The state of Eureka Seven in 2018

Why can't they stop desecrating it's corpse?

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Other urls found in this thread:!family!Thurstonōtenketsu

I was wondering that myself.
>Make amazing story and conclude it.
>Continually remake it in extremely shitty ways, including a sequel that shits on the entirety of the original classic.

As far as I'm concerned nothing past the TV series exists

The thing about these awful sequels is that i can just ignore them. For me E7 has been concluded with the original show and i don't consider anything else to be a part of a canon. It's far worse when a promising show continuously becomes a trainwreck which is far more common in this industry.
I wish Bones made at least some attempt at a new good mecha original though. Feels like they are wasting godly visuals on all sorts of trash lately.

Jesus christ kill it with fire

They are forever buttmad they were forced to change the script to have a happy ending when it was originally supposed to have a tragic end.

the goddamn PS2 videogames do a better job at being at sequel to the original. BONES just cannot do it, they can't, they can't, they can't and they never will be able to!

>Bones sequels.

They're even worse at those than they are at original endings.

well they should've made a tragic sequel that's not garbage then

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Does someone have the Kyoda interview? The guy is an angry pretentious cunt.

ConRevo S2 was good.

That's just a split cour, like Space Dandy.
The only instance of actual S2 being good that I can think of was Kekkai Sensen.

Kekkai Sensen 2 was better than Kekkai Sensen 1, even with the lack of White.

It wasn't better but it was good.

Space dandy 2 was good
mob psycho 100 2 was good
Wolfs rain 2 (OVA) was good

FMA 2003 is better than cash grab brotherhood with ugly backgrounds

Split cour is still a season 2 fag. It has a 2 on it. It’s still a season 2

I guess my hero is just a split cour as well?

It's just sad how little Bones seem to understand what made E7 good.

Stop making depressing endings for Renton and Eureka over and over again. E7 doesn't need those characters, it doesn't need to be derpressing, it doesn't need to be set on earth - the entire premise of E7 is that it's an escapist coming of age journey on an alien world based around genres of music.

Like just do that, again. It's fine.

It made money that’s what made it good. Then sato Dai left it

FMA 2003 made money so movies,brotherhood, OVAs and live action films came later

I surprised there not more kekkai sensen. Fujos seem to love that in Japan

>FMA 2003 is better than cash grab brotherhood with ugly backgrounds
Stop right there. The anime original shit of FMA is nearly E7 sequel tier.

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I'm glad their hand was forced because they accidentally made something great.

The second half of FMA 2003 was trash, but that's because they didn't have more manga to adapt back then. The part they adapted from the manga is actually better than Brotherhood since they went out of their way to fix the mess the manga (and Brotherhood) was in the first few volumes. Most people don't remember but the story was pretty disjointed and jumped around too much in the first few volumes. The 2003 show rearranged some stuff and made the story flow better in those parts.

If Bones had such an Eva boner, then they should have given RahXephon a tragic end and leave Eureka 7 the fuck alone.

Why don't they just try to make their original ending happen in one of these works instead of making countless bad spinoffs that are bleak from start to finish instead? They're literally wasting their time and resources.

Nope .
Brotherhood was a generic beat main bad shounen crap with the help of friends.

It stopped being about actually “Brotherhood” plus it started with filler and skipped arcs

Because people buy the DVDs a figurines in Japan user

Brotherhood >>>>>>>>>> 2003

Yeah but it also added stupid filler.

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Brotherhood is trash with one dimensional villains

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That was from the light novels
And so did brotherhood

Going off on a tangent but;
>Kekkai sensen, Death Parade, Aldnoah Zero, Wizard Barristers, Terror in Resonance
Was 2014 one of the most experimental seasons in anime history. I mean none of those are masterpieces by any metric but at least they weren't shounen, LN Isekai adaptations or boring haremshit romcoms.

what's this even from? one of the new movies? how many of them are even out yet.

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There are 2 out of 3 out. That pic is from the second movie.


Here you go. Enjoy his pretentious rant and his refusal to accept the fact that the anime market has moved on from E7. When you put this next to Dai Sato and Kenichi Yoshida's interview, you realize just how sad of a man he really is.

AZ was just the yearly Aniplex meme trainwreck, you had FranXX last year.

I really do hope that if Movie 3 comes out this year (like it's scheduled to), Bones will just leave E7 alone. I don't know how they can hope to reanimate the corpse again considering the corner they have written themselves into with Hi-Evoluion. So much in this film series doesn't work from a storytelling standpoint and are just more cases of bait-and-switch tactics from Bones. It's not the first time they've done this either. Just look at stuff like AO or the Star Driver movie.

I don't know what's sadder: the fact that an anime I cherished is slowly rotting away or the fact there are people who will just eat this shit up without any reservation or criticism.

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He sure seems to be fun at parties. That being said the interviewer may actually be retarded and I can understand some of Kyoda's frustration with him.

The way I see it, Hi-Evo is meant to be the definitive timeline, so I doubt there will be any other "sequel" after this. Also, I'm expecting a happy ending from the final movie. Nothing else would make sense, I think.

I watched the raw on Bilibili, and this is the best I got:

For some reason Kyoda is going full Delete Fucking Everything mode. In the REAL universe, Eureka accidentally killed Renton around where episode 11 would take place. Everything, from the original TV anime, to the video games, to PFOR, to AO, to even the manga are all dreams she made up to try to cope with the guilt and despair for the past years. Anemone’s real name is “Fuuka”, I’m assuming “Anemone” is some kind of pet name. Dominic now exists as an iPhone app akin to Siri or Alexa, but he takes on a real form when Anemone enters the 4:3 ratio universe, aka Eureka’s dreams, aka various key moments from the TV anime. Eureka is pretty edgy in this film as evidenced by OP’s picture, since she’s an antagonist until the last 3rd. The movie shits its pants a bit during the scene where millions of Gullivers start attacking the city where Anemone/“Fuuka” grew up. However, I very much enjoyed the Morning Glory callback when they’re climbing up some stairs. After Anemone rescues her, she admits to everything I just said before, and Anemone says how she doesn’t have to wallow in the past anymore because she’s in the real world now. Eureka cries at first, but then Anemone says that she’s confident that Renton’s still alive somewhere. Suddenly a giant egg hatches and inside is a version of Nirvash with twisty arms (I have no idea, I think I’ll need the subbed version for that). After that, surprise! Renton IS still alive somewhere, in ANOTHER different universe. Then the movie’s over.

Shit on PFOR all you want but at least it knew it was an AU and didn’t try to proudly call itself canon content.

I'm probably alone on this, but I like what Hi-Evo is trying to do. After AO shat on the original storyline, the whole timeline was compromised and putrid. Hi-Evo turns all that crap into non-canon dreams, and as long as the final movie doesn't screw up, all the crap will be replaced with a proper, hopefully happy ending.

Yeah, IIRC the LN ended a little before the anime was supposed to, and it contained the original tragic ending. Japanese fans were completely livid and threatened to boycott the series. Eventually either the TV execs or the producers got pissed so they insisted that they change the ending to a good end or else they’ll boycott too. Eventually the staff caved in and gave us the ending we know today.

I want a big brother like Leo...

Does anyone else hate the beginning of E7. I realize we have to show how things began in order for the development to kick in but I dislike naive Renton, emotionless Eureka, and asshole Gecko State members. I always end up skipping to the part where Eureka gets her short hair and scars.

>Also, I'm expecting a happy ending from the final movie.
Why? I respect your optimism, though.

2 so far, and one more to go. I believe somebody from the staff said it’s being postponed to 2021 so they can work more extensively at it, but I could be wrong.

I think the mystery of the world and the events going on are supposed to keep you hooked before the characters start to develop.

If they did a callback to episode 50 only with Renton and Eureka’s roles switched, I think that would be pretty cool.

Sauce or it didn't happen.

>multiple manga, LNs, movies, and a sequel just to get back to square one Psalms of Planets good end
I want off this crazy ride

I could’ve done without the short hair though. I wish she had the scars but then the episode 41-49 hair. Plus I love Storywriter.

It's the best part.

Are you frustrated?

Because it seems like it's building up to that. After Renton supposedly dies, Eureka goes through many timelines in the forms of dreams. All those timelines are the works in the franchise (tv shows, movies, games, manga, LNs). They all have something in common: shitty endings. Even the original tv show ends up getting a crappy ending from AO.

So, the way I see it, Hi-Evo will give Eureka what she's hoping for, a proper happy ending.

Like I said I could be wrong, I did read that somewhere on /m/ after all.

Why did they even need to make this trilogy when they have only enough funds for about 30 minutes of animation each? The first one turned into a poorly tweaked recap after the first sequence, the second is all stillframes and full CGI outside of the action scenes. It's all just painful to look at.

Only way it is redeemable at this point is if this song kicks in right when the happy ending starts

No, it should say “You Seem Upset” at the bottom.

At much as I love the new soundtrack as well, the entire third movie should be all TV anime tracks.

The problem is it's setting up a happy ending without actually building up to it or putting in the work to earn it. It would be fine if AO was decanonized but Hi-Evo went the extra mile to render EVERYTHING, even the original series, into non-canon fever dreams. It rendered the happy ending the OG earned meaningless by giving us a timeline where all the characters' struggles, developments, etc. no longer matter. I don't even know what to expect to Hi-Evo 3 because it's been established that pretty much anything can be rendered non-canon as the plot deems fit. This is just awful, amateur writing.

What Hi-Evo should have done is just work with the original and be an actual reboot like it was marketed to be. Ignore AO. Ignore PFOR. Ignore the manga, the LNs, all that shit. None of that matters and it should be treated as noncanon. If Hi-Evo just worked with what was good and ignore what wasn't good, we wouldn't have this conversation.

Instead, we just get a messy Eva-ish meta narrative with more dimensional merging. None of this shit was needed, nor was it promised to us. Bones just pulled their bait-and-switch tactics again and the hardcore fans fell for it like the fucking suckers they are.

Eva rebuild films look like shit but still make money

So can E7

The actual worst part about these extensions and reboots is the lack of building upon the "giant robots on surfboards" mecha aspect. The original show still did everything best, yet as soon as PFOR introduced fat Nirvash with funnels, the mecha part of E7 has gone down the shitter and never stopped.

>tfw the PV was fake and we didn't get fat ass and thighs idol Anemone
They couldn't even deliver on something so simple.

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>The problem is it's setting up a happy ending without actually building up to it or putting in the work to earn it
Well, they still have a whole movie to make Eureka and Renton earn their happy ending. We'll see whether they can pull it off.

I also wanted cute messy hair wings Eureka. I wonder if she’ll get her wings back in 3.

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Based optimismchad. You understand the original ending.

>Anemone doesn’t wear panties to bed

No pants?

Maybe, but I'm not hopeful. They had two movies to build up the romance and it was completely ignored. It almost seemed like an afterthought.

Again, this is the problem with the films' writing: it doesn't put in any effort to actually build the relationships or characters make us get invested and earn a happy ending.

Good example of this is the yandere!Eureka reveal. It comes out of left field and it fails to garner any empathy because we are just told she is distraught about Renton's death. But because we never see them build a relationship in movie 1, the plot twist means nothing because you're not losing anything. The only way movie 2 would work and be convincing is if it was told by Eureka, but it isn't.

It's another thing holding the trilogy back. It never really works on the basis of what made E7 stand out as a mecha anime. It had an interesting world with its own factions, politics, religions, etc. How the mechs work and how trapar works genuinely made it interesting and added an air of mystery.

Hi-Evo does nothing with it. The most that's done is the Summer of Love sequence in movie 1, and then it just turns into a poorly edited clipshow from one of the weaker episodes of the series. It doesn't add anything to the mythos, it doesn't expand on anything worth mentioning, the mystery is blown.

I honestly have to question why this trilogy even exist since it utilizes so little of what made E7 a good show.

>in b4 Bones made it for money

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What a bloody slut she is

Why can’t her and Dominic be romantic together? Even if she’s just a simulation who cares, simulations can have sex too.

I can’t believe I just misgendered Dominic. Fuck.

If it makes money from all the hardcore fans buying it why not? At least this might be the last time we see anything from E7 for the foreseeable future and thats sadly a good thing for now

Tell fans to stop buying E7
Problem solved

I can't think of a character who has been done dirty more in this whole franchise than Dominic. He's always got the short end of the stick in everything that came after the original.

Let's go down the list:

>PFOR: Killed in the first 10 minutes
>Manga: dies albeit heroically
>AO: Nonexistent
>Hi-Evo 2: cucked, made into a Siri-like app

Arguably the OG was the only entry that did his character any justice. It's a shame because I really liked his character as a foil to Renton.

I get that Bones just wants to make money; every studio does. I just wish they didn't do it like this.

Also does anyone have any box office stats about Hi-Evo 1 and 2? It's hard to find any solid stats but from what I've found, the trilogy is doing rather poorly compared to other films like DBZ: Broly or even the MHA movie.

Its too late for that user, brace for impact.

That would require getting a lot of fans to admit that stuff like AO, PFOR, etc aren't that good. And we get idiots to this day who still defend that garbage.

Fans do say AO and Hi Evo are not good but still go to out to buy any new E7 related content

Is the E7 manga good ?

>compared to other films like DBZ: Broly or even the MHA movie.
Im not surprised because we are talking about DBZ and MHA in general and those two series are a lot more relevant compared to E7’ niche market

Oh buddy, just take a trip to tumblr some time. You will find some of the most ardent defenders of AO in the world over there. And god help you if you try to explain to them why it's not good; they'll just block you and discount you as a "hater."

The manga is....okay. It's a different, darker take on the original. I believe it was written and illustrated by the author of Deadman Wonderland since the art style is very similar. It has a very downer ending and it makes the Coralians to be malevolent, world-conquering baddies.

I actually thought PFOR was okay as its own stand alone thing. AO is fucking wretched though.

Eureka Seven and Deadman Wonderland do share mangaka, yes. I also found it kind of funny how the normally bright and cheerful series got the dark and edgy ending, while the normally dark and edgy series got the bright and cheerful ending.


>Build up to a well deserved happy ending over the course of 50 episodes
>retcon it
>Try to bring it back to the same effect over the course of three, shitty, rushed movies.
Bravo Bones.

I've watched NGE and have continued to think this every time a Rebuild came out.

We Berserk now?

Only in the childhood scenes.

You really cannot give it a tragic ending since the whole point is tuning the world, if you move away from the ending they made it kinda makes about the entire cast irrelevant at the end since how they are connected forces it to end that way.

Also RahXephon is much better that E7 since it always knew where it was going, E7 shats the bed several times but this is the kinda the main difference of both RahXephon is constant and have no real high or low points as E7 is inconsistent and when its good, its good and when its crap its crap.

>Also RahXephon is much better that E7

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thanks for the warning, OP
I was actually planning on watching E7 at some point, now I know to only watch the anime and avoid everything else like the plague.

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Why is it 3d

No time or money for anything better.

>KYODA: First let me make it clear that the production methods we used 15 years ago are no longer available to us. Animators capable of hand-drawing the frames of such scenes have become scarce, so the practices and tools used back then are practically lost to us. While those groups of “super creators” and their traditional arts are nearly extinct, technologies for producing high-quality CG video are advancing constantly. I don’t want to paint this in broad terms, but if we were to consider the miraculous work of super creators back then an A+, modern CG can still hold a passing grade indefinitely. However, 2D anime can yield an awful F with just a slight mistake. The efforts of a handful of experts are what kept things around a B for much of the time. With such creators in decline and the explosive increase in anime productions, it’s getting harder and harder to make hits. That’s why the shift in attention by investors and animators to 3D may be inevitable.

TL:DR it's hard to find a bunch of people talented enough to do 2D mechs as well as they used to. Which is kind of sad.


You serious? Eva 1.11 looked great.

How come I was about to miss a thread shitting on the shitty E7 movies

I like E7 but I'm not a moron that buy any single thing and give my money to bones to keep making garbage like this.

I'm curious about the next movie but honestly hopes are non existent

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All the Rebuild movies look bad to me, with their digital coloring and bloom typical of the most generic mid to late '00 anime, but I assumed that user was talking about 2.0 and 3.0 and their crappy CGI shoved everywhere.

It's hard because there is several times the amount of anime being made compared to when E7 was airing. An industry crash is desperately needed, but won't happen.

Yeah the sequel and movies are pretty bad.

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Correct opinions. Dante was much more compelling as a villain, and Conqueror of Shambhala was an underrated sequel film in the original anime continuity.

This is one thing that not only Kyoda but also Sato Dai and Yoshida Kenichi talk about in their interviews with Otaquest as well.

Personally, I think this is the biggest reason why all the other entries into the E7 franchise have failed. It can't really recapture that same lightning in the bottle because the environment and market of E7 was completely different back then. Fuck, even the studio is a different animal now.

E7 is a product of a bygone era in anime. It was made back when anime was more underground and less mainstream, when the market and number of studios were smaller, and when animation techniques were vastly different. Hell, a lot of the people who made E7 possible just aren't around anymore.

Kyoda seems unable to come to terms with the fact that E7's time in the sun has long past. Sato and Yoshida are embracing the future.

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I hope they bring Nirgilis back to make a single for Hi-Evo.


Jesus Christ.

>Dante was much more compelling as a villain, and Conqueror of Shambhala was an underrated sequel film in the original anime continuity.

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I accidentally watched the movie before the show and still am able to love both as separate things.
Fuck AO though. And I haven't watched any of the new movies yet.

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Conqueror of Shamballa connects the FMA universe to the real world in a convincing way and creates parallel universe identities for Bradley and Hughes that make a lot of sense. How are those not advantages?

KS was Spring'15, Aldnoah was your yearly Aniplex trainwreck, which was VVV for 2013.

Long hair Eureka was one of the best things to come out of that movie, arguably.

PFOR is meh at best, it's forgivable since it's an AU and doesn't try to fuck with the canon. It was its own thing and fully acknowledged it.

AO is unforgivable since it made the original plot completely pointless.

If Hi-Evo just decanonized AO and actually acted like a reboot, we wouldn't have so much shit to say about it.

Saw E7 and AO. I want to watch the new sequels. I haven't seen any. What do you guys think?

>mfw I've only watched the OG series and the first movie and don't suffer from shit memories of E7

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Terror in Resonance would have been fucking great if the character backstory wasn't LOL SUPERHUMAN CLONES GROWN IN A SUPER SEKRIT LAB

Not a compelling motivation for them blowing shit up and also augmented test tube clone warriors are one of the biggest science fiction cliches of all times.

There were so many better directions they could have gone with that story. Huge waste of Watanabe's talent.

Hi-Evo 1 is passable at best. The opening 30 minutes are the unquestionably the best part of it while the rest was just a clipshow, unreformatted from 4:3.

Hi-Evo 2 just goes off the rails, jumps the shark and lands in the capital territory of wtf-land. It's unintentionally funny in a lot of places and is kinda meme-worthy, if OP's screencap says anything. if you can stand spoilers.

I'm still dreading Hi-Evo 3.

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Shamballa was just terrible, it took off from other retarded shit like Envy being son of Hohenheim and turning into a dragon for no reason and followed it up with DUDE NAZIS, a villain worse than Dante and shitting on every character some more, especially Winry that the hacks of FMA03 must really hate.

Alright, user. Thank you.

Is Sato even doing anything anymore?
At least Yoshida us signing papers and doing character designs for the new Iso show.

I think the opposite. Hi-Evo 1 was boring shit. Hi-Evo 2 actually was somewhat interesting and even entertaining to some extent.

>Also RahXephon is much better that E7
It is.

AO is not that bad. Only at the end it does the heresy of turning coralians unable to live in trapar rich regions or some shit like that. All of the themes about co-existence from E7 turns out to be a moot point since they'll die anyway. Until that point I was having fun with it.

Just watch it and make your own conclusion.

I love Nirgilis they should have made another album.

>Shamballa was just terrible
No it wasn't terrible, it's pretty good for a sequel movie.

>AO is not that bad.
Yeah, it's much worse. Even ignoring the connections with the original, it's an incoherent mess that feels like it was written on a week to week basis with idea of what it wanted to do.

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It's sad to watch this anime I loved slowly die like this because Hi-Evolution missed so many prime opportunities. It could have been so much more than what we got. It could have redeemed the franchise after AO, but instead we just get....a mess.

Hi-Evo 1's greatest failing is its poor editing. It has the most aggravating use of flashbacks and flashforwards I've ever seen and it makes watching the film a chore. Whoever was in charge of editing should be suspended without pay. Not only that, but it could have been a full-blown prequel showing Eureka's time in the military and how she deserted to Gekkostate. It wasted a good opportunity to expand the lore and the world.

Hi-Evo 2 is barely even a sequel on the face of it. It could have just followed Anemone from the original and maybe expand on her character and her background more. I remember a lot of my friends were hoping for that since she was one of my favorite characters from the series. Instead, we don't even get the actual anemone, we get a generic Japanese girl in near-future Tokyo like that hasn't been done a million times before.

I don't even know what Hi-Evo 3 could hope to be. Frankly, at this point, I'm scared we may even get a production delay like hinted.

So many missed opportunities.

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You know what Bones really needs to extend/redo?


*with no idea

No, its the opposite.

The reason why its harder to find such people today is because the animation sweatshops transitioned to 3d because its cheaper, its not they cannot find people that can draw instead of using computers, its that people are fewer and will demand a higher pay because they are more specialized, its kinda like finding someone that knows COBOL vs C# (and that is actually a thing BTW since some older systems are still running in such legacy code, like the Individual Master File).

Anime is more niche now and more reliant on merch that ever before, E7 is only the product of a bygone era because the industry had entered a recession were they take the safest and cheapest approach since any failure can end the studio. Back then there was more room to experiment and fail thats not something that can be done now.

Sorry, but just comparing E7's characters to the lifeless husks of RahXephon makes me prefer the former.

Ironically, Xam'd is probably the closest we may ever get to a true sequel to Eureka 7. Fuck, it even uses the same character designs as E7.

Attached: Xam'd Lost Memories.jpg (2560x1920, 474K)

the first movie was fine (not talking about the trilogy)

We actually need a new season of Darker than Black, no meme replies please

That's what I'm saying Raxephon is better than E7 back when Bones was really good now they are the bottom of the barrel.

Well AO was basically Aikawa slapping shit together because the OG writer left.

Xam'd was so frustrating, it had these amazing setting, style and production values but it completely failed at making you care about the characters and about whatever was happening.

>Puzzle & Dragons X (2016–2018): series composition (story riders), script "Drop Impact"

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>anime is more niche now
The fuck are you talking about? Not after Kimi no Na Wa it isn't.

>take the safest and cheapest approach since any failure can end the studio
>more room to experiment and fail
You just contradicted yourself.

You can't play it safe AND experiment at the same time. E7 was very experimental but it's also because the market overall was much, much smaller, specifically because of the recession. Anime was much more underground back then and E7 used underground elements to its advantage.

When will that guy come outta of depression? All I want is a true sequel of DtB.
The King of Iron Fist Tournament

Don't get me wrong, it was a confusing tangled knot of plot yarn, but it is still the closest we ever got to capturing the spirit of the original.

I hope so too. I loved that series and I think I still do.

Too bad it just fell apart in the second half. Instead of resolving the ongoing plots or explaining anything they just bloated the story with even more and then had that awful amnesia arc. Then its like they suddenly realized "Oh shit, we only have like two episodes left" and tried to cram in everything else they wanted to do for the ending without any proper set up.

>Dante was much more compelling as a villain
Dante just wanted to live forever and literally could not cope with Soul Rot.
That's all she had going for her.

>Anime was much more underground back then and E7 used underground elements to its advantage
As the other user said, you got things backwards. Anime was more mainstream back then. E7 for example was broadcast in a daytime slot, meaning it was targeted to normalfags rather than hardcore anime fans. Today most anime are broadcast in a late night slot and target the hardcore fans. It's a much more niche market, much more focused on BD sales which only hardcore fans buy.

While the plot was a bit wonky. I disagree about the characters. I was definitely hooked there. I mostly just wanted more the whole time.
If it had just a bit more room to breath I think both aspects would have been quite a bit better.
A bit more of the early bits where Aki is away being a postman but sending letters to Haru.
And expanding the emperor, and that whole political system that just makes very little sense.

>Not after Kimi no Na Wa it isn't.

So fucking what? That was a 2016 movie ... its 2019 GRANDPA! Its just a curiosity as Disney will continue to dominate animation in the west.

>You just contradicted yourself.

No,I have not.
Stuff like Lain isnt something a studio will do today because its risky and there is not much merch opportunities with as 12 episode Long Ass Isekai Advertisement Anime is a much safer bet, E7 is 50 episodes ... find a anime original with such length today, hell find one that is 50 episodes and not cut in "season 1, season2" ...

>It's a much more niche market, much more focused on BD sales which only hardcore fans buy.
You mean merch.
BD sales are dying.
Anime in general is turning into mobage advertisement.

4 cours are dead because there's not enough staff to handle continuous 4 cour production.
There's just too much anime being made, even accounting for chinks heavily contributing to overall market growth.

Sure, the market is shifting again, but that's something relatively recent. BD sales were still really important just a few years back.

The real reason is that they are too risky for the investors, hell even 2 cours are nowadays.
Precure, other staple Toei shows and long running shonen are the only ones that don't need to worry about that.

Merch has been important for decades.
How do you think Gundam actually sells?
>The real reason is that they are too risky for the investors
No, even the safest Bandai bets are 2*25 now because they can't just magic stuff out of thin air anymore.
>Precure, other staple Toei shows and long running shonen are the only ones that don't need to worry about that.
That's mostly outsourced garbage.

E7 was very intently about skater/stoner culture and obscure music references. Half of the people who were otakus back then grew up to be hipsters because of shit like E7 and Cowboy Bebop.

>There's just too much anime being made
More than the market demands, actually. Which is why most anime flop every season. Outside of pre-established franchises, only two or three shows per season actually make any money.

It helped that a lot of the production team was acquainted with the music scene. Fuck one of the characters, Ken-Goh, is named after Kengo Watanabe, a friend of Dai Sato who ran a music label.

The fact that I know that says a lot about the original's creative process. There was passion behind it. And that's the main problem with Hi-Evo. The passion is gone. It's just a cynical cash grab no different than Blood C, GITS: Rise, or the FLCL sequels.

>E7 was very intently about skater/stoner culture and obscure music references
The director himself says he never actually intended for that. Besides, it's a fact it was broadcast in a daytime slot. That means, literally, that it was targeted at normalfags.

>More than the market demands, actually
Way, way, way more.
We need another Spring'06 crash, but it's not happening.

I want a Xam'd sequel that is just the illiterate girl in that picture, coming out of the 100 year coma or whatever it was that she ended the show in, and having to attend school with a bunch of elementary school kids in order to learn how to read.

Blood C was at least better than Blood-plus. Having the villain of Blood+ be a girl who rapes the mc's kid brother for magic demon seed was the dumbest fucking plot twist in any anime ever made.

Kyoda says a lot of things. If you read through the interview he dodges a lot of important questions and seems evasive throughout. Not only that, but he comes off as a pretentious hack trying to be like Anno or Shinkai. So you will excuse me if I take what he says with a grain of salt.

If I remember correctly, it was aimed to two audiences: people that arrived "early" to their home after parties and raves... and kids.
The series references a lot of music, bands and sci-fi books. It had certain substance. They tried to mimic that feel with AO and failed miserably.

So much potential was wasted in Hi-Evo. I just pray 3 is the end.

Who am I kidding? Kyoda will find a reason to resurrect it again.

Attached: Eureka Seven 2.png (704x528, 560K)


>BD sales were still really important just a few years back.

Not really, merchandise was always the biggest money makers for most series. People just used BD sales as an indicator of how well a series was doing because it was a sales number the public could more easily grab and compare against other series.

>people hated how Pocketful of Rainbows took scenes from the series and recycled them in a different story that seemed intentionally spiteful towards the original
>Kyoda: Hey, I know, let's do exactly the same in the new movie trilogy!
>at the screening of the first movie the audience starts laughing when the resolution switches to 4:3 and the "recap" starts
>damage control in the second movie by having half of it be horrible full CGI
Let it end.

Manga > Anime > Shit > Pocket Full of Rainbows >Hi Def > AO

The interviewer did nothing wrong. Kyoda reacted to the questions was pathetic

He died for your sins.

Attached: dewey.png (1280x720, 750K)

True, but I love Twelve and Lisa almost as much as Renton and Eureka. I’m just a sucker for sappy teen romances I guess.

I remember that happening in Otakon. Kyoda seemed genuinely confused at the reaction and even said the American audiences reacted differently from the Japanese.

When I look at Hi-Evo 2, it's almost like the whole film was made haphazardly. The CGI is awful and it was clearly made to cut costs, but also a lot of the film is just characters standing around and talking.

There was a thread on here or on /m/ some time after the movie dropped on bilibili where an user speculated that the film's original plot was scrapped at the last minute for this one. In fact, it seemed like the plot of the film was meant for an original movie that just got switched out for E7.

If the movie was an original piece, I don't think people would shit on it so much. But because it's E7, and because of what it DOES to E7, people give it crap.

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damn, he got a kickass chair like Aizen

Her ass IS fat.

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-04-23-05h11m34s794.png (1280x720, 658K)

So the first one's out and translated. But it's 30 mins of new footage and the rest is just a recap looks like?

And 2 just dropped recently, but isn't translated yet? But it's so shit nobody's gonna touch it for a while?

>50 episode show vs 26
>durrr one of the shows has better developed characters

What happens when you throw money at something without a backbone. It falls apart. Though there was a lot of good to come out of it

Least it had enough foundation to not turn out like Fractale.

Attached: thefuckeditallup.jpg (1280x720, 47K)

>first he was the villain
>then he did nothing wrong
>now he's literally Jesus

Didn't this guy molest a bunch of kids

It's not even about their development, on a moment to moment basis E7's characters are just so much more entertaining and full of life and personality then the dullards of RahXephon.

>mfw for some ungodly reason I watched only parts of the E7 dub on Adult Swim back in the day and then sat through all of AO

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How did Yoshida go from the sticks of AO to this thiccness?

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>This pink haired firebrand ace pilot archetype was blatantly copied by Gundam: Reco in G and FranXX

>BD sales are dying
Japanese Men are mostly going to streaming or downloading and only buy merch these days. Women still buy physical copies. One of the only reasons YoI’s disc sales were so great.

Shitposting aside, Eureka Seven had some great music.

Totally not Lilith, guys.

E7’s dub is atrocious trash but that’s pretty par for the course for dubs, isn’t it?

We probably won't get a subbed version of HE-2 until it hits theaters in the states, if that. Any interest that could have been rekindled in the franchise has long been killed.

I can only speak for myself, but I think the fanbase for E7 is all but fed up with what's happened. On tumblr it's very quiet and most people are split on the various iterations and movies, to say nothing of AO. Frankly, I'm surprised there is any interest left at all.

I definitely know that I am not buying any tickets if it comes stateside. I refuse to give more money to Bones if this is what they are doing.

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It's more amazing that people continue to think a mediocre show was amazing just because they were 13 when they saw it. Half the show is just a Bones going "yeah Gundam and Ideon were really good, have you also seen Reideen? We also really, really liked King Gainer." The other half was garbage filler with no point.

I know, I know. But honestly it's one of the only places where you can really gauge the feelings of fans. I mean, if a place like tumblr is splintered over the show and Yea Forums is all but livid at what's happened, I'd say that's a good indicator of how awful this franchise is doing now.

Attached: Eureka Renton.jpg (673x729, 76K)

Community is a bunch of mentally ill twats but every once in a blue moon you’ll find a pretty great fan artist.

>muh nostalgia
>muh filler
Stick with FranXX.

lots of people sat through AO. as it aired. we all kind of had a hope that it would turn out good. intitial excitement and such. Remember some translator guy near the end translated additional materials, for the people that came back to see how it ended, since the end was so fucking garbage

Attached: fuked.jpg (1024x806, 276K)

How can Tomino copy something that E7 copied from him in the first place?

Franxx episodes 12-15 are unironically fantastic though

Remember when Renton was in the credits and everyone was hyped the fuck out?
Then the real ending happened.

If we're being fair, AO's ending makes more sense than E7s original ending did. Ao actually solved the theoretical quantum paradox that the original show glossed over completely with its love solves everything ending by becoming the singular point of universal observation.
It's just the delivery was shoddy throughout the series.

Ah, I knew it.

>E7fag deflects to an unrelated show and can't even read

Not the same guy if that’s what you’re implying.

Oh yes, the community on there is really fucking garbage, but there were some great fan artists back in the day.

One artist I remember well was Ticcy, who drew some of the funniest, cutest fanart of E7 I ever saw. Pic related.

Attached: Holland Talho Valentine's Day.jpg (828x710, 575K)

You are aware what happens when you invert Eureka, right?

Attached: anonI.jpg (1280x720, 196K)

They were based off of insects, so it worked.

>tfw you will never get a slice-of-life OVA featuring the Thurston family

Attached: Thurston Family.jpg (1000x769, 1.16M)

>Eureka and Anemone’s kids go to school together and have a bunch of whacky shenanigans together
This is the real stuff they should’ve bothered with. Why is Kyoda so edgy?

Hahaha I remember translatorbro, those were good times, I miss them, we had hopes and delusions (better than the show itself)

Impossible to forget the hype

He desperately wants to be like Anno, but he doesn't have the talent.

Yet another opportunity missed. So much potential in this series just wasted.

At least we will always have Ticcy's fanart.

Attached: Wedding Eureka Renton.png (1266x1000, 1.55M)

Never noticed that

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Honestly, that person conducting the interview was pretty stupid. I'm a math tutor, and it get's pretty damn annoying having to repeat myself over and over again to people who have gone out of their way to create a conversation but then refuse to listen to what you're saying. The guy kept asking stupid questions that had already been answered, and the guy responded by telling him that instead of playing the idiot and giving into the demands of social grace that expect people who are paying attention to pretend like they're as unconscious as everyone else.

inb4 nerd, autist, m'lady's, etc. if what I wrote offended you at all, it's because you're a sub-100 IQ mouth breather

2012-13 seemed like the glory days by comparison.

I miss the days of drawbrah where we all wondered what a good end for AO would be.

Attached: Holland Talho 8.png (344x459, 205K)

They really need to just make a sequel that picks up right at the ending of the original and focus on the fallout from the second Summer of Love with Jurgens trying to dispel the authoritarian military system and Holland fighting in the background to unseat the commanders who would become dictators of various regions in the vacuum created by the destruction of the towers and the central military command structure. Showing some more realistic "taking responsibility" would be the best followup to the original's narrative about kingship.

Just leave Renton and Eureka completely out of it, have Anemone and Dominic take their spot as the questing fools who get a ground level view of the big picture stuff Jurgens and Holland have to deal with.

Here we are basking in nostalgia. It was good while it lasted. Now the movies are plainly bad and trying to discard what we liked when we were young. It makes no sense to be bitter about that, there's nothing we can do about it.

I think the story that was E7 was already told, no need for sequels, movies, stuff. The short clip that was released before AO was more than enough to give closure.
To me everything dies there. End.

Would watch, definitely. There's always fanfiction but it's just sad that Bones missed a perfectly good plot.

I will never understand why AO decided to go for the boring near-future setting in Japan when the original setting had such a unique flavor to it. It had such an interesting world with its own factions and cultures that it made no sense to just ditch it in the "sequel" and go for generic mecha anime #100045722. Heck, the characters in AO could have fit in just as well as new additions to Gekkostate or even new federation pilots. Anemone and Dominic could have taken a more command role in them, but instead, we just get a generic Blackwater-esque PMC. Like that hasn't been seen a million times before.

Attached: Day After 2.jpg (1440x1080, 196K)

It could also pick up right at the ending but only follow Renton and Eureka with mostly SoL and maybe at least until the birth of one child.

Frankly, it seems like that's the only reason why there are people who still give these new movies a pass. Nostalgia.

I ran into someone who said openly that he lives for nostalgia and that's why he loves everything E7. Thing is, nostalgia can only take you so far.

Going into a series expecting it to be good just because it has the name of a brand you like is a terrible strategy. If the fans just wear nostalgia goggles every time and never acknolwedge the flaws in a work the creators will grow complacent. They won't improve their work because they don't think they have to. They can get away with murder if they think the fans will let them.

You have to vote with your wallet, like said.

Sadly, not everyone follows this and we get Hi-Evo. Just like we got the FLCL sequels.

Attached: Day After 3.jpg (1440x1080, 224K)

G no Reconguista really is a marvel in the 2D mecha department.

We kinda got that with Ticcy's comics, but what I would not give to see it animated.

Some links that should satisfy you.

Beware: it's on tumblr!family!Thurston

Attached: Eureka Renton 4.jpg (1280x1603, 1.38M)

he is obviously pedantic and kind of an ass hole but nothing he said was wrong

Dream on. Tho here's endless season of MHA.

I can only talk about me. I don't give a damn anymore about the series and obviously not gonna spend a single cent on it. Nostalgia is not my drive, there are better shows and stories out there. It's just that if they're making a garbage out of a thing I liked, I have no reason to pick a side and get butt hurt nor mad, just let it go and enjoy other stuff. The good times are finished.

Not that user, but I think what he means is the reason why this franchise has gone on as long as it has is because no one takes Bones to task. In most cases, this means voting with your wallet and not buying later additions like AO or PFOR or Hi-Evo.

The good times are clearly over, no question. Though I think what's keeping me on is more morbid curiosity of how badly E7 can be fucked up rather than a genuine desire to see the characters again. The latter is more in line with the people who give Hi-Evo, AO, and PFOR a pass without even acknowledging what's wrong with it.

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BONES only knows how to ruin things.

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>makes a crack about bones
>uses meme image about another studio
>it's Kyoani
Try again, user.

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>It stopped being about actually “Brotherhood”
The Brotherhood was a western only subtitle.
If you noticed, the OPs just has the FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST title.

Bones is decent at anime adaptations but as soon as they try to make a sequel to their own stuff or Bones original content in adaptations it all goes to shit.

>tfw Dominic got cucked and turned into an AI for no reason
>tfw the interesting and engaging romance between him and Anemone is gone
>tfw you will never see funny hijinks with Anemone dragging him around on shopping trips and expensive dinners

Attached: Dominic Anemone 2.png (1077x1500, 1.48M)

When did a coming of age mecha series with a focus on music become about endless suffering?

This isn't shonen no hearto at all.

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Kyoda is probably eternally salty he never had full creative control on the series.

This is what I am sad to learn more and more as each year passes. Makes me appreciate the hand drawn stuff much more.

I keep losing my favorite picture of Dominic which is when he suddenly gets a super detailed shirtless closeup for no reason in one of the later episodes.

>ace pilot

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>E7 is a product of a bygone era in anime.
I don't understand this logic. Just because you can't draw the same thing doens't mean you suddenly have to tell terrible stories. If you take mechs out of E7, it will still be E7, just without robot fights. As much as Kyoda loves to claim that E7 has no theme, mechs were 100% NOT its theme. Instead they tried to keep mechs in while taking everything else out. That's misguided. Obviously E7 was a product of its circumstances, but now that it exists, you can look at it and know it for what it is, rather than for what the obsessed director wishes it could be.

Had to go find the scene.

Attached: suddenly close Dominic.jpg (960x720, 191K)

I've really come to feel that labeling it as a coming of age story really undersells what makes E7 great. Holland and Dominic have important character arcs which aren't described well as coming of age. There's this massive thematic emphasis on kings, from Adroc being called the king after the Summer of Love to the sacrificial king lineage and Golden Bough stuff that ties into Adroc and Renton. There's like five heroes' journeys at various stages all cycling together through the narrative. You could say that Holland's resolution of arrested progress through his journey is a metaphorical coming of age and that all heroic journeys can be framed as a maturation process, but I don't think most people go to that level when they see something referred to as a coming of age story.

Neither Holland nor Dominic are kid kids like Renton is so their development isn't what I'd call coming of age in the first place.

Ignore em all you want, original series is considered non-canon.

That's basically what I said, and I think calling E7 a coming of age narrative puts too much focus on Renton when those two are arguably just as important to the series.

Same shit with Kemono Friends 2 being considered 'canon.' Fans -will- always ignore shit that is universally considered garbage.

Fuck everything other than the original series

Huge fan here, I've rewatched the original show 7 times. I waited till AO was finished to marathon, but heard what a fucking nightmare it was so I avoided anything and everything. NO clue why anyone had faith these movies would make up for AO. It was a perfectly fine ending the way it was, so unless I hear the third movie is a fucking redeption I'll stick to the one true worthwhile headcannon and continue to ignore everything else.

Not that user, but I think the greentexted quote is more just about how a lot of the things that Eureka 7 did both storywise and in animation just can't be replicated nowadays. Not only are a lot of the animation techniques gone, but even the usage of music and underground elements as motifs can't be done today in anime. Dai Sato talks about this at length in his interview. That, more than anything, says why E7 is a product of its time, and why that era of making anime is effectively gone. Hell, even the studio is a different business now than it was then.

Mecha is a genre, not a theme. I will agree, however, that the direction the franchise has taken seems more and more to making E7 a generic mecha franchise a la Gundam or Eva (especially Eva, if you look at Hi-Evo 2). But Kyoda doesn't realize that E7 is so much more than that. He doesn't understand it was about a variety of things, and had plenty of overarching themes. Not just romance, but family, accepting difference, coexistence, environmentalism, facing responsibilities, etc etc.

And I think that's why Hi-Evolution doesn't work as a reboot. Because it no longer has the same kind of passion or drive the original had behind it. Every past attempt to replicate it has failed because not because the creator genuinely wanted it to fail but more because the same kind of passion and industry conditions that made E7 possible just don't exist anymore.

Well, Holland and Dewey are shown to be incredibly childish for their age, Holland is very much running from his responsibilities from the first half of the show or is botching his handling of them, Dewey is just really obsessed and salty that Holland was chosen as the king. There is some very late coming of age there.

All I ever wanted was a slice of live OVA for the characters.

Attached: Holland Talho 9.jpg (850x980, 817K)

Same character designer.

Fujos aren't women, they're animals.

Did anyone sub the first one? I sampled a stream of it and holy fuck the subs are atrocious.

Or maybe the first 3 volumes were for setting up the story. Imagine if a Berserk adaptation took 25 episodes to cover the Black Swordsman arc.

Are you serious? He asked him what the theme was or what he wanted to express with it like 6 times after getting a fairly definitive answer the first time. Not to mention the 'are you dissatisfied' question is just some drama bait and Kyoda correctly called him out on it. Not to mention that asking what did you want to accomplish with changing from 2D to CGI is straight up stupid and Kyoda had to explain basic pragmatic reasons like to a 10 year old who knows nothing about anime. This being a shitshow is 80% on the interviewer

I loved conquerer of shambhalla, feels like no one gave it a chance

All I ever wanted from Eureka 7 beyond the original run was an exploration of Renton and Eurekas journey from that point further. More backstory on the existing characters. The maturity of their relationship and introduction of new conflict. Instead we get AO and handfuls of retcon OVA abortions. Jesus christ why is bones so inept at writing?

Attached: 2389746238954.jpg (1172x1646, 344K)

Fuck off

>boycotting just because they don't like the ending
They should just ignore. Not everything has to pander to weak ass retard who can't take tragic or bittersweet endings.

Holland was a douche

Do people still watch anime with subs even after all these years? What's your excuse for not learning japanese, user?

I completed 3rd episode just now and I don't see what's so good about this show except for art and animation.

It was trash. FMA 03 went to shit after 25 episodes.

I still watch anime with subs, Japanese ones. My listening ability isn't that great, even for English shows I prefer watching stuff with subtitles, and in Japanese it's even better because kanji make everything a fucking breeze.

E7 finally got subs thanks to Netflix last year, made the rewatch much more enjoyable.

So which one shitted all over the original more? AO or Kemono Friends 2?

EOPs slur words in weird way and don't enunciate shit properly and that's why I use English subs for English language media. I never had that problem with anime. I only activate subs during the onslaught of dumb technical or military lingo.

I wouldn't know, I wasn't dumb enough to even watch the first episode of KF2. I don't understand how anyone could, honestly.

>I only activate subs during the onslaught of dumb technical or military lingo.
This happens in pretty much every show, though. I find it easier to just leave the subs on, instead of having to pause, enable them, then go back 5 seconds.

You are just saying that because the last 25 episodes differed from the manga. You are like one of those people who gets mad at the Hunger Games movies because a character's weapon wasn't the same color as in the book or who throws a tantrum over Harry Potter because a character's hair color is different.

>They should just ignore. Not everything has to pander to weak ass retard who can't take tragic or bittersweet endings.

It won't have done E7 any favors or win any fans. People would just hate it. It was the good ending that made people love E7. Being edgy and making a bad ending wouldn't have made the show successful.

You gotta choose between sucking dicks of inferior beings(fans) or being loyal to your artistic vision. But anime is just business, not an artistic medium with artistic freedom.

Weird thing is fans of the medium choke the artistic freedom. They chimp out like retards and threaten creators if everything doesn't goes according to their delusions.

>Hunger Games
>Harry Potter
The FMA 03 fanbase everyone.

Fuck off chocobar.

Bless you Anons for those E7 threads, i remember one of them hit bump limit some time ago.
Fall in love everyone.

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Attached: I've been into the depths of Hell, but even the dead couldn't find peace from this (555x569, 237K)

What is this shit, why are his legs vanishing?

>After AO shat on the original storyline, the whole timeline was compromised and putrid. Hi-Evo turns all that crap into non-canon dreams
Including the original show.

Eureka Seven was a soulless imitation anime from the start

Attached: OF FUCKING COURSE WE ARE.jpg (640x480, 67K)

Dimension-hopping was the worst thing to happen to this franchise.

It's the worst thing that can happen to any franchise desu.

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So Dewey was right at least twice?

FMA sequel movie is shit.

>Sunrise is forced to succumb to shit CG because they can't find trainees and "everyone else is doing it lol"
It was nice knowing you, anime.

Attached: Fuck this, I'm outta here.gif (296x248, 1.63M)

>Terror in Resonance
Now THAT'S a show that got consistently worse with each episode.

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>the new Iso show
If it ever gets released.

Attached: Laughing Coralians.png (476x453, 178K)

No kidding.

Attached: Dewey at his computer.jpg (440x239, 26K)

>getting inspiration from other works is wrong
It shamelessly accepts its influences from eva and iriya no sora. I don't see why that's a bad thing.

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Left behind in Eureka's dreams.

Attached: Bones trolls a.jpg (750x563, 290K)

This sounds so fucking retarded. Why are they so desperate to fuck over E7's happy ending with every single chance they get?

Because they were forced to add it and have been crying about it ever since.

Imagine being forced to do something that is not what you want to do.

Water is wet.

Attached: Holland - FUCK YOU! IF YOU WERE A CHILD, I WOULD PUNCH YOU!.png (492x131, 29K)

Dont forget Gundam X and MSG.

Those were all popular among the same age groups and demographics at the same time

Where does this "hurr they were forced to change the ending" shit come from? The producers did it of their own accord after seeing the positive ratings and how popular the romance was between Eureka and Renton. Nobody held a gun to their heads, it was their own decision not to go with the bittersweet ending. Stop blaming some imaginary boogeyman as justification as to why they're dragging this franchise through the mud 14 years later.

Well absolutely fuck them. Every plot focused anime has a tragic end and it gets tiresome very quickly.

Which one? There were two sequel movies, but Star of Milos was never clear which continuity it's set in

I guess the only good to come out of this is that these three little shits never existed. The blonde was qt, but the shitskin and the mongloid with a hardcore Oedipus complex towards Eureka to the point where he was literally going to murder Renton can fuck off forever.

Attached: 9jfel64yqft21.png (1280x1875, 3.68M)

We can only wait.

>E7 is a product of a bygone era in anime. It was made back when anime was more underground and less mainstream, when the market and number of studios were smaller, and when animation techniques were vastly different. Hell, a lot of the people who made E7 possible just aren't around anymore.
Are E7fags this retarded? The show premiere during the birth of the commercialization period of anime where DVD sales were at its peak and there was a more reliance on merchandise sales than ever why do you think there was so much product pushed for the series in a short amount of time? There was even fucking E7 cereal. Most of the staff who worked on E7 are still employed at BONES and are working on even better projects nowadays that showoff what the studio is capable of.. You E7fags just need stop being butthurt that the series doesn't hold the same resonance with everyone including the creator.

>working on even better projects nowadays that showoff what the studio is capable of
Like what?

Mob Psycho

>Not really, merchandise was always the biggest money makers for most series.
No, most series don't even put out any significant amount of merch. Only established franchises or surprise big hits with clear chance to become franchises generate any money through merch. For most shows BD sales is still the main income. That's slowly changing to streaming revenue now, but BD sales is still important.


Yeah, the producers. The director, on the other hand, is still bitter about it, how you can see in the interview already posted in this thread.

Fucking cringe


Attached: 3.jpg (480x360, 32K)

>The producers did it of their own accord after seeing the positive ratings and how popular the romance was between Eureka and Renton.
Cool horseshit bro

Overly flashy animation doesn't make something good. Nobody is saying E7 was some amazing 10/10 anime because it certainly had it's flaws. But at it's core it was a great coming of age and romance story and in that aspect Mob Psycho is trash with it's own coming of age plot.

>But at it's core it was a great coming of age and romance story and in that aspec

>The script for this special was first performed in 2006 at a Sony Music Festival by the original Japanese voice actors. According to the producers, the special was initially meant to be the original ending of the series, however, due to the positive ratings from fans, the popularity of the love story between Renton and Eureka, and how much the actors got into the series, they decided to change the good, legitimate ending into a happy one around the conclusion of season two
How does it feel being a fucking retard?

You just proved your dumbass wrong idiot.

Are you illiterate you dumb fuck?

Siblings were anime original

>But at it's core it was a great coming of age and romance story
Not that user, but it was a shit romance. Insipid and totally devoid of charm. It did better with the coming of age aspect though.

But modern anime CG sucks dick
It's a shame

There's a difference between jew producers who are only after money and actual creators

Is Kekkai sensen s1 is the only example of good anime original content?

For Bones or in general?

It was based on a Yasuhiro Nightow manga, so not original

sorry, meant anime original content in a show that isnt entirely original.

I'd say so. The siblings were even present in S2 but to a much lesser extent.

It can look decent, it just doesn't most of the time.

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you have to go back

I can't remember the last time an Eureka 7 thread has gone on for this long.

I salute you all, anons.

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Fleur didn't deserve to suffer.

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Fleur doesn't exist anymore, and that's a good thing.

Yes, the PRODUCERS did, not the writers or directors who made the original ending.

Fleur did nothing wrong. It's the creators fault she was stuck in a shitty series.

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It's a shame the movie is so hated.
It was perhaps the thing that got me in to anime, and I still consider it to be one of the best standalone films the medium has to offer.
The Eureka x Renton romance is handled so much better in the movie.
Tradeoff then is Talho x Holland which in the series is as good as it gets, Talho's development especially.

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I find the movie to be eh personally, but I can forgive it for at least being an AU. It didn't try to screw with the canon like Hi-Evo did.

Frankly, if Dominic and Anemone didn't get such short shrift in PFOR, I would be much more charitable.

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I assumed that the original Eureka Seven sold well enough since it did warrant a movie and manga pretty much right after it aired. But why come they still keep bringing it back? Does it still have a large following after all this time? I mean most the fans on Yea Forums despise what has happened with the series since the original, but then again Yea Forums has no influence in terms of sales in nipland. Do the nips truly have such shit tastes as to like the new material?

Probably because even at Bones they're nostalgic about it, since it was their first real success.

I think AO did pretty bad commercially speaking, so that should have been the end of it. But I think the director is just obsessed now. It's not a matter of money.

I don't necessarily believe that everyone in Nihon likes what's come after. Stats for individual stuff are hard to come by but I do remember that most nips scratched their heads at AO. It wasn't as badly received as in the States and elsewhere, but most japs just didn't know why it was even being made.

I would like to know how Hi-Evo is doing in box office sales, but I can't imagine it's much better.

>be back in 2012
>loved the original Eureka Seven Psalms of Planets
>lurked Yea Forums for years
>always check the upcoming seasonal charts
>see Eureka Seven AO
>get hyped like I've never been for an anime
>turns out to be so awful
Can't bring myself to care about Hi-Evo, even if they are trying to ret-con a lot of the garbage from over the years. I'm sure some of you were there during AO's air. It should have never been like this, bros.

I know that feel bro.

We deserved so much better.

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Thank you all anons for this long Eureka 7 thread. It was nice going back to this.

Don't beg for things; do it yourself. Or else you won't get anything.

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>Hi-Evo is doing in box office sales, but I can't imagine it's much better.

It sells more than flop psycho 100 season 2

I couldn't even make it past ep 9 back when AO was airing. My condolences to all the anons who suffered through the whole thing


VVV was one of the best Mecha to ever be created. I'm still waiting for Shouko's evil cow empire.

>Long hair Eureka was one of the best things to come out of that movie, arguably.
Don't for get loli Eureka and shota Renton!

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If you weren't smiling like a madman when Renton said that, the Nirvash started shitting rainbows, he got his girl back while telling her not to say "bye bye", and finally they wrote their names on the moon for all to see then you're probably dead on the inside. How doesn't Bones get that they created one of the best endings ever that wasn't some pretentious CONGRATULATIONS eva-shit?

Because of the creators original vision I guess. Compromises are important as well though, or else you get something where the creators get complete control and lose their fucking mind.

It's spite.

The Japanese have difficulty with happy endings because they cannot imagine them. Life is a constant downward deflection that must be fought at every step of the way.

In most media, the only way they can segue into a happy ending is by hitting reset. They can't imagine "It gets better".

It happened in AO, it happened in FranXX, it happened in RahXephon, it happened in EVA.

The idea you can continue into the future and find fulfillment and happiness in a world that's fundamentally cruel is anathema, because it suggests they are responsible for their own happiness.

It suggests that they could achieve it if they tried.

man i loved E7s desolate-looking landscapes

no trees, no oceans, just never-ending empty-looking plains

It did give the anime a slight apocalyptic feeling. I think the fact that it was earth but also not earth helped sell the anime for me. It wasn't really a familiar looking planet so the reveal that it was truly Earth made it genuinely shocking.

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Say what you will about AO, but Fleur was such prime waifu material.

also dat ass

I can't believe how badly BONES has destroyed this series. The original Eureka 7 is one of my favorite anime of all time and every single piece of content since has been literally offensive to watch.

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It was good while it lasted. Now, the party's over.

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I didn't even know there was more after the tv series. Is it really that bad? Spoiler me up senpai

What the actual fuck? Who in the right mind turns a coming of age/romance action show into this shit.

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You know how Bones always crashes the ending on their original productions? When you think about it, E7 is like the only series that wasn't a complete trainwreck and Bones literally can't figure out what they did right and are now actively trying to destroy it

>Nobody is saying E7 was some amazing 10/10 anime because it certainly had it's flaws.
I am

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>It wasn't really a familiar looking planet so the reveal that it was truly Earth made it genuinely shocking.
It wasn't really Earth though, it was the fucking coralian mass the size of a moon latched onto the earth. Only at near the end do they actually get past the cloud wall and fall down to the true Earth.

>watching past the first season
For what purpose user?

>When you think about it, E7 is like the only series that wasn't a complete trainwreck
Thanks for the laugh


>it was the fucking coralian mass the size of a moon latched onto the earth
I thought it was more of a shell covering the earth.

It was, like an eggshell protecting the yolk. But like other anons said, we didn't really figure this out until near the tail end of the series. That reveal made the series all the more interesting.

Sigh, it's sad to think a show from 15 years ago had a more engaging story and likeable characters than a lot of the stuff Bones makes today.

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top notch kek

someone from bones is gonna get stabbed

Bones also hired Graphinica for the CG in the Hi-Evo movies, but it looks much worse.

It's Bones's baby. They love it so much that they're going to shove it in people's faces, even if they hate it. This is where all the MHA money is going, this and Mob Psycho.


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The change of tone from episode 49 with Eureka saying "Bye Bye" to that screenshot you posted from Episode 50 was brilliant. I don't think Bones did it on purpose.

>it looks much worse.
It's a different team with a different budget and less time to polish the graphics.

At least the Hi Evo movies have a good soundtrack going for it but holy shit the premise sounds like hot garbage even for this corpse of a franchise.

It's a better concept than AO at least.

No it not. You just hate AO more.

AO is unmatched irredeemable trash. There's literally nothing as shitty.

I literally shake with anger whenever it gets brought up.

You don't understand how Japanese literature is taught. The basic Japanese story structure is
>Build towards climax
>Unhappy endingōtenketsu

>There's literally nothing as shitty.
Yeah the original

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Star Trek Discovery is literally what if people from Mirror Universe were immigrating to the original timeline for its first two seasons, and it's all about the alternate dimensions.

I was, actually. I really liked this movie. I hated the first one since it was mostly rehashed material and didn't have much in the way of story. But this one feels more like an actual movie and Anemone/Fuuka is a major cutie.

Literally just the pink hair. And same character artist, I guess. Otherwise she's a fairly normal middle manager type Gundam character. She's not blatantly fucked in the head like Anemone and 02 are.

Ahhahahahahhaa what the fuck.

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and we had Xam'd
and it was adequate

RahXephon gave us the Misato ending so no

COnsidering how people reacted to Eva's ending, maybe it was wise for them to go somewhere else.

>CG is the future simply because there are not enough artists

E7 finished with one anime series, as far as i'm concerned. I've been burnt enough that I don't care about more terrible revival efforts.

I'm still holding out hope for someone who isn't a hack fraud to come along and make a genuine sequel which has the same style as the original but no actual continuity.

Did anybody even sub the first movie or do I have to buyfag?

They tried that with Captain Earth.

Delicious Brown Alien Girl actually being the main love interest and winning the MCBowl is the only thing worth mentioning from that. That and the futa jokes Yea Forums made with the stuff that happened at the end.

Lack of talent, or lack of people willing to work absurd hours for slave wages?

>the only thing worth mentioning from that

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I got my fill of that from Airi from Devil Survivor 2. The game, the anime was utter Evangelion wannabe shit, and yet still better than Captain Earth.

Captain Earth is quite the strange show. It felt in many ways like Bones trying to do Eureka 7 over again with a mix of Star Driver thrown in. Fuck, even some of the character designs look exactly the same. Look at pic related and tell me that Daichi was not basically Renton with a paper thin personality.

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Who else remembers waiting months for the last 13 episodes to subbed?

Captain Earth was pretty fun. What greatly devalued it is the Saltydog arc.

Nah, what devalued it was the overall way the story was told being TOO DEEP and throwing out references that just sounded stupid and unrelated to what was going on. Shit like the Macbeth Rebellion and...honestly the plot was so inane I've blotted out most of the shit relevant to it. Even TRUTH IS A SECRET from AO stuck with me more simply because how utterly retarded it is. And apparently the fucking actual ending of AO is in a fucking arcade game cabinet.

Captain Earth was great. It was 100% Enokido and didn't really have much to do with E7. People didn't really understand it.

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>Delicious Brown Alien Princess
Hana is a goddess. We need more brown heroines winning the MCbowl

Oh. It's you. The guy who wants to suck Enokido off because he's the only one who cares to try and understand how DEEP he is.

This response is the only thing you're getting out of me.

I rewatched the series this week and just did the movie.
I think next I'm going to try Bokurano which I've been meaning to watch for a while.
What am I in for?

I rarely drop shows because I choose carefully and Captain Earth was so boring that I couldn't watch it for too long. Dropped hard without mercy.

>Misato ending

So, what Eva should have had

I might actually have to watch this

What kind of unhealthy persecution complex is this? If you don't want to talk about a show, don't bring it up in an unrelated topic.

Captain Earth had potential to be pretty much the best Bones mecha since E7. Designs, the fact MC is not a fucking faggot and actually wants to tap that brown ass, even some of the themes were pretty good but i guess at that point Enokido was just trying to sniff his own farts too much so he overloaded a simple coming of age story with all sorts of unnecessary bullshit and ended it on the same shitty note he ended Redline, leaving the fate of main characters hanging in the air in some act he probably considered deep and symbolical.

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I've been watching that and I really feel like that's just modern, 21st century writers trying to cover their ass for how sexist, racist, and male-oriented in fanservice the original show's 3 seasons were back in the 1960s

>ended it on the same shitty note he ended Redline, leaving the fate of main characters hanging in the air in some act he probably considered deep and symbolical
How did you get the impression that the end of Redline was in any way ambiguous?

>coming of age
This phrase needs to trigger automatic post deletion

... Redline ends with exactly how you think it does. JP wins, takes Sonoshee in a manly fashion with her father's blessing, lives happily ever after crashing Trans-Ams.

I thought Redline's ending was fine. I mean I guess a few minutes showing JP, Sanoshee, and the other racers at award ceremony could have been cool. As far as all the plot with the Cyborgs and their bioweapons of war that go against conventions which were exposed to the galaxy is concerned, that seems like a whole other story and its fine to leave that one open ended.

For all intents and purposes Sonoshee and JP should've become a splatter on the wall from the insane acceleration and loss of the car.
What we are seeing with them floating in the air for some reason may be just some artsy bullshit symbolising the fact they've achieved their lifelong dream.

Is summer of love prequel good at least?

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Probably because of the magic kingdom and how they distorted space for the sake of a race track the entire time.

The opening 30 minutes of Hi-Evo 1 is baller as fuck. The whole film could have just been that and it would have been an instant 10/10.

But then Hi-Evo 1 just uses it as a means to bait and switch the audience into watching one long clipshow.

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I'm going to put money that the finish line for the galaxy's riskiest race might have some elements of safety for the purpose of having winners to parade around.

It's a single lap race anyways: If you can dampen inertia in the slightest, you'd use one there so no matter what condition you're in, they can catch you and take you home.

Not like they've got teleportation and anti-gravity down to a recreational level or something.

>tfw reading the spoilers to Hi-Evo 2

honestly, this sounds fucking hilarious

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>make beautiful, colorful anime about love and robot surfing
>b-but I want it to be edgy!


I watched the raw on bilibili and it is unintentionally hilarious in a lot of places. Much of the film is very meme-able if OP and 's pics are any indication.

It's better than Hi-Evo 1 if only for the fact that there's very little recycled animation, but it's just cringey in so many places. I would recommend people watch it in the same way I would recommend people watch The Room. It's just really fun to mock.

It was boring as shit, I'd only watch it because brown girl is hot as fuck.

Captain Earth had half of an interesting show dragged down by everything else.

The T-Kills were neat, and should have been the sole focus. Even if I like Puck as a concept, he belongs in another show.

I would recommend you watch it when it's subbed. It's actually a pretty interesting movie if you understand what's going on. Plus Anemone is really cute.

Enokido was sniffing too much farts that time.
What is he up to now?

>What is he up to now?
He is still in fujo hell.

Yeah, that's the plan. I'm remaining optimistic solely because Hi-Evo 1 wasn't exactly terrible, but very disjointed in terms of its plot.

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Good, he deserves the eternal rot, after Star Driver movie and Captain Earth of all things.

how long did it take the first to get subs? Or does it not get subs until official eng release.

>FMA 2003 made money so brotherhood came later
Bad example. Brotherhood happened because 2003 shat the bed when it went off manga.

Amusing how the same edgelord idiot who wrote FMA 2003, also wrote Eureka 7 AO. That guy should be kicked out of the industry for being such a shit writer.

I'd say it's not lack of talent, but the industry is shifting towards other skill sets so less people are learning the old craft. A crude example, but imagine if one day a dude shows up with a GUN and says "Look at this hot shit". Not as many sword makers are going to be around when the gun is a mainstay years down the road.

You're being ridiculous. FMA 2003 created a suspenseful and well-paced plotline that was consistent with the tone of the manga and the first half of the series. Brotherhood inserted random generic humor during serious scenes and adapted the last several chapters of the manga as a generic shonen shitfest with punches and explosions.

He's so adamant about counter culture not being a theme, but he uses the term "Summer of Love" which literally the start of the hippie counter culture. I guess it's just Japanese using phrases they think sound cool.

>2003 shat the bed when it went off manga
It didn't go off manga. There wasn't no more manga to adapt back then. They had no choice but to go original.

I refuse to touch anything E7 related that isn't the original show. Maybe im gonna rewatch the original soon. But I wont ruin E7 for myself with these terrible sequels.

FMA 2003 was perfect as an adaptation. It only started going to shit when they ran out of manga to adapt.

I never said brotherhood was that good. But I am saying that 2003 is an edgy and melodramatic mess that stinks of bad writing. And E7 AO proves that the guy who wrote 2003 is a hack.

I don't think the sequels can exactly ruin the original show. It's not like they would splice the movie into future BDs and force you to accept it as the ultimate definitive version. You know, like a certain western science fantasy genre. I'm talking about Star Wars

As far as I can recall, the only thing from the PT spliced into the OT is replacing the original Anakin ghost actor with Hayden Christensen and maybe also that No from the BD version. Everything else was just originally cut footage and/or new CGI shit. Of course, it was all terrible either way and people should go track down the Despecialized version anyway, so this is mostly just semantics.

At least the original Eureka Seven is untouched and you can get it in Bluray. How good is that version, anyway?

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In retrospect, that explains this image

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What possible moment could Eureka 7 have that equates to "Han Shot First"?

It's basically the original except in HD. Aspect ratio is still 4:3 which is why I haven't bought it.

Plus, my original DVDs are signed by both Kyoda and Stephanie Sheh at Otakon. Thinking back on it, I can't help but think doing that was a mistake.

They'd fix the aftermath of the Kute-class so Renton wasn't being an insufferable prick to Dominic while their Waifus are sitting there invalid.

I have mixed but positive feelings about the show. When I started watching it, I enjoyed the music and the smooth style it had. But as it went on, it became obvious that the show has a real identity crisis. For the first half of the show, it was a literally Gundam 0079 remake (with some Eva thrown in there). And oh boy did the show turn shit when they entered that cave. After that, Holland became way too abusive, Renton went way too pussy and the entire crew became unlikeable. I would have almost dropped it, if it weren't for based Ramba ra...I mean Charles and Ray. They kinda kept the second cour a float. Then, when all hope was lost, episode 26 happened. And it is one of my favourite tv episodes out there. That scene where Eureka flies through the clouds and avoids Charles, while the absolute baller track "final wish" plays in the background, has to be the highlight of the show. After that the show kinda finds its own identity and reaches a quite alright ending. Really don't know what to think of the show. It should have been 39 episodes, with the angst arc being cut down in size. Also the romance was real slow, because Renton just couldn't confess for some reason. I really need to rewatch it and see how it holds up.

>For the first half of the show, it was a literally Gundam 0079 remake
I don't think you've ever seen 0079.

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i never saw eureka seven,but everytime i watch the opening i think to myself that i missed a damn good thing and that i should go watch it, but you always seems to bitch and be very bitter in every thread,im kind of scared to sit down and watch it

>Couldn't confess

Have you ever tried talking about your feelings to a rock? There wasn't a person on the Gekko that didn't know Renton liked Eureka; he virtually had a permanent boot-print on his ass for it.

By the way, that included Eureka: It takes 20-30 episodes for her to get the emotional development to understand it means something.

What I didn't like was how the show seemed to pull all sort of contrived bullshit to force Renton and Eureka together. For example, before meaning Renton Eureka could pilot the Nirvash on her own just fine, but right after she met her the Nirvash stopped working for her completely, forcing her to cooperate with him. I think that kinda shit detracted from the romance. Made it feel forced.

>Series about a traumatized disabled teen child soldier looking for a substance made from genocide victims is edgy and melodramatic

You don't say

>Everything, from the original TV anime, to the video games, to PFOR, to AO, to even the manga are all dreams she made up to try to cope with the guilt and despair for the past years.

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... That's the point of the Nirvash. It's literally a mediator for Coralian/human interaction and a shield to protect them when they try to travel back to the planet through the fucking hole in space time.

It's literally doing its job.

If that was the case, it would have made more sense if Nirvash needed both characters to make it work. But the damn thing actually worked for Renton alone. It just didn't work for Eureka anymore. That was just stupid.

The Nirvash was intentionally snubbing Eureka to break her of her pride and bad habits. It worked with Renton because it didn't need to force him to collaborate with Eureka, and after a certain point, it was trying to help fix the fact it drove her to attempt dissolution suicide.

The show makes it damn clear you're supposed to view the Nirvash as a character in and of herself. It's not subtle; the cast literally pushes it at any point where Eureka asks them for advice.

Oh please, 03 is just angsty in a bad way. You can simply compare how manga and anime handled the same plot points to see how it doesn't work. Like that fight between Al and Ed caused by the fact that he started to believe that he never existed in the first place, in the manga Winry intervenes by slapping some sense into him, the brother have a cathartic fight and then they finally open up about the fears they've been hiding. In 2003, Winry just watches the brothers fight with the same shocked, desperate look in her eyes that the main characters have for the vast majority of the second half of the show, and does nothing. Then Al escapes from the hospital as his angst that dragged on for another couple of episodes, before receiving an underwhelming payoff in the midst of a shitty sideplot he got involved with in the meantime, in typical Shou Aikawa fashion. All while Linkin Park were playing in my head as the shitshow unfolded before my eyes. And don't let me touch the "Mustang killed Winry's parents instead of Scar" thing.

*as his angst gets dragged on

The Nirvash rejecting Eureka was because she needed to go through some self reflection. To explore her humanity. On the other side, this put Renton in the heat of battle, or in Eureka's shoes. This causes him to understand what war is about as she did. The Nirvash acted as a catalyst for Renton and Eureka's understanding of one another.

Yes I have, and e7 is a damn near remake of it. I mean look at the Ramba ral/Ray and Charles arc. Basically the same damn thing. And there were a dozen other similarities that I noticed while watching it, but have forgotten now. Also, Bright and Holland are very similar, and the villains use mono-eyed mechas.

Well sorry but I don't think using a plot device like that is good writing. A relationship has to come naturally from the characters. If you force it with external devices, it will come across as forced. That's something a decent writer would try to avoid.

I'm not dignifying that with a meaningful response.

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Not in the slighest. For some reason you consider references and similar structure enough for two shows to be the same, when they couldn't be more different in tone and execution. I mean, Bright and Holland being similar, are you fucking kidding me?

>For some reason Kyoda is going full Delete Fucking Everything mode. In the REAL universe, Eureka accidentally killed Renton around where episode 11 would take place. Everything, from the original TV anime, to the video games, to PFOR, to AO, to even the manga are all dreams she made up to try to cope with the guilt and despair for the past years.
This shit should be illegal.

Charles and Ray/Ramba Ral arc is almost beat by beat copy. And both Bright and Holland are young men who try to act the role of the captain, but both have personal troubles that make them no different from the main character. Both take their anger out on the main character by punching him and punishing him, but as the show goes on, both start to mature and grow into the leaders role.

>They shat on evangelion with the rebuilds
>They shat on Eureka 7 with this
What are they gonna shit on next?
>Inb4 rebuild of utena.

It's impossible to deny there's many similar pieces, but this does not a remake make. Holland and Bright occupy similar roles, but have entirely opposed arcs and personalities. Noah is trying to grow into his responsibilities as one of the oldest on the crew and their defacto leader. Holland is driven more by guilt and desires nothing less than avoiding his responsibilities and the realities of his adult life. Their physical violence with the MC is very different as well, primarily because of how different the MCs are.

Amuro and Renton, our MCs, also have very opposed characters. Amuro is gangpressed into piloting and wangsts about this for a good long while. Meanwhile Renton is active in his pursuit of piloting and Eureka. While both are initially outcasts in their crew, Amuro is a peer whose own asocial nature and pacifism actively keep him from the rest of the crew. Renton meanwhile is constantly shat upon from his arrival as the new guy for no other real reason than that. He also has no real peers on the Gekko State aside from Eureka, which is a problem because he wants to be her boyfriend.

Eureka Seven is obviously a post-Gundam mecha show, basically all mecha shows are nowadays, but it's not so much a remake most of the time as having similarities because of how fundamentally Gundam defined the genre. Even stuff like a trio of kids running around isn't exactly a rare thing in these shows. They deal with similar themes but their actual depiction and processing of these is very different. Charles and Ray and Ramba Ral are the most similar, but even then the former have a much more personal connection and operate more like a two man cell, as opposed to Ramba Ral's more veteran general position.

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Did you miss that midget fairy who used her space magic on the entire track? I'll genuinely never understand how idiots like you watched that ending and beloved Sonoshee and JP died in some horrific accident when everyone else was looking up at them kissing with smiles on their faces. It was a goofy happy ending, you're just looking way to deep into it for no reason.

Captain Earth was great. But if I recall correctly, it ended on a shitty cliffhanger teasing a second season. That bullshit needed to fuck off and it retroactively ruined the whole show. Like, why even bother if you aren't going to end it properly.?

The OG series is well-loved on Yea Forums, but it's just a matter that everything else after it has been hot trash. Plus, since the OG was made back in 2005-6, there aren't many threads about it these days.

>But if I recall correctly, it ended on a shitty cliffhanger teasing a second season
No, it just had a vaguely ambiguous ending. But the fact that they went through the trouble of making it seem that Hana's body could be lifeless before making her answer after the fade to black, makes me think that they're probably alive.

Attached: captain-earth-03.png (1280x720, 639K)

I think AO could be good if they focused more on Ao himself instead of Secrets bullshit.

Wow, this thread is still going?

Thank you so much anons. It's not every so often you see this for Eureka 7 on here.

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> Everything, from the original TV anime, to the video games, to PFOR, to AO, to even the manga are all dreams she made up to try to cope with the guilt and despair for the past years
This can't be real. This is some shit you can find in an edgy 12 years olds fanfic.

The biggest fault I have with AO is that it doesn't have any memorable characters.

I know nothing about Ao. He was just a blank slate with no discernible personality. His motivations, his dreams, and his goals were never clear, so it was hard to get invested in him. All I never knew about him is he's Renton and Eureka's kid. Woop de doo.

Fleur and Elena were a little better but they were just paper-thin archetypal characters. A tsundere with daddy issues in Fleur, and a hyper otaku girl in Elena. Again, nothing to get excited about.

Naru was probably the worst handled character I ever saw in any show. At first it was heavily implied she was Ao's love interest and would accompany him on Gen Bleu, but then she just stays behind and does nothing. Until the show decides to make her a villain...for whatever reason.

Conspiracy theory here, but I genuinely think that AO probably was going to be a direct sequel and a lot of the characters here would have been featured as either descendants of the cast (Naru for example could easily pass for Holland and Talho's kid), but executive meddling got in the way and the production team had to scrap it for a boring, 20-minutes-into-the-future military mecha anime with a poorly done E7 paintjob. I have no way of proving this, of course, but it wouldn't surprise me if it's true.

The most I have to back up this theory is Kyoda talked in an AMA on Reddit about production troubles in AO. He doesn't go into much detail but he says AO was always a little rocky and the team couldn't do everything they wanted to do. When you consider how they went through writers like a whore goes through tampons, it's not surprising.

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is bad because the sequel isn't called eureka eight?

I remember a good fanfiction called Eureka 8 way back when (we're talking like 2007-08). I remember very little about it, but honestly, I think a fanfiction would be preferable to what we're getting now.

Last post to keep the thread going.

Thanks again for the great E7 thread anons. It's not often we see these.

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good and interesting threads have been staying up for a long time recently
is the cancer finally receding?
is a new glorious era of the few oldfags who were able to hang on all this time about to begin?

why is this image so sexy

It's not sexy at all. It's edgy and cringe. The edge in the film is so bad that Eureka is literally crying black tears.

Probably. Oldfag here. I'm surprised this thread survived this long.

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Darker than Black was pretty well recieved, but they did the exact same thing with it.

I remember when I thought Hi-Evolution was going to be Rebuild of E7 and got so excited.
I should have known from the beginning. Why would I expect a decent modern retelling? This is BONES. This is like their third attempt at shitting on E7. Don't know why I was so naive.

Brotherhood is fucking terrible, man. You have to move on from the bullshit "manga is better" thing.

>what could have been
it hurts

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This whole franchise is one long catalog of missed opportunities and wasted plots.

AO could have been decent at least, but instead it gave us a cheap cash-grab that just has an E7 paintjob sprayed over it.

PFOR is forgettable at best, but it at least tried to do something different and didn't fuck with the canon.

Hi-Evolution just wasted a chance to update the original for a new audience and instead indulged itself in stupid dimensional merging Eva-style nonsense. It's not friendly to newcomers AT ALL.

Frankly, I don't even know if Bones could do a post-series slice-of-life OVA right. There is so much potential that could be exploited in this series and Bones just misses the mark every time.

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This thread reminded me that I should rewatch the Original. It's been too long. Too bad Bones can't stop shitting on this franchise.

I have put off watching it for so long now. I don't think I've seen it in more than five years.

Maybe watching the original would be a good cleanser when HE-3 drops.

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I love the original but GOD DAMN do I hate those first few episodes with the kids jesus christ they get on my nerves.

breeding Anemone!

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Go to bed Dominic.

Isn't he a cell phone app now or something?

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Her dad's a cool guy.

He certainly isn't a sore loser, that's for sure.

Also, if any of you didn't catch it, I'm going to ruin it for you: Yes, Sweet JP won the Redline by a hair.

To be fair the ending in E7 falls apart if you start thinking about it, but hey it's about fungus hivemind aliens with psychic powers and people surfing on magic clouds using giant robots, we're well past that level of scrutiny.

He is. And I am forever mad about it.

Like said, I don't think there is a character who has gotten more short shrift in this entire franchise than Dominic. He's been pushed and just disrespected as a character almost constantly. It breaks my heart because he was such a great character.

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I prefer to think of it as the limit of questions.

I'll get my coat.

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This can't possibly be fucking real, right?

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>3D CG and it's impact on anime thread gets deleted
>DMC anime thread gets deleted
A few more good ones from the past 6 months as well that I can't seem to recall.

The opening episodes are pretty great. The ones setting up the world and introducing Renton and Eureka and even Holland. That first fight and escape. It's a pretty classic coming of age opening, setting up what Renton wants to be, what his childish failings are, but also what his virtues are. Things go to shit almost as soon as Renton gets on the Gekko State.

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