Highschool DxD

Post DxD's that need more love.

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All of them them except the Flatties and Asia.

Sitri peerage.

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None of them
There's too many fucking characters in this show and to this day the only ones that have any characterization are the original four girls

Le Fay. The cutest DxD.

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Harem member when?

never with the rate this harems expanding

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I love my wife Rias.

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quien me da una buena pagina de hentai


Popular series with 4 seasons. LN has 25 volumes; main series complete. Koneko looks too much like pedo bait; NA publishers won't touch it with a 10 foot pole.

All hail Koneko-chan.

Presumably our taco friend here wants some hentai.
Source: Google "Fuck Vegetables" Translate

They fucking ruined Koneko's character in the new season and I hate it

This series is actually pretty popular with Spanish speakers for some reason

I can only guess that a good Spanish sub/dub was released years back

my sides

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Fun Fact: The reason that happens is because that first character (干) means "dry" but is also slang for "fuck". So people who don't know any better will translate it like that.
Here's another example

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first time all day I chuckled, thanks china and anons

I love Jeanne!

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How so?

In adddition to there being way less of her, what's left essentually boils down to "horny edgy teenager".

Considering Koneko is pretty much the same as in the novels, im going to say its just an animeonly baby being mad that she now cares about issei and its not a cold loli anymore.
He will loose his shit when he finds out she gets BIG FAT CAT TATS that begs issei to fuck her even if it kills her

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You should learn what words mean before using them.

>Horny teen
Thats 99% of the cast.

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Never enough Rias.

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Seing this card proves that the currents cards are so toned down.

Asia best xD

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I don't understand how anyone still cares about the antiquated mobage

Its just the same 20 or so girls over and over, most of whom are just literal whos from the first season, which is like ancient history in the source material. 90% of the girls have the exact same proportions, you could just stick another girl's head on the same body and you basically have another card. Why does anyone still care after so long? Are your dicks that easily pleased?



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I miss her.

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At least post the better looking Asia.

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If by "love" you mean "dragon dick", then Ravel.

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Ravel dominating Sona's team was fucking fantastic.

Rossweisse is pure love.

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I'm glad she's so popular in the mobage.

Yeah. It was a bad decision by Ishibumi having her leave the story to go fight Trihexa.

how does that bikini even works?

Why are DxD moms so damn hot?

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>5 or so events without cards
>finally a card last event
Time to wait 5 or so events more

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Replaced by Venelana.



All Asias are best Asias!

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Why do people hate her again?

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They mad she has tits now because they like children and males.

They just can't deal with a simple fact that Asia is vastly superior to any other girl.

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Asia has the best chemistry with Ise. But sadly Ise thinks with his dick so Rias wins out.

Kiba's gay.

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In a couple of months Yasaka better be 100% confirmed harem member.

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I can't believe I'm about to write this.

Tits too big.

Based. Le Fay card when?

The dick Riser has some nice girls. Do all his girls love him?

>Issei's fake death never
>Diabolos Dragon never
>Dulio never
>Vali vs Azi Dahaka never
>Dragon eater never
>Issei and Vali fishing never
>Azazel cup never
>Sairaorg vs Grendel never
>Trihexa never
What are they waiting to animate the rest of the LN?

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We'd need 4 or more seasons just to complete the series
And then there's Shin DxD and all the side stories and SlashDog
It's going to either take many years or it'll never happen

>Blatantly tries to destroy Issei and Rias's relationship
>Plays dumb when shit doesn't go her way
>"I'm just an innocent widdle girul... p-p-p-pwease don't hurt me..."

S4 sales are bad.

>First to love Issei
>Doesn't mind sharing with her Oneesama
>Honours her by naming her first child with all their names
Shit stir better, she's a good girl.

Fuck off.

You are slow dude.


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You are scum

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That's a fucking understatement

Hey, even I have standards.

If only she acted like this.

Do you think the whole school will find out about Ise and co being devils soon?

Devils and co aren't completely hidden anymore. Don't think It will be long before the tournaments and co are diffused on Earth.

Anime only.

When this ExE dude that has arrived at the end of Shin 2 starts it's attack would be the best time.

Doesn't the entire world know about the supernatural now?
Didn't Trihexa crete massive chaos everywhere around the world destroying mountains and islands?

A cover-up happened. But not everything could be covered.

Yes, there's even video of the battle but I think the major gods from each religion are trying to calm things.

Resurrection when?

What even happened in the human world?
When the truth is
>Lucifer's son nearly caused the apocalypse but we pulled a mega-crossover with all the mythologies and stopped it, now a bunch of gods are gone amd we're gonna beat each other up to cope with the loss
What do you tell people?
How do you cover up half the Caucasus disappearing? As well as all the mayhem and destruction around the world?
People who look at satellites are gonna notice the geographical changes no matter how many times you wipe their minds?
Ishibumi should really deal with this

They are able to repair most destruction. Azazel repaired the land in EX

Ise is a tits man. Vali is an ass man. What is Saji?

Gay man

Flat chest or megane.

a blind man

He is at that.

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Cheering has changed

It is when Serafalls involved.

A girl doing that would definitely encourage me to play better

I remember the days when I used to enjoy DxD threads and the girls but ever since the change in art style, I have become depressed and can no longer enjoy the series. Life is suffering.

The only good thing from Slashdog.

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Vali's "sis" is really something

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The old art's still there, user

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I dunno what I loved more about TNK Rias' boobs
Their jiggle
or the SFX when they jiggled

do you remember what episode this is?
for science

S1 E7, I think

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Passiones Rias is just shit in general.

Best girl

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Three of the four best girls together in one image.

I actually agree with that
But who is #4?

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There are four best girls in this show.
Rias, Xenovia, Akeno and Kuroka.

Why do all the girls have huge tits now?

Cause that's what Ise likes.

plot purposes

Those should belong to Ise.

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ay I own the visual collection this pic is from lmao
mandarake has dumb amounts of hxh hentai for dirt cheap :^)

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>The most prominent and heavily marketed girl of all
>Needs more attention
I love Rias but I don't think you gus undestand what OP is asking for.

how large is that screen?

I love Grayfia

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I was told there were demons here, so why are there only scantily clad highschool girls?

What gives?

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She's dangerously close to being a Mary Sue, especially in season 3

Best girl

Holy shit they were THAT bad? I fucking loved the new artstyle

It has more to do with the damage that S3 did to the series more than just the art change.

There should be more oyakodon though.

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>First to love Issei
Irina was the first to love issei.

>Doesn't mind sharing with her Oneesama
Eventually, but was the literal definition of cockblocker for a good while.
Also asides from Rias all the girls are ok with sharing from the get go.

>Honours her by naming her first child with all their names
Wont say anything because Airi is best Ex girl.
Kurenai is best Ex boy.

Asia is worst of the DxDs, not a shit girl only ashy tits is a true shit girl but far from being any where near the top of the DxDs.
Yumi is the true best girl

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>Rias / Venelana oyakodon
>Ravel / Lady Phenex oyakodon
>Kunou / Yasaka oyakodon
>Xenovia / Griselda "oyakodon"

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Literally months without cards, not even recolors of the old ones. Kinda sad, yeah.

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When can we expect the next season announcement?

Not soon enough

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Definitely not in a year or two, I'm sure of at least that much.
Word on the street is the next one's gonna be the last. Lots of shit's gonna happen at once. I doubt they're gonna cover the whole damn rest of the LNs in one season, that'd be fucking crazy. The LNs get a lot less fanservice-y as time goes on anyways.

The only good thing from Slashdog.

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You are gay.

At this stage Kiba should stay permanently as Yumi.

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Looks like the boring Tsubaki is the girl the mobage is pushing hard this year.

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Ise is her type. Still hasn't made any pogress. Just fuck you Ishibumi and take te forced vampire bitch with you.

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How does this series manage to combine boobs and GAR so perfectly?

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The Kuroka cards are the best out of this newest mediocre event.

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She's never coming back. It has already been more than 10 years.

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B-but all these cards...

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new season when

Le Fay volume when?
Birb volume when?
Bat volume when?
Fox volume when?
Roygun volume when?

Yeah. She is really cute.
She is hot but... After write that gay story with Kiba and Issei I see that she can be good for Kiba.. Tosca for Kiba, she is against BY..
Excelent choice..
There are like 2-3 cards of her..

>LE FAY. Shin dxd 4
Confirmed in Ishi blog..
>Bird Volume..
Shin dxd 5 or 6(I forgot it)
>Bat volume
Shin dxd 5 or 6(I forgot it)
>Fox Volume
Shin dxd 3(NEXT volume)
>Onee-sama volume
UNKNOWN. We only know the previous cases volumes..

Raynare's soul needs to be in the underworld when Ise goes to fight Hades.

What even happened in SlashDog?

Background girls should not be allowed to be as beautiful as the main girls.

That is a good question. I got bored 3/4 through the first volume cause Tobio wss such a boring sod.

I don't get it why out of all possible choices it was Tobio who got a spinoff. I'd be seriously hard-pressed to pick a more unexciting MC with all those fun DxD characters available.

Gachas still need to make money, even on ded characters.

This begs the question, who would we rather have as the lead of a spin off story?

I love her too.
>Maybe she is resurrected to give her like 10 powerups and die again in a worst way. Tortured for Issei harem girls.
The studio is with another serie.

Vali gathering his team and going on adventures.
Sairaorg with Kuisha trying to get him into her hole.
Sitri peerage story from Saji's pov.
Azazel doing Azazel things.
Hell, even Raiser's spinoff would have me more interested than Tobio's.
Or we could get something from the past, like Underworld's Greatest Love Story Ever Told.
Or some what-if AU stuff.

In no particular order
Akeno doing Akeno things
Millicas being the straight man in the madhouse that is the Gremory estate
Azazel being insane
Rias pouting for an entire novel
Sirzechs (which reminds me that DxD 0 still isn't translated)
Xenovia blowing stuff up and cutting stuff violently
Kuroka planning for her pregnancy
Serafall being a Maou Shoujo
Sairaorg punching stuff
Venelana's past
A lot of the cast are very interesting

I wouldn't mind a Sitri story.

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TNK Rias was perfect.

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I’m really surprised we’ve never gotten any Sairaorg stuff at all, he’s quite an important character but most of his supporting cast aren’t relevant or developed

Where'd he rank in the Dxdverse?

Wait, what? 2 cards in 3 events? At least I'm happy that she's back to the mobage.

I think TNK version has better hair, everything else Passione is better especially them titties

He wrote Slashdog before DxD. This is just another version of Slashdog but set in DxD universe

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Sad they will never be more than anime filler characters.

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great song
horrible ending video

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Well I guess this just turned into a general DxD thread, so fuck it.

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But Rias does need more love

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Post more DxDs

Shit taste

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>No topless version on the BDs


Was a missed opportunity.

It also didn't have the animation to back it up like STUDYxSTUDY. All the other DxD endings had nudes.


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>want to continue reading this shit but I forgot at which volume I stopped

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I didn't know these went uncensored. Anymore?

Megami RX is a yearly magazine that releases official nudes. Scans are really rare.

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Has everything I think

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That Rias and Rose one was already one of my favorites and to know a topless version was officially made and no one scaned it sickens me.

Full Megami RX scans rarely pop up online. There's some official Sin Nanatsu no Taizai and Strike the Blood and even QB stuff that will never see the light of day.

Just sickening.

I also think it's a limited run? I can kinda see why people wouldn't.

Ecchi artbooks need to get uploaded more often. Seikon no Qwaser got a brand new one with the BD Box with tons of new nude art that won't be scanned. Unless someone on fapservice does it.

Jesus fuck it's like a Tutankhamun's Tomb filled with this shit
How many years have you spent collecting all of this?

Ain't me, either some Italian or Japanese fan. Have you not seen the Asagi shrines and shit in Japan? This is basic tier for otaku over there.

Oh yeah... I almost forgot about those.
Reminds me of the Rem one exposed recently. I don't remember exactly when it happened, but it was sometime this year. I think Sankaku did an article on it.

I think it was a fairly prolific artist drawing exclusively Rem lewds for like 2 years or something.

Why did TNK fuck up so much when the series and merchandise was selling so great?

Because Yanagisawa got too close to the sun and inserted faux-NTR in s3 when all fears of NTR got resolved in fucking s1.

I like Passione DxD way more, but that really hurt momentum.

They ditched everything in favor of melodrama, infighting, and turning Asia into a Mary Sue and destroying what little was left of Rias's character

This one's one of my favorites

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I'm thinking of something different. I know exactly what you're talking about though.


Ravels tits size really is inconsistent.

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I really like how Rias looks in this one. Passione's Rias just couldn't pull it off.

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Light Novel, TNK, manga, Passione, doesn't matter which Rias is; I love all of them. I love Rias.

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I admire your dedication user

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And I'm sure she loves you too, user

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It's probably too late for a spinoff/reboot where Issei's out of the picture and Rias and Akeno further their relationship, but I want it. I want that.