It's pretty clear that we're steering into a twincest route.
Hetfags absolutely BTFO
I love Negi
5toubun no hanayome
Other urls found in this thread:
Ichika a best
Miku a second best
Nino a shit
Nino is for Fuu-kun only
Thread should get deleted for the faggot OP
this but unironically
>imagine being so arrogant you are willing to "force a guy to fall for you"
I thought yurifags hated harem. What are you doing here?
So when you like someone but he/she doesn't like you, you simply back out like the beta you are?
>wanting to be the submissive one in a forced relationship
>calls others beta
Pot meet kettle
Good, I hope.
I see that you hate women with self-respect
Where are the spoilers??
Nope. I hate a virtue signaling, drug dealing arrogant bitch.
The only self respect a woman needs is at home, in bed and in the kitchen where she works
Nino wins
White knighting isn't going to get you laid bro
have sex
Tell that to Mikufags
The contract for baking Fuutarou and her sister's wedding cake
is shitposting time over? is it safe?
why is nino so cute
Why is Nino so best
Nino a shit
Are you being ironic again?
I like some hetfaggotry once in a while
Nono, you see, Miku is learning to bake, of course she would really love to bake the cake of Nino and Fuuts' wedding.
Nah. Shitposters are moving in from the other thread as we speak
It's a mystery
I'm sorry it took so long, Yotsubros. I was too lazy.
>shitposting time
At this time it's usually the worst.
>Shitposters are moving in from the other thread as we speak
it's been a while since they got triggered this bad
Most yurifags started with harem series.
The last thread was worse than usual
Of course not, the chapter is still fresh so shitposting is fresh too.
I'll just warn you people to exercise moderation, or you'll burn out during this golden week.
Even THK is starting to use the same shitposts now, that's a sign.
Eat shit
Was it? I was away so I skipped all of it.
Okay, I can guess what happened.
Of course it was. Snekfags are triggered and joined forces with butthurt Mikufags
That's hilarious, all I see are Ninotards bitching endlessly since last night.
Why can't Ninofags handle the banter?
All the other quints and their fags are the butt of many jokes
Ichika-snake jokes
Miku-doormat/onodera jokes
Yotsuba-dumb/irrelevant joke
Itsuki-fat jokes
But the moment anyone dares to shitpost against Nino all hell breaks loose
>waifufags delusional that people don't like their waifu
>secret coalition of anons who coordinate attacks on your waifu
Did you ever just think your waifu is shit?
Ninofags with head canon again.
You guys should seriously consider journalism
rent free
Just don't be mad if Miku fails splendidly her confession
Friendly reminder that Nino is lolikano, the kisser, the secret organ donor and the bride. Discussion about all other girls is off topic.
its happening again, maybe i should just sleep
kek. Nino is a nice girl who dindu nuffin
It's still early, but if you feel like it, go ahead. You won't miss anything.
You're unironically obsessed
Do you think Fuu will test whether Miku was lolikano and when he finds out she isn't then she loses
Because as I have said in last threads, they are used to getting shit on when Nino was being a bitch back then so they still have that defense mechanism left in them even when more people are liking her.
Is there anything she can't do?
choo choo~
> persecution complex intensifies
Here we go again.
she also poison her bio-dad so mama can marry the rich pediatrician
And as I asked in the last thread, how new are you?
And as you conveniently "forgot" to reply, I'm expecting the same thing now.
Hypocrital fags like hypocritical bitch. Nothing new
Reminder that there is no need to fight over who's going to win when Negi already has a clear winner in mind.
You forgot she donates blood, reads to old people, and volunteers at animal shelters
Will Yuipolfag kill himself after Yukino and Nino win in their respective series? How will he ever recover?
Also, a reminder that he's a Mikufag.
I wonder when we'll see the Nino train again.
What answer do you expect from me when you ask something like that?
>the secret organ donor
Are we oficially SZS now?
Also what organ did she donate?
Her brain?
I doubt he tests her unless Miku brings up the subject but that would be odd as she doesn't know anything about lolinakano yet, the only way i can see it happen is if she's actually lolinakano and just starts telling fuu about her past without knowing what it ,means to him
in any case, i think Fuu believes Rena to be the true lolinakano which is why he didn't believe snek when she mentioned the charm
Bone marrow too.
And feeds the poor every Sunday.
Reminder that even if you faggots don't like it, Negi thinks Nino is a saintess.
See if Itsuki wasn’t seeming so much like she’s lolikano based on her recent internal dialogue, I could actually buy Miku being her instead. But it just seems so much like it’s her.
I expect that he will ask about the charm and she'll say that she still has it. Thus Fuutarou will dismiss her being Lolikano. If that really happens I'm tempted to believe that it's her after all.
Now that I think about it, I think Fuutarou is going to nail next chapter the identity of Rena
-He has learned Ichika isn't Rena in this chapter
-He knows Yotsuba isn't Rena neither since she was with her sister when she appeared the second time
-He should know Nino isn't Rena neither for obvious reasons (aka Seven Goodbyes Arc)
From Fuutarou's point of view, he should be thinking Rena can only be Itsuki or Miku. He's going to discard Miku next chapter and reach the Itsuki conclusion by elimination
Ichika will win the Fuutbowl so maybe.
To admit that you're new?
What you're claiming wasn't the case for 9 months now.
Reminder that if your train doesn't stop or slow down, it'll eventually hit a big fat first girl boulder
Nino is a very, very bad girl, though.
which chapter is this from
>Implying Eatsuki stands a chance
I can't wait for the BTFO.
it could be fun, he discards everyone but Itsuki and confronts her only to learn she's just rena but not loli so now all the others are back in the game
Reminder that you're still missing the whole point of that scene (even when it was spelled out twice recently) making your meme retarded.
Only in bed
Good thing Rena != Bride
Technically, it also slows down and stops when it gets to its destination.
Where will you Mikufags be when Negi kills the Miku?
Imho he should already have a good idea about Rena being Itsuki.
> knows that Itsuki's obsession with her Mother
> saw Itsuki just before Rena appeared the second time
What's more interesting to is the scenario where Fuutarou falsely accuses Miku being Rena. Could that lead to something interesting or just some drama shitshow?
It's from some set of drawings Negi did for every quint.
>finally ends the Rena arc
>straight into the lolikano arc with all 5 again
God, please, no. No.
I want to get off this ride.
Since most of them are Ichifags false flagging, probably Itsuki so they can continue hating on the bride(Nino)
I'll still be here. Just rooting for Yotsuba
i am new to these threads. what's the difference between lolikano and rena?
Which quint understands Futarou the most?
We did it, Mikubros. We have won. It was a long battle but we managed to stay strong until the end. Our girl is the rightful winner. Justice has been served, all is right in the word.
She's a pure maiden. She has no experience with those things.
none, fuutarou even spells it out for the reader
Nino a SHIT
Harem ending has been confirmed by the nips.
Vanilla fags btfo
they all understand him in different ways because they’re five parts of a whole
Some anons think that Rena and lolikano are different people. This is driven by the theory that Yotsuba is lolikano. There are some anons that think that Nino was also lolikano, but I can't tell if they are really serious.
Nino can literally read his mind, so Ill go with her.
Hi! Fattytbro here. I think that Ichika is ugly and shit.
Rena is the Itsuki, the "teenager" Lolikano who interacted with Futarou. Lolikano is indeed Itsuki but people are in denial, especially Yotsubafags.
She will used to it quite quicky with Fuuts
She is a dirty bitch.
ahh, all right than. thanks.
perhaps, but fatty is even worse
Nino at least knows how to handle him
Fuutarou doesn't seem to have interest in those things, though.
From Fuutarou's point of view? They're the same.
From the readers point of view? There's the quint that Fuurarou met five years ago in Kyoto (aka Lolikano) and the quint that disguised as the previously mentioned girl from Kyoto in seven goodbyes (aka Rena aka Itsuki).
Rena is disguised Itsuki
Lolinakano is childhood friend
they may or not be the same person and Fuu may think or not they're the same person
And Miku is for Takeda's personal use 0NLY. I have faith that this next chapter will make that clear.
We should celebrate that Miku won.
No hard feelings snakefags, slutfags, fattyfags, and despairfags, you fought well but in the end your girl didn't stand a chance.
You're right.
But only for her husband Fuu-kun, so it's fone
Oh trust me. After the first night, he will never get tired of it.
saw something nice about the bride (she's been given a disguise so it's not obvious)
Will Nino be able to walk around with the person she loves around Kyoto in the end?
They are cute together.
Ichika and Nino push Fuutarou to Miku and it's too early for her to win with this
Strangely the two that Fuutarou suspect to be the kisser
After Fuutarou's reaction to its latest chapters
Nino> >>Ichika >Miku
Based filename
Coping so hard that you start hallucinating. You will be on an actual suicide watch next month when the new chapters arise. You in singular, samefag.
Why is Nino disguising as Itsuki again?
Yes, there is still the stalker stuff to resolve. That will be Nino's time. Probably the last chapter in the arc after Miku gets rekt and Fuuts deals with Yotsuba and Itsuki.
>next month
Please notice that the girls are paired based on their troubles.
Miku and Ichika
Yotsuba and Itsuki
Only Nino is left alone again. This means a mini-arc alone with Fuutarou again.
You forgot Nino being paired with her stalker that's me
>After the first night
How would the first night even happen?
I bet he would choose a dinner or a bath
> Lolikano is indeed Itsuki but people are in denial
People are allowed discuss different theories as long as they stick to arguments. It's hardly denial when nothing has been confirmed.
Granted that Itsuki being Lolikano is the easiest and most obvious possibility, at the same time it is also the least entertaining and least convincing option regarding Itsuki's behaviour up until recently.
Nino is so cute
Hopefully this week, can't wait for Mikufags(aka Ichifags) to seethe. They will then split into two groups, Yotsuba and Itsuki. Those two will both rant against Nino and when she finally wins, suicide rates will increase by 10%
Yes, and that's when Fuutarou will respond to her feelings with "Nino, let's go out". I think I will ejaculate.
Share some photos, man. Don't be stingy.
according to some ninofags, "to kiss Fuu-kun"
Being obsessed is not a good look.
Least entertaining yes but not the least convincing.
Let's be honest the Itsuki isn't LoliKano theory is mainly supported by Yotsubafags starving for relevance.
I may be obsessed but she deserves it.
ay nigga that's pretty hot
I don't see how he thinks better of Ichika than Miku, but I'd agree Nino is in the lead.
But accepting thus as true, when did he grow so cold to Miku?
Here's your (Yikes)!
i would expect this sort of comments after Fuu rejects Nino but this sort of delusions after a rather tame chapter are a bit concerning
Itsuki could be Lolikano, but she still wouldn't be much more relevant than she is.
>Ninofags still obsessed with Ichika
Soon enough, Nino will be BTFOd by Ichika again.
based snekfag falseflagger
>S-she won't be redeemed, she's awful. Look at all these out of context panels!
>Gets redeemed
Nino is the snekslayer. Don't count on it.
>Asks for spoilers
>bitches about the source
Not OP, but consider fucking off?
I wasn't talking about being obsessed with Nino, though.
That's completely normal and encouraged.
> not the least convincing.
I have yet to see anything from Itsuki that only the real Lolikano knows.
Her sudden change in behaviour is very suspicious and not consistent with her character.
Everything she does right now feels unnatural and fake. Like she's forcing herself to do it.
Ichika is coming back near the end of May. She will backstab Miku yet again and take the lead. It's inevitable. Preach the queen.
Hot off the press
Very nice. Thank you.
You should consider stopping the stalking and try asking her out.
Bait aside, is the terminology that sticked, so people know who another user is talking about.
Rena is the Rena as she named herself, at the lake.
Lolikano is the lolikano that shotarou met 5 years ago.
It doesn't matter if they are the same or not so far.
The shitposting next will be great. I can't wait for next week.
Amazing what one guy's dick can do to these girls.
>I have yet to see anything from Itsuki that only the real Lolikano knows.
She knew the exact spot where they took the picture.
She knew exactly where they bought the charms from.
>Try to diss Ichika
>Ends up crying
Great slayer you have there.
Momma deserve some hot steamy babymaking sex with asuka kun
>all this Ninofag dilusion
It's only gonna make Miku's victory that much sweeter.
The only problem with Itsuki being lolikano, is not even her getting another thing, is that Yotsuba would literally get absolutely nothing.
And that's kind of sad.
Momma would've looked better if she was pregnant with Asukas baby
> next week
Have you been drinking again?
Someone call Arthur, I want a 20 pages thesis explaining why Niku and Yotsuki is how the manga will end.
Ichika will just end up marrying moustache-kun
Ichika/Futaba/Utaha/Kazuki/Uruka a shit
Too obvious desu
I'm talking about when there's no chapter. People will be imploding on themselves and the shitposting will reach new levels and then it will all flood over when the new chapter comes out eventually.
Chances are that you will end up crying two weeks from now, Mikufag
> She knew the exact spot where they took the picture.
She had the real photo as a reference.
> She knew exactly where they bought the charms from.
Have you been to Kiyomizudera? It's not a secret place where they sell the charms.
>Amazing what one guy's dick can do to these girls
In chapter 71 Fuutarou told Nino that the only thing he's capable of doing is studying.
I hope Nino will point out that he's also capable of making 5 sisters fight each other over him
Because she had the picture, user.
a best*
>Doesn't need to
>Does something more heartfelt and no need for words
Man Nino is pretty weak.
I catched up today after the anime.
Itsuki is ok, I appreciate her dynamics with the Uesugi's.
When I looked at the cover before starting the series, I immediately knew that Youtsuba would be a fun, cute baka and also best girl: only in the last point I was wrong (for now).
Miku is sweet, and she's the first one I rooted for. I would mind her winning.
It's surprising how Nino changed from undeniably worst to probably best girl. The confession was absolutely glorious, and I like how she's directly facing the situation by constantly estabilishing dominance over the other bitches without coming out as too bitchy herself (well, for her standards at least).
Finally, Ichika is an actual BITCH and also a SLUT that literally PROSTITUTES her image for money! But jokes aside she's ok: what she did wasn't very nice, but acting like that she also added some good spice to the story.
THK btfo
>Have you been to Kiyomizudera?
>Asking an user if they've ever been to Nipponland.
user, I...
Her breasts looks weird
>muh boogeyman
>m-muh boogeyman
If we pay Negi to make Ichika the winner, will he listen?
Welcome to the church of Nino
In all seriousness, it'll probably be a huge shitshow when he learn about it and it will cause a lot of changes on his side. It's pretty much the opposite of what he wants to accomplish, so him being the cause of this crap will not please him at all.
How much?
>She had the real photo as a reference.
She lost it before the trip. I'm also sceptical that a small photo is enough to pinpoint the exact spot on the fly.
>It's not a secret place where they sell the charms.
If Itsuki didn't buy them she wouldn't know either
Negi is going full steam ahead to his ending despite the manga being at its height of popularity.
Money does not sway this man.
>Amazing what one guy's dick can do to these girls
You mean anons. you faggots are at each other throats with shipping
No one
Not even the girls loves him as much as you faggots choke on every male leads dick
50000 yen
I apologize. Have this one
You were serious when you said that you're looking forward to that.
I need recharge my batteries to survive this massacre.
>user making fun of THK replying to user making fun of THK
>some another "user" gets angry
You slipped there mate.
>not wanting to suck Fuu's dick
you have a problem, user.
Ninope a shit
>4.5m in a little more than one year
Can you even pay him enough at this point? He's cashing in some shonenshit levels of dosh.
Toubun threads will have never seen shitposting at the scale that Golden Week's shitposting will be. Not to mention that WTN scans are gone now so when the new chapter does appear they're going to have to wait for the user team to actually translate it.
Oh GOD. It's all tumbling down, eh?
>She lost it before the trip. I'm also sceptical that a small photo is enough to pinpoint the exact spot on the fly.
Because Rena, that we know is Itsuki, literally took from him.
And it's pretty hard to NOT know where the picture was taken when you took it on fuckin Kiyomizudera.
Predict the plot of Negi's next work
Early Nino is peak Nino, though
Just make him create a fucking VN with 6 routes.
This way even Yotsuba will have a chance. That's the only way for it to happen.
No need to.
That's why I think he would appreciate Nino trying to fix things up and wouldn't mind her teasing him about it
Welcome, brother.
Something a lot darker.
>gook out
>no TLbro anymore
>hours, if not days, of headcanons and bait greentexts of what is happening
Oh God
Ninofags are probably full of Mikufags who switched sides after the confession.
15 years later, with Fuutarou and Nino's kid as the MC.
Ninofags are nearly as annoying as HXH fags
this time the heroines will have to participate in knockout tournament to win the MC's dick
Ichikafag that switched sides after the confession here. Though I was partially swayed by The Legend that Binds.
I was a Mikufag during the first 10 chapters or so, but I grew bored of her.
I don't think what Nino does would matter a lot overall. Sure, he'd like it, but he would consider himself too much of a threat to stay around first and foremost.
Which could lead to an interesting situation where all of them, but particularly nino for obvious reasons, would put a reverse 7 goodbyes on him, convincing him that it isn't that bad and he isn't a bad influence since it made them less codependent and should stay.
>Because Rena, that we know is Itsuki, literally took from him.
Yeah and she lost it before the trip, so she couldn't reference it anymore.
>when you took it on fuckin Kiyomizudera.
Fuckin Kiyomizudera is fuckin big, yet she immediately knew the exact spot they needed to go to
Give me ten (10) reasons on why Ninoshit will win?
Sleep tight Nino!!
Sleep tight Nino
sleep tight best girl
Raiha becomes a tutor for male quints
Dunno who that is
>Yeah and she lost it before the trip, so she couldn't reference it anymore.
And why does it matter? She knows where it was.
She had the picture for literally MONTHS.
Who gives a crap about that. You people are seriously obsessing about it as if it meant anything by itself.
The reason a lot of people probably jumped ship was because Nino somehow became a little more mature, which is helped by the fact that the only other characters that were somewhat important were Miku and Ichika (who got negative charadev instead).
Keep the confession but get rid of her maturing and most people will not give a damn about her again.
> She lost it before the trip.
She had it long enough to take a look at.
> I'm also sceptical that a small photo is enough to pinpoint the exact spot on the fly.
I've been to the exact spot and in my opinion it is enough. Check it for yourself if you don't beleive it. Also it wouldn't be strange if the quint that got lost in the past told the others about her adventures.
> If Itsuki didn't buy them she wouldn't know either
Fuutarou told her in the hospital.
I disagree, also her current haircut makes her the prettiest identical quint.
>6 months vs 3 days
>can't remember the photo anymore
>when it's Kiyomizu
this is a map for Kiyomizudera, there's really only one place where the photo could be taken
*best girl Nino
1. She's cute
2. She's honest
3. She's a strong girl
4. She's a great cook
5. She would be a great mother since she knows how to take care of her sisters
6. She takes good care of her family
7. She knows how to handle Fuutarou
8. She's loyal and would never backstab you
9. The way she confessed is unmatched
10. Fuutarou still holds on the charm that symbolizes their relationship in the future
>ninofag tears
>She is better than Ichika
>She is more cute than Ichika
>She is sexier than Ichika
>She is better at cooking than Ichika
>She is more direct than Ichika
>She loves the F more than Ichika
>She loves her sisters more than Ichika
>She has more chemistry with the F compared to Ichika
>She BTFO'd Ichika
>She is not Ichika
1 He acknowledged her feelings
2 That caused a change in his POV
3 He actually paid attention to her
4 He would've rather stayed with her than chased after Miku
5 She didn't backstab any of her sisters
6 She was honest
7 She had courage to express her feelings
8 She was the first person to ever confess to him
9 She didn't bother him while he was having fun with friends so far
10 Managed to do good(not fail) in school even with his minimal help
On hand I'm interested to see that dumpster fire burn, just know how big the flames are. But on the other hand the suspense will simply kill me.
What to do...
I was an Ichikafag then
I'm an Ichikafag now
And I will be an Ichikafag in the future.
I am trash and I think I may be chronically depressed. I need to read more shounen and stay away from harems, yet here I am again...
Thanks for ignoring the rest of my post that was uncomfortable for you
>She knows where it was
>we probably could have gotten a nice beach chapter in Kyoto or even filler
>instead we had to endure pointless drama once again
>Negi already concluded the trip as if it may as well not have been a thing in the first place
>now they're already back in school
God damn it Negi.
yotsuba is ugly
we still have 3 more chapters this volume
First or second hottest for me
>the Japanese don't know about kiyomozidera's meme spot
Kiyomozudera's charms are sold on Kiyomozudera.
So this is what being gay looks like
>I've been to the exact spot and in my opinion it is enough. Check it for yourself if you don't beleive it.
I'll have to trust you on that one, I guess.
I still find it hard to believe she would be able to pinpoint the exact spot to the meter from just a photo.
>Fuutarou told her in the hospital.
He didn't.
The building might be distinct, but would you be able to find the exact part of the building the photo was taken in front of without even having that photo as reference anymore?
Sera a best
>trusting a snake
Three beach-less chapters, user ;_;
What are you reading/watching between the chapters? I need something to focus on while waiting.
Get a job man
> Most well know tourist spot in Kyoto
I know that she's a quint but even she would know that place.
Sleep tight Nino
we already had a beach chapter
don't be greedy, user
>a nice bitch chapter in Kyoto
That was literally the last chapter
That's why the bride will have to place the sisters' bond over her love for Fuutarou. She has to give up the Fuutaroubowl in order to win Fuutarou. Like pottery, isn't it?
one piece of evidence for Itsuki that I'm not seeing discussed is that she took her mother's name because she highly respects her mother. is there counterargument for this that I'm missing or what?
>She has to give up the Fuutaroubowl in order to win Fuutarou
So Nino vs Yotsuba is it?
Nuns don’t drug ppl
>A Japanese doesn't know about "tsuki ga kirei"
she said it was something she came on the spur of the moment
I wanted to see more bikinis and skin, user. It's not fair
Final battle is Nino vs Itsuki. And Itsuki will win at the end.
Mikufags will die with honor along with our goddess
Lolikano never said she was Rena though
It's fine as long as Fuutarou is fine with it
ironically Ichika has more possibility to win Fuutaroubowl than Miku after this chapter
no one understands Negibro's mind
Insta-worthy tourist spot vs 100yr old literary reference
I fucking wish they did. Maybe I would practice faith then
Yeah she's a bitch.
Lolikano looks fat. 100% Itsuki.
>Insta-worthy tourist spot
That would be for Nino.
You'd need an Itsuki-worthy feeding ground to get Itsuki's attention
Itsuki it's not fat. SHE IS NOT FAT. Fuck off. All of you are literally seething because Itsucute will win and your shitty waifu will lose like the piece of shit she is. Itsuki's body is literally perfect, if someone is fat, it's you. Now kill yourself, I hate all of you. Ituski will win.
MY little bitch
Nino is a skank, she pleases “bad boys” with her mouth
> I still find it hard to believe she would be able to pinpoint the exact spot to the meter from just a photo.
> to the meter
Do we know that both photos were taken exactly at the same spot? From reading the chapter I don't get that information, only the statement that the photo was taken at the stage of Kiyomizu dera. You can check some of the photos online for the background. Maybe it helps you a bit.
> He didn't.
Your point. Seems my memory played a trick on me there. But did Itsuki say something about buying charms? In chapter 82 I only see Fuutarou talking about the charms. Does it say anywhere that Itsuki knows about the buying the charms herself?
Man, theres a new frog every single day. Just fuck off with this zombie meme
Eatsukifag, calm down, it's not your turn yet. Save your energies for when it happens.
Yep, the bride has to prove that Fuutarou won't and can't ever come in between her and her sisters. Only by doing so may Fuutarou have the peace of mind to love one of them.
Now that the dust has settled, let us bow to the queen
>I still find it hard to believe she would be able to pinpoint the exact spot to the meter from just a photo.
It's not like that spot for picture is that big or something.
When Fuutarou thought "wasn't that photo taken here" he probably wasn't even thinking hard about the exact spot, but the place itself.
So why do people think Itsuki likes Fuutarou or are people just being idiots. It feels like the new troll statement of the month rather than something substantial that is based in the story.
>Uesugi-san, I don't think just putting on a blonde wig is going to-- Eh...?
Fuutarous doesn't know the name of Lolikano (see Rena lake chapter). Itsuki telling him the name of her mother doesn't seem to mean anything and was later confirmed by her as something she came up on the spot.
My wife and wife in law are so cute
Miku doesn’t settle for second best. She wants only the highest IQ baby batter
> beach chapter in Kyoto
> beach in Kyoto
What? Where? At the riverbed?
Nino is the worst girl I've seen in harems
When the fuck will Nino steal another kiss? I hope at the end of this arc, as a thanks to F's birthday gift.
>So why do people think Itsuki likes Fuutarou or are people just being idiots. It feels like the new troll statement of the month rather than something substantial that is based in the story.
they're trying to make sense of her bringing Rena back
I personally think she knows who lolinakanao is and is afraid of having fucked with Fuuts feelings for her
Sleep tight Nino
Steal a kiss? My friend, the kiss will be reciprocated
Last chapter of this arc, after Fuutarou saves her from the stalker
Sleep Tight Nino
I'm not him but Itsuki is cute therefore Itsukute
Sleep Tight Nino AYAYA
Don't use plebbit terms, Fattybro, I'm pretty sure you're better than this.
Fuutarou is probably not enough of a asshole to poke miku in a time of emotional distress.
He wanted to have a talk with her though, and he knows he likes her, so he will attempt to make her talk at least
Nino will fall into the water because muh stalker .Then Fuutarou will save her and he will make her" mouth to mouth"kiss
Kill yourself subhuman
Kill yourself chink.
>So why do people think Itsuki likes Fuutarou
They read slower than you.
I like Nino
Just caught up after picking up where the anime left off.
During the anime airing: Miku>Nino>Yotsuba=Itsuki>Ichika
After catching up: Nino>Yotsuba>Miku>Itsuki>Ichika
Nino is based and I like how proactive she is in pursuing fuuts, its refreshing to see a female character take action with her feelings towards the protagonist with 0 reservations. Ichika being the chaos factor in this is highly entertaining. If Nino doesn't win I'd like a Yotsuba out of left field victory since I really enjoy her dynamic with Fuuts. Their date at the park was great. I used to like Miku but now her spinelessness and how everyone is getting behind her to cheer her on is kind of draining. I've never been a fan of characters who are pursing someone being rooted on by the other heroines because they're to weak to make progress themselves which is why Nino and even Ichika are enjoyable to read even if I don't want Ichika to end with Fuuts.
Itsuki feels like she's being set up as the designated winner IMO because she's the girl who's slowly piecing things together as well as having the role of being the "girl whos not interested in fuuts" so that when she wins it'll be a "shock" to the reader.
Nino or Yotsuba or I riot.
Watch more harem.
No I do
We know, Fuutarou
Ribbit should't be important enough to hog such a simple word association. By depriving yourselfnof such a basic wordplay you're giving them too much importance.
Was Yotsuba lying here or lying about lying?
Another one! Welcome to the Nino church my brother!!
I don't remember making this post
I will gladly let Negi use his creativity to any extent as long as Nino wins.
Based, it was about the same for me. Welcome to the church of Nino.
Nino should just die
Then you bring them here, thinking they are in good company.
I thought you were better than this, but well, you do you.
Welcome, brother. Nino is indeed great.
Pic related is for you.
Ichika should just die*
Sorry, misspell
The hatchet job against Ichika continues, but at the end of it at least the lie has been revealed and Ichika can move on.
Dunno about this "I was Rena back then" thing, maybe it could be a lie, it could be true.
I'm happy Miku is also moving on. I'm happy for both of them that they are making strides for character development.
And the end of it all, both of them had smiles on their faces and that makes me happy.
Meanwhile Nino still has a persecution complex, still the same bitchy self all over her and somehow now "cares" about the quints when back then she couldn't care less as long as Fuuta loves her.
I'm fine with Nino, but when is she getting her character development arc? Because she needs one.
The Chad Nino collage vs The Virgin Miku essay
of old age, surrounded by her children, her sisters and her beloved husband Fuutarou.
Ichicute deserves to be happy
Raiha doujins when?
We all know who it is.
I'm so happy she got redeemed, she is a good sister and just made a mistake.
You're telling me I have to rename some of my pictures?
I found a pretty good Nino on pixiv, but the artist didn't use the JP tags like most artists so it's a pretty easy one to miss.
>but at the end of it at least the lie has been revealed and Ichika can move on
>I'm happy Miku is also moving on. I'm happy for both of them that they are making strides for character development.
Also completely false
>Meanwhile Nino still has a persecution complex, still the same bitchy self all over her
My brothers
I love Ichika too, finally a man with taste
I want Ichika to win
I like Miku and Yotsuba enough that her winning would make me smile.
I'm meh with Nino
The only person I dont want to win is Itsuki, literally why should she win
Saved, thanks Ninobro
That is Yotsuba's lot in life.
>"follow me and I run away and I follow you but you run away "
Nino and Fuutarou it's Relationship (like dog and cat).When Nino will avoid Fuutarou ,he will go after her ass
I like this. Thank you user.
When the other girls see how much Fuutarou cares for Nino, they will give up on him
At this point, if the manga is ending within a year, I don’t see how Fuutarou can fall for any quint that ISN’T who ends up being lolikano. I mean, he was about to reject Nino after her 71 chapters of development, so unless Negi rushes him working out his feelings I don’t see how else this plays out.
I think most people agree that Yotsuba/Nino are the best 2 it just varies which they have first or second
Kill yourself subhuman
So next chapter
>Miku will run ??
>talks with Fuutarou...??
Ichika was happy and she can move on from this. I know it.
Miku is also making strides and reconciling with Ichika makes my heart happy.
Nino is still the same person she has always been. Isn't that her point, she just forces herself on Fuutarou on the vain hopes he starts liking her.
Meanwhile Miku and Ichika are makong strides to become better people. Ichika has sacrificed herself for the quints and not its time for her to get at least some redemption.
She did nothing wrong.
I would also post an Ichika picture, but the power went put because of the 6.2 earthquake I guess.
Nice try ninofag, but do not fool anyone
>gets dicked by the T
Literally seething.
>Meanwhile Miku and Ichika are makong strides to become better people. Ichika has sacrificed herself for the quints and not its time for her to get at least some redemption.
>I know it.
You're not Negi, Michlan.
I feel the same way, just glad the worst is over. Funny how high and mighty Nino was trying to act and she got dunked.
negi does the other sisters first and leaves Miku x fuu chapter for the following week
It's not a harem if Nino is the winner.
I find it quite interesting he feels that he needs to samefag that much as validation, as if people aren't aware of how obvious it is.
Yes they did. Meanwhile Nino is literally the same bitchy Nino she has always been. How many arcs did Negi dedicate to her? I mean, Negi must really love Nino the way she is. And he's basically "memeing" his way into making Nino a saint while having zero character development. Crazy, I know.
Miku and Ichika in some ways deserve to win, but of course best girl Ichika is in my 1st place. I believe, no, I KNOW she will win.
The editor's comment says their date begin. Miku's problem will be wraped up first and Lolikano will be the climax
At this point I'm pretty sure he's just trying to flame the thread up.
actually yea
What's your favourite Green Day album, /5tbg/?
shit taste
I just read the chapter, now that we know lolinakano was with Fuu the entire day, i think is obvious that both Ichika and Itsuki know who lolinakano actually is
was that what pic related comment was about?
Except that Miku hasn't had any development at all, and Ichika only has had negative development.
Nino, on the other hand, accepted that her relationship with her sisters was changing and that it was time to move on with their individual lives. She doesn't have to change who she is, as she is already a great person.
There was no samefagging on that post though. Maybe Ichika has a solid fanbase? Let's face it without Ichika the manga would be waaaay boring. Anyway, supporting Ichika would be fine, because they have great taste in best girls.
Good taste
>Replying to subhuman chink
So how long until that discord group hires a gook translator and we crawl back begging KRanon to TL again?
>Replying to a notorious shitposter
A doormat and a cunt.
Great taste.
Worst taste
Or you can connect both, I'm not sure why Ichika used Miku's appearance to say she was lolikano, but if that's what i think, then some things might make sense
>Miku no character development
Are you serious?
>Ichika has negative development
Which she will redeem herself I am sure. Ichika did nothong wrong, and even if she did something wrong, they were understamdable actions. Anyway, if she didnt redeem herslef, then she wouldnt be with Fuutarou in the wedding scenes.
>she is already a great person
Yeah, very bitchy. I am fine with Nino, in fact I like all the quints, but Nino has a terrible personality in my opinon. I understand why people like her though.
So when it turns out that Itsuki is in love with Fuutarou will you guys flip out about Negi being a hack or will you just deal with it without salt?
Kill yourself michlan.
Did your 30 day global ban expire already, or are you eveding again?
They were probably all Rena at one point. That's probably the twist.
Look at the latest chapter.
Ichika could be lying that she was Rena, or not.
romantic comedy of the remaining 4 quints and their everyday life with camo's of nino and Fuu every now and then.
Asspulls deserve to get flipped out about
The former, me included
He only met with one of them and they were always together the entire day.
It's basically impossible
>wants a cheap fanservice beach episode rather then this
user I-
They can't figure it out unless it's spelled out loud.
No spoiler but I havent seen the anime, only been reading the manga
Does the anime finish with a reolution? or does it never say who won?
The sister were always able to distinguish themselves by their faces.
Since Itsuki and Ichika both have seen the photo, they must know who Lolikano is.
Ichika seems to probe Yotsuba but whether it's about her remembering just Kyoto or being Lolikano herself is unclear.
Assuming ichika is not completely brain dead, her original plan would need to make sure Fuu believed Miku wasn't really in love with him and tell the truth about who lolinakano was, since she disappeared for the whole day she spent with Fuu, all the sisters would know who the real lolinakano was if they hear the story so if she lied about it, it would be eventually exposed
so either her plan was to have "miku" tell him the true that Ichika was lolinakano and that's why "miku" gave up on his love as they belong together (or something along those lines) or have "miku" tell the truth that she is lolinakano and yotsuba misunderstood her, she was in love with fuu when she was little but not anymore and ichika loves him now
It doesn't. The manga is much better
>They were probably all Rena at one point
this chapter pretty much killed this theory
It ends around the legend that binds, which is what you should expect.
Obviously, there's no resolution, it was not Original just an Adaptation with the purpose of promoting the source material like 95% of the series.
Only Ninofags hate the dude. Why the persecution complex? I think he makes good points every once in a while.
I thought it was something like this She would do her curveball again, and use "Miku" to tell Fuutarou that Lolikano was Ichika.
At this point the only normal reaction would be anger towards Negi because of said asspull. That being said, I'll believe it when I see it.
let the shittery continue then
will rika redeem herself?
No name was ever mentioned and there's some damage control going on.
I wonder about this persecution complex.
>Except that Miku hasn't had any development at all, and Ichika only has had negative development
this manga have 82 chapters, do not jump 70 chapters speedreader-kun
I don't feel like it is impossible for her to like him or start to.
Don't pretend that you didn't make it obvious. People who browse these threads know who you're talking about.
I do feel that she's in love with him right now, she let her Rena mental gymnastics take control of her and some kind of suspention bridge effect happened and he's now stuck on her mind.
My only problem is: isn't it kinda too late though?
> have "miku" tell the truth that she is lolinakano and yotsuba misunderstood her, she was in love with fuu when she was little but not anymore and ichika loves him now
The more I think about this option the more I believe it's a valid option. Considering that Miku is the only quint that got no real involvement in the Lolikano plot yet (except for ch35), the least likely quint to be Lolikano might in fact be her after all.
it's extremely believable that she could be in love with but but unable to see it or accept her feelings, which has been a recurring theme (from the start, when Fuutarou had to pretend she was Miku to teach her)
nothing about it is an asspull, they had plenty of good moments together, just because she doesn't say it outright doesn't mean it's not there
>My only problem is: isn't it kinda too late though?
Nino fell for him in then span of an arc and a half. Itsuki is doing it in the span of 4 arcs.
I love this one
I think he's referring to the kiss
Nothing irks me more than missing good art because the artist didn't bother to tag it properly. Thanks bro.
I meant more because of the kiss, the dumbest move Negi ever did, but ok I guess.
She can start to like him anytime. But it has to give the feeling that it's genuine, like for the other sisters. Didn't get that impression yet.
Fat thighs and a plump rump.
>since the kiss
>he started thinking she was special
>few chapters later
>Itsuki: at least I don't have to worry about her
special indeed
this, but unironical
send this to negi
Boob massaging
Ribbon harrassment
Naked scene
Is she a sexual fantasm for Negi ?
>Ribbon harrassment
That's reserved for Nino. First I'll hide one ribbon, and then I'll suggest she take off the other so she doesn't look funny. After that, I'll run my hands through her hair and rub her ears sensually.
What's wrong with wanting a beach chapter?
What if, listen to me here. What if
Fuutarou loves all of them, so he goes back in time and marries their mother, so he is their real father.
while i personally think Miku is lolinakano, her being Ichika would be a valid way for Negi to throw her back into the bowl
Was anyone else kind of bothered at how fast Ichika went right back to playing the big sis role in 83? Within a few hours of getting BTFO she went right to helping Miku.
Yeah, Negi was on his game for a long while but now? No.
Ichika is homicidal, Nino doesn't have breaks, Miku is obsessed, and Yotsuba is depressed. Itsuki seems to just kinda like him.
Spoiler this shit.
I think she's still up to something, don't know why else she'd mention her stomach hurting.
That sounds like an amazing idea. Be sure to tell Negi.
Spoiler 84:With my microscope I know where all the groups will go except Nino
>A)Negi does not show it deliberately(Nino)
>B)The celebrity visit(Yotsuba)
>C)Tea tasting visit(Itsuki)
>D)Historical visit(Ichika)
>E)The haunted house(Miku/Fuutarou)
* maybe for Nino Botanical Garden near the temple
>My prediction
when Fuutarou will be to the haunted house with Miku , I bet he will think about Nino,
Negi is troll
>The building might be distinct, but would you be able to find the exact part of the building the photo was taken in front of without even having that photo as reference anymore?
Tourist spots in Japan almost always have a fairly predefined route with specific spots where everyone stops to take a picture. Anyone who has ever been there will immediately recognize the spot.
>>C)Tea tasting visit(Itsuki)
as expected
Celebrity visit and Haunted House are the two weirdest things. I thought their school would have had more academic things for the courses.
Tea Tasting is a cultural thing so that's understandable.
Historical visit is right in its name.
I guess for celebrity visit it would depend on the celebrity, but I am wondering what's up with the haunted house.
If yotsuba never saw the temples then she couldn't be lolikano huh...
has anyone see this yotsuba is the bride theory that's 41 pages
someone just posted it in the other thread and i'm about to dive in
We do know, I think one user was in the process of reading it.
Not sure how far he is though.
What? Nino looks way better without the ribbons. i want to pull each ribbon out of Nino's hair with a single yank and watch them drop to the ground in front of her.
>Negi decides to make Fuutarou and Nino a couple at the end of the Kyoto arc
>rest of the manga is about them and their lovey-dovey couple shenanigans
How would you react and what would happen to this manga's popularity? I'm legitimately curious
>but I am wondering what's up with the haunted house.
does it specifically says "haunted house"?
i found a few tours around Kyoto haunted places so that could be it
What did Negi mean by this?
Kill yourself subhuman
>Replying to a braindead cockroach
I would cry of happiness and thank based Negi
Might lose some people but if Negi knows how to play it out, it could be one of the best romances of the decade, so it might end pretty popular.
2 3 1 4
It's too fucking lewd, man. I will have to call the authorities.
All I see is a lot of places to take pictures in front of.
I would love it because I love Nino and the dynamic Fuutarou and her have is fantastic. I think if you aren't a Ninofag you would definitely be annoyed because it's not your favorite quint. Sales would definitely drop because now they feel like there is no point in supporting their waifu anymore.
I would also like chapters developing actual relationship dynamics between the hero and the heroine since it feels most manga always just end at them getting together and just time skip to their marriage. You never see the hardships they have to endure mid-relationship and how they work their way through them and we are just supposed to accept that it works out amazingly.
It should've happened a long time ago, tbqh.
Call them if you want, user. I simply want to untie Nino's ribbons, wave them in front of her and blow into her ear before finally dropping the ribbons between her legs.
well let's see how this goes
it'd be based as fuck but unfortunately the majority of readers like Miku so readership would fall off
Would be boring.
>Fuuts and Miku go to a haunted house together on their date
Cute and spooky!
I'd love it because we rarely see romcoms in general continue after the confession, let alone harem romcoms. Seeing Fuutarou autistically adjust to what it means to be a boyfriend would be quite interesting.
Popularity would probably drop because the fans of the girls who lost would be disappointed and might not want to finish the series.
ok that's enough for now thread's near bump limit anyway
It would be too soon and feel rushed. I'd rather have some more chapters to build up the other quints before they get gloriously dumpstered.
>Replying to a mentally handicapped ape
That's it. I'm calling the police.
Enjoy spending the rest of you life in prison. You have no shame.
> Miku and Fuutaro in a haunted house
Oh no HAHAHAHAHA, what are you doing Negi
ok nvm i had to post this bit from later in the doc because it's fucking funny
the only retard here its you now go sleep
If that's true, its weird but has potential to be very cute with antics.
Go ahead! Once you take off the ribbons, you can't put them back on! It'll never be the same!
He's making it so that when Miku gets rejected and cries like a little girl, everyone will think that she is scared because of the haunted house, so it will help her save some face. Based Negi.
>Miku representing Fire
i'm halfway convinced this entire document is a parody of other analyses posts. i thought i was autistic with my invisiblemiku theory
>The haunted house(Miku/Fuutarou)
>Negi skipped NinoxFuu haunted house
>MikuxFuu haunted house get a full chapter
So it's an intentional joke " thesis" right? There's no way he seriously missed why Yotsuba counted like she did.
I like Ichika because she is crafty (or cunning), she makes a good housewife from external threat and wont be stupid enough to get scammed or something.
On the other hand, Nino is the most stylish girl, wearing nail polish, makeup, etc. She is gyaru-like which is my fetish.
Miku also seems like a girl where you pledge to protect. Nice type but shadowed by 2 titans.
>Miku and Fuutaro in a haunted house
maybe a kiss in the dark because Miku is a coward
>she makes a good housewife
Her room was a disaster though. If she lived alone, her house would be a shithole. She is not qualified to be a housewife.
I can see Nagi making one of the quints kiss F during this trip. Just to fuck with the whole bell kiss ordeal.
This is a new level of autism
well it might be a joke, but it's also 41 pages...
>Tea tasting Itsuki
God damn it!
Yotsuba only exists for rude chests. She has no other purpose.
>>MikuxFuu haunted house get a full chapter
obviously not all the chapter just 3 or 4 page
and one pannel with Fuutarou who will remember his date with Nino
Out of all of them right now, Nino is the most housewife like.
Ichika can't clean for shit. Also as an actress, she would have like no time for her family.
Nino is a cook and is basically taking care of the quints almost like a mom. We've also seen how clean her room is, so she knows how to clean. Her no-nonsense attitude is what a child needs to make sure they have proper discipline.
Miku is attempting to learn how to cook, but at least her room is clean. She needs to get more of a backbone before having kids, otherwise her kids would walk all over her.
Yotsuba is still mentally a child.
Itsuki has the no-nonsense attitude, and I'm sure she knows how to clean.
Sasuga, newfag
>Yotsuba is still mentally a child
Did you forget Ichika saying the it's Yots who takes care of her room for her? She also took a job as a janitor. She can do house chores all right.
Perfect fit. I am surprised not more people think that lolikano is Nino. Kintarou was there for a reason. Negi, who hates doing unnecesary stuff, will not use a fake Fuutarou persona that resembles his younger self for no reason.
Would anyone be THIS dedicated for a joke?
Not that is impossible but
Yes please, having a manga that delves into dating and further would be interesting as fuck.
>I am surprised not more people think that lolikano is Nino
Well, he literally told her the Lolikano story and it didn't mean anything to her.
Also, who would want a huge loser flag?
Can anyone confirm it says "Haunted House"?
>Well, he literally told her the Lolikano story and it didn't mean anything to her.
Maybe because she was subconciously rejecting Fuutarou, so she didn't want to associate Fuutarou with his young version. She herself said that she was rejecting her role after all.
He will have Miku's breasts in his arms, i doubt he remembers something at that moment
I've noticed that too, but rather than Nino being Lolikano, I thinks it's a parallel about saving Fuutarou. Lolikano in the past, Nino in the present.
Good catch user.
Nah, I'm a Ninobro myself and I don't even consider that too.
The chance is too small to even be worth mention, just let it go.
It would be weird if Nino was lolikano if you think about it. Loses the old charm as a way to say goodbye to his past. The bracelet is the new charm he has to connect with Nino now.
Imagine saying goodbye to a person symbolically just to reconnect with them with a different symbol.
The "source" is a compulsively lying attention whore.
He's assblasted about Miku, though, so he probably stole it from other chinks and it might be legit.
>Still replying to a bugman
I want to be Ichika's friend
>>Negi skipped NinoxFuu haunted house
Negi will finally put us his pannel FuutarouxNino in the haunted house with a Fuutarou's flashback
> criticize Miku
> is telling the truth
> defend Miku
> he is a liar
How we come to this?
fuck you it's true
Negi here. The final battle is between 2, 4 and 5. Enjoy the shitstorm.
Maybe wait and see
Well, yeah, I guess it's true. I still find it weird that Kintarou was made to reference his younger self though, it's a bit unnecesary, at least to be used with Nino.
Negi here. Itsuki is lolikano, the kisser, and the bride. Thank you for reading.
P.S. Fuck Yotsubafags
Nino is lolinakano,the kisser,the bride
>Itsuki is lolikano (who cares), Nino is the kisser, and the bride.
If anything, she probably saw him from afar (reminder that she's blind as fuck) which was the set up of her tastes and why she felt she saw that kid before, but they never met. No reason to bother with it.
>reminder that she's blind as fuck
Now that you say that, what if she simply doesn't remember his face?
They've spent too much time together, plus walking around so easily like that while being blind isn't an easy feat.
Hmm, well, I don't know. I will still hold on my suspicions, but for now I will concede I guess.
Oh look at this story. At first she was his first girlfriend, he was her first boyfriend, and then in the end they get married.
Why could not it be that before they got married they were with other people?
"the haunted house"it's no fake or edit
this crazy Mikufagsdo not know the difference between Chinese and Japanese or between his father and his mother.
This user is litliterally a big trisomic of all the thread
It'd be pretty awkward to date your ex's sister
Because then she would be impure.
The fact that he posted this despite being assblasted abut Miku going to the haunted house with Fuutarou, and started immediately his "b-but Nino..." makes me think it might be legit.
Stolen from someone competent, at least.
Kill yourself, subhuman
Did you forget that Ichika once "stole" Yotsuba's boy she wanted to spend time with when they were all lolinakanos?
Only the crazy Ninofags are saying dumb things like that.
I've made that argument before.
One of the volume introductions states that she started wearing contact lenses only 3 years ago, though. It's unlikely.
Did her eyesight start going bad 5 years ago? Who knows
Nino has the most evidence leaning towards her possibly being Lolikano, but she heard (at least part of) the story and didn't realize it was her.
I'm betting on Yotsuba just because Lolikano is her last chance on having any major connection to the romantic throughline.
It's also entirely possible Ichika was telling the truth and is Lolikano. If Itsuki isn't Lolikano then Lolikano still has her charm. Which would mean her own lies and Itsuki's interference kneecapped her.
Let this party end.
Fuck off to tieba, cockroach.
Imagine a piece of filth so shit that all Ninofags hate him too.
That's the subhuman chink
Ichika stole Yotsuba's friend on the "next day".
There was no next day between Shotarou and Lolikano.
i'm still fairly certain all of them met Fuutarou 5 years ago, the Yotsuba recounting her memories of Ichika taking things including that boy she wanted to befriend supports my beliefs.
What are the chances of party being over for 2 weeks?
>Nino has the most evidence leaning towards her possibly being Lolikano
Come on. She doesn't
Don't worry Miku. Nino will be ok with that.
Zero, time for more useless threads.
A bit higher than Yotsuba's chances of being the bride.
You guys come up with new buzzwords in every thread
Okay, who has more evidence than Nino?
This. Also, being not oblivious like a harem protagonist *cough* *cough*. Also not being in denial because being able to see Yotsuba's feelings but not Itsuki's is kind of amazing when the first had them shown even less than the latter during the whole story. What can you say, I just want people to enjoy the story Negi is writting for us, but some would prefer their story..
I think the manga has been pretty clear that being Lolikano doesn't really mean much in the story. He's moved on from his past, which seemed to be one of the big lessons from Seven Goodbyes. He hasn't forgotten it, but he's no longer bound by it.
If anything, I'd say being Lolikano might work against that girl. One of the lessons of this manga is moving on from the past and embracing what's in front of you, present and future. Whatever you think of Nino, Miku, or any of the other girls, I thought Seven Goodbyes was pretty clear on that, as the most recent Rena meeting.
But seriously, people saying Nino is her are looking too hard. Same with Miku. It's probably either Itsuki or Yotsuba.
Its pretty silly now, she clearly visibly showed she was disappointed Fuu wasn't in her chosen group.
Nah I'm sure some other gook user will take over. At worst we will get text translations on Tuesday when the raws come out.
>the first had them shown even less than the latter during the whole story.
Yotsuba confessed in chapter 21.
It's chapter 83 and all Itsuki has is her stupid Rena thing that was abruptly brought back a couple of chapters ago
It is Yotsuba
reminder that what matters is who Fuutarou likes, and if that person is Itsuki then it doesn't matter one bit if she enters the game at the end
>I think the manga has been pretty clear that being Lolikano doesn't really mean much in the story. He's moved on from his past
Not yet. He still has to confront Rena and tell her to fuck off one more time but after that, yes, he's over it, Lolikano won't have any advantage over other quints.
Yes, because she still wants him to find out she's Rena. She can't do it if he's not there, dumbass.
Itsuki's motivations haven't changed for the past 5 fucking chapters. This chapter hasn't shown her liking Fuutarou any more than the previous ones.
It will matter to the readers who don't want a shit written, hollow ending.
Is it time to post burgers?
Really silly, yes... But there are still people thinking otherwise and that would think her winning is coming out of nowhere. It's not like it's a harem manga where the 5 of them have equal chances of winning since the beginning, until one is officially deemed out by Negi. Though, I'm glad not everyone is like this and can be more like you.
And deemed it being a joke back then. And if you need a confession to know a girl is in love with a guy.. I don't know how to feel for you but girls can love a guy and never say anything about it, just blush around him, being conscious about him and her body and them being close.. Exactly Itsuki since the beginning :) Reread the manga if you need proof, it's all over the place :)
how would it be shit writing? I'm dying to know
You are right, Itsuki has never been there, nor she had any interaction with Fuutarou, she just appeared recently as the fifth hidden sister -__- I can't believe Itsuki winning would be hollow but the others are ok because she was not as obvious as the others when it comes to going after his dick, and now that she makes moves, she is just a whore that was never relevant and comes out of nowhere. I must be reading a different manga, that's it! The worst is, I don't care much about Itsuki but being that hateful or blinded, I can't understand how stupid and self-centered people can be to not understand basic psychology shit.
I am dying to know too. Must be us, we are clearly not reading the same manga as them :)
she will rain salt all over the fandom
Urgh.. I want to show you how wrong you are to think she is nothing special in the story but you insult people right of the bat when they think differently so I will just let you see how the manga is going to prove you wrong in the future. Because, if her motivation is to JUST tell him she is Rena and nothing else, then why is she even a character in a harem manga with a chance of being the bribe + why being even remotely sad of him not caring about her anymore, why blush around him, being conscious around him, etc... Mmmh...
I don't understand why you people shit on Miku so much, it's like you chose to be willfully blind to everything that happened in the previous chapters
Because she is shit, a doormat, otaku pandering character?
I think people are actually blind when it comes to the story. Not only with Miku but with every quint they don't worship. Just enjoy the story and the quint you like, don't fall into the hate :)
Because two characters suddenly proclaiming their love for each other after a manga's worth of interactions that aren't very romantic feels pretty hollow
Stop it. You don't have to be insulting. I understand your view on her, she has flaws like any character in a story and you particularly don't like these flaws (and maybe the fanbase linking her) but you don't have to be harsh to say it.
What happened in the previous chapters? Making her look like a loser?
Last for Ichicute a best
Low self esteem just like most anons?
Maybe they want her to fight back against snek and nino but all she did was saying sorry to them?
My only problem with her is that it feels like she has regressed instead of progressed. Compare Miku to how she was in the first 40 or so chapters and to how she is these last 2 arcs especially these last 10 chapters. She has become more and more passive as a character.
Go back
Last for Nino a shit
You should stop projecting
fuck off
That's the problem. People ignore the parts that don't feature their waifu and then get surprised by "aspulls", or just bend the facts to fit their agenda like She was always emotionally vulnerable and socially awkward so her reaction to Ichikas (who used to be her most trusted sister) betrayal is natural IMO. It's a moment of crisis for her so of course she's pathetic right now