P.A. Works animators are paid less than burger flippers at McDonalds. How progressive.
P.A. Works animators are paid less than burger flippers at McDonalds. How progressive.
Is Yea Forums still loaded with postbots or is it actual retards who take single posts from other threads and try to make new ones with them?
That's common knowledge for literally every studio ever
so what, most skilled professionals make less money than physical labourers when they start, the difference is that skilled professionals will make 5 times as much money 5 years later while physical labourers will make the same even after 30 years
>first job, entry-level internship pays like shit
Oh hi, welcome to the reality of the job market.
Piss Awful works are a backwards progression studio. Even worse than that is that they've slowly been ditching superior hand drawn art for cheap 3D CGshit.
who cares
Look at this disgusting CGI cancer. On top of all this they keep making shitty originals.
>yet another LOOK AT HOW LITTLE ANIMATORS ARE PAID article where they conveniently forget to mention that the listed wage is for a inbetween aniamtor/animator asistant entry-level internshipt
Nothing to see here, move along
>>first job, entry-level internship pays like shit
>Oh hi, welcome to the reality of the job market.
>not wanting to change awful reality
what happen to all the money chrunchyroll etc gets?
so much for that
thank god I pirate
Bitching here won't do that
Exposure bucks.
Wanting to change the reality for the job market and first jobs being paid minimum wage for all professionals across all industries are 2 separate things.
This article is absolutely disingenuous because it conveniently doesn't mention that the listed offer is for a "first job" internship and instead tries to make it look like even senior animators are being paid minimum wage.
Also, that problem isn't exclusive to the anime industry, pretty much all entry-level internships for all professions across all industries are as exploitative, but of course I wouldn't expect a highschool dropout who writes "news" articles for an anime blog and a bunch of NEETs on an anonymous imageboard to know about how the real world operates
You wanna mess with the free market you goddamn commie?
November 3, 2017
It's probably ever worse now given how their stuff from last year all flopped hard.
Uma Musume
Most animators don't really do meaningful work. If you're a tween animator and can't do keyframe art I don't know what you fucking expected out of the animation industry. Plus with digital animation their jobs are easier and less technically demanding than ever before.
>Plus with digital animation their jobs are easier and less technically demanding than ever before.
The animation itself is still done using pen and paper, only the coloring is done digitally, but yeah it turns zero skill manual labor like inbetweening pays like any other form of zero skill manual labor, who would have expected.
Flipping burgers is high skill work, creating shitty cgi anime will be done by neural network soon.
Anime is over, just change of hobby.
3DCG will kill anime as we know it.
literally no intership has good pay you would know this if you weren't a neet
>this is OP's firsthand knowledge into the anime industry
>he took it from a 2 year old article
Go back to watching DBZ, you aren't mature enough yet
How well does McDonalds pay anyway?
Can you get promoted to better positions if you work as burger flipper?
I wonder if people will still be watching Fairy Gone by the second half. 24 episodes of that shitshow. What an absolute waste of time and resources.
is this fairy gone thread?
I forced myself to sit through ep1 but that's it for me. It's just ugly fucking CG for backgrounds, mechanics and those weird fairies which i know the stingy shits are just going to make the excuse of "we did this garbage in 3dcg not to save money but because we wanted them to looks otherworldly" and this isn't even getting into how boring the fucking story is.
They probably factored in how much money they'll have left after Fairy Gone, and posted that job ad with that in mind.
More like Unpaid Works lmao.
Shut up.