"Get In The Robot" is a popular Evangelion meme

>"Get In The Robot" is a popular Evangelion meme
>mfw nobody actually says "Get In The Robot" verbatim

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it's heavily implied by characters, and it's more so a meme because that's how the average evangelion watcher feels to wards shinji constantly being a tease bout want toor not pilot

>mfw no one says "Elementary, my dear Wattson"
hack writing honestly

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Was Gigguk's old Eva parody the first actual usage of it? I don't feel like this meme is actually that old.

this but unironically.

I doubt it's the first actual usage of it, but that might be when it got popularized
even then, he simply went out there and said in that parody what everyone already had on their minds

>ironic weebs don't actually watch anime
shrewd observation

Same thing with "This must be the work of an enemy Stand!!!" in Jojo.
That's said like once.

well, somebody still said it, so...

Did you even watch SDC

It started from here actually

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It got spread because of Bedford (because of course it did) and this post which was used for copypasta frequently

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>"people die when they are killed" is a popular meme and so is "shirou is retarded" as a result.
>the sentence makes perfect sense in context and Shirou mostly only dies from making choices that are out of character for him in the VN making him smarter than most readers.

Are you implying average Evangelion watcher is a massive tool for not understanding the essential point of Shinji's character?

making vague sense in context is irrelevant, it's absolute shit writing and nasu doesn't stop

>watch arakawa under bridge with different subs
>completely miss that scene

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Most OC on the internet is usually Yea Forums related. Reddit may produce more "derivative" memes, but never OC.

>Vague sense
It's not vague. He straight up says "people die when they're killed; that's the way it should be." Because he's taken several lethal blows and hasn't died because of Avalon. He's justifying to Saber that she should take back ber sheath as he is ready to die a human death should it come his time.
>It's absolute shit writing.
It' straightforward as fuck. There's nothing bad about it.

It makes sense in context but few people have seen that context and as time goes on, less and less people even know where that context came from or even want to watch the original source (understandable). So now the line becomes funny.

shut up nasu, go take a writing course you stupid philosophy major

I think it's funny because anyone who thinks it's stupid is probably the stupid one.

Also it's fucking translated

ah yes. my hourly dose of EV/a/

Wtf? Shinji literally gets in the robot all the time. Most times it is a struggle to get Shinji out of the robot.

By rebuild 3.0 they're literally telling him to stop because his temperament fucks the world over.
I imagine by 4.0 he stops caring what they think at all and starts to deliberately fuck the world over and ironically he might actually start to improve things by finally interacting with his world actively by his will and not others.
In the rebuilds he's at the point where he was choking Asuka on the beach in the end of evangelion. The difference is - he actually has cards to play at this point, unlike in EoE where everything was already broken.

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