Saji's a faggot.
Highschool DxD
Sona is superior in everyway so Saji isn't.
Are the LNs worth reading? Just finished HERO.
My wife.
I don't understand the hype around this bitch. She looks extremely mediocre.
A good wife.
Thanks user. She's the best.
Yes, they're pretty good
A fun read. From V10 onwards it becomes more of a fighting series than lewd.
Rias looks so sexy in that card and it makes me wonder how her abysmal Hero's design managed to get approved.
Kiba's gay.
So what did you think of Nyx? Should she be able to return?
Fuck Cao Cao
Yes.. The cunt shouldn't be getting all the page time he gets.
Every Hero design looks abysmal.
Akeno's is the best, or should I say, least worst. And even then that's not saying much.
If only those ripped shorts were fully ripped off.
Nice taste.
Rose, Irina and especially Asia are better.
Disapointed they've stopped with the Yasaka mobage cards.