Kino beyond the kinoest dreams
Kino beyond the kinoest dreams
it's okay
Is it on Netflix?
fucking netflix push niggers in my anime
Dunno, Watanabe has always been a nigger lover
wrong pic
He loves jazz music dumb ass
what are you talking about the show has undertones of also black culture
thanks for posting that.
I would have picked it up, if I didnt know that its netflix.
>'we're gonna show the world our unique brand of music'
>it's just the most basic bitch pop chord progression and instrumentation you've heard over a dozen times on the radio
It's not that great.
So did Champloo and Bebop
13% 50%
They are in mars and in the far future.
Imagine if some instagram thots of today started blasting 17th century mongolian music.
You would be pretty puzzled too.
Really makes me think
the beginning sequence is so bad and cliche. it's an epitome of soulles anime.
But it has soul music
I didn't know /pol/ infestation has reached our beloved board.
Have you been away for the last few years?
soulless comment
I made a full version of the OP song since the 2nd half of the song was posted on youtube.
Have a listen:
Also HQ mp3 of the OP:
HQ mp3 of the Loneliest Girl insert song from episode 2:
I'm sure the reaction would be different if the black girl is instead a cute Japanese or something.
yeah i like it
followed them on insta too
To be fair this anime almost seems designed to piss off that crowd.
Okay, so is it good. Give it to me straight with no bullshit.
Of course it isn't.
That's the point, the music in their time is all created by A.I.s.
my God, I'm starting to think Watanabe stops by Yea Forums from time to time.
No one likes niggers.
Not even other niggers.
It has Watanabe's show don't tell charm.
Oh no, I'm not calling him a nigger. I'm just pointing out niggers hate other niggers and showing him a random chink hating niggers too. My statement was obvious. Just look at black murder statistics. Or look at how nipsey hustle just died and by who.
So what's with the high-yellow?
If you want to whine about 3D niggers, go to one of the other board. Yea Forums is for 2D niggers.
I mean it's not bad or anything, but it's nothing special. My biggest problem is that it feels very masturbatory, one of those works made by artists who thinks that they can actually change the world with their art.
Oh okay.
>useless pokemon
>gets one episode
so it's for fine arts students?
I'm going to say the n word.
And janny can't stop me!
Are you implying 2D niggers are better? Mediocre taste, friendo.
Sorry, but it had to be this way...
You went too far young man!
based thread
you don't have to be /pol/ to hate niggers
The anime is ok by the way
literally every board has been infested with it since 2015/16
This, I'm voting Bernie or beto but admit niggers are retarded and blame whites for any short comings.
Name one successful black country.
Oh wait
>wh-whites ruined that for us!
I bet that's exactly what you would say.
>Yea Forums - Anime & Manga
Sure, but only a /pol/tard would be unable to shut up about 3D niggers and 3D politics.