Leaks soon anons, don't give up yet
Houseki no Kuni
Other urls found in this thread:
Lose all hope
why does this series give me such sublime feels no other series does?
Despair and suffering?
I would fuck Yellow so hard.
Have you considered just making a thread when leaks become available?
you can't fuck yellow at this point
Not with that attitude
>t.wheel of samsara
Most of the people on here don’t know where to find the leaks and rely on these threads to post them when they show up. Some kind user linked to the usual leaker’s Weibo page a couple of threads ago though.
There's absolutely nothing on chapter 78, not even on chink sites or Baidu, could it be delayed a month?
I have read zero chapters today.
Still at chapter 44.
Should I start reading?
It's 23:33
we would know by now if it was
Nope, some user said Ichikawa was listed in the magazine.
Ice floes, take my arms.
Moonmen then take my lover, too.
Lost my head and mind.
And I'm saying that when the leaks finally do show up just make a thread then.
As of now people who enter expect leaks to actually be here.
Sensei, still adamant.
Why then, turn into Cormoran.
Why, Paradise lost.
when the hxh shitposter eventually shows up, just ignore him.
Eternity pain.
Shiny. How long can we cope?
Acceptance, release.
Sleep, meditations.
Calm beach and jellyfish.
Now terror strikes.
remove too
I think it's eight syllables with too
It also sounds better without too.
Maybe I should remove then.
You're just mad that we have better androgynous characters.
Houseki is on a break this month!
Dont do that to me you cruel fool. It's one of the two manga I read anymore.
Don't lie red user.
Ichikawa is not on the list of authors of this months magazine. Im sorry anons. Its time to let it go.
It's true. I made that into reality.
But that's not true, user.
Through the ultimate despair, anons will lose their anxiety and reach ataraxia and enlightment.
is kurapika she or he?
stop saying such horrible things!
ataraxia is a state of being content
apatheia is a state of being mentally unchanged by destiny
I had this in class goddamnit
Lying can only get you so far.
Kurapika identifies as a Xer if all this anti-oppression training at my job is an indicator.
what's even the point of making a thread that's just going to be the same posts from last thread
might as well wait til actual leaks or the chapters drops
reading chapter 44 at the moment
they're having their little moment with every pair of gems
everything seems to be going dajioubu
someone is going to get MOONED by the end of this chapter, aren't they?
this is our safe space away from fat tumblrites and shounencucks
Source: my ass
how much dust can produce that thing?
You say that but from looking at these threads I'd say you're full of shit.
i've already spoiled myself but please say that it isn't true
Why so angry? There's always this one really angry kid in these threads.
Why do you signpost your posts with random offtopic shit, anyway?
I don't have gembutts saved. Help an aniki out.
Here, take this.
Leaks always come the 24th, no?
Is still too early.
By having a thread full of them and useless screeching. This fanbase is cancer.
This is not true, for the last 2 chapter releases we have gotten leaks on the 17th/18th. Normal leaks times for this series before those two chapters were the 21st and the 22nd. The full chapter drops on the 24th.
This post was made by Gang IceFloe.
Ain't no pussy gem bithc
not round enough
Why are you still in this thread?
That wasn't angry though. If you want angry I can go:
>this is our safe space away from fat tumblrites and shounencucks
Yeah, sure. Then what the fuck is this thread if not shounen and tumblr? But excuse me, what do I know. Keep posting your gembutts gemfriend. :D
Imagine being this troubled.
Listen, fucko, i'm not your mom or dad, if you need someone to bitch against, you got two people who can brace it. I am here to shitpost about gembutts and I don't need your bullshit.
If you said this to me in real life, by God I would not hesitate to gut you alive and hang you upside down by your guts.
i think it sounds better when it includes the "too" because that's when the high note / cresendo thing hits. in fact, i would've had a third syllable on the ice floes part.
Alright then where are you? I'll say it as many times as I want cause your pussy ass can't and won't do anything about it.
Now go home and worship your toilet like the rest of these babies.
let's just say the lunarians won't need to kidnap anyone anymore
Orange hires you to write the first episode of season 2. You have the standard 20-21 minutes.
What's it like?
can I just add another syllable with the first line?
I thought it always had to follow the formula of 5,7,5
Now that I think about it, the too is nice. Makes it sound like Dean Martin or some 50s singer
Thanks for looking at it, friend :)
you have fine instincts user
OH I was reading this to the tune of country roads, my bad!!
I'd just cut huge swaths of plot and entire characters.
What does it feel like to know all the manga you spent time reading will now be available to the first best tom with his dick out his pants to watch?
post bald gems
Look at these poor pitiable creatures creating terrible poetry that no one likes. What a dreadful existence they must lead.
The first moment they're not suffering is the first moment the real suffering starts.
ok cinnabar
I hope there's some interaction between Phos and Cinnabar soon.
It's just going to be some more awkward staring and Cinnabar blushing again, pretending they have a romance when Phos is getting into hookups with random gems and even non-gems left and right.
All the interactions between the two are exactly the same anyway
>Phos tries (emphasis on tries) to help cinnabar or do somthing nice
>Shinsha is too busy being a grumpy emo to care
the suffering train never stops
Anyway, who are your favorite characters so far?
But that ain't Cinnabar. This is. Look at those beautiful crimson eyes. CGshit can't even begin to emulate their beauty.
>Complains about cg on the 2d animated manga pv
What did user mean with this?
How's that 2D redraw coming along?
Goshe didn't deserve this.
right now I think phos and cairngorm are a pretty cute pair
melon is also fucking great, she fucking made volume 6 probably favourite side character
don't know why but euclase strikes me as very kind
seriously cinnabar is being such a hard-ass i wonder how they're going to resolve her arch eventually
Unironically agree.
The anime is a major downgrade.
It's good in it's field but since most 2010 anime is shit, so is this one.
What's there to say? Phos seems to have gotten the picture pretty clearly after their last few interactions.
Pretty well. Finished a frame just for this thread.
It's anime original so you may not recognise it.
you guys promised me leaks? where are them?
There's no going back.
I have finally reached the point of no return.
A quick haiku to commemorate this moment.
Ah, fuck. It's happened.
Phos is long dead, this is just...
... purgatory, yes.
I tould you so.
you could change just to simply to get the right syllable count
I'm retarded.
I hope shitsha dies this chapter
I have eight syllables, I just noticed.
Phos is long dead, this is...
... simply purgatory.
That's better ;)
Also I thought he'd be taken to the moon now lmao and that the head would remain on Earth.
don't do that.
Spoilers are out! Benito finally becomes relevant.
its an angry winker
I love Phos. I love her so much!
oh god...oh fuck...
And Phos would probably love you if you're even the slightest bit nice to them. Still less than Antarc though.
user why?
you know that gif of that loli getting skinned by this automated machine thing? they should make one with phos
>user tries haiku
>Thread descends into the depths
>None can save us now
except leaks of course
Haven't read the manga in months, just got to the latest chapter... gonna need some new chapters soon!
Also do people listen to music while reading? Pls recommend some shit cuz I've only been listening to Sweet trip...
my go to
forgot link
>listening to music while reading
>ruining the experience the author handcrafted with external influences
If you don’t read manga in a soundproofed isolation-vault you are doing things incredibly wrong
>he wants to listen to his own thoughts
what the fuck is wrong with you
without calming sounds i can physically not read
Where the FUCK are my leaks
the leaks are here
*unzips duck*
I just listen to rap like a normie, sorry I probably cant help you
For reading, I go with the same stuff as my deliberate working music if I'm listening to anything. This is mostly SciFi OSTs/electronica and DnB/Chillstep, as OSTs (esp. game ones) are designed to aid the primary medium rather than *be* the primary medium, and electronic stuff keeps pace without being too distracting the way a more... performative? piece might be.
The anime OST is great for this, although I had to find a mix without having the battle music interrupting every few minutes.
Orbital might be a bit of a generic response to this too. Good background music, but maybe not suited to reading HnK specifically.
Another good OST is the Neo Tokyo OST, from a HL2 mod that tried to be a kinda GitS crossed with CS:S back in the day. It's chill electronica with a strong scifi flavour, and feels kinda like a what-if for a faithful western GitS adaptation. But it helps that I come at HnK from a SciFi/minimalist rather than an ascetic/spiritualist angle; if you want something more that way inclined, maybe Four Tet? idk
apparently i cant count
your haiku is beautiful user :)
lmao wait what
send a link
I can't imagine reading something and hearing some other lines of text at the same time
Never though chillwave would fit HnK, but this is good shit!
you really think so?
It fits me like a glove.
I can get most reading done while listening to it.
I really struck gold with this combination.
Your music is dank too, desu.
Thanks user cant wait to get crucified by everyone here for my music taste. Here is one of my favorite albums.
So, are we going to make ((((them)))) pay or what? Sensei can't pray ((((them)))) away so there's only one option left
It's not shit but I can't imagine the combination of rap and buddhist gembutts, no matter how hard I try.
How big was Red Dia gemdick?
to be truthful, i listen to the nge ost while reading each chapter
Jesus, this fandom...
so big Aechmea still has nightmares about it...
and that is the tip of the ice floe
I don't really envision mixing the two, it kinda just is noise that I like and when I'm reading I tune it out for the most part. I listen to metal sometimes too but I can't tune it out the same way so I don't read with it.
Looking forward to check those out!
Four Tet sounds great, thanks man!
someone post the chart
Does alcohol affect the moonies? For his sake I hope so. Life is pain and theyre like immortal
>For his sake I hope so
>his sake
>feeling empathy towards a moonie
This manga is so fucking kino.
With minimal lines the gravity of the situation is instantly communicated.
Just finished volume six.
Ichikawa should be idolised.
Ichikawa is worshiped has a god
Ichikawa is a god
but where would i go to suffer waiting for the leaks?
this is obviosly a shitposting thread, everyone just come and post reaction pics
Suffer with us
Can some kind user post the weibo link please?
Ichikawa has gone insane!
Try Sonasile by Sohei Amimori user i'ts got the same glitchy vibes open.spotify.com
Thank you user!
look at this fucking nigger
you're a dumb dumblrina
What if Ichikawa released one page a day for twenty days, with a ten-day break between?
fucking why come here?
Ey not bad! A bit high tempo for reading but a nice new album to listen to eitherway! :)
What if Ichikawa stopped monthly releases and dumped the whole thing 5 years from now?
What if Ichikawa had the art quality and page count of a monthly manga or the release speed of a weekly manga instead of the worst of both worlds?
What if we got a happy ending?
What if Ichikawa finished the fucking manga sometime this century?
oh god
that would be even worse
weekly or fortnightly would be ok, but daily threads...
we'd end up like poor Tomo-chan, full of "Every thread is the every thread is the every thread is the" and ">TL name" whenever PAS or stalker help out.
Mind you, the shitposting (and general activity) would probably increase..
Nice to see a small Yea Forums fandom collectively gone insane. Fucking hell be a little more patient.
my wife haruhi is cute
For me, this is the most "houseki" song outside the OST: youtu.be
it will be finished in like 2.5 years assuming we get 108 chapters
>he doesn't have a diverse media diet
>he thinks this is the best the internet has to offer
Jesus I'll be old and gross by then
Good stuff! I'll add it to the list! :)
like euc dick!
these OCs aged like milk
The only thing stays true is NewGoshe having fun on the moon.
Good. I like my manga like I like my milk: bittersweet, and with a sour fanbase.
the leaker is dropping a lot of things
leaks in a few minutes
Nigga what kind of milk are you drinking?
Original Goshe was one of the nicest gems. I wonder what she and original Morga would think of the current situation.
How do I get a gem GF?
Thread theme:
lucid dreaming
m80 you gotta try adding chopped onions to your breakfast
makes you really question your life choices up to that point
What if I can't sleep because the thought of no Phos-GF keeps me awake at night
Old Goshe is also one of my favourite gems
Everytime he updates and it's not the houseki leaks i scream inside...
It's has been three days i'm barely sleeping. The most i sleep was four hours straight... I got a severe case of lustrousanxiety. Help me...
>Yea Forums
>the best
absolutely not but you're retarded for even making this argument
drill a hole into a chunk of phosphophyllite
Just go to bed, everybody gonna die anyway.
>chink still dropping anything but gembutts
Just go to sleep, sooner or later we will have the whole chapter.
I just love how it goes to show that Ichikawa has a good handle at defying audience expectations.
The whole cairnphos ship sunken, despite the fact that the fanart augured the opposite
i can't help
Does anyone have an image of Phos with a gun?
sure here you go fampai
Despair, but also an erection.
Sunken is understating it, it blew up like the fucking USS Arizona.
trips of truth
I need my monthly dose of sadness
I'll sleep with you user
Let's us all sleep like the gems in a huge comfy room with fluff pajamas. When we wake up there will be six chapters for us to read.
Forgot image
>just fuck my shit up you quack
“Let’s throw it into the sea” JESUS
can I have a couple non-QUALITY shots of nuMorga this chapter pls Ichikawa
Damn, Kongou-sensei looked like THAT?
Parts of Arizona could still be salvaged. Cairnphos is scattered all over the floor of the Ironbottom Sound.
Rutile was cool... but not anymore. Euc doesn't seen so Eucler...
Was born hardness three
Replacing my limbs and head
Am I yet still me
>tfw Rutile used to be one of the closest to Phos
And this is how earth gems become the new lunarians.
Guess that's why Phos' betrayal fucked with Rutile even more than usual.
>yfw the eye is streaming for the moon gems
>tfw I actually had a dream where phos was my gf
is Euc using dark gloves?
Anime watcher here, how much does Phos change in the manga after having liquid gold limbs?
Go away and read the manga right now.
A whole lot, read the manga for more details.
>tfw I had a dream that I was back in college and Phos was a transfer student that I instantly crushed on
Someone please post the rest of the pics.
that can't be yellow right? I see tits
A) Went completely insane.
B) Became the MOON IDOL, sorry Benito, better luck next time.
A lot, though personality-wise she's actually closer to how she was early on pre-gold arms except with more baggage and experiences informing her behavior/decisions.
Is Phos gonna lose faith in trying to save them at any point, or do you think that the one thing he won't stop trying to do?
Who will save Phos now? Sea arc cancelled.
Yellow always was a slut, after all.
He is using bitch gloves made for bitch gems
what are these, leaks for ants
>Aechmea slice of life.
Fucking kek. Imagine if sea arc never actually happens.
AAAAAAA! And w-what about Chadparadscha?
Dude save the full size images.
>Barbata trying to get sum Benipussy
is that melon?
Moonslutting aside, this is a nice looking page.
What a fucking slut
Meanwhile in the moon.
It's not fair, poor Phossu.
What Melon was saying here:
>Bad kid
>If you get better then you would get sunlight once in a while.
>literally falling from the sky naked onto the giant ass bed
Ichikawas sex scenes do not disappoint
>it's okay if you break me
You ever suffered so much you got your mind reset or something
Imagine the smell
W-What are they reacting to?
dog balls
asking to see their gemdicks
at least he seems happy for now
I don't know user, you tell me.
what the fuck
Red Beryl wants to show his gemdick piercings.
How much you guys wanna bet Aechmea sends Alex, Dia and Benito to rescue Phos?
I was right, we should've shattered eucfag before this shit started
Er... Did you guys realised... That... EVERYONE EXCEPT PHOS IS HAPPY?!?!
Haven't he send Cicada?
Yes, it's not fair, Phos deserves happiness too.
Second Gems War when?
I can't believe sensei is allowing this to happen
Even rutile is happy after not saying a single word in like 20 chapters
Except for Sensei and Yellow I believe Phos is entirely justified in killing them all.
>Earth gems are happy
>Moon gems are happy
>everyone is happy
>everyone but Phos
What is she saying?
Add Cicada to the team, otherwise is not enough.
>Dia + moon power and Cicada up vs Bort and Cinnabar
>Alex wrecks the other gems.
>Benito searches for Phos and has awkward moments with the juniors or Nepti.
Fuck me, how much must Yellow hurt to be smiling THAT much?
>three word replies on a single page
what the fuck is wrong with yellow?
Mindbroken by moonie cock.
Does Ichikawa furiously masturbate to suffering or something? Phos didn't deserve any of this
apparently it says yellow has finally found a purpose
pleasuring moonie dick
What the fuck happens now? Is Phos just gonna stay the only one who can never find any happiness, or peace of mind? Or is something gonna happen that will fuck everyone up and Phos will be the only one to escape?
I feel like all gems became psychopaths
Poor phosie
unironically maybe, she seems to like writing stuff that makes even her uncomfortable
I hate all the gems, Phos is trying to save everyone but they won't listen because they love being unhappy
Phos is nu-squealer
oh god I see moon pages, is nothing going to happen this chapter?
not real translation
Posting the leaks in orden and good quality
>every gem now uses dark gloves
The earth gems start burying Phos in verious secret spots so the moonies can't retrieve him.
>Even fucking Shitsha
I hope everyone dies and she's the only one left alive to go insane from solitude.
>three tiles
>three gems are gona go to the earth
>>every gem now uses dark gloves
real subtle symbolism ichikawa
>Barbata drinking to forget
>why do the gems have a playroom?
>why do they have a picture of the wedding on the wall of the playroom?
>why is aechma bringing groceries to the playroom?
>where the fuck is nugoshe?
>god i miss buddhanon in this moment
So Phos could just wake up to everyone dead after the Lunarians and the Earth Gems go to war
>Fucking psycos
well done Melon, you stupid bitch
leave Phos there for long enough and she's gone for good
>Phos is now a sealed ancient evil
>Yellow is literally in a psychiatric room
1 - I don't fucking know, it might be a normal room the gems vandalised.
2 - seens more like an tv broadcast, the wedding was yesterday for them.
3 - Barbata is gonna make dinner for them
4 - Do you think that psycho is gonna waste his time with these bunch of dweebs?
guys this isn't what I wanted. I wanted happy end
I really hate Shinsha.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she did get off to suffering.
Watching them still act all cutesy with each other as they do this pisses me the hell off.
Gas the earth gems
Why in the fuck are they all okay with this? Was it bad enough to just hear Phos out? I get that the gems have a skewed view of life and death but this is pretty fucking extreme.
Hell, it was even stated before that the gems knew that Sensei was lying about his true identity but were just going along with it because they loved him, at this point now that they know for sure that Sensei is the reason that the Lunarians are attacking and killing them, shouldn't they be at least a LITTLE more inclined to get this shit sorted instead of just burying Phos and trying to forget the problem?
Bad chapter! Get in the box. BAD!
So how long until phos finds a gun is and proceeds to wreck hell on both the earth gems and all the lunarians
judging by senseis expression, or lack of one I doubt he is really ok with this but doesn't want to do anything
>Joking and fooling around about where they buried Phos' pieces.
Their stance is probably a "forget it, and just live with it". They'd rather avoid having to change the status quo, than to be forced in a position that they have to make a hard choice.
Basically, they're major pussies who don't want to be hurt.
Not even talking about Sensei, just the gems in general, especially when they're acting all cutesy and happy after this whole incident instead of being even a little uneasy about what just transpired and what this means for their future against the lunarians.
Judging from the spoilers Euc is the only one who thinks this might be a bad idea.
>sensei is the reason we are getting kidnapped! i know this because a gem that misteriously came back from the moon and basically kidnapped multiple gems himself told me so!
As far as the gems know phos works for the lunarians either willing or unwillingly
You'd just think a more than a few would be more sympathetic to what Phos is trying to do considering how many other gems have been lost to the moon. Even if they don't have all the info, they know Phos wants Sensei to pray for the Lunarians so that they can leave, that alone is enough to just spend a little time thinking about rather than just immediately wanting to destroy evidence of the problem.
It's not fucking fair bros........ Why must Phos still suffer even though they want to make things right....
Now who the fuck is gonna save them? I'm guessing the gems from moon but could also be the admirabilis in earth.
>Judging from the spoilers Euc is the only one who thinks this might be a bad idea.
Considering everything said in past threads about the Euc/Phos "rivalry" of sorts, the irony of this situation just makes it even more tragic.
The gems have already heard Sensei explicitly reply to what Phos says about praying for the lunarians as well as basically saying plain that Phos's actions/view is correct.
> I'm guessing the gems from moon
Seems like the gems on the moon as well as the Lunarians are content to just play around and leave Phos with all the burdens.
Yeah but the problem is, if Phos is right, that would shatter their entire world view, if they just act complacent, and act like the acts is just a part of their life, then they can pretend they're one big happy family forever.
Even before Phos went to the moon, a few gems already expressed the fact that they knew Sensei was hiding something, or they knew there was something weird going on between him and the Lunarians, but they choose to ignore it, because of that same reason. Even if they're not human, it seems they're scared of change just as much as most people.
>and act like the acts
Meant to say, act like the attacks.
this is some Lord of the flies bullshit
It's up to the slugs to save Queen Phos, then.
Naked Slug will have to sneak in on the earth, retrieve Phos and take her back to Outer Moon.
> I'll let you eat some sunlight once in a while
> Maaaybe~
Wait is that what Melon actually says. If so, all of these fuckers deserve to live in purgatory forever
These people are inhuman as hell.
Slow down there Carlos.
Yeah, they're made of rocks.
That's the basic translation, along with her saying "There you bad boy! Repent!" or something like that.
>These people are inhuman as hell.
I mean, that's pretty much how the series started before all the feefees and developments.
Every month I come back, hoping for a bit of light hearted fun
Every month I am reminded which series this is
Euc redemption arc?
>These "people" are inhuman
No shit.
I fucking hope so, she seems to be the only one with an even slight inclination that this wasn't the right course of action.
>Phos is shatterd beyond normal reparation
>pieces will be in the dark for a long time
>Barbata explication about gem memories
You know what happens next
Remember when the only thing we had to worry about was having Phos survive and figure out a job she could give Cinnabar to make her happy?
Are we witnessing the gems murdering LaPhos in order to rebuild her from a blank slate a few thousand years from now?
Euclase doesn't seem to think this is right. Maybe they'll remove her from her prison and try to reform her at some point? Or send her back to the machine that puts her back on the moon?
Do you think they'd shatter her if they figure that out, and she does do it?
It's hard to say how long it takes for gem memories to break down though, we know that it (probably) takes over a hundred years, judging from the fact that nothing was said about old Morga/Goshe's memories even though they were the most recent captures.
And hopefully Melon isn't joking in that she'll let Phos have sunlight once in a while.
Youd at least HOPE that Achmea/the other moon gems wouldn't wait for years upon years without realising Phos's plan fucked up and for them to actually do something about it.
This is certainly an interesting twist in the story. I really haven't felt this bad since earlier Tokyo Ghoul :re days.
Euclase contacts sluggos to fix Phos / leaves Phos with some way to get put back together? Can't remember if Euc ever interacted with the slugs
Back here again every month, ay boys.
That would be great. Euc getting some proper development by genuinely helping Phos would feel like something that's been a longtime coming.
I wonder if Phos user already saw the spoilers. He might just get even more depressed.
>Each gem is hiding a piece of Phos so she can't be possibly recover by the Moonies/one of the earth gem
>SHITSHA is the one who suggested this
Just kill me now
>It's not just a simple "find the burial grounds", you actually have to steal from each gem to get her back together completely, or kill them for it.
I'm not too surprised by them not piecing Phos back together, but keeping the pieces separate and burying Phos underground is pretty extreme.
Honestly the harsh treatment is a bit strange, considering both Sensei and Euc (the former leader and current leader) don't seem for it. I guess Rutile and Cinnabar are really convincing.
Phos will merge with the land and finally become the Land of the Lustrous™
This, seems very odd that they (seemingly) didn't ask for Euc or Sensei's input for what they should do in this case.
>your personal doctor
>your personal emo
>The bottom line of the last page said Yellow had found her purpose
>Phos is now without purpose since both the Earth gems and the Moon gems are fine without him
Wow, the more times the gems appear, the more times they act like the fairies from Jonathan Strange. They're literally fucked in the head and can't comprehend what they're doing wrong whilst behaving like children.
I actually thought they were just regular people when I started out and the more I see of it, but no.
Burying one of your own in pieces under the fucking ground is not okay.
Imagine if Phos merged with the land and caused the land to submerge and kill everyone. Haha. Wouldn't that be funny, watching the earth gems drown. Totally hilarious, right?
If the shared sentiment is different from what the "leader" wants, then it's gonna happen. By this point they probably know they're living a lie, and that sensei can't really do anything about it, so they'll just stop anyone who wants to shatter their glass house, and play in it for as long as they possibly can.
You'd hope that Achmea and/or the moon gems figure out that Phos's plan fucked up and do something about it within the next 100 years.
As it is, it's kind of shocking how uncaring the gems on the moon/Achmea are acting instead of being nervous about what's going to happen next.
i think only euc will do something and because Sensei don't wanna any human interference in him even if is Phossu and his eye
I mean even IF Euc tries to do something, the bits of Phos have been buried all around the place by each gem so she wouldn't be able to find any parts except her own stash.
In case you didn't notice yet, most gems like to live "in the moment".
holy fuck user thanks for the maximum kek
>Phos is shattered and buried in several places
>Sensei didn't stop it
>Earth gems are happy with this
>Moon gems don't care
>Cringeworm and Aechmea are still in honeymoon
If the manga ended with this chapter it would be the best ending ever. Phos' story is such a wreck that it goes beyond despair to being a joke.
Wouldn't starving phos inclusions kill him? All of his different parts were accepted instantly and kept in place by his magical inclusions after all.
Doesn't he want to be able to do something, but understands that his programming is gonna stop him from actually being able to though?
He got his own gem onahole now, he ain't doing shit for another several hundred years.
>Phos gets into another coma
>Wakes up
>"I just missed out a little on living"
and lunarians are living for a prayer
Post bort
There's still one little piece of phos in the ocean.
I feel like the only one who isn't insanely emotionally invested in Phos like the rest of you are, I don't really have any empathy for them or their current predicament. I'm much more concerned with Yellow's fate and if Padparadscha and Rutile are ever going to unite or not. Also, will we see Lapis again? What about Ghost? It's sad to think Ichikawa has just abandoned them as characters along with Antarc.
the slug king of old ate the leg Phos left, and ended up shitting out a micro-Phos
The micro-Phos returns to land in present day
Attaches herself to Shinsha and TTGLs her
Uses mercury to TTGL Bortz, then Sensei himself
The totem pole of Sensei on Bort on Shinsha on MicroPhos ends up defeating the moon via a SEA ARC
People are invested in Phos because he's basically carrying the entire plot on his back while all the other gems fuck around on earth/their moony playhouse.
As it is, he's buried in the ground now so Ichikawa's going to have to actually get another gem to have some initiative and DO something now, but judging by the end picture, we'll get a chapter on Yellow next.
>Phos died all so another gem could get some focus/character development
Worth it, finally switching focus to a better gem.
>The traitor
>The sealed anicent evil (
>Implying we're not getting another gigantic timeskip, and have Phos full despair figuring out just what they missed in all the years they were stuck underground
>If he hasn't straight up forgotten most of their memories due to not getting proper sunlight
What the fuck is wrong with the earth gems?
They are basically worse than the Lunarians now, at least the powered gems are not sentient anymore.
Fuck them, I hope Phos fucks them all over with shame and their future enlightenment.
>posting the worst gem
I mean I don't see the earth gems putting Phos back together any time soon, or for no reason, so there'll have to be SOMETHING going on in between this.
Hopefully Achmea/Moon gems actually plan to do something now that Phos's plan has fucked up royally, they're only being allowed to stay on the moon because of Phos agreeing to help the Lunarians, and if the other gems just decide not to they're probably going to get grinded.
>Next 10 chapters are Phos having an existential crisis as they lie helpless in millions of pieces feeling Shinsha methodically hunt down and destroy him piece by piece
>Shinsha finally gets the new job they always wanted
>story over yay
maybe this time his dick will grow
They just can't accept that the way they've been living is wrong. They want to keep playing around and not taking any action themselves, not wanting to deal with the problem that Sensei is the key to fixing.
>Phos's gold alloy spreads through the ground like roots as she becomes one with the Earth
>She absorbs inclusions and begins to reshape herself
>Busts out of the ground reformed
>"I guess this truly was the Land of the Lustrous.."
>Pho's inclusions merge with the planet's core and melt all of the Earth gems
Houseki no Cunny
but thats not fun :(
So what the fuck to Achmea and Candycorn even do? They can't exactly fuck since they are respectively a ghost and a rock.
Only the Earth-gems matter.
>komm susser tod playing
any idea who the artist is?
This. Phos is the emotional anchor and linchpin of the series hence why people care so much.
phos' biggest mistake was being too human
what an idiot
thanks cute shit, shame they post so infrequently
>being too human
And a real hero
Extremely slow panningshot of ghosts legs.
So now that Phos can't be restored, is this a symbolic representation of Ichikawa having no idea where to drive the plot
Holy shit
Phos can be restored, but it'd take either all the earth gems agreeing to dig up their box of Phos and remake him, OR a third party ((Achmea/Lunarians/Moon gems and or the admirabillis)) brute forcing their way into getting all of the boxes back by coercion or force.
I... is that Phos
Will we see Phos smile again?
One box of Phos, seems like all the gems got a box to bury somewhere secret.
Yea Forums on Euclase then
>Fucking rock Hitler I hope she dies soon
Yea Forums on Euclase now
>Euclase is alright, at least she's not Shitsha or Rutile
this smile is gone for good
Seems like most of the hate is because we really have no idea what the fuck Euclase wants to do.
At this point though, judging from spoilers, in the name of keeping peace she'd probably be against this kind of extreme treatment, even if we know she doesn't necessarily believe everything Phos says.
Osiris all over again.
probably a lot of grinding
They all use dark gloves for their winter uniform, except for jade and the Diamonds.
Wait, they're cartying boxes of Phos.
Yup. Feels like we're on a different timeline.
Man I love thug Rutile
>another gem moonWHORED
When will Ichikawa stop this madness?
well craig did say "it's okay if you split me sloppily"
>Rutile hid her portion by throwing it into the sea
>slugs notice
>come to rescue Phos
Aleki next
>moonies figure out a way to make her fine in her red state
>by changing the feelings from murderous rage to pure lust
I hope he's fucking Paddo now
fucking a corpse shouldn't make someone that happy
Who's that?
So what is the moral of this story?
Don't trust rocks or ghosts, only jellyfish.
jellyfish tried to kill phossu before the other rocks did
It would if someone was mindbroken
we dont trust ghost we mourn her
At least Ventricosus felt bad about it and stopped the actual betrayal before it was too late + gave Phos replacement legs as an apology.
Hell, even 100+ years down the line her descendant was overjoyed to get a gift of forgiveness from Phos even though the story itself was mangled af.
Whelp I'm guessing a third time-skip is due, amirite guys?
Variegatus descendants will probably save phos after a time-skip
Would you guys rather ichikawa take 2 months and put more thoughts into chapters?
At least she's in a better place ;_;
I don't think so, not just yet anyway.
I feel like we're going to get some stuff on the moon with Achmea/the gems figuring out that Phos's plan failed and what they intend to do about it, they can't just leave things as they are now.
Plus I imagine that they're going to deal with the Admirabillis before Variegatus dies, otherwise the next ruler really won't have any clue about what's going on.
You mean in the vacuum of space?
Disgusting. It's disgusting. And the worst thing is that we've known this for a long fucking time. Ever since the Ventricosus arc, we've been aware that the gems apart from Phos are lacking some kind of fundamental humanity and empathy, probably caused by their immortality and recoverability from virtually any damage likely to occur. It doesn't help that they're essentially eternal children, who fail to comprehend the gravity of their situation, or the consequences of their inaction. I hate them. I want them to fucking die. The only ones worth anything at all are the moongems, apart from Cairn, and maybe Euclase, judging from her behaviour towards Phos ever since the night raid.
>earth gems basically did the closest thing they could to dusting Phos
They really are as bad as the moonies.
I really hope the memory loss shit that the other dusted gems went through doesn't happen to me cute Phos too.
This suffering is too much, I just want him to be happy again.
>Cinnabar attacks Phos and is the one to suggest keeping the shattered pieces separate
>Rutile fucking hates Phos now
>Bortz thinks of Phos as traitorous scum
>Antarc is permadead
>Ghost is likely permadead
>Cairn doesn't give a fuck about Phos anymore
>moon gems don't really seem to care
>earth gems don't really seem to care
seems the only characters who are still sympathetic to Phos are Sensei (though he's not willing to go against what the earth gems decide), Cicada, and the slugs
maaaaybe Euclase (and Jade?) but that's also not enough to stop the rest of the earth gems from burying Phos
based, though the moongems at this point seem just as useless as the earth gems, they're just playing around and don't seem to care at all about the massive emotional and physical toll all this shit has taken on Phos, who is the only reason they can be there in the first place.
With the exception of Paddy and maybe Yellow, they seem to just be completely oblivious to the dire situation.
Maybe sensei will get some character development and realise that the gems are dumb children that shouldn't be left to their own devices and take back his agency instead of just standing in the background all the time.
Is it bad that I read that out loud in Aku's voice? I miss Mako. ;_;
> Ghost is likely permadead
What makes you think that? Ghost is a 7 hardness right? So he should be able to get brought back just like the others without much trouble, though he still wouldn't have his memories.
yes, very very bad
p-phos is d-dead
Fuck that ungrateful bitch Shinsha
The mangaka of this manga needs to get laid
her mini stories are full of sex
Giving Ichikawa more time to think of ways to screw Phos up? No.
Sensei is just subservient by nature, and now that he's not forcing himself to be in the 'leader' position more, he'll probably be content to just sit back and watch the gems as they just consistently try and deny the problem.
As it is though, it'd be interesting if Phos was able to bring up the fact that Sensei is using bits of himself to destroy the Lunarians, or the fact that every gem lost to them makes him feel despair, at least with that argument you might be able to convince the stupid ass earth gems to actually fix this problem so he doesn't have to hurt himself.
I’m incredibly emotionally invested in Phos because AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH I LOVE PHOS!!!
There are multiple Phos anons, user.
Ghost is only the outer layer, so without a compatible core born on Earth there wouldn't be a chance to bring Ghost back.
> says he hasn't decided whether or not to trust sensei despite knowing that he's keeping secrets from them
> but decides that Phos, who comes out with all these facts from the moon, even to a point where he comes back unarmed and only wants to talk, is wrong and deserves to be split apart and buried underground forever
Shinsha is worst bitch by far.
The only way these piece of shit gems will learn their lesson is if the moonfags bring back a few of them from dust and send them to earth. I can't imagine what kind of despair and guilt some of them might feel when their comrades who finally came home think they're shitheads.
>doesn't LOVE Phos
Checks out
We probably won't get another timeskip because Ichikawa seems to want the story to take place over 108 years.
They could just layer him onto some fake Cairngorm and he'd probably do just fine, Phos's pearl eye works as a normal one, and Paddy is fully operational even though he's filled with fake gem pieces.
Seems like Ghost would be able to work the fake Cairngorm without too much trouble once his inclusions move over. Or hell, just make the inside fully ghost quarts instead to make it easier.
As it was, Ghost was the dominant personality even though he was only the outside layer of Cairngorm, so I feel like his inclusions would be strong enough to transition properly.
You know, at least Phos gets the sweet release of paused existence for a few days.
Phos would be fine and happy with dying but not until this shit is over, he needs to end this crap with the lunarians otherwise everything he went through and all the people he lost would be for nothing.
In Ch. 73 Barbata stated that Lunarians had failed to create synthetic gem bodies. Even if they could do so, the synthetic core would be without natural inclusions, along with most of Ghost's memories. Bringing Ghost back without memories of Phos or Lapis would just push Phos closer to the grinder.
Euc is the only earth gem who makes sense. Thinking about what has happened from the earth gems point of view, Euc's only wrong action so far has been being a bit to enthusiastic about using Shitsha's cum to defeat the moon gems, and even that isn't entirely unacceptable, since probably only Sensei knows that mercury can possibly ((kill)) Phos.
J-just you wait
Shinsha will go and dig up all the Phos pieces secretly next chapter right?
>the more phos gets broken and rebuilt, the more friends he loses, the more suffering he endures, the stronger he becomes
how fucking powerful will he become, now that he has lost all the earthgems forever?
Snails can smell Phos. Maybe that's how he recovers from the drawn and quartered treatment?
I thought the thing was that they failed to make anything actually move because they don't have inclusions, but tack on something that DOES have inclusions and, from what we've seen with Phos/Paddy, they work.
Even without that though, I feel like it wouldn't be too tall of an order to gather up enough basic ass quartz from earth to whittle into a body shape and stick Ghost onto anyway, at least when (if) this conflict ends. Just in general I think saying he's permadead is a bit of a jump.
Pad, the only other character who wanted to help Phos is also probably never going to be able to do anything again.
Interesting idea, and it could work if done correctly, but the slugs themselves don't seem that useful/mobile on land, even if they had their full bodies.
Seems like they'd probably be discovered trying to find the pieces.
It's also a matter of proportions. Phos only got one eye grafted onto her, Pad got some of the torso pieces, but Ghost is just a layer outside another fully functional, sentient gem.
Need to keep in mind though that Ghost had majority control over Cairngorm, even when it just came down to his eyes ((if Achmea is to be believed)), his inclusions must be strong as fuck.
**also Pad's torso pieces were basically integral to his composition and he was never able to function properly without them, even when it was a similar material paired with him.
I don't know how Phos is going to get out of this situation, but if he comes back just to shit on the gems and lunarians happiness I'm not going to blame him. Euclase might be one option, that statement about needing Phos was probably genuine from his part, and he's probably the only one who could figure out where everyone buried their parts of Phos.
He could figure it out, but not without any of the other gems becoming suspicious, and even then, I don't know if he would go so far as to do it himself. He didn't seem to like what the gems were doing to Phos in this chapter but that doesn't mean he trusts him enough to risk his own well-being to gather Phos back up.
Euclase is too smart for her own good. She may be the only one to outsmart Lapis' influence but also the only one to realize the weight of what they are doing.
So, are we having another timeskip soon?
Am curious to see if Jade is as enthusiastic about destroying Phos as the others or unsure like Euc
Don't think so, we still need the moon gems/achmea figuring out Phos's plan failed and either planning to bring him back or another way to get Sensei to pray, seeing whatever the hell yellow is up to, and seeing if Euclase plans to help Phos.
Also, even if we do get a time skip, I don't think it'd be a very long one, seems like the best idea writing wise would be to get this shit with the Admirabillis done while Variegatus is alive because the readers know her and like her, if it just switches over to a new ruler I don't think we'd have the same amount of sympathy for them.
Probably yeah. It could either be 7 weeks (How long Buddha fasted), or 80 years (how long buddha lived for).
In the second option, it would allow for the moon gems to try and restore others gems?
The moon gems simply don't care and to Achmea Phost lost her usefulness. It was her final purpose to them, to run the experiment of diagnosing Sensei and see how he behaves with a body of a creature from the 3 parts brought back together.
He might recruit Sensei to help him. It depends on how often they're going to check on where Phos is buried as well, although I'm sure Bort and Cinnabar would be checking every day for something like that
At least Squealer got to murder plenty of the obnoxious homosexual psionic fucks.
Where do we even go from here? I wouldn't complain if Phos came back somehow super powerful and committed gemocide.
I wouldn't complain at all.
> The moon gems simply don't care
They will after this since the only reason they were even allowed to stay on the moon in the first place was because Phos was agreeing to help them. At this point the gems ((sans Candycorn)) serve no purpose to Achmea and any benefits they get ((including remaking the gems)) could be revoked, hell, they might even get grinded if they don't agree to help.
> Phos lost her usefullness
Not necessarily, the Lunarians picked up the fact that Phos was the first being able to get past Sensei's internal security thing, so they still kind of need his unique composition in regards to communicating with and potentially fixing Sensei.
Why are we still here, just to watch Phos suffer?
Though Phos is in the ground now, time to watch one of the other gems suffer for once.
Crack prediction time:
>Pads wakes up next chapter and finds that Phos has been destroyed and buried, the other moon gems are mostly preoccupied with themselves rather than wanting to help Phos, resolves to go help Phos
>Bullies some of the lunarians (Cicada and maaaaybe Barbata) into helping him
>Rescues Phos, but to keep the deception, Pad swaps some of his body with Phos' so that it still appears to be Phos looking into the boxes, but it's mostly Padparadscha in there instead
>Phos with new Pads bits is dropped in the sea since there's no real place for him on the moon, either
>>Rescues Phos, but to keep the deception, Pad swaps some of his body with Phos' so that it still appears to be Phos looking into the boxes, but it's mostly Padparadscha in there instead
>>Phos with new Pads bits is dropped in the sea since there's no real place for him on the moon, either
This has been coming ever since we had a gem with holes who can't wholly function.
It seems like phos was grounded
It'd be a BIG undertaking to find Phos, we don't even know if the Lunarians are aware that he's been buried, Pads could have no idea, and if he comes down to earth he's probably going to be attacked first since the earth gems have made up their minds to not want anything to do with moon stuff anymore.
Also Phos still holds value to Achmea/the lunarians due to the fact that he's the first being that's been able to get past Sensei's internal security barrier
I suspect the lunarians were watching everything very closely since Phos got past Sensei's authentication, they should also know where Phos in buried in that case. I'm pretty sure that the first thing Pads would do when waking up is to ask where Phos is, or he could find out fairly easily. I was thinking it would be another covert operation, Pads wouldn't try to fight everyone directly again.
Well nobody could see she was going to pull O MY GHOST SHARDS out of nowhere
>Shitshabar is so toxic that he turns the earth gems into monstrous, idiotic assholes as soon as he starts hanging around them
>His poison doesn't even have to touch them
Damn you yellow. How can an old hag still be such a slut?
>We won't see Phos in this chapter because he's FUCKING dead
How many chapters do you think there are left?
I am starting to worry that Ichikawa may just do another 1000+years time skip and end the manga on an unsatisfying note.
Earth Gems are now morally on the same level as Aechmea the master duster, but he at least displays some cognizance of his actions and is working toward a goal.
I can't read kanji but from context I'm like 99% sure that Hemi and Melon both say 'hi-mi-tsu~" meaning that no one could put Phos together in full unless they got all the gems to cooperate
The most likely theory is that the full extent of the story would span 108 years, with Phos being awake for about six of those since the historical Buddha also took 6 years before he reached enlightenment
Not to defend anyone but Shinsha suggested the split in order to create a hindrance for the moonies should they come down to collect him -you know, like they did last time after the night raid. It's a shit move but it has a military purpose behind it since for all they know Phos's allegiance to the gems' sworn enemy is unchanged.
Do you think burrying Phos was tanoshi enough for Shitsha?
Is this what peak suffering looks like?
God forbid they just talk to Phos to figure this shit out. As it is they've effectively killed him and have no plans to ever put him back together.
Well, I for one at least like that Shinsha's portrayal. The smart, introverted character with the hedgehog's dilemma could very easily be made into the moral compass of the group as the female Literally Me, but Ichikawa is smarter than that and her main characters all have to undergo some moral quandary that might lead them to questionable places.
Shinsha refused Phos's temptation but succumbed to another, deeper one that probably resonated with him more -doing everything for the sake of the team once you've been made a member. Still, his inability to let go of things might rectify his deeds.
>yfw Shinsha's piece of Phos is in the cave next to the notebook and he'll still there from time to time
There probably won't be a long timeskip, all someone has to do is put Phos together, it's just the question of how that can happen is tricky
Never said it wasn't stupid to at least interrogate Phos to know what's going on on the moon and to ask him about the other gems
Still, moonies could be coming down as they spoke for all they know and most of the earth gems consider Phos to be the devil incarnate now, since unfortunately his activation of Sensei only looks like another of the moon's plan if you don't know what the reader knows
This. Shinsha's portrayal is excellent in the sense that he's STILL full of garbage. Fuck him, what a cunt.
Shinsha is mad at her cheating ex, that’s it.
Next chapter is yellow being a psycho probably.
Dumb shipfag, Phos has never been in a romantic or sexual relationship with anyone.
Shinsha, chapter 61:
>of course I won't willingly isolate and hurt a living being who's not hurting anyone even if everyone else turned against him, that's the whole point of my character
Shinsha now
Gee guys call me crazy but I think this reversal could be a plot point hinting at a character arc maybe
>Phos has never been in a romantic or sexual relationship with anyone
Phos is very promiscuous and polyamorous so it seems she gets along with everyone platonically but secretly she's the Weltschlappe.
I called that Yellow would be the one ordering slug genocide as soon as chapter 73 hit
>volume seven
>Phos STILL isn't on the moon
when the fuck is it going to happen I was promised suffering but all I get is a beheading
Vote for Phos!
>I was promised suffering
And the Antarc shit, ghost shit and the beheading don't count?
Dude, it wasnt a serious post
You're nearly there. It happens organically and is one of the few times when that happens
But they already released a Phos.
This. The real question is what will happen from now on with Shinsha? Will he redeem himself? Will he realise what he's doing?
Fucken Carlos
Will this ride ever end?
she only woke up during winter, nobody misses her
>ghost shit
meh cairngorm is pretty much ghost so whatever lol
yawn, she's prettier now, how much suffering is that?
Not a nendoroid.
nevermind I didn't get that this is Nendoroid-specific
Still it's a bit unlikely
But you'll help us vote, right? We'll all vote, right?
Sure why not, even if I'd like a Lapis or a Shinsha better, Phos (and Dia maybe) is the only one with some chance- still don't expect anything that's not insanely popular like Fateshit to win
Thank you user. I'll post this again in the next thread. We have to try.
Who would Aoi Yuuki voice in S2?
Cairngorm except she doesn't exist because Ghost Quartz doesn't either and so S2 can never come into being which is good because then anime-onlies would be up to date with the manga.
Lapis, with LaPhos being Tomoyo imitating Aoi.
>implying s2 ever
Obviously Lapis.
That's a very specific complaint, anyway Ghost does exist in the anime and was shown in a group shot, it's just that her character introduction was completely destroyed by episode 12.
Anime adaptations only serve as advertisement for the manga. Season 2 would be a grave crime and transgression.
>wasting her for a character who speaks for 9 (nine) pages in the manga
They'd have to have Lapis actually speak in Ghost's and Euc's flashbacks and Lapis' analyses as Phos is still getting used to his new head in vol 7. On the other hand, Kugi "queen of tsundere" Rie was put on a character who only switches for like a minute in the entire manga, so there's a precedent.
>Lapis voicing Phos' analysis
I didn't know I wanted this. It could be interesting if Phos' more intelligent thoughts were voiced by Lapis.
I kind of hope that whatever they do regarding LaPhos's Seiyuu they consult Ichikawa first, since she is the only one that really knows how much influence Lapis has at this point.
No, don't shove in extra Lapis lines for the flashbacks. Just have Aoi Yuuki do a boogiepop like voice in the dream sequence, and make a big impact with that alone.
Stuff like this would sound great if they had Aoi Yuuki start reciting the analysis in a monotonous voice in the background as Tomoyo makes silly Phos noises
>monotonous robot analysis
Remember anons, Ghost would have never hurt Phos.
>Antarc ded
>Ghost ded and sluttified
Poor phos, he has shit luck with gemfus.