Dororo Ep. 15

I swear this episode looked like it was made by the same fucker that made Gurren Lagann Ep. 4

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Other urls found in this thread:

What the fuck was with the artstyle and animation this episode?
This was one hell of a nosedive in quality.

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It was made by the guy who did TTGL episode 4

Actually is the same guy...


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Sorry there's really nothing else to discuss about this episode besides the animation quality?

please don't be real

Oh boy it is real, and the whole episode is almost like that webm, I'm surprised that pile of shit got approved for release instead of just delaying for another week.

Even the death of the demon was half assed as fuck, if it wasn't for him winning another body part back I wouldn't had realized that he killed that thing.

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I'm sorry user. Please don't cry.

Who's gonna get fired this time?

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So am i the only one who though no only the animation but the direction was just shit?

>other thread deleted

No, I agree with you. Direction could've saved the animation, but the direction was absolutely fucked. Pacing was off, scenes and framing was off, none of it made any sense.

The fuck happened to the other thread?

Why is the other thread deleted?
Also, Quality.

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This was by far the worst episode and not because of the plot. it was rushed, the animation was shit, the transitions between scenes were clumsy at best and characters felt somehow detached from everything. Who directed this travesty of an episode? Did they hire an intern or something?

The flashbacks, ghost loli and the boat scenes are all kino as fuck

You are a pleb if you can't appreciate animation with different style.

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same bait from last thread. into the trash it goes


fucking retarded janitor

I bet it was probably deleted just because of the "I can't believe Hyakki is fucking dead"

This episode was legitimately embarrassing.

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Holy shit what actually happened? Usually Yea Forums exagerrates but this whole episode was terrible compared to the rest of the anime.

I suspect a cancerous mod made this thread andcouldn't wait for the bump limit.
Either that or they forgot about the unwritten rule that if you're gonna delete a thread among 2 for the same subjects then you ought to delete the latest one because it's in the wrong for not waiting for the older one to archive. But I don't want to believe our beloved mods would forget about something basic like that.

Why did it kamikaze into the tower?

who pays the janny to delete active threads?

>underage plebs triggered by their first Osamu Kobayashi
Beautiful. I've been anticipating this episode since winter.

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it had some moments but overall the direction was terrible


The fuck?

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Don't worry young anons, Dororo will protect you from the bad animation man.

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QUALITY animation and weird pacing aside, the Hyakkimaru parts does a really good job of showing his exhaustion etc, kinda reminds me of Guts desu

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either OP got banned and mass deleted or it because of the template thread shit, as in "I can't believe X is fucking dead!"

lately they have been quite autistic about it instead of just saving it for more annoying and overused shit like the "Say something nice about X"

I honestly didn't mind, I'd rather she protects me from meddling janitors.

I really don't know. It was not explained at all, and the whole scene was just bizarre.

What are some examples of Kobayashi's work beside TTGL ep4 and BECK?

I haven't seen him since TTGL.

How did Hyakki live with a spine replacement, and how was it installed?

> "I can't believe X is fucking dead!"
That's a template title now? It's ridiculous. How are memes even supposed to be born in these conditions?

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he did episode 11 of ekoda recently

I asked myself the same question but then I realized I don't want to know.

He direceted a short animation with Studio 4C.
I don't remenber the title, but it look good, well, at least better than the Dororo chapter.

i kinda like hyakki with eye shadow

Memes are now illegal.

as I said, lately they have been too autistic about it

Wait so why did the moths fucking kamikaze the buildings again and set the town on fire, how did he get a fake spine, what was the point of the bugs, what happened to the nun ghost? Shit episode.

What's with his obsession with the mouth's animation

God saw all those idiots who can't read and decided to smite the thread.

This show is disappointment of the year already.

This looks similar to Dororo's first ED, which was made by the same dude.

It started like a potential AOTY

I thought it was the torch.

Why did they even kill the nun and the children in the first place? I could imagine that the nun held the ghouls off with her holiness. By why did they need to throw those kids into the fire?

The only really good scene from this episode was the short flashback. Fuck the villagers, they got what they deserved.

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calm down, it's just one bad episode

I think it was supposed to be hurt and just drift toward the light in their pain but it was badly animated with zero acting so it came off this way.
Unless the moth killed herself because Hyakki had just killed her husband and her moth larva kids had just died in the fire, but if that was the case it was poorly shown. A close up or two on the moth's face might have done the trick to show her emotions but it didn't feel like mappa was willing to put effort into her character.

>Why did they even kill the nun and the children in the first place?
They killed the nun and used the children as food for the worms/demons.

Fucking tumblr

Now you're just pretending to be silly because it fits what you want to see, user.
I don't think that it's necessarily a bad thing to "encourage" a bit of effort in OPs, allthough 400 posts into a thread is probably 380+ posts too late.

People who can't express themselves without having some retarded meme template as a crutch are the devil.

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They sacrified the kids to the moth caterpillars.

Paradise Kiss, episode of PSG, episode of 2015 Lupin, episode of Kemonozume, episode of Rinshi Ekoda-chan, episode of Dantalian.

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The kids refused to pay attention at the weekly presentation of mongolian cave paintings.

>Yea Forums can't into Osamu Kobayashi's artstyle
Oh wow, this really IS like putting your face up next to an anus and breathing deeply.

I'm baffled that they're still hiring this guy.

OP of that thread here. I wasn't banned or warned.

His "artstyle" is complete garbage.

>it's a fucking Gurren Lagann ep 4 guy

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This means they're saving for some action episode.

Why is Dororo blushing like half the episode?

Also Naruto 700 to 703. He wrote the list of his works on his twitter bio, for some reason he didn't include TTGL lol

This should have BEEN the action episode, the fight in the manga is one of the best and visually striking of the whole series!

It has nothing to do with budget or time constraints. The episode turned out like this, because that's Osamu Kobayashi's style. We can only hope that he never comes back again in this series.

Moths are attracted to light. I'm guessing the oil was from the moths but it wasn't explained well enough and that's why he was able to ignite it with his foot torch.

> Looks like Gurren Lagann Episode 4
OOF I loved the series but the episode I almost never rewatch this episode. Is there any other episodes in anime that get like this randomly?

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she's starting to have lewd thoughts about her aniki


Really? She blushed two or three times?

>but the episode I almost never rewatch this episode
Same. And it's a shame because they introduce Kittan and his sisters in that episode.

I understand you pov but at the same time I find it pretty hypocritical. Yea Forums is based on the principle that the threads with many answers get saved from pruning and pushed towards the front page. In other words, you are only rewarded for how worthy of an answer people deem your thread, not for the quality of its OP. The quality of the OP on Yea Forums is directly correlated to how much answers it gets. Not how smart or thoughtful it is. There are no rewards for writing smart or thoughtful posts here. Deleting threads with meme ops isn't gonna change that fact.
Moreover this thread was made on airing day, the opening statement is argably superfluous since the purpose of the thread is self evident.

It looked great yeah, pretty good use of QUALITY, focusing the low budget in movement over image definition, which is what animation is about.
Both this and the last chapter were pretty good, and I'm happy to see the Dororo's dad money plot thickening.

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Also in a lewd way.

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Oh hey Nitta, when's the next chapter


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Wake me up when Hyakki recovers his eyesight

>they said I should grow some backbone, so I did

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I was neither triggered nor impressed by this animation style.
Pretty meh episode overall.

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Didn't watch the episode yet, but are we supposed to buy that he's been walking around with a prosthetic spine until now?

Food for the demon.

Is it really any harder to believe than everything else?

user if you still haven't figured out that the prosthetics as well as Hiakkimaru and this entire show all run on the mercy of Buddha I don't know what to tell you.

I can forgive the bad animation since the backgrounds are still beautiful, but the way the episode was directed was absolutely terrible. Completely butchered the best arc in the manga, and those fucking crossfades everywhere.

That's gonna be the last episode user

The artstyle isn't the only problem, there was too much close up shots because it was probably easier to draw, and when they had to do a full body, it was mostly QUALITY.
The direction was also horrible when it was alternating between Dororo/caterpillars and Hyakki/Sabame every 20s awkwardly, concluding with a worthless flashbacks of what happened 3min ago when they reunite.

But the painting backgrounds were really nice though

>like putting my face next to an anus and breathing deeply.

Yes. He was a cute little worm after all.

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how the fuck does this talentless hack get work


>there was too much close up shots
Same shit happened in TTGL ep.4

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I'm real curious how it's possible this guy keeps getting the opportunity to make shitty episodes every time

is he just a really friendly guy irl? does he have shit loads of cash? how does he keep getting away with this?

You can't take it for garanted. It'll surely happen towards the end, but it might be a few episodes before the end of the anime.

he cant animate. its nothing about the stlye, its about not being able to animate at all. and thats disregarding the direction.

shut up boomer, everyone has come across an episode directed by him before, they're not enjoyable regardless.

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It got worse?
Ok dropped this loli lewd anime

>tahomaru shows up for less than 30 seconds
why even fucking bother?

Animation, direction AND writing were all shit.

This was the third time they recycled the same plotline.

You have to be the biggest contrarian on Yea Forums right now. Even if you somehow enjoy Kobayashi's artstyle you can't denied the fact that today's episode was a complete mess.

someones kid or nephew or yakuza or gives the animators access to rape dungeons. only answer. no one can look at and take the bait that this is an 'art style' and not just a hack.

Bush needed a war to cement his presidency and sate the military industrial complex

Nah it's fine, this dude directed only this episode

I sure do love watching anime. Nothing but the highest quality of animation all the time, not like other country's sad attempts.

At least ep 16 looks pretty good (and comfy)

also shark boi a cute

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>another stain on a good anime
he has got to do it on purpose at this point right? like 'hey people like this just a little TOO much'.


>Don't do a thing about forced threads for manga on anime that have nothing new to discuss and are essentially generals sans general in the title
>Nuke a thread about an anime on the day it airs
Seriously, what the fuck are they doing?

He looks so smug. Can't wait to see his face when they kill his sharks.

Not sure user, did the preview of ep 15 give you the idea it was going to end like it did?

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Just because you're "intentionally" bad doesn't mean that you magically stop being bad, user.
You can test this theory by ironically slapping yourself and you will see that the end-result is the same as it would have been with an unironic slap.

Please try hard and often.

No, but as long as it isn't the TTGL episode 4 guy directing I'm fine with it

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Did they do the right thing?

The fire must have been pretty intense for Hyakki to feel the heat from there and ask Dororo what was going on.

It's odd how it spread so quickly too, considering the village is right beside a lake.

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Kamikaze moths and Dororo spreading the oil around.

It's several bad episodes in a row.

Dororo & Hyakkimaru (1969, colorized)


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>Dororo spreading the oil around

but why?? I cant believe Dorothy commited arson

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Because fuck the village, they deserved it.

the thing is its not even off model bad quality, its more like they just left he episode in the storyboard stage and colored it

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I don't think the oil was "spread", it was just thrown on the ground in the place where they stored the rice so the villagers couldn't burn anything else with it. Yes it helped destroy all the rice they had but not the whole village

It peaked with the Mio arc, it's been on a decline since.

Episodes 9-12 were pretty good too. The quality began to fall from ep.13 onward.

11-12 were a hot mess when it was supposed to be the climax of the first cours.

Dororo acts like a thief for once

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I know, right? I almost forgot she was like that in the manga.

Yes, that and bad scene transitions made it unwatchable.
Also, the supposed cliffhanger at the end of the episode with Itachi and Dororo's reunion fell flat.

Overlooking the bad animation, for now, I have something that I've been wondering for a while. What exactly are the rules for Hyakkimaru growing organs back?
He's supposed to be killing demons that his dad made a deal with right? So why does it seem like every random demon he kills gives him an organ?
I could believe he's just getting lucky in finding them, but this raises 2 issues why did he regrow his leg that one time after it was cut off and will he forever be one organ short because he spared that spider woman demon?

>why did he regrow his leg that one time after it was cut off
based retard



Jesus christ. I want to be a fly on the wall when they were trying to get this episode out

What? His leg was eaten by that sand demon in Moriko's song, but then it grew back. I could have sworn that the had already gotten that leg back before it was eaten, was this not the case.

the quality drop and spine, that would have to break out of his skin let alone make less sense than his missing body parts so far, was a big disappointed. I was hoping the spine thing was dropped since he had less parts to get back now. and getting it back shows no difference in how he functions. whoever made that call should be fired. the first half of the show made a point to show how he functions with the returned parts that are a new experience for him. why have they dropped that?

Truly, the party is over. Spring is a cursed season.

Even among all this mess Hyakkikun is still super cute

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The demon made a pseudo-contract at that moment, his leg for his voice.

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Christ almighty, usually I don't see what people are complaining about, and this shit was obvious even to me.

How the fuck did Aniki manage to move his limbs with a fake spine?

Imagine being completely unable to animate to the point that every shit you direct makes people's eyes bleed, but still consistently getting jobs in the anime industry.
This guy isn't a hack, he is a genius. I wish I could get paid for taking a shit and recording it with a camera for 23 minutes.

Same magic that kept him alive with no skin or nervous system.

>will he forever be one organ short because he spared that spider woman demon

No, spiderfu was just a neutral yokai, she didn't have any of his bodyparts

great, so this guy thinks he's talented hot shit and anyone who calls him a hack is just a mad jelly hater who don't understtand his art.
and he's got some delusional homeboys sucking his dick
super epic!

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The demons didn't steal his brain though.

3 new were translated recently

What, when was a contract mentioned? I skipped over the episodes just now and he fails to kill the sand demon but gets his voice back anyway then gets the leg he lost back after he kills it. I'm confused as to why he got his voice back despite not killing it and why he got his leg back despite it no longer being stolen by a demon.

Did they steal yours or were you just born without one?

There is nothing wrong with that scene. Characters can't be drawn detailed if they are far away

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Skimmed not skipped


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Demon took his leg and give him voice so when he killed it he regained leg.

>Man has literally mastered surgery to the point where he is able to install spines in people
The man is Buddha himself.

Nothing wrong with it

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>that mill

>why does it seem like every random demon he kills gives him an organ?

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That's what I'm confused about why did the demon give him his voice after eating his leg?

Nice backround.

at least those made semi sense, the spine thing doesn't at all, especially considering what it was made of. it was a stupid call to leave that in while cutting down the missing parts to 12. he should have gotten a limb back or something.

>like putting his face next to an anus and breathing deeply

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To hear him scream in pain. Demons are assholes.

Am I incorrect? It seems like he just wanders around, finds a demon by happenstance, kills it and it just so happens to be one of the ones that have his organs. I was asking if I was missing some rule or if he's just getting lucky.

Family reunion episodes were pretty good in my opinion. Stonecutter episode was stupid. The set up episode last week was alright. If this episode wasn't directed by a notorious incompetent, this arc probably would have been really good.

I wish this anime had a bigger budget
It would've been extremely good
But the more action happens the worse it looks
This episode was a really shitty one

>the whole episode is almost like that webm
It's really not.


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>made by the same fucker that made Gurren Lagann Ep. 4
Well, I'm skipping this fucking episode. I honestly don't care what I miss, I refuse to watch this garbage hack's work if I can avoid it.

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what chapter of the manga was this episode? this episode was so bad i would rather just read the rest of the story.

This and what followed me burst out laughing.

>Osamu Kobayashi can't animate!
Reading this thread is like putting my face next to an anus and breathing deeply.

Writing is subpar, they're trying to add (mostly worthless) stuff to the original and end up with not enough time to tell the stories properly. Pacing is absolute dreck, look at the pathetic climax and cliffhanger in this episode. That's 100% on the scriptwriter, not on the episode director.

>switch to shittier OP
>show opens on bath episode and goes downhill fast
I’m going to pretend this ended already.

Not every demon he slayed on screen gave him an organ. Pay attention.

fix this mess before the home release, you fools.

At least Dororo has toes now.

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He should stick to indie 3 minute “animation” where he is far away from narrative direction and quality control.

Don't bother, you're not going to change their minds.

I guess some demon stole that animator's body part responsible for him not being incompetent

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>the guy can animate I swear!
But why do the cuts in the shows he's featured in always look like shit? Why are they always infamously hated episodes in any series he gets a full episode in?

Nearly every demon then, I apologize for causing confusion with hyperbole, my point was that he seems to be finding them all by pure luck.

The demons Hyakkimaru has to find and kill are 12 (or better 11 since we've learned that the Twelfth couldn't devour him for some reason) but there are many more that exist and share the lands with humans. It isn't clear how many weeks or months have passed since Hyakki started his journey with Dororo, we can assume he killed a fuckton of demons off screen, and sometimes was lucky enough to come across the ones that matter. In the manga this is explained with the fact that ghouls and kishin are naturally attracted to his demoniac spirit.

>Why are they always infamously hated episodes in any series he gets a full episode in?
They're not.

Well yes? What's wrong with that? What else can he do?

This show is tanking so fucking hard. All they had to do was make it look fine and that'd be enough to keep you interested while it meanders towards its final destination. But half the episodes look like garbage at this point.

That makes sense I guess, for some reason, I thought it was like 40 or so demons rather than twelve which was why he could find them so easily.

Dororo's cunny is so smelly Itachi had no trouble finding her even without any prior knowledge of her whereabouts!

>It was actually the same guy who did Gurren Lagann 4
Holy fucking shit why is this guy still in the industry

Nothing is wrong with that, I was merely asking if it was actually by luck or if there were rules or circumstances that I was missing.

Absolutely fucking based

Objectively wrong.

The guy does kinda looks like a douche so im going to say Yakuza/Nepotism.

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Well I got one. Apparently whoever it was did it not because of a template, it was because they thought the spoiler was actually real.

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>moth wife with her human form didn't show up
But why

She did briefly at the end of the previous episode.

Please respect Dororo's preferred gender and refer to him using he/him pronouns. Thank you.

Fuck off ANN.



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What happened to the humanoid moth antagonist in the last episode & OP? Is she dead?

Wow, this whole episode was trash.

Was his Lupin Part 4 episode infamously hated? Or his Panty & Stocking episode? Or his Naruto episodes? Or his Kemonozume episode?


oh fuck

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Holy shit. They've given up. Everything was awful, including the storyboard.


Please explain to me how you're using based in this context. I've known about it since Lil' B showed up on the scene and did his shit, but I've never been able to follow how exactly it's used here. Does it even mean anything? Did you feel compelled to give me a (You) even though you had nothing to say? I never know how to take take it when somebody blesses me with it as a response.

This only looks fine because of the artstyle that matches the awkward animation well.

Gone probably because she wasn't artistic enough for the autistic director.

Before the show started, I expected a 7/18.
After the first few episodes, I upgraded it to 8/10.
Once the whole family met and stuff started to get interesting, I thought there was real potential for a 9/10.
Then nothing happened for a while, so I decided to drop it back to 7/10.
Now today happened. Down to 6/10.
The real plot is the rollercoaster of disappointment.

He wants to show that he appreciated your post, but since Yea Forums lacks a feature to show such appreciation he feels compelled to do it by a single word post instead.

Are you fucking serious? What kind of newfags do they have jannying now?

Lurk moar.

Westaboo shit
All garbage
He died get over it

That doesn't seem to be the only way it's used though.


this would look ok if it was fan made. the fact that it's made by a professional is just embarrassing.

I've been here for a very long time and I've really been able to wrap me head around the intended use of that one.

Dororo was designed for the mating press.

>easily one of the best parts of the manga
>mappa retards gave it to a talentless hack
>result is way worse than anyone could expect

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You've entirely forgotten the point of contention here. Do you suffer from brain damage?

Then you're autistic. I'm esl and while I have zero idea where it comes from it's easy to guess what it means. It's just a glorified "this", "i like it", an unironical upvote if you will.

Cant belive what a shitshow this episode was. Even if i ignore the animation, which was atrocious, the pacing and story are completely off. The whole episode felt barebones. Instead of doing something with the human form of the demon, the whole subplot was dropped, village burned down for no reason and a fake fucking spine. How the hell does that even work?

Damn. That janky as fuck lake battle scene.
The lack of music made it seem so trivial and anti-climactic. We didn't even get to see the moth's human form again, even though the OP suggests she was was supposed to play a bigger part. wew

>ruins the best part of the manga
>waddles away to go stuff some more rice balls and sake into his never ending gut

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He vaguely reminds me of Dan"hold her tighter, she's a fighter" Schneider.

The point of contention is his art is shit and he ruins episodes he touches.

>The guy was hyping his direction for this episode since before the anime aired
Im absolutely certain hes just a talentless pretentious dipshit.

Him and the Golden Knight of DitF should team up to make an anime about ruining anime and being disgusting pigmen.

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Yeah, he was enthusiastic and proud of his contribution he made sure to remind everyone that he directed episode 15 on twitter.

>"Hey guys what if we put a lot of emphasis on eye and mouth movement while the characters speak but don't really try to make it even remotely match their speech lol"

No, it's not. There's not so many posts in this reply chain that you should become so confused.

It’s like he watched some shitty French art house animation done on fives and was like “I can do that”.

You absolute retard

The fuck are you talling about? The voice actors match the animation in anime, not the other way around. This isn't Disney.

That was a different user. I have yet to watch Kenonozume and Part IV but when I do, I'll keep an eye out for them just so I can make a thread complaining about how awful I know they'll look.

Even Fairy Gone had a better episode

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Fairy Gone - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_21.19_[2019.04.22_14.26.49].jpg (1280x720, 90K)

I just put the player in windowed mode and capture with webmCam, quickest way to capture shit on my end.

on another note, is Itachi the most /fa/ character in dororo?

Attached: Itachi.png (540x304, 194K)

I don't get the hate.
While there were problems, this episode was a lot better than the last few that preceded it.

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>This shit is ''""Artistic Direction""'' so probably won't even be fixed for the BDs

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>you guys don't understand
>it's supposed to look like shit

You make a fair point.

>Takami Akai, the producer of the series and a co-founder of Gainax, announced that he would resign his position effective episode five, which aired on April 29, 2007, over comments that he made regarding posts on the Japanese Internet forum 2channel. Akai and another Gainax employee, Keiko Mimori, made disparaging remarks about comments criticizing the animation style of the fourth episode of Gurren Lagann, which was completely directed by guest and friend Osamu Kobayashi. With regard to reading the fan criticisms, Akai stated that it was "like putting [his] face next to an anus and breathing deeply." Fans later became aware of his comments, and he announced his departure from the company he helped to found.

>directed by guest and friend Osamu Kobayashi
>guest and friend

lmao, so how did that conversation went?

Bruh I´m bored as fuck, lemme direct and episode of that cartoon you are making.
Dude wtf, are you going to be like that?
Well ok, but just one episode.
Bruh its going to be sick.


My fucking sides.

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>his fucking spine
I bet demons knew Hyakki was retarded, and that's why no one took the brain.


>You're supposed to be happy when some talentless auteur shits his style all over an episode of a show you like
>complaining about it makes you uncultured newfags

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>"like putting [his] face next to an anus and breathing deeply."

I don't get it

is it worth it? what is it about?

The stuff in the village could be excused as being stylized in a weird way, but so much of the episode just had awful animation. What the hell happened?

I'm halfway though the episode and paused to come and look for this thread.
What the FUCK happened with this ep? The drawings and animation are hilariously cheap. Like they challenged themselves to produce it in half the time and half the budget.

How come he never boned Dororo's mom?

>the very end of that webm
fuckin lost it user, thanks.

They put a literal hack of a director in charge of the episode.

I ain't that mad about the writing, other than the spine thing and the last fight being less than impressive compared to the manga. it's more the distracting animation.

so is this guest animator like the retarded nephew of an important anime producer or something?

how does he get work?

dude you dont get it

its like saying modern art is "cheap" because its literally just a line on a blank canvas, and yet it sells for million of bucks

its art bruh learn to appreciate it

maybe he boned her corpse and that's why he found the map.

The spine part was just odd. Wouldn’t it have ripped through his skin? How are his ribs attached?

Yeah, I wrote that post. You (I assume) claimed that Kobayashi's work is "always infamously hated" and I disagreed with that specifically. I had no intention of arguing about the quality of his work, only the response to it. When I provided examples of episodes he'd directed that were not "infamously hated", you just completely ignored that and called his work shit. Whether his work is shit or not has nothing to do with with my point.

He must just be some fat fuck who is fun to party with, friends with the producers at old Gainax, friends with the Producers at Old madhouse (now Mappa). Who knows.

I prefer it when creators actually try to be different instead of the boring drag of episodes we have been getting for a while now.

Okay but, just cause he's a director doesn't mean it has to be so low quality. I feel like the staff resented his being put in charge and just phoned in the episode as protest because they're Japanese and this is how they deal with confrontation.

I already told you what was a different user who called the series themselves shot beyond the episodes pig-boy worked on.

do you not rike it?

Japanese humor.
Anime producers keep hiring this guy to make a single episode looking as bad as it gets before rendering the episode unwatchable, then go to read comments of people praising his "unique" style to have some laughs.
It's basically a huge inside joke.

>is it worth it?
Not really, mediocre show at best with some bad cgi monsters, but some well-drawn fight scenes.
>what is it about?
Fictional post WWI world with soldiers summoning fairies like stands.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Fairy Gone - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_07.56_[2019.04.14_18.41.42].jpg (1280x720, 87K)

Oh wow, now everything makes sense.

Attached: aaaaaa.png (1551x866, 526K)

I could actually believe that. It's gotta be that or the emperor with no clothes.

tfw you are a faithful viewer and they pull this on episode 15 of 24

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Oh, sorry, I misread your post. I apologise.

How is 2ch taking this shit?

They are breathing in deeply next to an anus

Thats MAPPA production values for ya: its generally noticeable around episodes 14-18 of a two cour series. See; Garo: Vanishing Line, SnB Virgin Soul, Banana Fish etc.

Do they even watch Dororo in Japan? Sure there was a bit of hype when it started airing, but since the show is mediocre it really lost steam.

This nigga whole body is stuttering! LMFAO!

If they assigned him an original filler episode to direct the discussion wouldn't be so heated, but the guy was in charge of adapting the second part of one of the most loved arcs.

Attached: Dororo v2 p257.png (1422x2000, 283K)

great QUALITY threads' material

Untalented hack. I hope his hands get crushed in an accident.

Why the fuck did the entire village caught on fire?

Fucking love that panelling.

I thought Dororo was pretty popular over there (last time I checked at least)

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Does Osamu just pocket all the budget for the episode and hire a single pinoy to do the entire episode in one night?

Nah that literally is his "art style"

Go look at the credits instead of making dumb jokes.

Yeah but how long did he spend working on this? And the quality of animation is very inconsistent. In some places he puts several frames into a simple gesture to register high fidelity to lifelike movement, and in others it's just choppy two or three frame loops. The art also varies a lot too, he clearly spent a lot more effort and time on some parts than others.

What you posted is like a piece of somebody's portfolio when they're at school, it's not professional grade work. I don't really get anything from looking at this that would inform me what kind of animator I'm dealing with. There's a a mixture of different styles at different levels of polish. It shows variety and creativity, but not the clean, consistent control you want in a pro.

A pro is somebody that I can trust to settle on a particular style or aesthetic for a project and then produce clean, consistent work in that style. If they want to evolve the design and aesthetic over time, I can trust them to do this after thinking carefully about their work and learning from mistakes and shortcomings, not because they're sloppy or lazy or "just because".

TL;DR you posted the work of a creative hack.

I noticed you're not answering my question.

This anime is turning bad real fast.

Attached: goodnaruto.png (263x233, 122K)

Post your favorite part of this episode.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Dororo - 15 [720p].mkv_snapshot_13.50.jpg (1280x720, 61K)

Moth to a flame

ghost blowjob

when i saw this, could only think but "what a hack"


The underage in this thread is just astounding.
Please go watch the best PSG episode.

Attached: This+isnt+panty+and+stocking+_b9172d7991f029f4ae6402f937ee733c.jpg (1280x720, 66K)

This and Hyakki kicking Sabame had me laughing.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Dororo - 15 [720p].mkv_snapshot_00.59_[2019.04.22_19.18.19].png (1280x720, 648K)

>if you don't like shit then you're underage

You are responding to three different anons you faggot

The ghosts and the flashback were the highlights of this episode.

Aniki is popular with fujos
Doro is popular with lolicons

I want to fuck that ghost.

You can say many things about his style, but certainly not that it lacks consistency. Even the close ups with the more detailed character acting have the same jittery, snappy feeling as everything else. That's what all his animation is like, just look at these Lupin eyecatches It's not a case that everyone always immediately recongnize an episode he worked on.

I'd kill orphans for a moth wife.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Dororo - 15 [720p].mkv_snapshot_17.39_[2019.04.22_11.01.22].jpg (1280x720, 94K)

Yeah a mod is on a rampage. I just got rangebanned and couldn't make new threads anymore.

the ending

Even YOI had tons of QUALITY and that was 1 cour.

I'm pretty bummed they botched this arc.

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Food good

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isn't that like 80% of every anime audience ever

he's running so fast it looks like he's teleporting

Stay dead, Sabame.

Also, by changing the finale with him dying and not surviving like in the manga, the joke about his dead fish eyes went nowhere.

Guys, I am gettting near the end of the episode and I think I got autism from it.

Why the fuck did the moth dived into the tower and why the whole town got fire? DId Dororo spread oil through out the entire town while she was runing from the slug-boys? Dafuq am I watching.

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I understand that I shouldn't question how Hiakkimaru's arms work, but how is he able to use chopsticks so well?

Dororo is not a mentally unstable/crazy girl, she just outwardly pretends to be a boy for safer travels.
Don't pretend to be retarded like this and maybe consider killing yourself.

I wonder why they cut dororo out of helping in the boat? to drive home their growing disconnect?

Ignoring the quality of animation and art, just the way the entire episode was presented was confusing and not appealing to fucking look at. Its like looking at a college student's tie a camera to a string and swinging it around for a film project. Why was Dororo disposing the oil right after the scene of the entire village on fire like she was the culprit?

Did Dororo get upset at Hyakki for just killing demons withour regard for the consequences in the manga too? Did Daigo discover Hyakki is his son this early too?

It always was

I would get upset at Hyakki for just killing demnos too. He just have cleaned the entire village.

I've wondered how his hands work and the only bs thing I can think is there are string actuators with high tension driven by muscle twitching out his stumps.

What confuses the fuck out of me is there are a few scenes where the flow of animation,not the QUALITY, are bretty good.

I liked the little detail of rice on hyakki's face while they were eating.

the mods have been powertripping and banning people for no reason since the season started

if only moot were still around he would've stepped in and told them to fuck off by now

What a bad show

Dropped. Mob Psycho Is AOTY /AOTS / AOTD

Beats me. She was waiting him on land and remained unfazed when Hyakki regained his spine, which was awkward.

did the villagers kill him in a fit of rage then? I'm drawing a blank on his death in the manga.

Why would that confuse you? It is easier to animate less detailed things.

He doesn't die in the manga.

I think them repairing roofs with dry materials and it sitting around the village was supposed to be the clue in this case.

The only consistent thing I've noticed is that the only time his stuff looks good is when a sequence is short, small, and simple. Anything that requires a broad range of movement to happen over a couple seconds is going to look awful because he can't animate in anything but choppy key frames and short loops. What I mean by inconsistent is there's no real way to tell when he'll suddenly give a shit and put real effort into something, giving it a shitload more keyframes than other parts. Sometimes close up scenes will have a great level of detail in movement, animating facial muscles and jaw movements, other times he just uses three different frames for mouth flaps. And this is the same kind of scene too, a close up of a person's face where they're the only thing in focus. Some medium-distance scenes have characters look passable, other times they're blocky, geometric shapes. In particular I saw he had trouble animating Dororo, her animation and art consistency were all over the place, more than any other character's.

It was very hamfisted foreshadowing.

not that I recall. I could have missed it though. but to the second part, yes daigo did basically halfway through, and in whole chapter the brother is introduced and dies.

He's alive in the manga. In the anime it's possible that the villagers were on a rampage and killed him to get the rice all for themselves, but it's also possible that he commited suicide. I mean, his village represented all his life, and it was burning down.

I don't think is fair to compare the manga to the anime at this point. Dororo is upset about their actions in general, not just Hyakkimaru's. She helped him until now and in that village's case, the result was not a good one. Just like the guy and the people killed a bunch of kids to feed the moth and her "babies", Dororo is helping Hyakkimaru without having second thoughts but now reality hit her. Is this really the best way to do it? Hyakkimaru doesn't even care about the fights, he is too strong, killing is easy. It's not a concern for Dororo either. Sand Eater said the world won't change regardless of how many demons Hyakki kills, but Hyakki will. Is the change in him worth it? I don't think she believes is wrong, but I think Dororo wants to talk about it.

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how are people not getting it then?

People don't get a lot foreshadowing in Dororo, user. Some aren't even foreshadowing, are part of the storytelling. They just aren't paying attention.

This episode was kind of a mess, no sure why they add new plot points if they can’t even deliver on the original ones, this demon was extremely disappointing, hopefully the next arc is handled better

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yeah basically this. it's interesting to see what they use and cut from the manga, but at the same time they are separate at this point and different characterizations.

but what you said is what the anime has laid out as dororo's dilemma since episode 6, so this isn't a bizzre jump in her character and has heated up in more recent episodes. if anyone is thinking she is ooc from this episode.

>no sure why they add new plot points if they can’t even deliver on the original ones
Because they are incompetent that still want to follow the manga.

Agreed, she's more human than Hyakki and saw tragedies happing too close so it's natural for her questioning murder even if it looks justified, she's a kid after all. But seeing a village destroyed after they interfered was definitely her breaking point. Dororo could have acted much worse, though.

Agreed, they just go from beat to beat without any logic, the butterfly just crash into the tower for no reason, the entire village just catches fire for no reason either and the main butterfly gets dispatched like is nothing. When the Original manga has a better develop villain you know you are doing something wrong.

Something can be shit and still have 5 minutes of coolness, is not an absolute thing. But when the bad outweights the good you can say something was shit.

You start with the incorrect assumption that his brand of animation is him "not giving a shit". The close ups aren't any different than the rest, it's all the same kind of limited animation. Look at the nervous motion of his facial features and especially of the cigarette in his mouth given by the low kayframe count. The only part that he animated differently was the kiss, for obvious reasons.

That doesn't make sense, if the moth where living in the village they should had know not to crash into people holding torches.

It was newly born.

they probably used this to replace the village attacking dororo in the manga. and to continue the narrative that hyakki could become a monster and she doesn't want that.

Spoil me on what happened on this episode. I don't want to watch it.

I'm not complaining about the look, but about the writing, the Moth last episode had a personality, hell even in the original manga you kind of feel bad for her when Hyakimaru kill her children. When your 2019 anime has less characterization that your 60s manga you know you are doing wrong.

Hyaki kills some moth, the villager where evil, the village catches fire for no reason and then Hyakimaru leaves with dororo being capture by some bandits.

Wish I knew ahead of time too, user.

This episode just deals with Hyakki's resolve to kill the demons no matter the suffering it may bring to innocent people in order to get back what was taken from him basically. The Lord made a deal with Moth and fed her the orphans in exchange for his land's prosperity. Hyakkimaru gets his spine back by killing the moth. Dororo sees the suffering killing the demons brought on the innocent and is angry that Hyakki is indifferent towards it, so they get separated. Itachi finds Dororo alone and kidnaps her for the rest of the map.

>Village literally feeds orphans to demons for wealth
>Sad that the time of retribution came for them
Hyakki did everything right.

Ep 4 of TTGL was great and it's no surprise that tasteless nips couldn't appreciate it

Despite this episode being a QUALITY-fest, is the show itself actually worth watching? This season has been so absolutely fucking barren of decent shows to watch that I'm desperate to sit through anything remotely resembling a good anime.

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Why did the retarded moth crashed into the tower, It wasn't one of the new born since Hyaki killed them, it wouldn't have been the old one because they have been living in that place for a while so they either would know about not erasing into buildings or the villager would have know not to attract them with fire.

>Hyakki did everything right.

He didnt killed the villagers so no he didnt.

>Giving them the mercy of a swift death instead of slow death by starvation (and brutal death via bandits)
He did.

osamu kobayashi is actually a prolific director for a ton of studio 4C works and was a guest director for some of the most kino yuasa episodes

he's a genuine pleb filter

That shit reminded me of a Hanna Barbera show

This really bothered me, Dororo is not a thief in this story so why is she suddenly acting like one?

I have to agree with you, the manga is not great for modern standard, is enjoyable but is a product of its time, but it had nuance, the butherfly lady was a character in the original story, she might be evil but at least she had ambitions for her family, here she just roars like an animal.

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>I'm not complaining about the look
You should. The only good thing about this episode was the backgrounds.

It's mediocre.

If I understand correctly she's asking if he's napping to the though of her...

>she suddenly acting like one?
She is supposed to be one, but she has yet to do anything thief like since episode one

Attached: D3I5Y4JVsAAZWcC.jpg (765x981, 114K)

If you think VEG looks good but this episode looks bad, you are braindead and beyond saving

They recycle Dororo running from the worms and that animation looks isn't that good either.

This but unironically.

It's really good. The first cour (especially first 6 episodes) is the best, but even the more boring, filler-y episodes are still pretty good

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I know this is bait, but for what reason?

He can be the queen of england for what I care, he did a abysmal job on this episode, not only by being a QUALITY shitfest, but by butchering absolutely brilliant scenes from the manga.

Attached: maimai.jpg (1448x720, 227K)

Even that show had better animation

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Are there 12 or 13 demons? How many does Hyaki have to slay to be whole? There are four limbs and five senses (touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing). Hyakki's skin, spine, and voice were held by demons as well, which ups the mandatory kill count to 12. We know the final demon didn't take their price (his life) so is there one demon too many? Did Hyaki have a tongue before unlocking his voice? Were speech and taste bundled?


Attached: 5261787-dororo-1602819[1].jpg (651x960, 197K)

Why are you so obsessed with this page?
It doesn't even look that impressive compare to other spreads that Tezuka had done in this manga.

You can be talented in one project and be shit in something else, not every artist can make gold all the time.

Thanks for the info gents. See you next week. Hopefully shit goes back to normal.

It might not look that impressive compared to other stuff Tezuka made, but still looks better that something made 50 years later. I mean, how do you fuck up one of the money shot from the manga?

It's also be, if you care about that kind of thing, and will have 24 episodes.

I could tell something was off as soon as the episode starts with full straight-on headshots of people talking. What the fuck? How does this hack director even have a job?

He sucks dick real good.

If you can't see why, you will never have an eye for animation.

Am I the only one that really liked Osamu Kobayashi's work this ep? He didn't go off-model like in TTGL. The simple bodies were very cute, the faces were well drawn, and the additional lip synch frames were nice. I'd like to see it again if they just lessen the funny bodies shortcut.

Attached: fave frames.jpg (2400x1000, 410K)

Was really disappointed with the way the final encounter happened. Especially this frame.

P.A. works works are usually slow burn

You just have a high enough visual IQ to appreciate it. You're alongside shounenbabs in here.

I actually really liked it myself. I'm disappointed with the writers for some changes to the story here but his directing was good.

Being contrarian doesn't makes you cool

Hyakkimaru is moving his arms with telekinesis

it's all buddha magic

fapping* and he yells that's not the case

No, it was really good. I wish he got to direct a series again.

Being a shit-eater pleb peasant makes you uncool, though


He's literally being kept alive and moving solely by holy Buddha magic. The prosthesis are just the vessels.

I thought it was mostly fine aside from a few bits of awkwardness. It was dreamy and strange. It was quickly paced in a way that I found satisfying. And in many ways it was more contiguous than a lot of the rest of the series, which resorts to static backgrounds and fading stills of action shots that couldn't be animated.

As a whole, I really love Dororo so far. But it should by obvious by now that it does not have the money to match its ambition.

animation is about narrative, it is an art style not a type of design

I don't know, probably because you burned down all their food

Attached: mpv-shot0001.jpg (1280x720, 139K)


did interns manage this weeks ep? jesus

>Osamu Kobayashi

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time for my dump

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the absolute state of jannies

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Attached: dororo quality3.webm (1280x720, 1.81M)

buddha statue sacrifice was for his brain

This was one of the simple ones I found to be very cute and intentional, however the other 2 I agree were pure QUALITY.

So is Hyakki gonna build himself a new leg again or does he not have the right parts this time

yes it's worth watching. out of 15 episodes this has been the "bad one".

>LOD Min LOD Max > 1 meter
Plz user

it had some good stuff but shit like really stood out

none of this eps this cour have been that good.

it seems like it's because it was one of the few good parts of a mediocre, short run and rushed ending, manga. so it was the one point readers wanted to see well done and it was as mediocre in anime as the overall manga instead.

a little kid burned down the food????

maybe get it from the shark demon. they're keeping it in the anime that he's missing his fake leg and on a peg during the arc.

I actually liked the stone episode, and it's only been 3 episodes since the second half began.

why did the pokemon kamikaze the tower, and why did it instantly set the entire village on fire 1 frame later


Like a moth drawn to a _____.

I liked it too. There were a lot of great shots. If they could get someone to co-direct with him to keep those low quality parts like that butterfly kamikaze to a minimum, then the show would be really fun to watch visually.

Attached: mpv-shot0001.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

jannies btfo themselves with their own stupidity
like pottery

>leg randomly shatters for no reason
>next scene is the end of the fight that we assume happened and he is already beat up but has a flamethrower leg
I really like how deep this episode was. It actually made you have to think. The transition from an injury, to the end of the fight, was actually really though provoking. How did it go at first? Did he find the moth inside the lake to begin with, or did the fight start on land and he had to chase it into the water. And the leg, oh my the leg. It gets the imagination running to wonder what his reaction was to his leg shattering, and I'm sure that he decided to add the oil on himself. He probably got the idea from watching the village burning, to add fire.
The cinematic technique of making the viewer work out events on their own, form their own theories, and actually THINK about what they are watching is groundbreaking and I hope future episodes follow this one's example. I actually believe that anime as a whole could learn from this episode.

There was no fight. Big Momma was in the lake the whole time.

He was beat up and out of breath in the beginning of the scene

Yeah, getting shanked and falling 50ft from the air probably does that to you.

Seconded. He seems the kind who need a more conventionnal assistant director to complement his unorthodox style. But I still wonder if it was appropriate for this serie.

what the fuck was that

Attached: 1550530894984.jpg (640x480, 29K)

>leg shatters
He probably landed on it. It should have been busted already but whatever.

I guess Hyakki's reasoning was he wanted to draw out momma moth to an area where he could quickly extinguish himself. You're right it doesn't make sense he'd know momma was in the water or would be baited by his flame when the whole village was already burning. Unless we missed a detail about her this ep/last ep that she likes water? Dororo mentioned something about bathing last ep but I deleted it already.

What I'm confused about is why Dororo got mad at Hyakki for causing the village's destruction with his lust for killing demons when as far as we can tell the moth would have flown into the tower anyway because it's just retarded and attracted to light? I feel like we were supposed to be shown that the moth flew into the tower because Hyakki wounded it but that wasn't the case afaik, and even if it was it's not like Hyakki could have predicted that, and how would Dororo know about it anyway? It seems like she just assumed the village burned down as a natural consequence of Hyakki killing the demon.

Also I'm surprised Dororo would feel bad about the village being burned down when she just learned that the only reason the village was prosperous in the first place was because they fed an entire orphanage to a moth demon for their own burning them alive no less. Sort of seems like a 'you reap what you sow' situation to me.

Note she only spilled the oil because it was used to burn the temple, and she explicitly stated she didn't want them to do that again. They should've showed what started the fire with that oil better though. The guy in the watch tower wasn't near the storehouse.

The wrongs of one man and his demon pact shouldn't affect the innocent children that will now go hungry. Seemed as if most/all the adults knew though since they wanted to feed Dororo to the babies, so yeah guess they deserved it.

This episode also helped to clarify his feelings towards his family. It looks like he really does hate them now, and took his anger out on Sabame because of the similar aura. The early episodes were all great at showing how Hyakkimaru's condition affected him and how his character developed as he got senses back. Ever since Mio this aspect has been pushed aside for the monster of the week formula with episodes 11 and 12 as the exception.

You sure that's a man?

But they where intelligent moths who already been living there for a while and also become human.

Somehow it looks even worse in motion.
Full version of the op is out, not that anyone really cares.

The illustration they chose is more Monogatari than Dororo.

full ED when

That's a lotta smug Dororos.

They may be waiting until the "blurring" trick is done?
Which I am thinking combines with the ED to mean that the season ends with Hyakki getting his eyesight.

That's the much more important question.

I hate it when Yea Forums pretends they know anything about animation.

The kid ghosts said the moth was in the water to Dororo and she told Hyakki


I want to sniff Dororo's *****.

I too would like to sniff Dororo's aniki

You don't need to know anything about animation to know the animation in this episode was shit.

Hyakki should be nicer with Dororo

Attached: D1-HYbUUcAAeqc5.jpg (959x1200, 161K)

why do retards think acting retarded is fun?

the only real bad parts were honestly the far shots with the wonky faces and bodies, but the close ups were neat and interesting

Sorry, I was completely zoned out this entire fucking episode, but did anybody catch what happened to Hyakkimaru's leg?
He had two legs the whole episode, but then when he fought the giant moth out on the lake he had one, so what the fuck happened to it?

It shattered on-screen at one point, I forget when.

it was damaged when the moth dropped him from the sky and knocked him out cold

The scene where Dororo ran to him being led by ghosts, after he was dropped by moth he fought. When he stood up, his leg crumbled pretty much, I guess damaged by the fall?

I am sure they will never explain how the bandits found dororo, how they found out about the map, or how they even got their hands on half of it

honestly this ep was good, fuck kobayashi haters! why would you want animation when you have powerpoint??? also the writing wasnt bad, you are just way too low iq to appreciate ironic narrative styles. the pace is fucked up? na m8 your brain is off-sync with kobayashi's genius

Also if the faggot stopped being ab andit to work for a lord why is he a bandit again

Jesus Christ.

Attached: Screenshot_20190128-065441.png (2880x1440, 327K)

tbf they always seems to bring trouble wherever they go, so it should be easy for someone genre savvy enough like itachi to track them

Probably just work as auxiliary

Is he the same guy?


>manga ending had the villagers be massive pieces of shit that chased Dororo and Hyakki out of town
>anime ending just burns the entire thing to the ground

The only one I felt bad for was the loli who did nothing wrong.

What body part did Hyakki get back after killing the moth? It looked like his fucking spine.

What do YOU think it was, user?

He may have lost his job for whatever reason? He's maybe a Ronin now?

That HAD to hurt.

I know he wasn't walking around this entire time without a damn spine.

Ouch, this episode was NOT how you handle having a guest animator.

Ignoring the animation, the episode wasn't that bad. I mean they did put too much stuff near the end, but it still works and has its moments.
Sadly the animation was too distracting and it brought down everything.

>how they found out about the map, or how they even got their hands on half of it
If they don't address this then seriously fuck this episode.

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More preview pictures for the next episode

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I didn't even give a shit about the animation. The fucking scenes abruptly ending without a transition to the next put me on full tilt though.

Those spindles were his spine user

I'm curious to know how the doc pulled that off.

based hyyaki

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They probably inspected Dororo's mom body.

Very carefully.

I wonder why they keep changing the stories to make it so humans were in cahoots with the demon of the week instead of being tricked or controlled by them like in the original.


because of muh humans are the real demons etc

Do we know who's voicing shark boy?

I like the facial expressions. Also the fire reflections off the water looked pretty neat.

Honestly this episode was better than Fair Fudo, which still got the shortest end of the stick so far in this adaptation.

But both arcs were hurt by the decision to adapt the absolutely stupid map arc, the set up of which keeps wasting time. If only they'd given Fair Fudo two episodes and focused all episodes for it and this arc on their own arc's stories.

I think the worst part is, that it wasn't only the animation and artstyle. It was also a very weird episode in general and had some crazy plot holes. For example why was the moth flying in the tower and why did the whole village instantly go up in flames after that. Where is / was the cute moth girl, why did they even introduce her, if she didn't at least taunt the MCs. What happened to anikis leg, why did it just fall apart like this? Why was aniki suddenly on a boat and how exactly did he ignite the huge moth? It's all so tiresome. This was such a good series so far.

>All those super close-ups of faces so they don't have to draw anything but lip flaps.
It's exactly like that.

How does this guy keep getting work? This episode was painful to watch.

I think it could have been fixed with a few lines.
>the moth flying in the tower
The guard say: "Nani? It look hurt and in panic. NO NO NO Don't come closer! Oh! My torch! This is what is dra- *Get Rekt by Giant Moth*
>What happened to anikis leg
"What happened bro?"
"Fell down" *Leg breaks*
"Nani? Was it crushed by the fall, bro?"
>Why was aniki suddenly on a boat and how exactly did he ignite the huge moth?
I think the ghost told him and he, yet again, boobie trapped his leg.

The character should have been a girl.

>/fit/ tanned one armed tomboy
Yes please

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So when are we getting the extended director's cut that actually makes this shitshow coherent?

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>The Lord made a deal with Moth and fed her the orphans in exchange for his land's prosperity
It wasn't just the orphans, it was them AND any travelers that came by

How would the oil have burned the storehouse if it was underground, well away from any fires?


>Twin Towered

Holy shit the QUALITY of this episode.

So the orphans must be the animators.
They are killed, so fish eye dude made this episode by himself.

Jesusthe amount of brainlets and speedwatchers in this thread is astounding

It's all right. The biggest problem has been that the writing on the anime original stuff doesn't match the quality of stuff adapted from the source material.

haha le ebic irony :^)

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what a cute bakemono

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Alright alright, before i saw this episode, i was like
>"that's clearly a zoomed in shot that's not fair to nitpick like that"

Hey guys I've upgraded Dororo

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Was it a style choice or just massive quality? I don't know


He must have a long neck to unsheathe the big ass sword on his own

Face needs to be fixed

Perhaps they're saying no one's ever truly tricked by such obviously evil things?