Am I the only one utterly angry at this

Am I the only one utterly angry at this.
Had hope for this Haraguchi and now she is a boring doll.
Actually after this all of the story sofar was only rage inducing.

Especially that Himeno is a freaking big hypocrite of a bitch denying that she is brainwashng everyone.
If she came clear about it I could get around all this stuff, but this hypocricy which I do not know if the author actually means it for it not being a brainwash or not is unbearable.

And honestly even a blind one could see this is brainwashing.
People that would normaly not even care about her are suddenly sacrificing themselfs for her.
She says it makes them stronger and amplifies their family and friendship bonds, but we saw that she becomes the highest priority for all infected.
This a point were we saw a women and her daughter threaten their husband and father just for her.
Are you telling me all the children would obviously always choose Himeno over themselfs or their parents.
If she told a hundred of her soldiers to rape a guy until they are all pregnant by him none would question it.
If she told a girl to spread her legs to get fucked by the next hundred passerbies she would do it.
Sofar it does not even seem as if the infected girls can fall in love anymore.

When it was revenge I could go with Himeno, but right now she is disgusting.
She crippled those humans and their freedom.
Non of them are individuals anymore, all that remains of their human self if a mask to hide their doll nature as seen when in chapter 13 all the soldier girls instinctively raised their stingers to attack.

What makes it worse is the ad absurdum of that scientist.
Because same animals and insects are like this this is how it should be, ignoring the other animals were society does not work like that.
Worse of all comparing such a rudimentary society of insects to human civilization that goes far beyond in complexity.
That guy would be a disgrace of a scientist IRL, full on ignoring stuff left and right.

Attached: 25[1].png (844x1200, 288K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I think you're putting too much thought into this series

Do you expect us to read all this?


Is that the guy from Killing Bites?

Welcome to Murata's wild ride

Test what?

It is up to you.

Maybe, did not check it.
If it is it would be his first work that I really cannot appreciate.
Since this is not really strong women, but just blatant shit.
The only saving grace is the best butt of what should have been best girl if it was not for Himeno's hypocricy

Attached: 25[1].jpg (844x1200, 210K)


That's more discourse than Arachnid, Caretpillar and Killing Bites ever got. Congrats.

Attached: dinopo1.jpg (582x307, 95K)

No, Shidou looks almost exactly like Gendo Ikara. It told everyone he was the main bad guy from the start, no matter what he did.

>uncanny valley

Attached: Anime teeth.png (404x1209, 189K)

Its like the author is an uncultured boor trying to sound smart

Attached: '.gif (371x209, 1.55M)

I'd rather him win than the self-insert-kun guy. Maybe that feeling comes with age. I want Gendo to succeed when I rewatch Evangelion moreso than Shinji as an adult.


This is just dumb fun. You read it when you are drunk or high

this looks like the wet fantasy of a trumblirite
its so fucking retarded that i thought it was a parody

Gotta replace the summary on all sites for it with this!

It's the opposite of how Arachnid pretended Alice was a total psycho while not having her actually do anything unsympathetic.

Do not remind me, this only brings back the memory of that kinda inconclusive ending and not knowing wha happend to some of the characters in the end.

Well, guess what, a sequel to Arachnid got announced some months ago.

Attached: arachnid sequel teaser.jpg (1280x910, 466K)

It's getting a sequel this year
Time to catch up on caterpillar

Interesting, but I fear for the story if the author is developing even more in this direction.

I am still sad that the original Arachnid artist died, the one that replaced him got close to his style, but it still lacked something.


The Arachnid artist is fine
The Caterpillar artist died

I wonder why Murata choose the Caterpillar/Choubu no Shinobi artist instead of the Arachnid artist for the sequel, though.

I remember this differently, you can even see the slight differences after the death in Arachnid.
Especially since Caterpillar is a spin off and I think the author is just prefering to stay with one artist for all his works (looking at you Dal Young and your dozen artists of the same style)

It takes like 5 seconds to confirm. The Arachnid artist is doing kancolle doujins and playing with yo-yos, here's his twitter for example:

>Implying Haraguchi being a loyal yuri slave isn't the best outcome

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-Rothschilds bow to Murata
-In contact with aliens
-Possesses psychic-like abilities
-Controls Japan with an iron but fair fist
-Owns castles & banks globally
-Direct descendant of Emperor Jinmu's ancient blood line
-Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bugdagrad will be be the first city)
-Owns 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
-First designer babies will in all likelihood be Murata kaijuu
-Said to have a 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
-Ancient Indian scriptures tell of an angel who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented manga recycling with them
-Owns Nanobot R&D labs around the world
-You likely have Bugdabots inside you right now
-Murata is in regular communication with the Amaterasu and Susanoo, forwarding the word of the assorted kamisama to Ise and Izumo. Who do you think allowed Akihito to abdicate (first Emperor to do so in centuries) and ensured the new era would be one of order and peace ('Reiwa').
-Learned fluent English in under a week
-Nation states entrust their gold reserves with Murata. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bugdaya
-About 4 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
-In reality, he is a timeless being existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don't know his ultimate plan yet. We hope his is a benevolent author.

Their remaining human selfs is fake to please the hypocricy of Himeno.
The wasps have proven that little of their humanity and feelings for their former close ones remains as in truth they only care about Himeno.
In chapter 13 you can see that they react more on instinct than actual human conscious though process as they their that remnant took a moment to process the attack on Himeno, but all basically went into attack mode with their stinger nontheless.

I really liked her the moment she was introduced, but I am angry she instantly got turned into one of the puppets.
Had great hope for her, but now Himeno can just deactivate the remainder of her humanity when ever she wants.

Himeno turned thousands of women and even young girls into puppets and made them thus have a worse fate than she herself had.
Himeno could have stood up for herself if, but did not, now on the contrary all the soldiers are doing things they would never have done are made to believe they are not brainwashed and that this is out of their own free will because Himeno made them stronger, but in reality non of them have a choice.
If Himeno wants them to kill they kill, if she wants them to die they will die, if she says get fucked by a thousand guys by the end of the day they will do it.

All of the soldiers are now sad and miserable existences that I can only pity, they have no real love only subservience.

>complaining about lack of realism in a Shinya manga
oh u

It is not the lack of realism, but that they shall call it what it is brainwashing/mindcontrol and not trying to find excuses for it.

I wonder what would SJW think about this series. On the one hand it objectifies women like every other manga out there but in the other, it raises a pseudoutopia from a nation ruled by women.
I think Murata is just baiting. I love it.

Wait so the girl allergic to kindness wasn't added to the soldiers? Fuck. I wanted to see her becoming the very thing she hated.

She'd probably end up in a coma from the contradiciton it'd cause in her mind

i'm not
i'm afraid everyone will fucking die

>And honestly even a blind one could see this is brainwashing.
This is both the most intriguing plot Shinya has written because it's got potential to tell a really great story. But it's also still something written by Shinya which means I cannot expect him to execute on this premise with any finesse or quality.

Yes this is brainwashing, and Himeno being wrong and lying to herself can/could be a plot point. But odds are she's going to be "correct" in that it's not brainwashing all for the purposes of something dumber than what we already have.

This story is only good for coming up with your own concept based on the premise. Outside of that I'm sticking around to see how this crashes and burns like all the other stories not killing bites.