What is it with best girl and saluting?
Love Live Sunshine
She knows Steve Rogers is best boy
I love You.
Remember when Love Live was just about a group of naked muscular guys who would just wank to each other? Those were the days.
Reminder that Dia finger bangs Ruby after school.
No, you can't use the love live! thread to talk about wrestling.
You can use the JP thread.
Because Dia is too useless to be on top.
riko dies in endgame
>Aqours will never do cool shit like jumping out of a plane without a parachute, wrestle an alligator, or smoke weed
>Hey, want to be a "school idol"?
>Don't get a boyfriend
>Only hang out with other girls who are also lesbians
Nice show you got there.
99% Similarity, I don't care. I stand with EMTN.
Can Mari save the day?
jimo ai
Hanamaru a cute
Who's on top?
Wub Wooby
Does anyone have more pictures like this of the raibus in more casual clothes and doing things things like eating food, walking around etc.? I like to look at them and pretend that they are on a date with me and it helps me fall asleep at night.
stuff like this as well for reference
Improved Dia-san
This but unironically
Even the fish are gay
That one doujin ruined her for me.
the alp one? I couldn't fap to it because of the plot desu
The one where she gets pregnant, now everytime I see her I think she's pregnant and is going to be a single mom
>tfw last marifag alive
feels good to be ELITE
Why is every sanctioned ship in Love Live pure putrid shit with zero thought or chemistry?