Pisses herself

>pisses herself

Attached: 00012887188.png (849x475, 493K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 1553824245474.png (621x887, 195K)

goofy goober

>pisses on you

Attached: Manneken Pis.png (478x544, 194K)

>wets the bed.

Attached: 5098166475318.png (1280x720, 586K)

Now the gobs piss themselves.

Attached: 1551640646924.png (536x800, 208K)

>opens herself to rape

Attached: SlaaneshChampion.jpg (1500x2055, 1.32M)

G-go on


imagine the smell


Attached: 1540075288819.jpg (1280x720, 437K)

You forgot your

Attached: file.png (300x286, 80K)


Attached: Gobpiss.jpg (331x318, 59K)

>Priestess unable to grow.
>Rapth quickly grow into an adult.
Which one is the better choice?

Attached: 67df88a57976a8a794bc2342289bb7c3.jpg (523x600, 111K)

Erufu unable to grow

Attached: Bestgirl.jpg (798x1024, 441K)

Not if you're an elf.

Attached: 159.jpg (697x1000, 157K)

What are the benefits of having a cat in goblin slaying?

Attached: D4sF_MnUYAEzyVN.png (1208x1231, 174K)


He already has Priestess for that.

Attached: LN_Vol_03-03.jpg (2868x2048, 1.01M)

If the goblins have pitbulls, the cat can charge them.

Raphtalia is still a child mentally and has this adult body thrust upon her in a short period of time. She is still a 10 year old girl just with the rocking body of a 25 year old.

>She is still a 10 year old girl just with the rocking body of a 25 year old.

Change girl to boy and you have GS.

Attached: xY7RRQ0.jpg (681x960, 232K)

Aside of becoming a low key badass, Priestess still pretty much a child.

Attached: 81.jpg (1080x1920, 611K)

Attached: D4g_wdwUYAAs62x.jpg (1175x661, 129K)


Rape when?

What's wrong with modern anime?

Omorashi is the patrician fetish. There is not enough priestess pissing herself in.

>Rat princess raised by a goblin's daughter.

Attached: 20190325_161427.jpg (796x353, 222K)

t. Wine (((Merchant)))

Attached: .jpg (1080x1920, 586K)



She's closer to adulthood than Ralphtalia. Raphtalia sill thinks like a child. Her views on Naofumi as a potential lover is kind of weird seeing she's only a little girl arguing that she's now an adult because she has an adult body. Her race is weird as when they level up the body ages. But don't get me wrong Ralphtalia is a good kid character and I love her development but one has to remember she's still a little girl that just been though so much in so little time.

Who's this hot brown sister ?

Is this rape

Attached: 1423465130565.jpg (370x274, 19K)

A true man of culture right here.

Priestess' onee-chan, while this is the twin sister.

Attached: 1539307403270.jpg (1434x2048, 366K)

>she wont pee on me because I hate myself

Attached: 1549632555004.jpg (1692x1252, 186K)

Will she pee on herself?

>Drinks it

>wets diaper

Attached: Ichigo Otohime.jpg (1000x1414, 519K)

Good taste, my nigga

Women pissing is "wrong?"


I don't know why I find this scene so cute.

What if she pissed on the toilet instead?

How about a compromise
>wets herself on toilet

Wetting is overrated

Attached: gobbo.jpg (615x346, 16K)

2 small

Attached: NNooooGsDOntPlsNODOntplsnoshesinnocentnobpleasedontnoplsnoplsno.png (473x410, 172K)

what's wrong with modern media?

Attached: 1555045037367.jpg (1023x889, 293K)

The internet was a mistake.

Attached: 1547956583382.jpg (824x579, 85K)

are these being for kids just an excuse for piss fetishist to upload their shit on youtube?

They are mass-produced by indians for children not supervised by their parents. You would be suprised how common it is to give your child a tablet and let it raise itself
The next generation will unironically be an army of degenerates because of shit like this

They're literally part of a major worldwide operation (even Japan has this shit) to fuck up the psyches of toddlers who are raised on unattended Youtube viewing. The overarching themes are explicitly about contradicting childhood lessons and presenting disturbing trauma-inducing imagery. For example, the characters will often be praised for bad behavior and punished in horrifying ways for good behavior, and disgusting pee "pranks" are encouraged while toilets are depicted as scary and dangerous.

Attached: original babu.jpg (517x264, 37K)

Erufu is so hot

based lizardbro

Who even does this and for what reason?

Nobody knows for sure, but it's likely either some kind of insane psyop against civilization as a whole or pedophile rings enjoying the feeling of corrupting children.

>Body fluids are mecha fuel.

Attached: 1422739758060.jpg (1283x723, 79K)

>bunny pee

Attached: 1520120434716.webm (612x312, 550K)

Apparently "Fortnite Farts" is pretty popular too
Kids are gonna grow up with some weird fetishes.

Of course indians would advocate against toilets

We were the generation growing up with Totally Spies, you know

Priestess isn't childish for her age anyway. She just so goddamn pure and doesn't even know why she keeps coming back to GS. GS too, but he genuinely has bad social skill.

Attached: 74286330_p0.jpg (700x979, 282K)

>on my face


There's a name for this or something? I want to know more. Seems like really deep shit.

Still makes me wonder how, despite the Golden Age of Idol Anime, Idol wa XXX never got adapted.

Attached: soka.png (667x645, 158K)

It's called Elsagate.

Attached: ilyagate cartoon for kids.jpg (1680x720, 163K)

I can only fear the moment comes where the more degenerate paraphiliacs (pedos, zoophiles, shit eaters, etc.) manage to make their disgusting fetishes acceptable in society.

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I need to know what anime this is for science.

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>wets diaper better

Attached: 8.jpg (1268x1820, 654K)

>exhibitionist slut with a geezer's taste in diapers

Attached: z7.jpg (1288x1111, 429K)

based Jachin-sama

Morei is just a vapid highschool bitch who'd be into anything the boy she likes is. She is one of the most shallow and prideless characters in all of manga, and you should feel ashamed for liking her just because she wears tape ons (which she didn't for more than half the series). Baka.

Attached: 10.png (1288x1820, 621K)

This is a Goblin Slayer thread. Stop posting diaper skanks.

Attached: srself2.jpg (214x429, 78K)

Thrice actually.

Based Erufu.

Attached: f185206.png (1536x2048, 742K)

americans and jews should be gassed


Attached: 74313587_p1.png (2799x3000, 2.72M)

Would elf's boobs get bigger if she got gobbed?

How do you even move with skirt like that

In Japanese reading order.

Marry Priestess, fuck her & save gobbed victims with her.

They'll get bigger in a few centuries user. Don't be in such a rush.

>>pisses herself

You do realize urine has mass, right? The more mass you have, the slower you run, but you also have more momentum if you manage to accelerate into a good enough speed to run. Fat people are slow, they accelerate very slowly, but if they reach a good enough velocity, their momentum and mass combined make a dangerous combination. Unfortunately, human muscles are not that strong, but bear, tiger, lion, and gorillas musculature is amazingly dense, able to accelerate faster with all that mass, just crashing into you is a death sentence.

But if you want a speed boost, shit and piss, then run like a nigger.

Marry and fuck.

Attached: fbHTcLf.png (768x1366, 821K)

Why they don't piss and shit in the olympics then.


they do in marathons

the second one's an edit oh and the problem with modern anime is the censorship. need more topless women like the 90s

Would they have to sit like pic related for that to work?

Attached: 3E7BD1F2-E778-4EDB-BBAB-902B2A66D199.png (1660x1736, 3.1M)

*eagerly await

I was going to say that ;_;

Just keep her panties on

Tell me more.

>Oh Goburin Suraya San how are you doing?

Attached: IMG_4964.png (1141x1218, 1.21M)

Fuck you for posting it before me.


>turning into a cat/robot/doll/etc fetish

The third one is after getting her head smashed by a sling. Still no helmet suggestion, even from GS, watching a rainbow with her is more important.

let all 3 get gobbed and marry fire mage.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Goblin Slayer - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_00.06.34_[2018.10.08_18.50.29].jpg (1280x720, 102K)

Too late, user.

im ready

Attached: 1552136614651.jpg (1280x720, 76K)

Cow Girl

w-what happened next

I feel like those titles were written by some kind of algorithm. These are all random words put together

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Attached: 1539164686407.png (1280x1440, 1.47M)

Fuck Elf
Marry Priestes
Cow gets gobbed


Attached: 6345344.jpg (252x372, 58K)

That's kind of hot.

Reminder these are all made in India.

impossible, they have no toilets there

Attached: D4l0Y7HUwAEdwih.jpg (2048x1536, 1.03M)

Kids have liked gross shit since dawn of time
Stop being surprised


These videos aren't just your 90s gross-out shows for 6 year olds, though, they're more Don't Hug Me I'm Scared with additional sex and scat, shown to the 1-4 year old audience that Teletubbies and Barney were aimed towards. It's well known that even regular shows like Spongebob and Caillou are a common cause of toddlers being hyperactive and overly whiny, so imagine what this kind of shit does to them.

Of course, this is what gets you the most clicks

Watched ep 1 last week, it was really unexpected. This should become a trope and more should should include peeing.

No goblin can touch her.

Attached: IMG_20181107_163312.jpg (1367x2048, 616K)

They won't poo in the loo anymore.

I want to mating press her through that diaper so badly. I need more diaper hentai.

Attached: lg9vm8pm98p11.jpg (750x936, 141K)

Attached: 1515360145250.jpg (540x540, 31K)

Asanagi not doing a Goblin Slayer doujinshi was such a waste.

Im 12 years old and what is this?!

But he did

Attached: __high_elf_archer_goblin_slayer_drawn_by_asanagi__2397c28795f108637889b9e4de13ed3f.jpg (900x1260, 523K)

>goblin slayer runs a bestbuy

like two pages.

Somebody should track down whoever makes these and put them in a gas chamber to see how much they like it.

Attached: adrein.jpg (560x570, 77K)

Attached: 8431.png (528x598, 298K)

>Raph wets the bed
>Naofumi raises her hand
>Raphtalia thinks he's going to punish her
>Naofumi headpats her.

Yep, cute, my heart almost died there.

Spot the GS author.

Attached: D4x6UN8X4AAgIHZ.jpg (2048x1538, 298K)

The fatty in the Deadpool mask.

Are those elvish nuns in the back?

Attached: D4x6XLmWkAEJtr6.jpg (2048x1538, 307K)

Attached: bca2ec69-e608-442e-9c0b-20e4b50df6d0.png (1280x960, 634K)

>Tsuttsu becomes famous for making doujins about omorashi and diapers
>goes legit and makes Omujo, a mainstream manga about diapers and omorashi
>when Omujo ends, people make diaper doujins of it
Full circle.

Attached: 040030719952-2p.jpg (800x1119, 582K)

Behold, pisstessfags. Behold the tripe your waifu has brought to our threads. Diapers, piss and shit.

>Schrödinger's diaper game

Attached: Kamauwa.png (240x240, 44K)


Maybe half elves like this cutie.

Attached: 1545452541985.jpg (900x1350, 360K)

What are some of his omorashi works? I'm only familiar with Omujo.

No one said anything about shit. I think everyone here would agree that that's too far.

Isn't she the one that got eaten by that worm piece of shit?

That was just a dying prank channel finding how to make easy cash and msm learned about it over a year later. Afterwards, other channels started doing the same possibly as an actual psyop

Here's a diaper doujin of his, and you can find a bunch of omorashi ones too if you check out the tag for Tsuttsu.



Is this the Gobslay thread or the piss fetishist thread?

>best girl
>dies in 1st episode

Attached: 1555962311371.jpg (853x480, 69K)

A fucking mix of both and it's disgusting.

Attached: IMG_20190217_194651.jpg (1352x756, 69K)

Yeah, us pissfags don't deserve to have to share a thread with shit-eaters

Attached: 23679538_p0.png (500x500, 133K)

Ace Ventura with his talking butt was a thing in my time, but shit is going too far now.

Attached: 1548900771421.jpg (600x589, 41K)

>someone actually came up with idea of this
>someone actually made this
>someone actually approved this
>someone actually printed this
>someone actually sold this

Attached: 1555962562214.jpg (807x623, 141K)

I can only get so erect, user.

Attached: Piss.png (750x1091, 226K)

Unable to grow is a hundred times better.

Why is cute anime grill pissing herself so cute but a trashy western style cartoon doing the same so disgusting?


I can't think of any western cartoon examples tbqh

Based and genocide-pilled.

Yes, we are truly the scum of the earth, us GSfags. For the sake of all that is piss, leave this thread and save your souls. Do it fast. Do it now.

Attached: chocoelf.jpg (337x535, 66K)

Macross 77: Don't Fuck With Nana

Not exactly pissing themselves, but

Fuck Elf
Marry Elf
Other two can get gobbed, dont care

Attached: 1545652364134.jpg (1172x1604, 286K)

I was thinking of actual television cartoons, not this weird youtube shit.
I think I've seen a few desperation scenarios but never an actual accident.

a man of culture

This is why need an elfslayer and gas all elf sympathizers


Attached: D4xyg56W4AAjcqG.jpg (1920x1920, 572K)


>huge tits

>2000 years time skip

Where is this from?


I know it's reddit but

Attached: 1555709777564.jpg (4032x3024, 2.9M)

It's brap you Philistines

Brap has more bass, and is a bit wet. Not the same sounds.

>draws abigail
Based pédochad

Attached: __goblin_slayer_and_high_elf_archer_goblin_slayer_drawn_by_hoshimawa__dd640f2c5bac7c25c3fbf3f4446b3e (1080x1775, 296K)

me on the right

fuck & marry cowgirl
have priestes and elf get gobbed

Attached: cowgirl.gif (1280x720, 2.39M)

fake, elf doesn't wear a bra or panties

Attached: goblin slayer elf.jpg (1600x2071, 272K)

Elf doesn't grow anymore. She's jealous of a 15 year old human girl because Priestess may stll develop some big titties and curves. Meanwhile Elf is forever a plank.

But she wears swimsuits.

Attached: LN_Vol_07-01.jpg (2859x2048, 1.24M)

Just wait, in 2000 years she will prove you wrong.

Attached: IMG_20190312_214834.jpg (534x346, 44K)

Hey, her words, not mine.

Attached: 1540669640934.png (1280x720, 712K)

Good because elves should be planks.

Wonder why there are swim suits in the middle age...

only because the other girls probaly make her wear it.

Attached: goblin slayer cowgirl & guild girl.jpg (1434x2048, 308K)

yet her older sister has guild girl/cow girl sized tits.
elf could still grow boobs, but probaly she would be B cup at best

Attached: goblin slayer takes off helmet.jpg (870x1305, 325K)

>Priestess in GG clothes there

>Priestess in SM clothes here

Attached: D4x4nJNXsAIGjdB.jpg (674x1000, 141K)

>Priestess in CG clothes

Now we just need Priestess in Erufu's clothes.

Attached: __priestess_goblin_slayer_drawn_by_adsouto__ccde6e09472a13fdf2a665e038df3540.jpg (1754x1240, 2.81M)

all 3 for just the cow chick

Did they fug?

Attached: nice.jpg (1366x768, 58K)

Do you want your wife to get gobbed?

Attached: 20190218_174110.png (347x346, 136K)

>we will created the generation who would gave bith slaanesh 38 000 years earlier


>muscular young man waking up next to naked ripe semen demon who's been lusting after him for at least half a year now
definitely didn't fuck bro!


>Semen Demon

Attached: 1555709711379.png (576x437, 449K)

>willfully misinterpreting her words
She was talking about personal development in the sauna with Priestess and bemuses that she can still grow her boobs when she drops her spaghetti thinking it was chest size she was talking about.

Attached: bestgirls.jpg (1434x1024, 212K)

he was out cold and near dead.
plus the point of that ritual isn't to fuck the girl anyway. but as sword maiden points out most men can't resist the temptation of a naked virgin girl.

Attached: goblin slayer ritual.jpg (870x1305, 241K)

Spell needs Priestess to be a virgin.
At worst GS got raped by the crazy blind sword slut while he was half-dead and comatose

Does this look like GG/CG level to you?

Attached: LN_Vol_07-09.jpg (1434x2048, 329K)

How does this absolute aspie have so many hot women lusting after his cock? How do I be like him?

Attached: dab on these goblins.jpg (680x471, 44K)

Getting women is easier when you are handsome

Attached: GS.jpg (782x952, 300K)

but Yea Forums told me personality is all that matters

He gets shit done.

Women lust after rude, insensitive peddlers of violence that treat them like crap.

>cold but cool
>killing machine
just be all of the above user and you will have your own part of cum drinkers lusting after you

If we are talking about GG, the thread will be much emptier.

Attached: GG.jpg (870x1305, 465K)

Fuck Elf
Marry Priestess
Gob Cowgirl

Save Fighter

Attached: DqYUBQNXQAEG1hU.jpg (1200x675, 51K)


Attached: bro I am about to piss my panties over here where's the fucking toilet.jpg (693x720, 93K)

It is, just never expect to pull 10/10 bitches like most anime girls are left and right, you'll at least get what you're worth.

Attached: 1483804499857.jpg (2868x2048, 3.29M)

And her prequel manga is mysteriously in indefinitely hiatus.

Attached: 1538991092017.png (1000x1455, 1.62M)

My mouth.

Attached: 1543973265082.png (752x1094, 1.06M)

>drink it

Attached: ueno pee.jpg (1280x720, 116K)

Would Hideri get gobbed?

The gobbo race probably wouldnt last long if they couldnt tell ass from vag

>cant wet the bed because raphtalia didnt save her

Attached: kawaiiskelly.png (1054x704, 418K)

I'm sure she pissed herself plenty

Main manga's next chapter should come out this week or the next right?

It looks at least GG level desu.

You mean:


Straight from her hole.

He's like genius level in gobo knowledge. Girls go crazy about smart men. Doesn't matter what you're smart in, if you're an expert you'll have women lusting for you. Problem is most men are average intelligence and think they're smart.

I actually felt fucking blueballed with omujo. I got promised good piss scenes and I got it but it was far too few and the rest was cliche shit. At least GiriGiri out delivers more in the latest chapters.

Those who read it more for the panty (diaper) flashes than the pee felt the same, if not worse.

Those flashes were more in-your-face shots, lacking what make those shots special: The hidden treasure.

No, fuck you. Diaper fetishism is rare to the point content of Tsuttsu's caliber is scarce and the last thing I wanted was for him to be coy about it. Chiralism is only for fetishes that have so much content they can cut back to explore new nuances. I can't tell you how pissed (harharhar) some of us were when he went 3-4 months without any diaper chapters. And iirc there are no chapters without pee, but quite a few without diapers.

It's in the title, pardon me if I have certain expectations.

The goblins will be the ones fleeing in fear of death by sodomy if Hideri ever gets Isekai'd.

Attached: Hideri without skirt and makeup.jpg (663x918, 227K)

how big are gob penis based on body size they should be pretty small, why women even sad when tiny peen enter?

>every other girl is objectively better than Priestess
>but she is subjectively best for GS

Attached: patrolled.jpg (2628x1320, 1.43M)

Try to shove a pencil in your asshole.

like putting a straw in a bottle

Attached: THEFUCK.png (1280x635, 639K)

You came prepared, huh?

Certainly you're in the right here. I'm not a diaperfag because as a pissfag I despise diapers so much but I can get why you were mad. I remember the mini-arc where it had like 3~4 chapters without diapers but the piss scenes were godly. Actually there were some chapters without pee because having a little text saying "pshhh" isn't the same as a piss scene. But the ladder and sleeping scened made up for the loss.

Is this basically the author's way of saying 'he must stay a pure virgin for his maiden priestess wife'? That's what it looks like at least.

Attached: 1482981880632.png (2346x1677, 3.86M)

always prepared, just like gob slayer

It's more like
>nobody can heal him but the maiden he saved

How old is Archmage?

>Can't wet the bed because she didn't have one.

Attached: 20420.png (1280x720, 833K)

So what happened in the latest volumes of the Light Novel?

This week, in like 3 or 4 days.

Apparently, green moon turns brighter when Priestess gets drunk, so GS abstain from goblin quest to stop her drinking problem. BECAUSE GOBLINS CAN'T HAVE GOOD THINGS.

Attached: a light shining in darkness.jpg (700x1782, 293K)

>Erufu constantly being undressed by the other girls
>Priestess undresses her when she passes out drinking and needs to go to bed
>GG undresses her to buy her lingerie and comments on her pretty elven body

Was she competing with GS all along..?


Attached: peta_goblins.jpg (640x360, 87K)

is this still going?

That's just above Priestess.

Attached: 1553547787510.jpg (1020x1884, 628K)

Fukken goblin lovers


agreed, he needs to make more ASAP

>Save Fighter
>Gob Cowgirl
Fuck you

I won't lie, Priestess and Elf having a tender moment alone that escalates into some pretty intense tongue kissing and pussy grinding would be some pretty hot shit. Especially if they're so embarrassed about it after the passion of the moment wears off that they can't look eachother in the eye for like a week and everyone wonders what the fuck is up with them.

Attached: 47fc330ff45aeb94326948730d9bba36.jpg (850x1202, 190K)

>another thread ruined by diaperfags

Attached: 1528283692939.jpg (1242x808, 120K)

>infantalized female turns on incels who have never been around a woman before let alone are able to comprehend how fucking annoying this would be
if your dog did this you'd be pissed
if your dog could talk and had a human functioning brain you'd be even more pissed
>if your dog had breasts and is your sex toy
that last one hmmm i wonder...

i wonder why this turns you on HMMMMmmmm

Erufufags, don't watch this!

Attached: D4nhsBjUwAIC6oc.jpg (2048x1536, 456K)

Because you don't have to clean the piss up.

I would say something about how Erufu ate too many something something but there's not really any food she's known for loving, and just alcohol doesn't really make you fat like that.

Must be a gob in disguise, GS isnt that short

Best girl?

Best girl

Attached: 1555710043380.png (314x181, 80K)

Nonsense, this is currently the best thread in Yea Forums.

Attached: 72687083_p0.jpg (1533x1206, 215K)

Priestess please leave and take all the pissfags with you.

Attached: IMG_20190312_214852.jpg (378x388, 29K)

Priestess' miracle liquid generates more discussion than the entirety of Elf in vol. 7.
And vol. 7 is about Elf.

Attached: cool babu.jpg (946x1024, 149K)

Vol 7 hasn't been translated yet

>Stupid hat

Attached: 1554217610423.jpg (141x136, 20K)

>ring that allows you to breath anywhere
Sweet now I dont have to let her up for air when I sit on her face and force her to eat my ass

We have spoilers, summary & correction of what happens. The only noteworthy about elves are they are incest.

Attached: 71420577_p0.jpg (900x615, 145K)

I'll give you a hint, it involves thrusting and some splurts!

Not the same, not everyone reads nor believe the summaries. Just wait, next month GS's threads are going to be filled with Erufu (even more).

Attached: LN_Vol_07-07.jpg (1434x2048, 233K)

Where can I find this, is it the manga or LN?

Suuure, I'm pretty sure when it is translated, it is actually Elf that purifies Goblin Shaman, because shooting arrows when it read in context can actually mean purifying.

You know that summaries leave a lot of stuffs untold, right? I don't care about the shit you mentioned, go have you waifu war with the CGfags

Attached: 1554236844956.png (275x200, 27K)

A dog doesn't understand why it's not supposed to piss on a bed or feel shame about it though.

It's cute when Raph does it because she's embarrassed and it makes you want to comfort her.

These videos are mass produced by AIs to clickbait children and make money off ads.

Why is she so gay?

Attached: D4xtWsKWsAMh_Jo.jpg (821x629, 172K)

and that's why Naofumi doesn't take her seriously. You just can't come back after wetting the bed

Summary leaves a lot of stuff untold from all sides. I mean, Priestess wants to cook for her Lizard Onii-chan is never mentioned in spoilers.

Attached: 57099203_p0.jpg (700x470, 226K)

Piss fetish is patrician taste

Attached: hmmm.jpg (720x675, 86K)


>this fucking thread

>Mary Parpings.
I bet he was really proud of that one.

>dogs dont feel shame
Trash taste weeb without even the companionship of man's best friend. Also shield hero is a trash anime that disguises itself as something it isn't and at the end of the day is just poorly executed regardless of what it's trying to be or actually is. At least Goblin Hunter knows what it is and does it well, even if you don't like it.

Attached: 1495150303127.jpg (480x300, 78K)

Fucking this.

Attached: 1539810935900.jpg (1280x720, 511K)




Attached: D4z5MlsX4AAUbtz.png (820x740, 637K)

>if your dog peed on the bed you'd be pissed
why would I EVER be mad at the dog? dog is cute and it wasnt his fault

Attached: 1548286373582.png (378x592, 295K)

>that chin

piss in my mug

here use this

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When was this I dont remember it in the manga

Diapers and piss is a damn good fetish but scat is a no no. None of the other girls can get my dick harder than Priestess pissing her panties and squirting in bed.

Why do the jews do this?

*Nods in mexican*

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> Not liking cute girls shitting themselves



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Surprising is, who knows? many groups of people are taking part on it so is hard to see a reason.

can never get enough of kiss x piss
also more ureshon fucking when

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Fuck: 1
Marry: 3
Gobbed: 2

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Elf is far and away best girl.
Pisstess is far and away the worst.

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Fuck Cow
Marry Preistess
Gob Elf

The kids themselves do it

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Hopefully soon. Imagine this gyaru being cucked by the girl who pissed herself in the middle of class on the first day of school.

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I need it

What can you expect form Priestessfags?
They are all diaper fetishists.

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Fuck Cowgirl
Marry Elf
Gobbes Priestess
This is he only correct choice.

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>Tomoko runs straight into a goblin cave, *accidentally* trips and loses her staff and loudly bemoans "Oh I am helpless and all alone, I hope the goblins don't ravage me"
>goblins throw her back out of the cave

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new Anvil figure is beautiful

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Of course, Erufu is beautiful so her figure should be beautiful as well.

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The worst part is not that it brought pissfags but isekaifags too.

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Dont act like she wouldn't be going for K-mart brand Guts

Sauce on this manga?


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Normies on the internet was a mistake. They made it normal to give smart devices to toddlers and have them unsupervised access to Internet. What the fuck am I supposed to say to my children when they get picked on for not having a smart phone or a tablet?! That it's for their own good?

I thought this was an omorashi thread.

She's still a virgin by volume 8, so no.

he slayed that pussy, of course.

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Who wins in a fight?
Erufu or Eru-Erufu

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New chapter fucking when? Or at least the raws.

Marry Cow, fuck Elf, Gob Priestess

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Shy girls with soft poop in their panties are the best

I want to spend time in the onsen with my wife High Elf Archer!

Speaking of which, is it odd if you like the sight of girls squatting and straining to take a shit, but not the shit itself?

Why do pissgirls so often happen to be blondes?

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>"why is he doing this smack in the middle of the tavern..?"
>"fuck off dwarf, I'm a beautiful elven woman.."
>"he could at least have polished his armor.."
>"his suit chafes"
>"the weather sucks"
>"Guild Girl is staring"
>"everyone is staring"

Color scheme consistency

Blonde hair caused by a recessive gene so it needs inbreeding.

They are? I only remember Priestess. Kiss x Sis didn't, that piss idol manga didn't, Onii-chan is done for didn't, etc.

But they're not? The range is pretty wide. Ureshon one isn't it. Most of the doujins are black and short one. I give you GiriGiri and omujo but again they had variety.

Imagine having taste this bad

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It's from the chapter 23 of GS Year One

Emma from Kotobuki (question mark girl in my last post) is the most recent one who comes to mind. Also Hana from Prison School, pic related.

It probably is something about the that makes them more memorable for me.

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Pissfags pls go.

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In your mouth?

Go away. Shoo.

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The fetishes are just bonuses. This is still a series about TRPG & crazy tactics associated with it. Boy/girl that uses it is best boy/girl.
Those who have nothing to do with it are irrelevant, the one that complaints about it is worst girl.

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Then there are the perfect girls whose skills are so advanced that they cannot be differentiated from magic.

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Why? Do you need to pee? I can turn around. I won't peek I promise!

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Someone talented got her hands on the Character design book, she notes that now she can draw Priestess in her official underwear.

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Example of her art.

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Why did I pick this up? I'm not into piss or diapers.

It's legitimately entertaining and heartwarming even if you're not into the fetishes.

If Goblin Slayer becomes a pizza deliverer in a porn movie, he'd just deliver pizza while keeping watch for goblins.

Yeah, the one that is so boring, the manga has to give her clubbing scene just to make her more interesting & the author suddenly makes GS gives zero fuck about her rule limitation because it infects GS with its boringness.
>skills are so advanced that they cannot be differentiated from magic.
That's what martial-fags always say.

I bet it has healing properties

Any pictures of Witch in there?

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Oh hi Erufu hater! I haven't seen you in a while, I thought you were dead or something

New Chapter.

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It's more of a pity. Like watching a Yea Forums-tard playing /tg/.

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raphtalia a cute!


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Anyone knows where is this from?

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Here you go, degenerates.

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Got axed, once again confirming japs’s bad taste

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Not all pissfags like panic pissing. Don't clump us all together.

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Gobbed, marry and fuck Priestess, in that order.

It's different. I know how you feel. We need more SFW piss manga.

That tells me you want to marry and fuck Sword Maiden

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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Goblin Slayer - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_07.40_[2018.10.19_15.52.30].jpg (1280x720, 88K)

Panic pissing is fine though.

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Subliminally yes, I do want to marry and fuck young SM. Helping broken cute girls get over a depression is like a personal fetish of mine.
But only young SM. Current SM doesn't give me the same urge to protect her. More like, I actually want to see her gobbed even more. Not sure why, though. Maybe, she's too far gone even for me and my ryona obsessed side took over my Samaritan side.

It's not the same. That is generated due to a shock and it's literally inpure. Pure and wholesome is when it's pure omorashi with a feeling of either excitement or a bit of embarrasment. Bonus points if she REALLY wants to do it.

I like her, she knows her place.

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You're all unwanted here, go away and take your dirty diapers with you.

If you're gonna tell me to fuck off at least don't lump me with the diaperfags, thank you very much.

Go and stay go.

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I have wanted to for her to have a happy ending since I saw this page. Watching her crying like that was too much for me. I hate the anime version of the SM arc so much.

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But this have significant tell on how much Priestess grows. She seen GS smashed at the wall & facing a thing straight from Cthulhu without a single drop of piss.

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>facing a thing straight from Cthulhu without a single drop of piss
Are you completely certain of that?

They literally have a toilet police, looking for people shitting in the wild. 60% of them still do that. You can even look up a map of how their shit fucks up the whole sea, east of india.

>You just can't come back after wetting the bed
Are you sure about that?

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Oh shit his fucking arm fell off. That's not efficient for killing goblins.

He can still throw it at goblins. It's armored and heavy, it should be a guaranteed kill.

The Cthulhu part? Yes. I'm sure in TTRPG japan, majin is referring to CoC devils, D&D uses akuma.


What if majin refers to D&D devils and akuma refers to D&D demons or vice-versa???

The series uses Oni for demons.

I'm sure he was talking about the single drop of piss part.

So what was going on there? Did she really offer him sex as a payment for the ring? Or was she just jesting or testing him?


She's a slut. Not that hard to figure out.

A best

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>favorable treatment is only wrong if I don't get wet for the adventurer
A shit and a slut.

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elves don't have body odor

How many of her panties have pee stains in them?

Rent free

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>liking a literal NPC

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>He says while he posts a literal who

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All the characters save for that OP mary sue are NPCs.

>butthurt GGfag can't handle the truth

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Perfect lube for getting GREENED

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Butthurt about what? Not being an adventurer means less chances for her to get gobbed.

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>shifting goalposts to avoid facing the fact he loves a literal NPC

Are you really saying that loving anyone that isn't Haruhi is wrong?

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Literally yes. Tell them to be glad they won't turn out retarded like their friends

They look like a fun gang.

So uh...what's the sauce, boss?

Judging by the artstyle, bible black

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Maybe if I had the ability to stop smelling during sex I could possibly enjoy it you scatfag. Now girls shitting on themselves from a rough dicking in her pussy is pretty damn sexy.

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Erufu is the only good thing from this awful thread.

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Wrong. Look at the file name...hmmm....

Jesus, those titles

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I'd rather let my kids just watch adult content

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He's an autist but I love him

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I'd rather let the watch GS, honestly.

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Not only are the videos produced by bots but the vast majority of their views are also provided by bots in order to force them to trend. Which is why those videos have either a few dozen views or tens of thousands and none are in between.

t. Lloigor

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