How the fuck did Shanks lose his arm so easily?

How the fuck did Shanks lose his arm so easily?

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Cuz that nigga a bitch!

He fought a sea king.

It was yonko of the sea kings

lazy writting

Before sea kings were turned into bitches.

would be better if Shank's turned out to be a washed out weak pirate and his crew were jobbers

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It was chapter 1 of a manga that Oda didn't plan on lasting 930+ chapters.

They wouldn't publish it unless something CRAZY happened, so Oda cut his arm off.

How did Luffy got rid of Doffy parasite? Fuck that.

far away, rushing to grab luffy, monster snatched his arm.

of course, yeah, kind of weird he didn't just conquerer's haki the monster immediately, I dunno. Maybe his control just wasn't as good 19 years ago.

he is weak, people think only Buggy is the weak one from the white beard crew but Shanks just has the same amount of luck power as King in OPM

THIS, seakings are made of seastone or vv i forget

THIS, seakings are water-type, super-effective against fire-type like shanks

>"You know, Luffy, with great power comes great Freedom. Gol D Roger called it "The human burden." Myself, I just call it as I see it: the responsibility of the master to discipline the servant."
>Shanks looks directly at the camera.
>"The fishmen, the okamas, the giants...It's our responsibility to civilize them. And if we can't? Then they shall dangle from the adam tree. The Day of the Rope is near, Luffy. We'll have every fishman under the sea dead or in chains in 10 years, and may God have me lose my arm to a weak ass seaking this very night if I'm wrong. God bless the World Government Gorosei party."

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lazy writting

you are not supposed to remember past the last chapter while reading one piece, user.
it doesnt make sense

The Sea King's teeth can pierce Haki

He let it happen, it was his gamble. Also because at the time Shanks wasn't entirely gonna be as big of a deal as he turned out being, let alone what Haki turned out to be.

>lazy shitposting
It was literally the 1st chapter of One Piece and Oda had gone on a record for saying that he never had the intention of Shanks losing his arm, but his editor told him to make Shanks lose an arm to make it interesting. Once again, it's the first fucking chapter, Oda couldn't oppose his editor. No one would know One Piece/Oda would be so successful.

SeeDumb smug nigger. Get your facts straight before acting high and mighty like you know better.

He's a fruit user but his haki allows him to swim, much like how Luffy was learning to use his haki to not get weakened by seastone handcuffs.

also Gryphon might be a legendary Zoan weapon.

what fruit does he have?
as fat as canon is concerned, Shanks is a very good swordsman


Shanks having a DF would be the gayest shit ever. Maybe Gol Roger being a DF user would be gayer, not sure.

He forgot to wear his plot armor

Watch Shanks job to everyone when his arc arrives.

Lor D. Coast had the strongest Armament in the world at that point. The immense stress of losing his arm and his own innate potential enabled Shanks to use the largest blast of Conquerer's Haki in history which was just enough to intimidate Coast.

He was actually old and sickly by the time Luffy punched him


He wasn't as strong as he is now a decade ago

Plot demanded it

He did it deliberately so Luffy would be indebted to him. He can actually grow it back at any time but has left it gone all this time so people will underestimate him. I guarantee that when he turns on Luffy he'll use some power to grow it back instantly.