Shield Hero

I know I'm late to the party, but this scene caught my attention because its weird to see an isekai protag wanting to return to his world, guess it makes sense in his case though.
Makes me feel Raphtalia, but the bird can go fuck herself.

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Other urls found in this thread:

If your introduction to isekai was being framed for rape/treason and treated like a criminal all across the world, you'd want to fuck off from the world too.

Wanting to return used to be the norm. Obviously it's impossible for the isekai tensei subgenre, but the pure isekai ones can still do it.
Problem is that at some point the "wanting to return home" crowd find themselves a girl and thus get anchored to isekailand.

Naofumi won't be able to go home until he puts an heir in Melty.

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>find themselves a girl and thus get anchored to isekailand.
It would be nice if he could take Raphtalia with him back to his world

||he does, in a way||

you do know that there is a ending to Shield Hero right? The entire series has already been written.

Go back to discord

there are tons of isekai protags that want to go back to their world

it's just that most of those with personality questioned "wait, why do I want to go back?"

Yes but I'm sticking with the anime for now

Melty best girl.

>he does, in a way
It's not some bullshit where she dies at some point in the isekai then gets reincarnated into our world to reunite with edge hero, is it?
Spoil me senpai (but use tags).

Naofumi does have plenty of reason to want to return

I was busy discussing spoilers on discord just before writing that post, my brain fucked up.
After defeating the last boss he gets 3 options. Live as a transdimensional godlike entity and chase and fight other rogue gods. Return to his homeworld and live a life of great fortune. Return to isekailand and live a life of great fortune. He does all 3 by fracturing his soul into 3.
He goes back to his home world with Raph and Atla, marries Raph. He stays in isekailand and bones everyone except Firo. And he chases other rogue gods as a guardian of worlds.

She was a good girl.

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Wasn't that ending changed anyway

Doubt it. At least somebody's paying attention to me. I could finally larp an evil rapist power-tripper..

Not so much anymore. Its kinda a pre-isekai fad isekai trope.
Usually its because the protagonists weren't useless hikkineets with actual reasons to go back.

I always wondered why Subaru didn't want to go home when he's also suffering in that world

Because cooping yourself up in your room with no social outlets and no hopeful future prospects is more painful than getting violently murdered over and over again.

Also I'd rather be painfully killed constantly but immortal than be a mortal with 1 life.

Actually there was an AU story where he doesn't get isekai'd and gets a job in his dad company and finds a girl like Rem
Not like he had any way of knowing though

>if I kill you, I'll be just as bad as you
Why the fuck did they do this? fucking dropped.

I always hated the fuck out of this concept in Jap media. Why do you want to go back to being normal? You were a fucking NOBODY in your old place. Why would you ever go back to being some lame faggot?

It's not even just in isekai media it's all over the place.

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That's how narratives work. Originally, being isekai'd was the conflict and being un-isekai'd is the resolution.
Now being isekai'd is just exposition.

Kinema Citrus went full retard again

>Actually there was an AU story where he doesn't get isekai'd and gets a job in his dad company and finds a girl like Rem
No AU story for that, that was just a answer to a question the Author was asked

>Q: If Subaru grew up without ever going to the other world, would he live on without having an occupation? What would happen to Subaru if he went through “a life in a different world starting from no occupation” sort of thing? Specifically speaking, if he were to be a middle-aged man with views of a high school student that tried to rush into the different world, he would probably fall into nothing but despair, huh.
>A: Nope. If he never went to the other world he would get scolded by Kenichi(his father) around the time he’d graduated high school and would withdraw from being a hikikomori. Kenichi would then support Subaru by rehabilitating him in his workplace. After about 2 years, he would enter university, graduate as a loner, become a working adult, and with stability of those reasonably essential qualities, he would honestly be living life as a full-fledged member of society, and then he would cling on to a kouhai with such a heart that-a Rem kind of heart-she would find his incompetence cute. They would have a normal marriage, and then he would live a suitably happy life until he died. There’s no way his dad would continue to be that irresponsible towards his son, you know?

He does. He just doesn't want to think about his transportation as he'd have to think of the ramifications of his transportation like how his parents are probably miserable over his disappearance

And they go back still. It's a mess.

Yeah because the entire genre is an ouroboros of plagiarism.
inb4 Square Enix sues to gain control over the entire industry overnight.

The original ending was "everyone died the end".

I thought both Naofumi and Raphtalia returned at least

That was the worst ending ever. Seriously? WTF is this horseshit, I hope they change it in .he anime.

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The LNs still aren't finished, and they're already different from the WN.

So one version of the story is finished. Which is a good thing, because the WN ending is godawful.

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That's probably the single worst ending to a story I've ever seen. Good thing the anime and LN are changing some parts, hopefully there's a new ending.

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He has an entire race of people suckins his dick and several girls after his dick including his slave/wife/daughter.

It takes him like a month to get all that shit too. Not much suffering at all.

>He goes back to his home world with Raph and Atla, marries Raph.
the uck is alta doin then, jus chillin?
wouldn't she be an illegal alien? Naofumi gonna get pinched for human trafficking

Having friends and a girl that's into you doesn't fix extreme trauma in a month. Plus, he's still repeatedly shit on by everyone other than a few villages, his party, and a tiny handful of side characters.

>He goes back to his home world with Raph
>with Raph
>Raph in our world

How long until people notice her ears and tail and capture her for research and declare her not human, thus removing her human rights so they can disect her etc. because there's suddenly a raccoon girl in our world.

I wish someone would care enough about me to frame me for a crime. I fantasize about it constantly.

Not like the anime will reach the actual ending

I'd be perfectly happy with an anime-original ending in this case, since both of the OG endings are fucking _horrible_. The anime directors seem to be smarter. I still don't get why some people were pissed about episode 15.

It's kinda the whole point of the genre. It's like saying, "i've never seen a haiku use 4 lines before" obviously it's not a haiku.

Well, old-school isekai protoganists weren't total losers. They had friends and family and other social connections they'd want to return to. Plus the concept of not having to constantly risk your life in dangerous situations ought to be attractive.

>Very successful so far
>Can always count on NPCs to inadvertently advertise the series
>Easy story to get into
>Anime is becoming more and more consistent with year-by-year seasons

I wouldn't be surprised, I thought Boku no Hero would get 3 seasons at most.

odysseus should've stayed on lesbos

>Why do you want to go back to being normal?
Because actually fighting for your life, getting horribly wounded, and SUFFERING wouldn't actually be very fun.
>Why would you ever go back to being some lame faggot?
Being a normal person is better than being chomped on by two-headed dogs struggling for your life with a crying child behind you, etc.

It sounds nice and looks nice if you're just watching it, but try imagining actually going through it. I bet you'd start crying and want to give up and go home after a week.

Does that world have showers and toothbrushes/toothpaste?

I rest my case.

>gets a Rem in his normal life and lives out his days boring but happy.
I cant remember another writer besides the Haganai one that sabotages the supposed main girl as much as this guy.

So is the rest of the series just standard isekai shit now? I liked the beginning of the story since it was actually kind of unique, but it seems like that's already done.

Reminder, that while an otaku Naofumi didn't really have that bad of a life back home. He was still going to college, had a good relationship with his family, and had a cooking job lined up in a restaurant.


The fuck are you talking about? Isekai media now always has the MC never want to go back and prefer to stay in the world they were transported to.

Nah it beats what I'm doing now.

What is Naofumi going to do when he gets back home? Will Raphtalia and Firo go back with him?

It doesn't. I'm sure it still sounds nice, but get stabbed once. Then you'll get what I'm talking about.

Naofumi would make for a good housewife

>You didn't save me Rapthalia neesan.

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Imagine the smell

She's got a bone to pick with her neesan now

At least she's smiling now.

You can smileee again

I get off on pain



What thread?

>across the world
It's only ONE country that does this.

Why don't you like Firo? She can't help her nature.

Its not that I dislike her, I just would have liked it more if it were just Raphtalia and Naofumi alone

Not a restaurant but would've probably gotten that office job a friend of his was headhunting him for. Otherwise yeah, he would've taken up a job in a kitchen. Then again, people suspect he's probably from a cooking manga so perhaps what you say might be more likely to come to pass.

I have translated spear hero wn ch 49:

filo is a better character than the mary sue raccoon. At least filo has character flaws + is a blonde loli

Nice, user

Filo is the only good thing in shield hero after ep. 10

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He sounds like me fuck him.

>The pigs began oinking. But I don't care.
>Anyways I'm sacrificing the Red Pig to gain Father-in-Law's trust, so how about I give him another one?

>"C'mon, pig! Go!" (Motoyasu)

>I kicked a pig towards Father-in-Law as a gift.

>"Kitamura-kun! What are you doing to her!" (Naofumi)

>Father-in-Law, concerned over the pig, glared at me.
>He offered his hand to help it up... but it slapped his hand away and, as if nothing had happened, clung to me instead.

>"Huh...?" (Naofumi)

>Father-in-Law's face changed from surprised to angry and frustrated.
>It was an expression from the original timeline before I awoke to love.
>Some men had that look.
>A look that wished normies would just die. [1]

>It's not like that, Father-in-Law.
>I tried to stop you from being ostracized.
Well damn, that's gotta hurt.

Now you just have to go to the library and get isekai'd

This show is so fucking bad to the bone

>the chad hero gives the incel hero his leftovers

What about myne
He ought get that bitch bodied before he leaves

And the worst thing is that the party arrangement had been set in stone prior to the summoning. There was nothing that could be done at that point, even killing armor didn't do shit.

nah she becomes queen

>shield hero
>can't dual wield

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I hope you're kidding or I'm dropping this show right now.


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Do you really believe what other people say on the internet.

You know, user; anime is so full of bullshit sometimes... can you blame me?

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Stop typing like a retard.


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Don't worry, it's of another kingdom.

Her husband has an unfortunate habit of raping his wives to death.

Now what if someone tried to popularize fortnite's default dance in a fantasy world.

Yeah, in one of the first endings, an Evil God rekts everyone, but pic related used it's last energy to save Raph and Naofumi and send both back to his world. The shield is wrecked after that
Pic related is your bro

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What does it mean to have "tenor" as a filename, is it downloaded from an specific website?

Don’t worry the the majority don’t. And I mean vast majority. Like you said they have a life there and in series like reincarnation they weren’t transported there by bullshit means such a transferring through a portal but they actually died so they they physically can’t return even if they wanted to. I also think that makes more sense or having the MC not wanting to go back when he already has connections a new better life there which is exactly what happens in most cases the only exception I can think of is surprisingly Arifureta but these types where they want to go back despite all the advantages they have in the other world are scarce when it comes to narou Isekai.

it's the name from one of those gif sites that facebook uses

I always see it from google. He probably just didn't change the file name cause he's a lazy piece of shit.
But I don't know why people hate it so much tho, we all use google images to search for stuff all the time.

cursed pic incomming

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I cant believe digibro tricked me into watching this garbage

>the bird can go fuck herself
Well, that's just rude. Filo is the cutest, fluffiest and bestest character ever. No bird has ever done wrong.

I don't get it.

wife of an Argentinian president or something, I think the spics are trying to force a meme

Humans are the scariest thing ever, once they traumatize you it's difficult to recover. If one day I woke up and my co-worker framed me for something, boss sided with him and fired me, and when I questioned, "Wait please, what is happening?" they called the cops and the cops sided with them and cuffed me, and the judge & jury sided with them and the media portrayed me as a monster I would literally be too afraid to talk to a cute girl who genuinely just wants to chat me up, and that's BEFORE my natural anxiety.

First impressions matter a lot. He's also not exactly a genki teenager either, but rather a slightly more mature adult as opposed to your average 15 year old isekai

Demi-humans are also a shady bunch, what with naofumi's visit to siltvelt in both the main timeline and the spinoff.

shes a homewrecker and crashed the wedding

I don't understand why he doesn't further elevate his god status and begin a peasant revolution. He could become as powerful and influential as the prophet Mohammad, but he'd rather waste time trying to save that gay world.

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Millionaire legal loli childhood friend homewrecker, to be exact.

That sort of happens in loop 5 of the spear hero spinoff.

I'd Pamper that royal womb

I would go back if I could keep my uber powers.

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So the shittiest hero is the one who comes closest to fulfilling my power fantasy. Fucking figures.

If you keep reading you'll get to that part eventually. He becomes king of melromarc, with melty as his queen.

>Watching anitubers

the fucking spear cunt gets to bone Melty

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It's naofumi who does, forgot to say that.

you're basically saying spear hero gets cuckolded, in his own story?

Should i give you a small explanation of what the spinoff is about because i think you're simply not aware.

Yes, please.

The Spear Hero is a king with Melty is his queen. However, Naofumi bones Melty, who is married to Spear Dude (?).

It's weird.

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I think he meant that it's Naofumi who became the King with Melty as his queen?
Not sure tho.

>except Filo
what a faggot

>he doesn't physically crave the release death

>watching digitard
Gi***k I could forgive, but this is pathetic

Worst part of Re:Zero was the author confirming that even though there's a scene in story where Subaru feels like he was able to convey his well-being and farewell to his parents, in reality they think he just went missing one day and go the rest of their lives distraught over his disappearance.

Yari no Yuusha no Yarinaoshi, also known as "The Reprise of the Spear Hero" in english. After dying in an unspecified time in the future in a battle in the main shield hero novel, motoyasu is sent back to the time of the summoning of the heroes due to the power of his Dragon's Era Minute Hand, a spear he had unlocked in the main shield hero novel previously. He gets to keep his level and power, alongside his insanity, his loyalty to naofumi and unyielding love for firo and the filorial race.

In the initial loops, he helps naofumi and prevents him from becoming his wrathful and angry self from the main novel. Most of the actions he takes to this end change events that happened in the main shield hero novel and either new things happen, things end up not happening at all or change radically. In the 5th loop i mentioned, things change so that naofumi becomes the trigger for a civil war in melromarc, where he ends up becoming it's king.

Why didnt he absorb her bones into his shield
Could have been a good way to honor her memory to let a part of her defend the world and adventure with them

Raphtalia wanted to bury all her bones in the village. Besides, that shit's taboo.

All they need to do is go to the media to prevent this from happening. Do you think the public is going to let people dissect a cute racoon girl? The most they'd be allowed to do to her is have her regularly come in for non-damaging tests like x-rays and taking blood samples and having her perform in basic physical strength/endurance and intelligence tests. Otherwise she'd pretty much be treated like a celebrity (be interviewed on variety shows, have her picture taken everywhere she goes, ect.)

Also is it established that humans are able to have kids with demi-humans, and if so which traits do they inherit?

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>and if so which traits do they inherit?
Varies depending on the type of demi-human/beastfolk but their and a human's offspring is counted as a race of their own. At least for atla and fohl they took demi-human traits from their father's side, and their human traits came form the side of their mother, down to atla looking exactly like her mother and fohl having features similar to trash.

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it's not the norm though. each one of them is always like "oh look how special our bland self insert mc is! he doesn't want to go home like all the others!" but none of them ever want to go home.

>The bird can go fuck herself
Finally someone said it.

>be me
>looking for something to watch last season
>I've heard about SH and the polemic it caused ala Goblin Slayer
>it's kind of a messy story,but somehow it hooked me
>read somewhere in 4chink it's based on a LN
>only LN I've read in my life are the Spice and Wolf novels (know the basics of japanese furigana)
>read the raw novels on the net
>"what the fuck? S&W was not that hard to read, what the hell are those kanjis trying to say?"
>after looking for many kanjis for a while i decided to give up and read the english translations
>its horribly writen
why the story is so different regarding the main character? what's with those bitter and edgy monologues? why its writen from the mc's perspective frequently? i mean,spice and wolf had bits of that too, but holy crap naofumi gets tiring in the novels

jesus, it IS a cursed pic after all

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He's chased everywhere tho... So it's not much of a difference.

If no one wants her, I'll ride the bird

Yeah, was, the ''If I kill you I'll be just like you'' bullshit ruined her for me.

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blame the director for that
she actually stab the fatso
Don't know why they had to change it in the anime, i mean, Rem kills Subaru a few times in Re:zero yet she still has a legion of faggots worshipping her

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It doesn't matter what happened in the manga, I doubt the masses that watch this will even bother reading it. She'll forever remembered as a naive retard who couldn't pull the trigger.

Incidentally, the only thing that matter is that you, me and Yea Forums know the truth. Who cares what a bunch of normalfag think.

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Oh shit that's why I thought she stabbed him, she actually did. I just don't remember much of the Manga on this arc, it was really boring. I think the anime did a pretty good job at keeping it interesting.

Haikus are different in Japanese, their basis for the count isn't equivalent to English syllables

THANK YOU, finally someone who gets it

If I got isekaid into a world with fucking RPG stat-screens I'd want to leave too

Wow, Shieldfags post like THAT?

So, what happens if the Irresistible spear meets the immovable shield?

an army of angels

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Imagine the smell.

He wouldn't be saying that had he gotten summoned in Siltvelt and had unlimited access to demi puss.

Ralp is boring
Filo is dumb
Melty is love

The fault is of the Americunts and their fucking double standards, on the one hand they want sweet revenge and on the other they want their waifu to remain pure and to not stain their hands with the blood of an abuser

not on my watch

I don't mind both Raphs to be honest.
I like both the Anime and the Manga versions.

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>The fault is of the Americunts and their fucking double standards, on the one hand they want sweet revenge and on the other they want their waifu to remain pure
Only edgy Japs want mindless revenge. Sane people know well the old saying about digging two graves. Forgiving your enemies is also forgiving yourself.

t. Batman

Anyone who isn't a ruthless murderhobo is automatically batman.

If you refuse to kill the fat bastard that turtured you and killed your best friend and will keep murdering if let free because that would somehow make you a murderer you might as well be.

No one suggests that he should be let free. There are more humane and fitting punishments than execution. Imprisoning him, putting him into a coma or changing his mind to turn him into a good person sound better.

Why no just Iron Maiden the shit of him instead?

Because no man has the right to decide the life and death of another man.

>Because no man has the right to decide the life and death of another man.
What a fag lol. Is this going to be this retard vs 10 people explaining to him why the circumstances called for his death, like a fucking Patrick starfish skit again?


Because that right is reserved to God only.

Fuck off

It's almost like people don't like their daily routine disrupted and all the things they invested time/energy into to be for nothing.

Besides, there's no anime/vns/manga to read in a lot of these isekai worlds so I'd be wanting to go back just so I don't constantly wonder how something ended or if something ever finally got a 3rd season.

>believing in muh imaginary person in 2000+19

pretty sure david, solomon and all the other kings under God had the authority to decide over life and death by themselves

not that extreme tho desu. happens literally every day

>david, solomon and all the other kings under God
They derived their authority from him.

then people can have that right too
glad we cleared that up

Raphtalied and shielspilled

I don't remember raccoon girl having any authority given by God, like the biblical kings.

The idea is that Isekai isn't supposed to be this wonderful place, isekai as a concept, is just another telling of the heroes journey. Isekai (in theory) is supposed to provide the venue for the main protagonist to grow as an individual and the framing of the isekai world allows the protagonist to overcome their own insecurities and return to their original lives having become all the better from the experience.

Yeah, isekais are magical fantasy lands where you can become a hero but that's just it, they are fantasies. Eventually you have to come back to "reality", ie, home. To the friends and family you had left behind. Not as the person you were, but as a person who has grown up.

Isekai nowadays forget that whole "get better as a person" thing and the characters are content to live in fantasy cause that's just easier. Either that or they died so going back home is impossible. This sums up otaku society in general really.

can someone tell me the differences so far between the source material and the anime?

>if you kill your enemies, they win!
fuck off

The only glaring one is Raphtalia not pushing the fat bastard out of the window.

(m) Raphtalia stabbed the fat guy with her sword
(m) Naofumi protected Raphtalia
(a) Raphtalia did not stab the fat guy

(a/m) Raphtalia used her mana sword to stab the fat guy
(m) Raphtalia pushed the fat guy from the window
(a/m) Fat guy fell from the window and then broke the seal to release the fucking dinosaur.
(a/m) Fat guy died.

With changes that minimal, the ending sounds like it'll stick.

Just because you didn't see her get the authority doesn't mean she didn't, don't pretend like anyone saw the kings get the authority, you have to believe.

The fact they were kings means they were given the authority. Is raccoon girl a queen?

>Eventually you have to come back to "reality", ie, home
That's just one way to write a story, most modern isekai are build on the search for a new home if you will, in your search you grow and one day you reach your goal just like the jews when they went on the pilgramage through the desert.

>in your search you grow and one day you reach your goal just like the jews when they went on the pilgramage through the desert.
The problem is, modern isekai MCs never grow. The authors just bend isekai to pander their immaturity.

>Does that world have showers and toothbrushes/toothpaste?
you don't actually need that. Were you ever at a camping trip?

I bet Naofumi's little bro crossplays.
Did you guys see his room?

sure i don't disagree i just find the argument that a return home is somehow paramount in this kind of story rather dumb and for some reason in virtually every thread talking about any isekai some idiot says that isekai need to have a return home as a goal.

That's because returning home in isekai "was" the goal. Isekai are a means to an end, not the whole thing. Nowadays, some dumbass gets trucked or reincarnated and they just never bring up home cause they were a HikkiNEET or whatever

You see it in the real world too, man. Everybody thinks they want to live an exciting life and travel and do these amazing things, but when they finally get the chance, 9 times out of 10 they realize they miss their old life. They miss their friends, their family, they miss everything and everyone they had. You might think you have it good for a while, but one day you'll wake up and realize that all you want is to go home and live a nice, quiet life with the people you love. You might want it more than anything else.

>Isekai are a means to an end
no one argued that point.
That too i don't disagree with, but just because old Isekai were good and todays aren't isn't the fault of the way the plot-device is used and even less that it should be used how it was back then.

Anime cut mention that the other three heroes died in their worlds
Status magic is supposed to be usable by everyone but anime made it hero exclusive for unexplained reasons.
Also showed Ren gaining exp like 100 feet from Naofumi pretty sure they need to be like a quarter a mile apart in the LNs
Anime cut some of the Filo raising. Only thing of value lost is sense of timing. Also skipped the part where Naofumi is cool leaving her with the slave merchant and moves her turning into loli form from that scene to some random camp event.
Anime showed Raphtalia as a teen. LN only has child and adult forms.
Added random details to hot spring event. Like Raph thinking you can get pregnant from a kiss.
All the stuff people complained about last week with Raphtalia learning Rifana died at a different point in time and wanting to show mercy on that loser.

>isekai need to have a return home as a goal.
I agree that it's not a necessity. But to make a good story, the author needs to at least give reason why their MC doesn't want to return. The excuse of them being a total loser is just too pathetic, since even if that's the case, their parents and family will story feel sad for their death. Totally forgetting about their past life means they give no care for their family and just want to run away from their problems.

>plus he's still repeatedly shit on by every one

If that's extreme trauma then I and most people on this board have 12 years of that

You're a #MeToo victim?

>Inb4 Shieldfag goes back to his world and never sees Raph as anything but a daughter so this faggot stretches her raccoon babyhole

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You could be reading the webnovel instead of speculating. Though the ending isn't the best so yeah.

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it's a girl

It's not like he is enjoying his time

Iron Maiden is the best OST track

And Naofumi should use his Iron Maiden Spell at Bitch and Trash

if i was teleported to 1930's with a nuke the Berlin would be still smoking today

Is the chorus saying "TATE NO YUUSHA"?

Doubt it. Nukes never stopped cities from rebuilding.

You'd really think Bitch would just quit huh? Seriously she keeps starting shit but couldn't any of the heroes flat out kill her?


"Taaaaateeee no Yuuuuusshhaaaaaaaa no Naaaariiaaagaaaariiiii" x2
That's Kevin Penkin for you

>this faggot


unlike the anime, the IRL spinoff will finally deliver sweet revenge

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oh yeah, i totally forgot about them

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Raph should have stayed a loli.


>without citizenship
Japan's IRS is gonna fuck her up down and sideways.

Really gave me goosebumps

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Wish the added the line where he says "The day i can't protect you is the day i die"

You're going to make me buy the Translated LNs.

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>You were a fucking NOBODY in your old place.
Talk about yourself. Some people has friends, family and people who depends on them.

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>second ending spoiler
Woah mate, that how a man should live.

You have to realize that some people are okay with being a nobody. Not everyone wants to be the hero who gets all the attention.

>Rem kills Subaru a few times in Re:zero yet she still has a legion of faggots worshipping her
she only killed him once because of his witch scent, subaru never was mad about this either

That user is a bit mistaken. By the time he had to make a choice, naofumi had changed at a fundamental and existential level that instead of choosing it was more like deciding what to do next. Then the splitting happened. Those two versions of himself on earth and in the other world would re-integrate themselves with the him that's traveling through worlds once they died.

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what a faggot

Don't forget Raph is technically 10. He's fucking a kid.

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For pomf=3.

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My anal princess.

>writing and prose of the LN is utter dogshit
>still a huge fan of it because of the subplot about healing an emotionally damaged girl

Never realized I had such a deep messiah complex, I'm already downloading teaching feeling as I'm blogging this

I felt that it's strange how the shield hero became friend with the turtle.
That was quite uncharacteristic of him, after all that talk about how he could only trust Racoon and Bird.

He's also the only one of the four who isn't dead. 2 of them had a knifu end their lifu and the other got truck-kun'd.

How I am supposed to buy nothing but a Acrylic Stand?
Where are the figs?

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>page 10
Not on my watch, motherfucker

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It's like the way he thinks should lead everyone to believe that he is a broken person. GET IT BROKEN

well now that I got to volume 2 and the healing-slave-arc is essentially over I guess I can drop this shit

also what the fuck is up with all those typos in the official translation

The EN publisher is an utterly incompetent piece of shit tier company.
Have you heard of how they delay the release of the latest volume of the book the day it was supposed to released with no forewarning whatsoever?

I'm still fucking pissed thinking about it.

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I don't know how can a publishing company be more incompetent than a fan translation group tbqh.

>Anime is to increase LN/Manga sales
>Shit publishing company
I also read on Amazon's reviews that there's a lot of mistakes, typos, etc.

>There's actually something worse than Yen Press.

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I see floating text all the time in official releases its hilarious.

One of the rumors going around is that a bunch of their employees/translators walked out on them.

The only thing keeping One Peace from being the worst official translator is Sekai Project.

She killed him twice. He just didn't see her do it the first time.

My personal favorite error is when all the heroes are establishing their backgrounds and they accidentally use the wrong name in a dialogue tag. Mostly it's just bad punctuation and homophones, but that was an impressive fuck up.

Did you girls do your reps today?

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If so, you guys wouldn't have anything to say when something happened to some millions of your kins since it would be completely justified.

Is Naofumi the only one able to spam skills like he did against Spearbro?
Or it is because his skill tree is fucking huge?

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If naofumi can, the others can. Even motoyasu in the spinoff was able to fire up skills concurrently by having a floating spear and using skills through it.

Shieldbro author is making an otome isekai:
>the villainous daughter's return with the heirloom armor

I see, just one more question.
Does the LN/WN mentions something about the "Air Strike" actually dealing damage to Motoyasu?

Or all the HP he lost was because the Dog bite and the Balloons?

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It just pushed him back, the dog bite and baloons were the ones to deal damage.

Raph a shit. This show is shit. Fuck you faggots.

Thanks shield bro.

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I don't recall the LN mentioning anything specifically taking HP.

For what it's worth, LN later mentions Naofumi socking Motoyasu and everyone who witnessed thinking he just did something savage and uncalled for, only for Motoyasu to be like ??? because Naofumi's attack is so low that he didn't even feel the really obvious blow, so even if something happen that looks like it ought to cause injury and that obviously would in real life, it doesn't have to affect HP. since the shield is a def skill from a guy with shit atk, it makes sense in game logic that it wouldn't do damage.

A camping trip is temporary, and when it's over you can go back to a normal routine of showering every day. Plus most campgrounds nowadays have showers and you can bring your toothbrush and toothpaste with you.

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>its weird to see an isekai protag wanting to return to his world
No, that's the standard.

The average isekai MC is a social outcast and a useless retard with nothing to come back to. Naofumi is a 20 year old with a loving family at home who got sucked into this American at King Arthur's Court shit

This is why you dont read LNs if you can avoid it

How much meter has Naofumi built up by this point?

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Define meter

>All they need to do is go to the media to prevent this from happening.
>he seriously believe this.

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So in the GUI that they have.
For naofumi
its orange = HP
green = stamina??
blue = MP?
Need some help here. Making a shield hero fangame.

I just watched the glass fight again. MP is blue Though green still is kinda confusing if its stamina or not.

In order:
HP: Health, they go to 0 you die
MP: Magic, for magic
SP: soul power, skills

SP is "soul power" or something like that.
Only Heroes have it and is used when a skill is performed. If it's depleted the hero won't be able to move for a time (like megumin) until it regenerates.

the goal would be stopping that from happening in first place

This world has anime.

Naofumi kissed Raph on the cheek after his fight with Motoyasu and healing.

I'm glad that Shield Hero thread doesn't have the equivalent of stupid retards like other isekai threads does (Aquafag, powerlevelfag and the like.).
Or do we?

Well it's called HP, MP, and SP when in that world but you should have an idea of what it is. In glass's world it's Life force, magic power and soul power respectively.

Don't jinx it.

I tried reading LN but bounced back immediately, can't sit through it at all. The style puts me off and i can't focus on the story.
I guess I'll have to stay with mango and wait for it to be done...

I hear some people don't like the writing style too, I actually don't mind it at all but maybe that's because I'm ESL.
Can you elaborate on why you don't like it? I suspect it's the translation, tbqh.

I'm esl too, and yeah, it might be partly because of translators being lazy/rushed/whatever, but the dialogue itself feels stiff, poor, repetitive word choices, overusing game/cliche terms when you could easily convey the same meaning in a more ''''diverse''''' manner
generally for a setting meant to be vibrant, alive world hidden under dumb MMO gui it feels too much of a dumb MMO

maybe my brain lets the mango's problems fly because of lower bar for it, but LN puts me off

perhaps i could take some excerpt from chapter and rewrite it to how i'd want it done, but can't feel arsed to do this now

Is it worth watching this for the Coonpoon? How much screentime does animalear girl get? If it's at least 65% of an episode I may get into it but if not I'll stay away.

sometimes the thread derailsand anons start talking about something else like pollitical shit in melromarc, the vic mignogna faggot, consequences of creating your racoon daughterwife through bioengineering, etc

oh yeah i had forgotten those are a thing. I hate the middle one since it's not even fucking related to shield hero ny any way yet people bring it up.

I felt the same reading overlord. I guess it's time to learn Japanese.

Make it a MOBA so I can play as Filo and kill everything on-screen.

>consequences of creating your racoon daughterwife through bioengineering
elaborate please?
Tried to read Shield Hero and Overlord some time ago but holy shit the dialogues and writing are fucking horrible because of the gamey skill verbiage

Strictly on the translators part: frequent bad punctuation, mixing up words like they're/there/their, and so on.

Beyond that the writing is just... very juvenile? I don't know how to really describe it except to say that I would expect it from something a 16 year old posts on The sentences are too simple and straightforward. Time is rarely spent really setting a scene with a lot of shortcuts taken on the visuals. Emotional conveyance often feels like it never heard about the 'show, don't tell' rule. And sometimes the dialogue is just... I don't know how to put it. It's not as fluid as you'd want it to be. Some of the awkward or stiff sentences throughout I could ascribe to a shit translator, but the problem is so consistent that it's either a very shitty translator (very much possible, given the obvious ball dropped with copy editing) or they were already working with someone who just isn't that awesome at prose.

I own every volume out in English so it wasn't a deal breaker for me. I mean, there's a reason I can compare it to 16yos on, but it's definitely something I read despite the writing quality rather than something that makes the story more enjoyable. I've never had to stop in the middle of a scene because I saw a line that was just SO good that I needed a moment to admire it and weep in envy, but I have stopped before because I saw a few lines that reminded me too strongly of the writing in........ My Immortal!

MMO is too big of a scope sadly. Also i dont know how to code multiplayer "yet"
Quite confusing that they made SP color blue. Thanks anyways.
Im posting in vg/agdg/ with some progress of it later.

I dont like posting in Yea Forums since i feel like im shilling.

I strictly remember that there is one part where someone called Firo, and I quote this directly from the book "cute and funny" although I can't remember what volume it is. Do you think it's intentional?

>dont know how to code multiplayer "yet"
If you make it local split screen it's not too difficult or different than single player (from my experience). The next step would be learning networking to allow LAN play. It's not too difficult.

Here it is, it's Volume 8. I honestly don't know what to think about it, kek.

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No point in going LAN over WAN these days

It’s Japan who hates seeing blood. Meanwhile we love it but hate seeing anime tiddies. Fuck off with your bullshit.

split screen is easy since i can put two cameras just to render two perspectives with different controls.
Though im really not planning to add multiplayer since its just a fan game to be honest.

Back in the day all these transported to another world heroes wanted to go back home, it's just these new age self insert godmode PCs who're all fully into staying in the other world forever

Post Melty gifs!