You DID root for Wei, right user?
You DID root for Wei, right user?
Of course, poorfags flock with Shu and idiots go to Wu.
Wu isn't that bad at least until Sun Ho. Shu on the other hand is fuck gone to shit after Zhuge Liang die.
Lu Meng was 100% correct when he suggested to kill Guan Yu.
In Romance of the Three Kingdoms? Liu Bei
In real life? Cao Cao was in the right.
Wu is just some passive faggot waiting for the other two to go war and backstabs them. Shu is the ultimate fag who cucks Wai for no particular reasons other than "My surname is Lau so im the rightful emperor" despite nobody but one person in Shu knows how to run a country.
Cao Cao best wife.
Literally nothing that happens in Kingdom matters because a thousand years later the mongols will take it over and civilise the region.
I root for Jin
and today its a neo-commie police state.
what even is there in shu other than bandits and horses?
>people think it's pronounced 'Cow Cow'
>it's actually pronounced 'Chow Chow'
when the fuck is the counter-cultural revolution going to happen in china?
its not fucking fair chinabros
i don't give a shit about bugmen
best tzu
And thats the charm of Chinese history
>Brits: Our ancestors fought and colonised half the world
>Chinese: Thats nothing. Our ancestor did nothing but battleroyale for the last 3000 years.
Lu Ziming was 100% correct in everything he did and he was also the greatest commander in all 3 Kingdoms.
>Civilise anything
They're do fucking nothing and They're literally BTFO by Farmer rebel later.
nah you're both wrong. go watch the live action series.
Then why're you even here? being attention whore?
they tried
Even Tsao Tsao is closer than either of those
A chinese friend told me that the leadership of each have a sort of stereotype attached to them, like
>A is full of loyal subjects but aren't clever
>B is full of clever subjects but they aren't loyal
>C is both retarded and OP all at the same time
or some such (the above I just made up).
Is this right? Or was he just spewing shit like me after last week's dumpling dinner?
It's strange how everyone berates North Korea cause the media tells them to but China is doing the same shit except they have open policy (so instead of taking over a peninsula they're taking over the world)
For me it is the greatest warrior to ever live; Lü Bu.
Literally happened to almost all countries in the world.
>not getting the meme
Come on son, do you even meme?
no, because chinks.
A bit of oversimplifying but yes, the story (Romance of 3K) based on history (Records of 3K) follows this general scheme.
>Shu has a single smart character (who is also the greatest genius of all time as written by himself), the rest are loyal idiots
>Wei is full on ambition and probably the most liked by the westerners, also gets couped so the Wei that wins in the end isn't related to the original country
>Wu gets shafted because novel is about Shu vs. Wei mostly so they get ignored, their ruler gets dementia as he ages and lets the country go to utter shit, but they do consistently get the best tacticians and victories
Yeah only during that time period.
The GOAT is the one and only Xiang Yu.
No, I have to go with Wu because of my waifu.
I hate Fate so much
>the mongols will take it over and civilise the region.
Nice way of saying how they civilized themselves by adopting advancements from the places they went through only to become poorfags once again after Genghis died.
>literally said that learning swordsmanship was pointless because it only allowed him to defeat one opponent at once, says he needs to learn how to defeat thousands
>is taught how to defeat thousands instead
>gives up after the basic because 'lol i don't need to learn any more'
>gets btfo by Liu Bang
>commits sudoku
You mean Lü "not a war god" Bu?
What's with the chad body proportions?
You have to play the thinking man's game.
>gets paralysed and raped by a woman
Greatest. Warrior. Ever. If he wasn't a backstabbing prick he could have been G O A T A T.
Guan Yu would have been rekt 1v1 fite me fgt.
>couldn't even follow Chen Gong's basic advice
>meathead who could only smash hard
>greatest in anything other than tard strength
You're thinking of Xiang Yu who was famous for being strong. Lu Bu was awesome.
The entirety of my knowledge of the three kingdoms comes from dynasty warriors. Best girl is from green
Would anyone of you have known or cared about three kingdoms if it weren't for dynasty warriors?
Whats dynasty warriors?
You have to play Koihime Musou, or at least watch Dogakobo's magnum opus.
>not Kessen 2
I watched the 2010 series, haven't played any games
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门
Because money, chinese were smart enough to not show their claws until they had a good leverage over other countries
I was wondering how much I was remembering was what he actually told me.
He mentioned that Chinese sort of use it as a kind of stereotyping for people today, and that basically "everything" goes back to this work. Like,
>he's a Wei
>he's more Shu
and the like, especially in the workplace banter.
Whatever. Seems interesting. I'll have to check for a decent English translation of this stuff.
Did your country even have a internet?
Cao Cao is the best boy and did nothing wrong. 2010 TV-series is the best.
>Cao Cao is the best boy and did nothing wrong.
Other than letting Huang Gai in, sure.
Lu Bu would have been remembered as one of the greatest heroes of the Han dynasty if Wang Yun hadn't driven Dong Zhuo's generals to revolt.
>a traitor working for an even bigger fatter traitor
Nah, Dong Zhuo and his flunkies were heinous usurpers who trampled on the Han for personal profit. At best, they were no better than those rebelling to outright depose it. There's a reason they publically burned his corpse after his assassination.
Ravages of Time was actually my first time being exposed to 3 kingdoms stuff and I absolutely had no idea what was I reading about. Later rereads made me truly appreciate it.
>Westerners knowing shit about China outside games/novels/movies/series.
Of course not user.
I have a fucking degree in history and not a single time did they tell us shit about anything that wasnt north Africa, Europe or post colonization America+other colonies.
From where else I'm supposed to know that something exist if not from hobbies and entertainment when not even educational institutions tell me about it?
I completely forgot about that game. I think I played like half of it. Not a big VN fan.
How can you still post? Why are you defending chinkland of dog/wife//old guy/whatever the fuck eaters while you have ran away from it?
i like lu bu hes my fav
It was Kubilai and Ogedei that did the most KHANNING though.
Wu became a den of psychopathic Sun clan vipers killing each other for power. (basically an actual political nightmare of insane leaders and talented people killed for simple slander or defamation)
And Shu became a joke of a state that become twisted into something just as hypocritical through Liu Bei's cowardly wrathful leadership, Zhuge Liang's tyrannical days of power and Liu Shan's sheer ineptitude of corruption and laziness.
The longer you look at the actual history, the quicker you realise Cao Cao was probably the best thing to ever happen to it and his armies of incredibly talent and civilised men were fucking legends in their own right.
Wei was absolutely the best of the three.
>being this butthurt
Yuan which is Mongols dynatsy is BTFO by Red Turban rebellion, It's a fact you fucking retard.
>zergrush of millions of bugs finally managed to beat the %0.0000001 of society
Truly a high point of your history.
Why is the Three Kingdoms period so much more interesting than anything that ever happened in Japanese history? (The Meiji era was alright I guess)
>moving goalpost this hard
I'm didn't even talk about high point of anything. I state from the beginning Mongol didn't civilise anything, in fact they're literally being absorb into China culture itself and BTFO by Red Turban Rebellion isn't even the last loss for Mongol. They're even later conquer by Qing.
>I state from the beginning Mongol didn't civilise anything, in fact they're literally being absorb into China culture
Factually true.
I thought it was Sao Sao.
The real history isn't that interesting. Most people know Three Kingdoms period in the form of fiction based on true history which it's author is being huge Liu Bei fag.
retarded birthrate, having no standards in food and assimilating the true owner of your land is neither culture nor civilization.
But how did they obtain so much natural resources for so much war times?
they see me rollin
>Chen Gong
The guy who had his own reputation for backstabbing lords? Good idea.
Now, if he had listened to 100% loyal, literally never betrayed him to the very end Gao Shun, things might've been different.
Historically? Yup, Cao Mengde is my man.
China had a lot of people even back when
Calm down, Mongoloids. Your country now even worse than Mao-era China.
*proceeds to fuck up in the next 5 seconds*
>assimilating the true owner of your land is neither culture nor civilization.
Pretty much every empire in history (Rome, Aztec, Japan, Mali and every other you can come up with) disagrees with that statement.
i honestly wanted to root for the guy since he seemed really keen on the whole sacred brothers thing, but his constant backsliding on it made me not really care what happened to him.
guan yu also became a cunt.
Every country you listed actually brought something to those lands other than cannibalism.
By literally trading/raiding each other.
I am Korean.
ikkitousen is my secret guilty pleasure
Sengoku Jidai>>Three Kingdoms
it already has
CCP has abandoned marxism and now has the mandate of heaven
The only interesting part about the Sengoku was Oda.
Even worse, your country literally conquered by both Chinks and Nips in the past. Fucking Pathetic.
>Sengoku Jidai
Overrated as fuck. Bakumatsu is infinitely better.
>Every country you listed actually brought something to those lands
Yeah, aztecs brought mass human sacrifices to places where they only happened just once in a while.
Look mongoloid you can be all the mad you want but the truth is your culture is going to be absorbed and diluted until it becomes another one of the thousand regional cultures China has.
north or south?
Only Nobunaga part.
That's still better than getting nuked by your "ally" and having a recognised "Century of Shame" and hidden milennia of enrichment.
I am not a Mongol retard. Considering your history you have more steppenigger genes than I do.
>you have more steppenigger genes than I do
Probably, but my culture is no the one thats going to be swallowed by China.
You're forgetting that they are now pretty much chink USA.
>this coping
Kek, because you're irrelevant and always under occupied by Chinks or Nips anyway. Your country is nothing since the ancient time
Let's be honest here, everyone will be swallowed by Chink and CurryNigger in the end. It is inevitable.
North Korea can end the amerishart and the chink menace anytime.
>implying the mongols didn't get civilised by the Chinese
Ask any Chinese person and they'll tell you the Yuan dynasty was just as Chinese as any of the others.
>Implying chink's puppet state gonna do shit
Pathetic as fuck, gook.
Just keep shitting in malls and wait for JUCHE whale. Your women will throw themselves to our arms like they always did.
>USA Puppet state talks tough
You can't even invade NK on your own.
>all this rampant nonsense on Yea Forums
pls go to international or /pol/ or something anons, discuss anime or manga or even VN's here pls
Scanlations never.
I still don't see the point why RoTK needs to jerk both him and Sima Yi once Liu Bei died.
i got so fucking mad when it started raining.
We already made peace. The army of the North and the economy of the South will finally bring down the divine retribution Asia deserved. But as the other user mentioned Yea Forums is not the place to discuss this.
Because Sima Yi is the one who later took the power from Cao family and Zhuge Liang because author is Shu fag.
There's an overarching theme that Shu's struggles are pointless because the Heaven decided that Han should go away, and not even the greatest genius of the land can overturn it. This is the meaning behind Zhuge's friend saying that he's gained a lord but didn't gain time when he witnessed him leaving with Liu Bei and why it suddenly started to rain when he was about to win. This is also why first Cao Cao, then Sima Yi get all these coincidental, narrow margin victories thanks to the Heaven tipping the scales for them.
Benevolence best kingdom. Wei best girl.
Why is Sun Ce a genki retard with huge tits?
And why do I love her so much?