if Shinichi was just himself.

>It also sets up a series of a kid detective which is different from if Shinichi was just himself.
That's cool and all, but why not have that kid detective be an actual kid then, instead of an adult in a kid's body? It kinda kills the point.

>The primary story is something Aoyama wants to tell.

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I still hope we get a series with Shin'ichi solving cases as himself after he reverts back permanently. I think he's a great character on his own and I want to see more of him as an adult.

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So that he could fuck a hot girl twice his age and height and it wouldn't be weird, duh.

that's only a problem if the genders are reversed tho

An actual kid wouldn't be able to do and know half of the things that Shinichi does. Even Shinichi himself wasn't that capable when he was Conan's age. Conan can be a kid James Bond only because he really isn't a kid but a genius young adult with years of knowledge and experience.

Because he wanted to tell a story about secret identities? With the added factor of living with the girl he likes and she doesn't know its him. We have the actual detective boys to showcase the true kid detective aspect.

As in he chose that story because that's what he wanted, and despite the pacing you can tell he does put care into the story and likes what he's doing.

It'd be nice but at this point we might just have to settle with having enough flashback and temporary antidote cases where when combined they can have enough episodes/chapters the length of a series.

Nah, it's even hotter if the genders are reversed.

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Yes officer, this poster right here.

You need to go back.

do you even watch the show? the police will arrive after the deed is done. prepare to get sliced by horde of pedophiles.

Reddit humor

do you know where we are.jpg

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I think the main reason I miss the fluff is because it highlights the fucked up designs of the heads now depending on the episode. I remember one shot of Ayumi where her hair was so flat and low the top of her head would have been a near straight line with minimal curve. With Conan it makes his head look really weird from the side, like it goes too far around while staying flat.

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This shot with Conan is a good example.

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His hair looks like a buzzcut now, and then with the rhino noses, long philtrums, lower face projecting like an animal's muzzle, mouths too wide, etc. it's just ugly all around. It's a crying shame to mutilate the characters like this when they used to be so handsome/cute.

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I wonder how mad Aifags were once their ship sank.

I can accept it most of the time but there are some pretty weak shots here and there that highlight certain issues. It sucks because the manga isn't even this bad with these design traits, Conan still looks like he did in the middle years of the anime in the manga before everything got sharp. I admit Ayumi does look a little weird in the manga currently but the modern anime design is still worse.

I dont know why when Aoyama was shifting his style the anime just kept going even when he settled. Someone didn't get the memo.

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It's been so long they've had time to come to terms with it. I'm sure there are still rabid ones but those are outliers.

Also I haven't checked credits but whoever is doing these perspective pupils need to tone it down. Sometimes its kinda cute and sometimes its fucking weird.

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>yea, I will date the one person who created the drug that got me into this shitty state, brilliant
The absolute state of Aifags

They still console themselves with their hatred of Ran and the thought that Shinichi ought to dump her for Ai. But the fact is that their ship was sunk from the very beginning because Shinichi has been in love with Ran since he was a kid and he's the type of man who stays loyal.

He's been over that since a couple seasons after he met her.

As weird as this looks its sort of cute to me.

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Does anyone know when the Blu-Ray for The Fist of Blue Sapphire is going to come out? I really want to watch it

Aifag here, I think coai is a mental illness.

6-9 months from now.

It reminded me of this quick side shot of him in the third episode. I've always liked it.

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I ship it but I dont want Shinichi/Conan to change their goals, and I'm fine with it not being a thing. I just think its adorable. It's more about how cute they are together than anything.

On the topic of animation director designs Ai looked so pretty in the right shot.

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How about Conan fucks Ai and Shinichi fucks Ran? Everybody wins.

But Conan is Shinichi and only wants to fuck one girl who isn't Ai. Face it, you can't win.

Shinichi isnt out of control like Mitsuhiko

>add eyebrows and hair
>suddenly a girl

she has booby

She's 7 though.


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In Japan do women have eyebrows and men don't? Freaky.

Yea they dropped pretty fast. She must drink a lot of milk.

But Conan has cute thick eyebrows.

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Isn't that interesting?

Conan doesn't like what you're implying here.

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He shouldn't be upset, he should be proud of it.

I want to get back into Conan but there's so much, it feels like it'd be impossible to actually get into.
Isn't there a site that lays out what episodes are filler and what aren't?

The easiest thing to do is just read the manga, you'll get caught up way quicker than watching the anime even if you only stick to watching canonical cases.

Be wary of spoilers and the info about certain things that happen being next to those symbols. Watch the series casually when you feel like it and not to catch up.

fang-toothed nee-san

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The FBI isn't included in Zero's Executioner? I want to see more Jodie.

So does anyone have some speculations about the relationship between Rumi and Haneda before ?

one sided love
Shouldn't "Fist of Blue Sapphire" be on here already if the first 3 days opening accumulated 1.9 billion yen?

It's a wiki, you can just add that in yourself if you want.

>tfw Conan will stay stubborn about not telling Ran his identity until he's no longer Conan
All that lost /ss/ potential.

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>have a sexy fujo assistant who feeds you sandwiches and clues relating to the case
>your daughter has hot, rich friends who cannot defend themselves against a trained policeman proficient in judo
>because you too much of a chad you actually get 2 attendents
>the other one feeds you sushi in case you get fed up with sandwiches

I was just wondering if I was looking at it wrong.

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I love butterfly core.

Does no one in Japan actually cam the movies? I even tried looking for older movie camrips just to look at em and none showed up. Though someone did say Zero was camripped.

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GOD I wanna punch this girl in the face

What a CHAD chin

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Will the new movie dubs keep all the Case Closed changes? I'm assuming they will.

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I'm split 50/50, they might make it its own thing. Besides, who knows if they remember all the english names for supporting characters like Takagi and Sato's. The manga didn't use their dub names. Also what if they went with Anita Hailey instead of Vi Graythorn?

there are some, my guess is she's asaka.

>I'm split 50/50, they might make it its own thing.
I've been wondering if they'll release it as Detective Conan or Case Closed, should be CC since that's the IP here and they still tweet using the name sometimes.

>what if they went with Anita Hailey instead of Vi Graythorn?
If they go by manga rules, it'd be because that's the main icon of the IP in the states, but it'd be a bad idea. The manga already fucked up and did things differently than what the dubbed anime touched, if the movies went for the manga it'd just be more of a mess. Also Anita Hailey isn't that bad but Vi Graythorn sounds better.

>what if they forgot all the names
I think it was pretty much on TMS what english names they went with so they should still have them somewhere. If not the wikia has them.

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conan doujins are a good source of comedy

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Hasn't enough time passed that he just reaged normally at this point and rendering his search pointless?

>Hasn't enough time passed that
The answer is usually no.

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Honestly, at this point he should be even older than he was originally.

>rendering his search pointless?
Even if he decided not to grab the poison and create a permanent antidote the Black Organization is still a crime syndicate. He even thinks to himself once that something was petty in comparison to the organization terrorizing Japan secretly.

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Which is why its good its a sliding timeline...

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cease and desist

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What are the chances Jerry Jewel and the others come back?

Feels like zero. I don't know how dub companies work very well but Bang Zoom (the guys doing movie 22) is in California and Funimation (old dub) is in Texas. I heard that each dub studio has its own atmosphere in the sound booth too, like Heiji's old dub VA said he wouldn't be able to record from his homemade booth because the atmosphere is different than the one Funi has and it has to stay consistent. So chances of them recording at Funi and sending it over to Bang Zoom is likely out of the question just for that reason alone, and since everyone from Case Closed still seems to be at Funimation I doubt they'll take the drive for a returning role. I don't even think they'll be notified. It seems pretty obvious from the fact Bang Zoom is doing it and not Funimation.

I assume we'll have an all new cast. This leaves the issue of the quality of the new actors. One unfortunate thing about Bang Zoom is their tendency to bring in lots of amateurs who audition at Anime Expo. Not to mention that the voices I hear in their dubs don't seem suitable for Conan characters at all. That's entirely subjective but still. I don't want Conan with that voice you hear in Naruto or Hunter x Hunter dubs. It's so annoying. Everyone else sounds cartoony/hammy that was mostly regulated to one-shots in Case Closed at worst. Like I said another time George is an example of that acting.

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It will disappoint me if they don't bring them back.

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This shot is kind of goofy but cool at the same time.

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I like it.

Even Ran's angry face is so cute.

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and scary

I'd like to bump with some doujin/twitter manga translations but that will have to wait until I'm less busy.

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