Gaisshu Isshoku

Michiru a cute. Also, is anyone keeping up with this series? Will Komori finally win a challenge?

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I managed to read the first couple chapters or so of this. It was easily one of the worst things I've ever read.

I only managed two if I remember correctly. Main character acting in a totally unreasonable manner has always been something that made me drop media.

Isn't this gonna end in NTR?

This girl is a total bitch but I actually kind of like this manga. At least in recent chapters the main character has started to act like less of a beta pussy and and started to go after that manko, which is more than can be said about most ecchi series. Plus, the art is really damn good. I can see why some people would hate it and respect that but I enjoy it for what it is. Biggest problem for me is I'm not sure how much they can further their relationship can get before either it just straight up becomes hentai or MC starts to regress.

I don't think this will drag for too long, my guess is that we may have more 20 or 30 chapters before it ends

Him making her moan while on the phone with her editor was gold. Other than that it's pretty infuriating reading this.

I don't like reading this at work because my peepee gets all wet every time the challenges happen. Michiru is too delish.

if you get hard you lose

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I still can't tell if she wants the dick or not.

She is literally made to have glorious hate sex with. When MC and her finally fuck it'll be mindblowing.

>She's a typical roastie
She's literally a virgin

Is she what they mean by monster virgin?

>real people
Go back

>that foot massage in last chapter
MC is going for the win

The more you open yourself up to reality the more open you are to fiction, no matter how ridiculous it gets. That's why chads can enjoy anime and manga about total strangers defining themselves in strange worlds. Meanwhile shut-in losers chase after faux reality in fiction and constantly demand ways for them to self insert, like japanese kids being isekaid or some magical world happening to just land on top of modern japan

Nah he'll graze her pussy with his finger like the masseuse did to him and he'll bust a nut and lose.

>Chapter 19
Jesus Christ that was hard get through

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>Short stack with large tiddies
What more can you ask for?

anyone can post the full nipple touching experience?

This. Based and truthpilled

This author might not be an NTRfag, he is just a fucking troll and loves his fun.