Highschool DxD

Saji's a faggot.

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Sona is superior in everyway so Saji isn't.

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Are the LNs worth reading? Just finished HERO.

My wife.

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I don't understand the hype around this bitch. She looks extremely mediocre.

A good wife.

Thanks user. She's the best.

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Yes, they're pretty good

A fun read. From V10 onwards it becomes more of a fighting series than lewd.

Rias looks so sexy in that card and it makes me wonder how her abysmal Hero's design managed to get approved.

Kiba's gay.

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So what did you think of Nyx? Should she be able to return?

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Fuck Cao Cao

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Yes.. The cunt shouldn't be getting all the page time he gets.

Every Hero design looks abysmal.
Akeno's is the best, or should I say, least worst. And even then that's not saying much.

If only those ripped shorts were fully ripped off.

Nice taste.

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Rose, Irina and especially Asia are better.

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Disapointed they've stopped with the Yasaka mobage cards.