Yeah what the FUCK was up with this series

yeah what the FUCK was up with this series

Attached: EE14A490-3070-43AF-8161-89E3547035AD.jpg (316x445, 39K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Eternal Blue Balls.


yet another example of male writers being genuinely batshit when it comes to women and romance

i started out incredibly wonderful
then it didn't go anywhere
and then ignored the best parts of the original set up
and then ended with no payoff whatsoever

any other questions?

Attached: urabehasamitan1336413623988.png (1920x1080, 2.29M)


>he can't take the drool

Attached: 1333881019400.jpg (517x591, 76K)

It was cool until the vampires were introduced.

wait what




The author stopped giving a shit

Attached: Urabe_Fall_from_grace.jpg (2250x1600, 972K)

Would you drink the drool , anons?

Attached: urabe17.jpg (728x1054, 463K)

Pls no more tan lines

Attached: flat,1000x1000,075,f.u1.jpg (663x663, 105K)

I like the "old school" lighting they use for the hair.

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For what it was, it gave me such wonderful feels seeing Urabe and Akira. But it has the same problem all romance anime has where he just hits the usual trope over and over again until the manga was given the chop and a shitty ending. But I won't ever forget the wonderful times, the sexual tension, the intimate moments that Akira and Ueabe shared as they learned about love

no, retard. It's yet another example of editors shitting writers.


Too bad , here have more tan lines.

Amazingly said , user.
The anime really gave off a vintage feeling but with modern day resolution and lightning quality.

The manga went to the fucking shitter after the idol arc started but the anime was a bloody masterpiece.
>Made by HOODS
>The Seiyuu for Urabe was a first-timer but she did an amazing job giving Urabe a low and monotonous voice that fit perfectly with her asocial and gloomy character but when she had to show emotion she did it with great results
>the OST is wonderful , the dream theme was beautiful and the OP and ED were both sang by a newcomer who did a great job
>the visuals were really warm and the shading on Urabe's hair is a trademark of the show and a great characteristic of her character
>they made the drool look really tempting and gooey like honey
>had beautiful animation and artistic direction for a obscure fetish title from a madman

Attached: urabe_mikoto_by_laura_r_draws-dc27q33.jpg (774x1032, 135K)

Yes and no. The author wanted to do a non-sexual romance and started off well. Apparently, now this is just a rumor, but it fits, he did want to make Urabe an alien, hence all the UFO icons around her, but was blocked by his editor. That would be a good example of getting fucked over by the editor. He really didn't seem to know where to go with it and just ran the story in circles before spinning his tires for 30 chapters and then ending it on a fizzle instead of a bang.

Attached: dreams.webm (747x420, 2.48M)

Huh, this looks good. Should I give it a watch?

The anime is a fucking masterpiece.
One of the most teasing and beautifully crafted romances out there even if it fell flat and short.

Attached: Urararabe.webm (500x255, 188K)

It's not worth the investment. It probably a contender for the least payoff for the time spent in any manga that actually has an ending.

So, yes watch the anime but no dont bother with the manga? Thanks.

Don't bother with the ending.

Yes. And don't forget the anime-original OVA at the end.
Also, I shouldn't have to say this, but don't watch the dub. It's bad. Really bad.
And Jap Urabe's voice is just delicious sex on a stick.

Attached: sleeping naked.webm (1280x720, 2.62M)

idk but I'm glad it gave me my saliva fetish

idk what was up with it but does anyone have a good spot to read GTO?

Just so you know the manga is actually good and conventional wisdom around here is governed by hivemind morons. You'll dig it if you're not a moron who expected the manga to deliver what it never promised.

Attached: 1337545825391.png (692x597, 156K)

I really liked the manga and do recommend it. But not past the Idol Arc.

Attached: mochirabe.webm (1280x720, 2.52M)

The idol arc dragged real time and only was somewhat out of place. It didn't ruin it going forward, and those reading in retrospective will very likely have a different experience than those who took in a solid year of impatient shit talking the manga.

Beautiful webms , user.
Here , have one of my own

Attached: AutisticLaughing.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

Need some sauce on this editor thing

Attached: 1425100750160.webm (852x480, 2.34M)

It's just a rumor. It fits with what we see, which is why it's stuck, but take it with a mountainous grain of salt.

Attached: 1546456919574.webm (1000x562, 2.63M)

Attached: mysterious breeze.webm (1280x720, 2.53M)

>mfw tsubaki will never fuck her

Attached: 1548007836876.png (319x448, 154K)

What the hell do I do with all my gifs now?

Attached: 1338695376924.gif (250x140, 499K)

>mfw the long haired notUrabe from the author's newest incest manga is their daughter

Attached: longhaIRED noturabe.jpg (975x1400, 406K)

>ywn ruffle Urabe's Hair
Feels bad man

Attached: Urabe Candy.webm (1920x1080, 1.51M)

Imagine the smell.

i want to believe. it would actually be really nice.

Convert them to webm , faggot

Attached: UrabeSweaterPuppies.webm (375x211, 540K)

Attached: sweater puppies.webm (1280x720, 1.4M)

Why is Urabe so happy?

Attached: crop.png (256x278, 91K)

I want to believe but their relationship was so fucked that the farthest they'd go would probably be artificial insemination

That wasn't even intentional, I just had that webm queues up when I looked away from the tab.

Attached: urabe.webm (1280x720, 1.73M)

i was unaware he had a new series, worth the pick up?

Attached: Urabot.webm (1280x720, 2.82M)

why was this shit so popular?
it fucking sucks

Attached: Yurabe.webm (1280x720, 2.73M)

>she was walking around in nothing but cardboard boxes in a school.
Lewd girl

Patrician minds think alike

Nah , i wonder what kind of retard took him inside after the fuckfest that was his latest manga.
Looks like he started giving enough fucks to draw properly again , it seems like he went back to his older styles but digital and a tad bit "fatter" , though.
Now everyone wants to see if he has the balls to go all the way , even if his latest work fucked up big time.

>Drool fetish
>Urabe's voice , body and hair are sex
>Quality from HOODS
>Great OST


Excuse my slow responses but i ran out of webm's and trying to convert webm's , play factorio , watch chink cartoons and shitpost is taxing my shitbox

Attached: Mikoto_Compressed.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)

Is the Urabefag from the WWDT here by any chance?


Absolutely not

Does Urabe's va still do shit?
She was fuckin amazing, might rewatch the series again just for her.

She did some minor roles for vidya , ads and live action shit.
A bloody shame if you ask me

Figures, good newcomers always seem to do really fuckin good and then never get another role.

fuck this series and the mangaka who created it. her newest work shows promise but I know it will have no payoff either.

Attached: dcb875aa668e6c962cd159698d57970464b227448299dc6290c4c6dc5be06d95.jpg (320x512, 36K)

Ueshiba is a man

Welp , it seems like the discussion is over.
any chance to talk about this lovely drooly autist is a good chance.

Good night , anons.

Attached: [Final8]Nazo no Kanojo X - 06 (BD 10-bit 1920x1080 x264 FLAC)[1EE40516].mkv_snapshot_19.29_[2017.06. (811x741, 470K)

I have no idea what the fuck the magic drool was about but this series made me decide to never watch a romance anime unless I know for a fact there's at least a kiss

bet she a musky girl

Also shit like this is the main reason I read doujins, they give me at least some kind of closure

>then it didn't go anywhere
when I realized this I dropped it hard, like the best friends couple were more interesting because they relationship actually moved forward.

speaking of doujins, important question:
did Radiohead drawn Urabe?

Sasuga shittalker; doesn't even know the mangaka's gender.

It appears she's still works in commercials and lately as an image character for a racetrack. Don't know how well that pays, but there's some gossip channels talking of her relationships so I guess she's still a known quantity.

Didn't they pick someone who's main career wasn't seiyuu so Urabe would keep a unique voice in anime?

I don't know how the logistics of that would work beyond selecting on a rookie: "sign this contract but you're never to work in this industry again." ? She was 20 at the time with her career ahead of her. Unless she really doesn't have an interest in regular work.

>mangaka is actually a Male
could of fooled me, the amount of fan service during the series and the shitty blue balling ending led me to believe this series was created by a women.

a show with a good soundtrack

U rabe
U rape
You Rape
what did they mean by this

just stick it in her vagoo

Shows you what you know. There are plenty of female mangaka who deliver the smut.

without her consent


Attached: 1341360191921.jpg (747x864, 279K)

I wouldn't, Oka is way better anyway

I like your style

fuck all happen
they dont fuck
he got cucked
the end

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based and droolpilled



Attached: 1341359181666.jpg (1001x709, 335K)

it was good

Tease flirting and drool, two of my favorite fetishes. I would say it is a masterpiece for the modern thinker

Attached: 1480726690103.jpg (750x1000, 91K)


>ueshiba chapter in neo parasyte

a master piece

being all tanned makes you like that

Damn, I remember in the first chapter, the dancing dream sequence was so weird, but so visually appealing. Seeing how it devolved to this state saddens me

forever traumatized by that 15M GET

This looks quite appealing. Thanks for the recommendation boys!

i loved it, personally, just wish they did more with it. it's a weird concept, sure, but i mean it's anime so i wasn't really surprised

Is drool disgusting , Yea Forums ?

Attached: 22 - lZZUyX7.gif (300x169, 880K)

it's delicious

>tfw Urabe is best girl of all time

only women blueball like that tho, which is why I was actually shocked.