Today I remind them

Today I remind them.

Attached: What Hunterchads ACTUALLY look like.jpg (432x554, 25K)

Other urls found in this thread:

How are we not holding this against them forever? Holy shit.

Attached: smugko.png (456x306, 141K)

>rent free since january
based hunterchads

This is the HxH version of Sneed, it destroys and derails any and all discussion

Why are they whispering?


What's the point of this thread?


Anime for beginners. OH NO NO NO NO NO

They don’t want to wake up their parents

theyre just gonna say its an asspull and post shitty copypastas to stay relevant

That Yea Forums sings was literally a false flag though.

More like ASMRCHADS,lol.

>Hunter""""chads"""" in charge of damage control

Attached: smug_miku.png (607x554, 230K)

There was literally only a couple of singers and the mixer just happened to choose the singers that were whispering.


holy shit this is so pathetic even for Yea Forums standars

Attached: 1549859401482.gif (240x176, 1.79M)


>more newshits who weren't in the threads for this sing along
It was done entirely on purpose. Search the fucking archive. You can see that it's hilarious that a bunch of 20 somethings are singing as quietly as possible, right? It's intended to be a parody of Yea Forums sings while also being a self-deprecating jab at the hunterchad demeanor on this board. I see the real humor missed the mark on everyone other than hunterchads.

~ 190 IQ post, probably a hunterchad even

based. it's a deconstruction.

>calling yourself a hunterchad

Attached: 1550090946738.jpg (1242x1214, 261K)

I was hoping this was going to be a Strain thread. Imagine my dissappointment.

Has there ever been a tolerable fanbase that refers to themselves as "-chads"?

Not too sure but I do know that the dbs ones are almost just as bad if not worse.

Big brain post

Based hunterchad

Nowhere in the threads was it ever even implied to be a joke you coping huntercuck

Holy shit that's awful. I fucking hate Gundam but here's how it's really done

HxHfags seething


>all those youtube comments

h-hunter chads..