Why are there so few full adaptations?

Why are there so few full adaptations?

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Made just to push the source material.

Is the industry run by Jews?

jews fear the samurai


worse, capitalists

Why are you implying there's a difference?

I wish this got the GOT treatment but I know it wouldn’t work out because of the lack of degeneracy.

>GOT treatment

wasn't there supposed to be a new LoGH show?

already happened.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Legend of the Galactic Heroes - Die Neue These - 03 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_04.26_[2018. (1920x1080, 199K)

When's the movie coming out?

oops. Sorry, been out of touch with anime for a couple of years.

is it good?

>is it good?

It's fine

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Legend of the Galactic Heroes - Die Neue These - 03 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_06.07_[2018. (1920x1080, 172K)

>here's your Rosen Ritter bro

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Legend of the Galactic Heroes - Die Neue These - 06 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_10.18_[2018. (1920x1080, 187K)

loli fred tho

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Legend of the Galactic Heroes - Die Neue These - 04 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_15.54_[2018. (1920x1080, 175K)

How do you homogenize character designs this badly?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Legend of the Galactic Heroes - Die Neue These - 03 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_19.09_[2018. (1920x1080, 197K)

You mean start out strong and slowly devolve into fanfiction which completely loses the spirit of the original?
Its LoGH for a new audience in a new age.
People wouldn't care as much if it was a LoGH inspired Space Opera in space, but when you remake something so iconic and monumental, you really have to ask
Ship designs are fucking abysmal and fleets look awful
Character redesigns just do not hold a candle to the ones from the OVA
OP is catchy

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Unless something's extremely popular it's probably not profitable to adapt an entire manga. Especially if it's monthly and you have to wait so long for enough content to animate. Long running adaptations typically have tons of filler or are like One Piece where they adapt half a chapter per episode and are just a complete waste of time to watch unless you're a 10 year old Japanese kid that has nothing better to do before school. I imagine this is especially bad these days. And then once something's finished there's really no reason to adapt it at that point. I'm really surprised that Dorohedoro is getting an anime for instance.

new phezzan

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new phezzani whore

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Legend of the Galactic Heroes - Die Neue These - 09 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_14.01_[2018. (1920x1080, 139K)

>>here's your Rosen Ritter bro
what a mess. way too turn a unique design into just run of the mill spec-ops guys

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>Those bypasses that lead into the river
So did ol' Rube just decide to make a channel there and buldozed everything in the way or what

cause most manga don't have an ending.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Legend of the Galactic Heroes - Die Neue These - 08 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_00.15_[2018. (1920x1080, 199K)

lmao who approved of this

Too true. The single biggest annoyance that anime and manga have is an extremely limited amount of properly finished titles.

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How did LotGH even get animated in the first place? It's 110 episodes + 2 movies + 24 Gaiden episodes. Where did all that money come from?

dumb aristocrats

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Legend of the Galactic Heroes - Die Neue These - 07 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_12.30_[2018. (1920x1080, 138K)

why not, just adapt manga that's already complete?

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>Back on the rocks, Back on the rocks, Kaiser
>You gotta keep your State together
>Back on the rocks, Back on the rocks, Kaiser
>You gotta go and Rule forever

it hurts.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Legend of the Galactic Heroes - Die Neue These - 12 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_16.30_[2018. (1920x1080, 289K)

Why don't they just write out the entire story before doing a manga or early on? Adapting to perception always makes a story worse.

They could just make half the cast black women and show Kircheis fucking Reinhard up the butt. Problem solved.

what the fuck am I looking at

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copypasta fleet.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Legend of the Galactic Heroes - Die Neue These - 07 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_05.42_[2018. (1920x1080, 123K)

I know that, but what are those ship designs supposed to be? it doesn't have the same aesthetic of any of the fleets from the original

Give me it
I want it

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pretty certain they're imperial. dunno who's fleet though. the space fights in the new series were a fucking mess. at least i could tell what was going on in the old one.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Legend of the Galactic Heroes - Die Neue These - 03 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_01.24_[2018. (1920x1080, 207K)

First movie served as the pilot to test the waters
I don't know who exactly who approved it, but it was distributed through VCR tapes send by mail, as a subscription service, I think.
I guess Gaidens just show how popular LoGH was

They are imperial and by the looks of it all completely the same.
Old one had Destroyers, Cruisers, Battleships and variations on most

Because that is not how any kind of serialized entertainment works. You really don't know how long your manga will last till it gets axed, or in the small chance it takes off big you don't know how long the wave of popularity will last. Serialized media does not go well with good endings since the vast majority of the time it ends when publishers/producers think the money well has dried up, which usually is a result of the show/manga going to shit.

Please don't say such rude things about my wife (mistress).

3 movies, although nobody watched the third one except for me.

And 52 Gaiden episodes.

>Because that is not how any kind of serialized entertainment works.
With books like this, you have a lot more freedom to plan things out though and make an effectively connected story instead of only thinking a few events ahead with some vague idea for an ending.

I wish it was honestly

Manga works far more like TV, usually a chapter is written and released every week (or month) in a magazine. Therefore, while planning does take place and a good mangaka usually has an idea on where to take his series, his actual writing time is very limited once the series gets past his first few chapters. On top of that any plan the mangaka has probably is based on how long they think their series will last, but really they can't predict that. The length of the series is determined by economic reasons in most cases, which is just the reality of how business is done in entertainment. So any plans they have may be invalidated because now the length of their story is drastically different than what the originally envisioned. Also, this makes writing out a ending beyond some vague ideas a bad idea since the story is gonna evolve and deviate from the original plan. So when this ending is inevitably used its just gonna cause backlash. An example of this is with the western TV show How I Met Your Mother, where the ending was filmed during its 1st season in 2005/2006 and then used in the final season in 2014. It really did not fit at all with the characters and plot as they were in 2014 and felt a lot more like what would have happened if the show got cancelled in season 2 or 3. This was done simply because there were child actors that played an important role in season 1 as the main character's kids and they had a significant part in the ending, and their parts were filmed in 2006 since when the show inevitably ended they would be too old. In manga this issue with child actors would not happen of course, but it's exactly why an ending can't be hard planned years before a series ends.

So the problem comes down to the medium itself then? Why does something like a book have lots of content in a few bursts compared to a show with bits of content over a long period of time? Is it all just for a bigger profit?

Most mangakas write manga hoping they could keep writing them for long periods of time.
Starting a new manga from 0 in a non established world or genre is crazy, and usually mangakas want to keep writing more and more even after the manga is finished to keep the hype and the world that's popular.
Anime adaptations tend to come out when a manga gets very popular. It's usually done to boost the popularity of the manga as well so its usually done before the manga is finished.

At a certain point, the manga becomes to long to ever get a finished series.

It's trouble from all angles.

They don't have an ending because most manga are meant to be long running while most anime these days are hit and run jobs of 13 or 26 episodes. And if they're doing adaptations they want to do them while the manga is running and not after it already has an ending. I'm not defending manga for the way it's serialized but anime companies are at fault too because their way of business is completely different. Look at the new CCS anime. They started so early that half of the 22 episode adaptation had to be filler. And I don't know if there's going to be another anime for it because 22 episodes is already more than enough for most anime studios for a single property. Manga's goal is to be long running. Anime's goal is to shit something out with 13 episodes and move onto something else.

Asians are worse jews than jews.

Yup, which is why I said what I said here: It's messy business, although the tldr is
why are they so few full adaptations?
cause there are few full mangas.

That's not really true. Unless you're calling something not full because you didn't like the ending or something. But a lot of finished manga aren't popular enough, and weren't popular enough while they were running, to get a full adaptation. Let alone when they've been over for over a year. Anime companies clearly don't give a shit about having endings either because they keep making 13 episode adaptations of long running manga and LNs. It's just whatever makes money and manga with endings don't make money except under extremely narrow circumstances.

the japanese are the jews of the east, prove me wrong