Is it still good?
Is it still good?
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just watch it
Absolutely. It was AOTS last season
i got bored. too many monsters of the week episodes
so are you telling me that up until now he didnt even have a spine and was just held up with some wood cylinders and string?
Yes, but the latest episode had some major QUALITY.
I fucking love Dororo! What a shining smile
Party is OVER
Reading this post is like putting my face next to an anus and breathing deeply.
I guess...
it was like that in the manga too, and he was in a skin body suit. I wish they skipped the spine thing, unless they were going to explain how it's even half believable. and not drop how he's affected by having a body part returned like the first half of the show.
but, the spine thing, it was in the manga.
How the fuck does he keep getting work? He's an awful director.
I've been losing interest in it every week since buddy's hooker gf got BTFO'd. The only episode I've really enjoyed since then was 13. Been one hell of a disappointment so far.
Why did the moth crashed into the tower?
Its easily one of the best of the year.
Someone remove this man. He's clearly hysterical.
They broke that up a bit especially in the last 5 or so episodes. You should give it a look see again.
maybe betrayal, since hyakki was supposed to be the food and they got whipped instead. maybe cause it was just born and dumb and went to the light.
horrible pace, stiff "animation" mostly a slideshow, pretty backgrounds and models reused more than once, horrid choreography with TONS of black screens + "slash effect", all demons until now had a background if not a personality but the moth died in like 4 of the most anticlimatic seconds in this medium ever, characters appearing out of nowhere and reused plotlines
wooaahhhh, so this.... is the power.... of avant garde direction.....
One QUALITY episode doesn't make it bad. So long as they stick the landing it'll easily be the best anime in years.
it's pretty good op
you could say he finally grew a spine
Is Daigo going to rape Dororo and turn her into a potato?
why couldn't they keep the spine part of the manga dropped? everything they've done until now in the anime had some realm of believability as something a person can live without, and they did a good job cutting down the missing body parts.
just to bring the spine in, and way too late. saying he's had a wig/stitched in hair all this time and give a dramatic regrowth of "real" long hair would be more believable. or even try to explain it using how he had real bones made up of other people's spines or something.
this decision is worse than the animation of the episode.
dororo is a cute boy!
Yes it is. But I'm still mad they raped my favorite arc in that way.
you want to tell me the organ swapping made sense or when he knew where the sand pit monster was off of dialogue he couldn't understand?
Some bandages and a mask are not enough to protect you from the infections and dehydration you'd suffer from living without skin. From the get-go nothing about Hyakkimaru is believable, I don't get why the spine is where some people draw the line.
The Buddha took pity on hyakki and kept him alive. Any discrepancy over what's realistic and what's not in this setting can be handwaved by "god lol". It makes sense within the rules of the show.
God NO.
Those close ups were really weird this episode
Is he, dare I say it, as cute as Aniki Yea Forums?
No fucking way. He looks like a monkey and has some teeth missing. Absolutely disgusting.
This is one of those shows that I really enjoy as a weekly watch, but where I wouldn't be so sure if I'd recommend it after its done.
Yes, it’s interesting that they’ve gotten to the point where Dororo has left Hyakki for being too edgy. Maybe it’ll teach him a lesson.
Are we gonna get the "Dororo I'm lonely!" scene?
Maybe he'll think it instead of shouting it
>She wants a job
Do what?
Ask her to show me her resume.
Its Buddha Magic, deal with it.
I think it may be even better if binge watched desu desu
>4 years unwashed ass
Last episode was one of the best
How is this for a resume?
Too many contrarians in this world.
what happened to the animation this episode, damn
>dat Mio
>Hyakkimaru never got to see that
his life truly is suffering
(also where is that from?)
>dat Mio
They gave it to the same guy that made TTGL episode 4.
I think it's from some settei guidebook came out some time ago?
Why did Hyakkimaru have to ruin her life?
because he's an uncaring muderhobo
Hyakki following that guy up the mountain was aesthetic as fuck though, even with the quality.
The use of sounds and camera movement throughout the episode was very creative and well done, it had a very eerie feeling the entire time.
Its probably episode of the season.
>aniki looking for dororo with one leg in the ep 16 pv
my heart
Couldn't contain my laughter when I heard the giant baby talk in the previous episode and its literally the exact same voice as the baby from Doremi
not the user you're replying to but I liked a lot of the shots and the atmosphere of the last episode, it just jumped around way too much and felt super rushed after dororo got pushed into that basement. It felt like it was skipping scenes at times. Too much happened at the end with too little explanation. Suddenly the village is on fire, did that have anything to do with that moth kamikazeing the watch tower? was it dororo tipping over that oil the she found that was shown to us through flashback for some reason? I don't know. Hyakki goes to fight what im guessing is the queen moth, but theres no build up to it, dororo for some reason knows its in the middle of the lake. I have no idea how that moth burst into flames too, it looked like hyakki shot a firework out of his peg leg or something. He kills it and everything's pretty much over, but what happened to all the rest of the moths? and suddenly the village is already ash when they get back to it a couple of seconds later. Sabame's headless for some reason too, did the villagers kill him? Forget about about all that, the guy from dororos flashback episodes is here for the map on her back.
I didn't even mind the 'quality' so much, really the only issue with it is that its just inconsistent with the rest of the series. The real issue was the pacing, and i know thats pretty much just a meme word that people throw out as half assed criticism nowadays, but it definitely was a problem here. It felt like in order to fit in to more slow lingering shots and closeups (which i liked by the way) half the story was thrown out so that it could be fit in one episode
I genuinely like Osamu Kobayashi and in terms of art direction it was great but the actual direction of how the story moves along was terrible
I wonder if the moral ambiguity works better for Japanese people, because I don't feel bad at all about a village that was ok with feeding kids to demons getting fucked.
While watching this I feel like playing this and while playing this I feel like watching Dororo
the old folks can get fucked desu, but seeing the kids (who don't know anything about that) having to suffer as well might do it for some
Yes this. This sums up how I feel about the episode.
From what I understood Hyakki tied a bag filled with oil to his leg contraption. He set fire to the material of the bag which then ignited the oil as he shot it at the moth.
This was a tribute to the manga where Hyakki had caustic water inside his leg as an additional weapon.
its kind of her fault though. I don't know why shes mad at hyakki. She was suspicious of sabame from the beginning, devised a plan to stay at his home so they could kill the moths, investigated the villagers who she thought was up to no good, who eventually tried to kill her. And she saw what they had done to the nun and children in order to gain their ill begotten prosperity too. Even led him to the location of mummy moth so he could kill it. The situation isn't new to her as well as they've seen demon/human collaboration before and she's aware of what hyakki's father did to him for the prosperity of his land and what he is prepared to do in order to protect that from hyakki. I suppose this episode was meant to directly show her the reality of that situation and i get she's just a kid but still it was a little annoying see her angry at hyakki when shes been trying to sell his monster killing skills all series
Is it just me or did the animation took a nosedive in the last few eps?
Yes, but it has been pretty underwhelming as of late. Sharkboy episodes should be fun though.
The shark dude/treasure arc was shit in the manga. I want to see if they'll manage to make it worse.
>Suddenly the village is on fire, did that have anything to do with that moth kamikazeing the watch tower?
Maybe the demon set the town on fire after it died? Its brood was still alive ( presumably ). Dororo did knock over the oil but it only showed it being knocked over it one house, and the village was rather spread out, especially the grain stores so it wouldn't make sense that they were burned too without the help of the demon.
>Sabame's headless for some reason too, did the villagers kill him?
This goes against what we were told near the start of the episode. Before the moth came to the village Sabame was the one who saved them. Maybe the demon was angry with him, or there was some deal that was made.
Yeah there were a ton of plotholes. If it wasn't for the scene of the statue cracking, I would be more inclined to believe it was all an illusion brought about by the ghost at the orphanage. The villagers all act as a single entity more or less, and this seemed very intentional. The moth sprayed them with some sort of pollen a couple of times too which apparently had no effect on them, or did it?
The episode ends with hyakki wandering in a delirious state, suddenly surprised dororo is missing. And dororo wandered off too, leaving hyakki, which is something she has never done. The only fact I can say is that a demon was defeated, everything else is just theories.
I'm confused. Haven't seen the newest episode yet, what does bad animation have to do with the director?
Is the sculptors obsession with a kind-faced buddha referencing the same mythology?
I'm almost losing the ability to imagine
>*shit on your plate*
>dont you dare to criticize me, this is my way of cooking!
Why people defend this garbage animation director?
It is however a reference to a character from Phoneix by Tezuka
That's the episode director's fault. Hes a hack.
cute, but also funny
Same voice as pikachu too
Good Smile is conducting a survey for fans to choose what character they want to see a nendoroid of, please go vote for Dororo.
You can tell that was the exact moment Tezuka stopped giving a shit
You can say it's where the series jumped the shark.
i think i get it now. The moth flew into watchtower because its a moth and was attracted the guards torch. the fire spreads from there, maybe due the powder from the moths wings also? then all the other moths are attracted to flarmes of the burning village and they all die too.
Its just all really poorly conveyed. The village starting to burn, dororo meeting up with hyakki again and explaining things, hyakki killing the moth wife and finally returning to the charred remains of the village the next day all happens in like 3 minutes
It bothers me too. Like, how are these people any better than the ones who were feeding travelers to their demon lady so they could steal their shit? Dororo wasn't pissed about wrecking that place.
He looks like Hyakki and Dororo's hobo offspring
they didn't wreck that place though? i mean they kinda did, but only financially, not to this scale with people actually dying and the place literally burned to the ground
How the fuck could he communicate with people without hearing? Shit doesn't make sense even by fantasy standards.
He can hear now though.
kankeinai, bruh
Dororo is a woman, she doesn't understand politics
yes, and I'm lowkey still waiting for hyakkimaru and dororo to fuck
I would say it's still good. Even if the animation in the last episode was downright atrocious at times. A shame, really, since it was actually a pretty pivotal episode and I liked what they were going for.
>So long as they stick the landing it'll easily be the best anime in years.
I agree. But still, last episode did make me genuinely worry that all of the budget went to the first twelve episodes.
Pretty sure Sabame drowned in the puddle.
But was it suicide? How can you even drown there?
I stopped at episode six when it was made crystal clear this was just a modern seinen version of Dororo. Boring, bland, and in all ways predictable. Way to take a manga with so much heart and sincerity and just make it some lame modern blah fest.
Yes Hyakki scream out emotionally while cutting down seven dudes because they killed a girl you knew for 3 days. Oh and she was raped so everyone feel bad and wow look at him be a badass, this is so intense and manly just like my favorite manga berserker! And Dororo is upset oh wow. I'm not falling asleep at all over here, so gripping. I've never seen anything like this before wow aotd for sure.......zzzzz.
Its ok if you dropped it but don't turn it into some kind of masturbation about your superior tastes. Sometimes people can just accept mediocre writing and still enjoy a show for what it is
I'm not convinced I need superior taste to think mediocrity is mediocre. And I didn't drop it I stopped watching it. I hate seasonal wait times. I'll finish it when it is all out, not like being in these threads is at all interesting. A brief skim here was all I needed to confirm the fanbase is nothing but berserk fans and queer lolicons. Which makes sense considering what's being peddled.
She was fucked anyways because she was going to be sacrificed to demons like all the other children over the years.
Watching the latest episode made me want to put my face next to Dororo's anus and breathe deeply.
Berserk fan here, only got here because of the comparison. I do not like it. Do not place it even near that same vein.The only reason I ever got dragged into this mediocre show. I wish it was more like berserk. Would of made it exceptionally better. He had no spine, fuck off with 90% of the body shit being retarded
You misunderstand why I compare the two. It is a plot point and tone thing. It has more to do with marketing and a generational shift in demographics than realism in fantasy manga.
I can give you ground on the tone, but that's it. Plot varies drasticly
I said plot point(s). Seeing the difference between Dororo as a manga and then as a modern anime is easy. Knowing why they are different is why I compare it to Berserk. I could have also compared it to something like Parasyte but I saw Berserk fanart in here so it seemed more on topic.
I could sperg for several book length posts about it but it doesn't matter that much. No one gives a fuck about classic shounen anyway.
My issue is with your dumb deconstructionist bullshit nobodys impressed by, we get it. Its still a cool samurai show with an interesting premise and thats why I like watching it weekly, you're not blowing any minds by making fun of the occasionally weak writing
It's not weak writing its incredibly strong because it is universally unoriginal. If me stating my opinion is me trying to impress you maybe I sell myself short.
>universally unoriginal
Dude the manga is from 1967
The anime is from 2019, and it shows.
Sadly no, and im not even sure if it was ever good to begin with
>Subpar to mediocre animation
>Bad pacing
>Monster of the week Anime
>Story has really nothing going for it
Not completely shit but not good either. Maybe mediocre or ok
Does someone have the webm of the moth suiciding into the tower
Its amazing to have such a shit opinion and shit taste sometimes.
Sorry user but my tastes are actually god tier. Good try tho
Even more profound when you can't refute it huh bud?
Who is this sassy young child?
So really good then?
tell me about hyakkimaru
why does he wear a mask
Elaborate, could source me some substation here or some of your reasoning?
Not anymore, no. Sadly.
>it was a little annoying see her angry at hyakki when shes been trying to sell his monster killing skills all series
that doesn't equal the destruction of a whole village that she spent time in looking at it as "an average village". though she was wrong.
and it's been foreshadowing dororo's growing concerns hyakki is "turning into a monster". she originally stopped him from killing all the soldiers that murdered mio and the children too, that one was able to get away.
she's more uspet he's losing his humanity (or what she has seen of it) through the fixated hunt and killing of the demons no matter the cost. she's worried about him more than anything. she's worried he will become a monster like the monk warned her.
my impression was she was still following him at the end the episode, but was just trailing behind him lost in her thoughts and concerns (and needing a way for her to be taken without hyakki around as a plot device).
Sure. When I say the Dororo anime is modern seinen I mean it takes the standardized tropes and well built marketing strategies and lets them write the story. The original Dororo manga is about as classic shounen as it gets. References to robots and aliens by characters who should know about neither just for the goof. Ultra serious moments inter-spliced with nonsense slapstick and out of place character reactions. It's manga written by men who act like children. Sincere and bombastic.
This adaption of that removes all of these things and trims the characters of any life or personality and replaces them with tried and true well marketable character tropes. Women get raped cuz sad, hero gets emotional cuz manly, side-kick is dumb cuz character arc. I mention Berserk in all of this because Berserk was one of the major factors when compiling what sells to the modern market, specifically the west. You see in this thread that people know its mediocre writing but its a cool samurai story so who cares? That is who is being marketed to. And that is why I find it boring. I have seen this anime many times before and will continue to see it because it sells. These are not characters they are tropes, it is not a story it is a product.
Modern Seinen has this problem much in the same way the moe demographic or the isekai genre does where something that is easy to copy sells well. And so why do anything else? It becomes less about the art of the story and more about being anime of the season etc. On a big picture scale this could really be broken down to manga vs anime. As anime will always have this industry issue where as manga has the possibility of being free of it.
The ultimate irony is Dororo was axed due to these very issues originally, and now all these years later we see what the industry wants to do with an original idea, story, and characters. Turn them into boring products free of soul or levity.
as if the manga itself isn't mediocre and messy
Its wonderful, it being messy due to it being cut short is hardly a fault of the story itself.
believe in next arc
pleb filter is working as intended, I see
>they killed a girl you knew for 3 days
Yes, a girl he knew for 3 days that also made the only sound he could tolerate after regaining his hearing and suffering from sensory overload. I'm willing to buy that this is enough to create some sort of affection. You also have to keep in mind that Hyakkimaru was prior to that point effectively incapable of communication and more like a rabid beast than a human.
Agreed. This whole 'serious Dororo' reminded me of the Holywood fashion of making grimdark reimaginings of classical fairytales or stories which already had the horror or disturbing element well incorporated anyway.
>Women get raped cuz sad, hero gets emotional cuz manly, side-kick is dumb cuz character arc.
everything here is from the manga, only expanded, and the "side kick" is written less "dumb" than the manga.
dororo was a father of shounen tropes we know today that everyone hates now, and if they had adopted it to the manga closely it would have been just as unremarkable as you claim it is now. so lose-lose.
Very succinct and well framed. I can further understand your comparison to berserk, though it's hardly 1:1 and framed against marketability as a cutural product for that specific demographic I have to concede and agree. Thank you.
You also more clear outlined my problems with Dororo as a narrative. It's a shonen masquerading as a seinen in my view. It has many of the same problems and motion but with a tone that doesn't befit or follow with the internal logics employed within the story. Albeit I can't talk about it as eloquently.
Thanks, though. I appreciate your reply.
Fuck I completely forgot about the moth pollen, what the hell was the point of that?
looking forward for the inevitable shipping
It was pollen, it looks cool or something bro
If you think the adaptation is bad there, wait until you see what they did to the rest.
did these anons not actually read the manga or what cause it's implied she was doing the same thing (servicing soliders) and was killed and hyakki was emotional and killed the soliders all within a couple pages of a flat flashback to make us feel bad for the character. it's said he was with the kids for a longer period of time than the anime, but the reader is left to feel little for them compared to the fleshed out work of the anime using two episodes to expand background characters.
literally worst taste on Yea Forums
I used to think episode 4 was bad, now I like it.
it's not messy just because of the rushed ending because it was canned, but ok.
It's a steady consistent show and you know exactly what you're getting with it
I've been enjoying it loads, I fucking miss the first OP so much though.
Party is over
The fact the narrative allows for it to make sense doesn't mean its not a boring trope they used to garner your emotional support for their product.
It is completely different. You say lose-lose, I disagree. They had an opportunity to do the manga that was cancelled justice and chose to be boring instead.
You couldn't prove me wrong if you tried.
Go on, i'll hear you out.
you think they'll have some chats in the anime? or hyakki even threatening him?
it does seem, if they don't drop the ball, this will need to be a key turning point for hyakki's emotional attachment to dororo being shown. we already saw dororo's to hyakki, now we need the other way around.
>you can't prove an opinion wrong
no. but I can laugh at it
That Berserk discussion is incredibly dumb since Dororo is one of Miura's favorite manga and was a massive inspiration for Berserk.
Remake sucks because it's gray, bland, lifeless, and toothless shit, not because it panders to the the seinen crowd. Actually there's nothing really edgy beyond that scene of Mio whoring herself. Tezuka (or Miura) would let the kid get killed on the Banmon, and they wouldn't push that "if you kill them, you're as bad as them" shit like in a bad shounen.
I agree, let us laugh together at what could have been.
>a boring trope they used to garner your emotional support for their product.
I think you are just biased user, if you just interpret everything as marketing strategy from the producer to lure their audience well, you're late to the party. The point is that when the story is well-written and conveys specific emotions in the intended way, why bashing it? Mio's episodes were hands down the best of the entire series so far.
Actually, Hyakki celebrating the fact that he's getting parts of his body back was turned into something sad, ie, first thing he hears is the rain and someone crying etc. I also think him not being able to speak from the beginning detracted from his character and his interactions with Dororo despite him being cripple moe. Dororo is also not the little shit she originally was and can't carry the atmosphere all by herself. I think this is what turned me off the show, I was even willing to accept the 'realism' and shortening of some story arcs, but these two were the heart of the story and they got ruined for me.
I think you misunderstood my intention when bringing up Berserk. I am well aware of Muira's influences, they are obvious. I do not mean to bad mouth either. I simply state it is due to the bastardization of Berserk and it's fellow manga that we now have anime like Dororo 2019, at least in small part. I could have named other manga but I chose Berserk because it was already being brought up.
I am of course bias. I am bias because Mio's purpose was obvious to me the moment I saw she was alive in this adaption. I knew exactly what she would do and why. I knew because I have seen enough modern anime to know. Therefore I found it boring.
I do not argue someone new to the demographic or new to anime in general would love it, it is built for them, it is built for the west. That is not to say it is objectively bad, it is perfect for what it wants to be and so is objectively good as a product but I do not want to watch a product. At least, not one I have seen before.
>or hyakki even threatening him?
probably that if anything at all lel
also yeah, from how ep 15 ended this is clearly the point where Aniki realizes how much Dororo means to him.
>The fact the narrative allows for it to make sense doesn't mean its not a boring trope they used to garner your emotional support for their product
exactly what happened in the he manga
>I'm not a pure girl
>sorry mio I promise to make you happy
>*mio dies, he cries, attacks killers in emotional rage*
author: feel bad for this guy's past!
not anymore
Yes and he was able to do that without showing her singing while getting raped. He was able to do that without bringing a kid into it. He told you her story in relation to Hyakki's while making him feel like a human being and not some demon terminator. And on top of this he had a reason to care about her that was relatable. She had lore within the story at that point.
Of course there are moments in Dororo where you are meant to be sad but it's not because it was orchestrated that way by producers in suits looking at what sold best the last few seasons. Tezuka took fucking risks with Dororo and that was one of them. Do you even remember why he was emotional? It was more than just Mio.
please do it justice.
he's still supposed to be injured. though maybe the spine thing healed the cut to his back though.
Don't kill that last guy that murdered a bunch of kids, if you kill him you'll be just like him. Man this is some berserk tier writing ;o
It was more complicated than that. And Berserk has fine writing, especially considering how much Muira liked Tezuka.
Berserk hasn't been fine for more than 10 years
Consider how many chapters where released in 10 years that hardly says much about the manga.
Yes. Just because it had a couple lame episodes doesn't mean the show is bad.
Different guy here.
What do you want?
I don't think they could make it more remake tier if they tried, without totally shitting on the source material.
Do you just want it too look better or do you want new directors?
Because from the sound of it it doesn't seem like you even like the source material since you are making so many reference to the "hardcore seinen crowd".
In fact you sound just like the type of fag that comes into KnY threads just to call int unoriginal when literally nobody has ever argued otherwise.
Is there a better seasonal than Dororo?
I really can't find one that i don't drop after 2 episodes
>what do I want
I want to be given what I never knew I wanted.
Dororo is my favorite Tezuka manga. I enjoy it immensely. I am sorry if it came off in a way I do not. I speak on the seinen crowd because that is what this adaption is made for.
I disagree with the idea the adaption is close to the source material it is almost the complete opposite of it while keeping the basic premise. I have no idea how you got that opinion but I would love to hear how it happened.
she was used as more of a prop than the anime to give a character an edgy background but still get around censores of its day. seeing her being physically abused is no different in edge than showing her actually being raped. the abuse of a love interest to sell the male characters story is an edge trope no matter how it's sliced. she's not even an actual love interest in the new anime, just fans of the manga and noob toolbags ship it. she's his first experience with someone who soothed him (first pleasant sound) being killed. it makes as much sense as the manga showing him falling in love in a flashback and never mentioned again.
>mio was the first to breathe humanity in my heart but she died and my heart died with her
this is a trope, even back then, with how women are treated in fiction
Let's sort this out.
>I disagree with the idea the adaption is close to the source material it is almost the complete opposite
Fair nuff, that wasn't what i was trying to say either.
Im by no means a Dororo expert, I picked it up when i found of they where gonna animated it.
I get that you want the best for you favorite manga because i know how that feels.
I just don't see the point in being bitter about it since, to be honest you should be more happy that it didn't get CLANG treatment Berzerk got in 2016 and it isn't literally unwatchable.
Also i can't really say the show lacks souls, there are clearly people who put in effort to make good homages burred under all the stickfigures.
Why does he have buttplugs on his robe?
I always thought it was anchors
was it ever stated what it is?
It is very different tonally, the difference is quite literally shounen versus seinen. I wouldn't call her a love interest in the manga.
I do not argue the manga used tropes. It is about why the tropes are used and how. And I would suggest you reassess how women are used in Dororo considering the name of the manga.
Oh then I misunderstood. It is not my favorite, haha. It is my favorite by this mangaka. I am far from bitter, I feel asleep watching the anime and it is only due to this discussion that I am lively because I am passionate about manga, not just this one but all of it.
Certainly effort was put into it but compared to what Tezuka wanted and did I only find a stale taste in my mouth in comparison.
Read the manga.
why did you make me read this with my own eyes....
maybe subliminal message to turn ya gay
15 low budget episode
I know that you are but who am i?
You are a super retard
>I do not argue the manga used tropes
you are just arguing the tropes you like are better than the tropes you don't like. welcome to the internet.
she is a love interest in the manga, her scenes are portrayed as a blooming love, with kissing even.
I get it, your favorite manga is being adapted in a way that is upsetting because it's not what you want, we've all been there, but you are blinded by bias also.
check out the first anime if you want something that follows the source better for part of the show, and uses shounen themes better.
yeah all the women in the manga are written without depth and insulting outside of like two besides dororo.
I know that you are but who am i?
It is but as it gained more popularity they started to slow the pace down that it's getting boring sometimes. I could bet a half internet that there will be more seasons of it.
It really wasn't, one more body wouldn't of been drastic. It's metaphor bullshit. Oh noes, he actually had reasons to give mercy to anyone else in the group of soldiers that were following orders. But the head honcho. And by that point he had already massacred them. And he is already capable of maiming them without killing them, so I am not sure what the defence of that retarded writing decision was
You misunderstand me. It is not about the tropes I prefer because they are the same tropes. It is why they are used and how. That is where my preference is. Thank you for the welcome, in all these years I do not know I have ever been welcomed on the internet, isn't that funny?
I didn't see it as love so much as affection and hardly affection meant to solidify his tragic history. He hardly needed that.
Dororo is not my favorite manga, it is my favorite manga by Tezuka. Which considering how his other manga have been adapted? This one did pretty poorly comparatively.
I have seen the first anime, it was alright.
There are few women to mention, to say the others are insulting is odd. Why do you feel insulted by how they are portrayed?
Do you not remember the pay-off for him leaving that one? Do you not remember the influences of that action?
I really lost interest once people justified random organ transfers. MC learning the location of the monster from a conversation he couldn't understood, all ending up in a perfect cliche that wasn't higher intensity than anything you'd ever seen, nor was it executed above anything in the same genre, nor was it clever or subversive. Instead it ended with emotional melodrama that's around 10 times wrose than say, the scene you got at the end of black swordsman with Theresia.
Let me use my crystal ball, is the pay off that he goes that guy is the guy that tells the head honcho about MC? If that's the case everyone expected it and they could of done that better. I gurantee the pay off to it would be borderline as underwritten and caustic as many of the elements presented.
>trying this hard
It's easy to not care when you think you might get more out of it that way. If you want others to engage you need to engage yourself.
Trying isn't hard.
I engaged well enough. It's not my fault coherency isn't the show's strong suit. I know writing consistent internal logic is difficult
I do not defend the show, I defend the manga. Your standards are not mine.
The defend the manga, I have never read it. What people have mentioned of the manga seems a lot more palatable. I am sure you can flesh out the mcs retardation and intuition more accurately, with a personality about that of a flat bread.
But people like their soft innofensive edge. Their 'dark' which in reality, is like SAO trying to spread to a different genre.
I would suggest reading it then. It is short and wonderful.
I probably should for the technical sense at the least. But I don't know, is it actually good? How does it compare against re-reading airen or berserk again? jk, As the list gets longer I just don't know what to focus on
But it's true that the foundational concepts do help. Seeing the mesh of comedy, in berserk and say watching evil dead 2 recently is eye opening.
It is important to know what the foundations of a medium are. Dororo is one of them for Manga. Much of Tezuka, Go Nagai, Otomo etc are essential to understanding why things turned out how they did. Going beyond them is also important. None of it is a waste if you genuinely care for the medium.
And really? Their celebrated manga are fucking incredibly good.
Thanks. I'll keep it in mind. I feel like it'd be nice to prod your brain some more. To shake that tree and see what falls down, but I'll relent for now.
Oh im plenty drunk, i'll talk at length. If you want a good point of reference search the archives for top 10 manga and the like. You'll find plenty of older gems to pour through. There is no end to good art to consume in this age. Just look, it is under every rock and flower.
>caring about the source material in an adaptation
Based and redpilled
dororo is cute AND funny!
Caring isn't so bad user, I promise.
Personally older styles, earlier than the 90s and 80s are harder to consume, personally. That's my greatest obstacle, and personally it's even worse than trying at old english or slower older cinema
The moment you accept that a guy with blades instead of forearms can move prosthetics made of wood is the moment you decide to not complain anymore about logic in this animuh.
What style do you prefer?
90s grunge, that's rough and detailed seems to be nice. It's very common. Dorohedoro, alice madness. I am not that experienced, but from what i have seen it's not overly clean but still highly detailed. I appreciate the gruffness of it, that rough but realism centered nature.
I am obviously speaking in relative terms, but in terms of immersion it's highly effective in my view. While it's also a style.
Fucking hired.
It's the SOURCE MATERIAL that gets ADAPTED, you know?
That's why these anime are called ADAPTATIONS and not ORIGINALS...
Low talent, more like.
You have options.
yeah, I don't know the genre. I wouldn't be overtly be surprised if stuff like this was available. But I generally don't like the more modern styles which are overly clean, and cookie cutter. And the older styles utilize somewhat more simplistic designs with lower over all detail.
But the meta in the 90s felt very crisp.
Its alternative either way. You have messy grunge stuff in ever decade. But you have to search for it. As sacrilegious as this is? You would have a better time with western comics.
I really hate the principles behind writing comics. You have an original IP holder that just loans that shit out to a bunch of different writers. Which leads to shtity irritating, inconsistent, absurd worlds which spgahetti and scotch tape holding them together. And then the writers change. And so does the character. How faggy is that. I feel like comics are rage machines.
I also hate the colour use in comics. And while the realism aspect is correct I generally hate the principles behind the narratives they employ. I hate the vast majority of super heroes films.
But when I was speaking to what I prefer, generally it's a style on a broader scale. That's what I meant. I know it's avaliable likely on a broader base than I outlined, but in the late 80s to 90s it felt the most distinct as the direction both anime and manga where heading.
Realistic eye to body proportionality, or at least more so than before and more so than after. Focus on higher details, shadow work. It was obviously unsustainable but I don't care. Writing to me matters more than style, style is like the gap I need to willingly jump to enjoy something. But yeah, whatevs
Why can I just vote for one? I can't choose it, fuck.
The two I have given you are worth checking out and far, far beyond your concerns. There is art out there beyond the clinical.
I have the more or less the same feelings, persevere beyond that and find good art.
>I have the more or less the same feelings, persevere beyond that and find good art.
Alright, thanks, fuck jannies, and fuck the anime adaptation
I just watched the first episode.
Was the lightning falling on the baby really necessary? I thought not having a lightning at all, and just having the baby born as a monster would cement the more misterious and dark nature of demons, as well giving more meaning to the mother loving the baby despite it all.
It's just the first 5 minutes but I'm already questioning the decision to make the obvious more obvious.
>I'll spill all the oil so they can never use it again
>village burns down
>How'd that happen?!
Felt bad for the cute loli who gave her a snack