I want Kazuma and Megumin to make a lot of babies

I want Kazuma and Megumin to make a lot of babies

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they will, not even in contention...
what happens to Aqua is more my concern.
Aqua and her schweet schweet ass !!!


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Awww, thats cute as fuck

I want Kazuma and Megumin's feelings to each other to mature and for both of them to live happily together for seven years of marriage, only for Megumin to find out Kazuma has been cheating on her with Darkness and file for a divorce to later have a semi-official romantic relationship with Yunyun while Kazuma is having troubles with his mistress, as he really doesn't see anything of value besides body in Darkness, so that he would eventually ditch Darkness and try dating Wiz, only to realise that he could be truly happy only with Megumin, as she fulfilled both his body and soul, and who, by now, is missing him quite, which would grant Kazuma's apology Megumin's forgiveness, allowing the couple to reunite and remarry to live happily ever after, leaving Yunyun all alone!

You'd think Kazuma would give his son a wooden katana.
Still cute though

He doesnt want his kids to be filthy weebs like him.


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An atomic mushroom on the background would be more accurate.

This but with Aqua and I

Now that I think of it the tree in the background seems like a wasted opportunity


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And a smaller one to the left, plus make Megumin carry the daughter.

Even Yunyun's marriage rejects her!

any release date?

There’s also this image from the same artist but i haven’t found it in color

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cuz there isnt one yet.

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this is amazign

wedding megu

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I'm gonna need the name of the artist anons

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How would a small kid know the explosion spell. It costs a shit ton of skill points

The reason why is colored while the others aren't is because I was given the line art by a friend and wanted to try my hand at coloring. I personally probably couldn't draw a stick figure if asked to

You should color the rest then

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>the movie will get us more Arue images and porn
>but it will be with her anime design and her monster tits
I hate kikuta so much

Daily reminder that anyone who likes this series at all should be reading the LNs

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I can't wait to bomb some Dodonkos!

Konosuba is filled with posers, sadly.

don't fucking give a shit about LNs

Okay brainlet

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see? anime onlies are the main people that spam and ruin the konosuba threads

What's the point if you can't even see your waifu


LNs have plenty of illustrations you dingdong
All of the best Megumin drawings come from the LN

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basically this
its just a book, just made in japan. its not hard to read

You can think about her, which is 100 times better unless you really cant use your brain

Was it rape?

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You have to be careful around lolis they are dangerous.

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It's gonna have to be with how much Kazuma keeps pussying out. Megumin's bashful womanly sensibilities that want him to take the initiative can only be strained for so long.

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no it wasnt.
can you please stop spamming it?

It was practice.

Post bullying!

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Just wait for the canon ending user, which is soon

She should do that again, but in private and see what Kazuma's reaction is

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We have like 3 or 4 volumes for the end, so is not really that soon.

Will they inherit their mom's chuuni and call themselves "Half Demons" because they're half Crimson Demon?

This is the important question.

Did she win the Kazumabowl already
Aqua is a better fit for scumzuma

Pretty much yes, we are just waiting to the end of the series to seal it
Aqua as a romantic partner feels forced as fuck. They have a sibling relationship.
>inb4 oreimo

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>will they inherit the chunni
of course, yunyun was the only werido that didnt

>A person talks mad shit and disrespects someone you care about.
>You proceed to wage an unholy war of jackassery on said person as retribution.

You only do that for bros and siblings. Aqua isn't winning.

>as flat as a board

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Too bad, Yunyun's here and she wants to have Kazuma's kids. Yes that's what she's saying here and this scene is likely what the movie is going to open up with.

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we know user, we read the LN. That scene will be outdated 15 mins into the movie

how far past the anime does the manga go? or do i just read the LN

Just a volume ahead
Go straight to the LN, you have 10 volumes plus more content to read

no. she would name them all something stupid like her family did

This is an excellent thread full of great people with good taste.

I dont see the downside of it. Crimson Demons are already respected in the konosuba world, and people are used to them having weird names.

>long haired Megumin

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Thank you user

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Does Yunyun get any less lonely in the manga/LN? I always felt bad for her when watching the anime

she bangs a bad blonde boy eventually

she does get some ""friends"" later on
yunyun is saving herself for marriage!

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Best girl coming through.

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Kazuma likes long hair, so she is growing her hair just for him

Thats actually how megumin would look like with only a bra.
Thats hot.

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Blessed image

This thread is so fucking autistic.
I kinda like it

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Why does she dress like that?

Thats her thief outfit!

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No-brainer. Literally.

I still don't know why someone would create this. What's the concept here?

I love Megumin. Its hard for me that she isnt real anons

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It was perfectly natural Crimson clan mating dance.

anal when?


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