How do you get the strength to finish an anime?

how do you get the strength to finish an anime?

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Not putting them into a fucking spreadsheet like it's a job would probably help with that.

If you don't want to watch it then don't finish it retard

By only watching one non-airing anime at a time, you fucking faggot.

>completed 182
Go back to lurking and watch more anime.

you finish one thing before starting something new

drop all that other garbage and just finish to love-ru.

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Is watching anime a job to you?

what's the smaller bar mean


amount of episodes released/amount of episodes on my drive when coloured in

By lurking couple more years I guess.

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ah cool, i figured it was something akin to episodes on-hand
did you make this yourself? the ui looks like a program but wouldnt it be tough to have automatic episode detection if the titles dont match perfectly?

>being this new

maybe by stopping stopping watching shit?

I drop them immediately if the premise is shit and don't interest me. After watching hundreds of anime for years, you'd know which ones are worth watching.

its called "Taiga", it uses some name matching algorithm, it works like 99% of the time, i find it pretty useful as it autodetects when i am watching an episode and updates my list

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You know it's over when some leddit newfag with 182 completed shows spoonfeeds other newfags

just out of curiosity
exactly how much is satisfactory?

I've only seen about 179 series and dropped more than 200, this medium is so shit

Not him but thanks. I've been wondering what it was for a while but never asked.

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1000 is where the entry level ends.

i just use a text file to keep track of them. never saw the need to hunt for a specialized software
macfag here too, in case its not available

300 is the bare minimum, 500-700 is acceptable, but 1000+ is ideal. You need a good enough view of as much anime as possible to be able to make proper judgements, since it's a mass medium.

Name 20 anime.

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all of this is irrelevant if you don't have at least 300 or more manga series read as well

I know that if I start too many series at a time I won't finish a lot of them. I only really follow a half dozen manga and a couple of anime at a time and only 1 completed manga and 1 completed anime that I'm reading/watching at a time.

by having standards and watching good shit instead of mediocre trash like 90% of your entire list

1000+ is fucking hermit-tier
how old are you expected to be when you reach that?

It's easy to reach when you only watch movies and shorts like a lot of people that say they've watched 1000 anime.

I hit that number in my early twenties. It's not that hard if you start in your teens, and keep it up through university. About 75% of that number was seasonal airing stuff, which is usually easier to keep up with.

ah, so 1k by technicalities. that makes sense

>caring about how many anime you've seen

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>close Yea Forums
>open episode

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Bullshit. No one has shit taste enough or wants to kill themselves enough to watch every single airing seasonal anime for years consecutively.

Kill la kill
Gurren Lagann
Spice and wolf
Naruto Shippuuden
Love live
Death Note


Generally if someone says they've watched x number of anime and that number is above 500, 10-15% of that will be shorts (ranging from 15 minutes to 5 minutes), OVA series of 6 episodes or less, and movies. MAL counts need to be discounted even further because some of those will be Bluray / DVD specials and picture drama.s

You make it sound like a job user, the amount of garbage you have to wade through to actual complete over 1000 is not worth it. If you haven't dropped at least over 200 series you should get taste, and if you think watching a lot of crap makes you a better judge then you should lurk forever

I was like 18 I think.
It's been many years since I no longer have backlog

Sorry user, you ran out of time 7 minutes ago.

Just because you're a normalfag who don't actually like anime, doesn't mean everyone else is the same.

>You make it sound like a job
You're projecting
Anime is a hobby and you'll reach 4 digits without realizing because you're actually having fun.

Not every single one. Just about half of them. 25 out of roughly 50 shows per season works out to about 3 episodes per day, which is an hour a day to achieve 100 shows in a year. Do that for ten years and you get to 1000 easily. It's just an hour of anime a day, just like how other people play an hour of games or watch an hour of TV.

It's fun in its own way. My taste has probably more or less gone to shit, but it helps me enjoy stuff I used to dislike. You also end up finding genuinely good stuff in unexpected places.

When I was new I thought 500+ shows was insane but it seems so much smaller now. Just keep watching anime habitually and you'll be suprised how fast you seem to reach it. You'll also realize how ignorant you were and question if even 500 might be too little.

>says he likes anime
>doesn't discern for quality and just watches everything
Imagine someone that goes to the movies and watches every movie that comes out as well as watching indie stuff. You wouldn't say that person has good taste. You would say they have no taste because they just mindlessly consume everything.

I'll have you know Ive never even once held a girls hand user. And I've long since given up on 3dpd. How dare you call me a normalfag.

Easy, just take some adderall to power through all the anime on your backlog. It's easy to burn out watching anime though so I tend to cycle through different forms of media and entertainment.

I'm not projecting user, this is a hobby for me too. Difference is when I see trash I drop it immediately without second thought, which is why my dropped series vastly outweigh my seen. I'd have hit 1k by now if I'd had watched them all

>unironically keeping count of how many anime you've watched for epeen points
teen thread

>watches everything
you mean TRIES everything? well yes, you should. that's how you expand your taste and find hidden gems.

Instead of watching 1000 anime, just read the wiki for a quick plot summary. Nobody would know if you watched or not.

Shit I just gotta try it to count as watching it? Guess I've seen billions of anime.

Why not?

>you mean TRIES everything?
But you or that user says he finishes all of them, which is how he has 1000 completed anime. The other user arguing with him is saying that if you've tried 1000 anime quite a few of them should have been dropped because they're shit.

no one except zoomers and newfags care about the amount of anime you've seen
name your top 10 anime.

>Total Entries 1,365
>Completed 885
>Dropped 426

Try watching as many anime as possible to find something that are suitable to your taste and don't be ashamed to drop shit anime. Don't force yourself!

I don't user, if something isn't interesting or has lost my interest I just drop it.

After watching anime in my teens, I only really got back to watching it seriously when I was around 23-24. I'm 30 now, and I'm at 1077 titles completed. I did this while getting two university degrees, and working full-time for the last couple of years. I also have plenty of other time-consuming hobbies.
It's not nearly as bad as you make it out to be. If you actually enjoy watching anime, it'll add up naturally over time.

I was always bothered about how long running series with +100 episodes should be counted. Because a person who watched Dragon Ball Super technically watched 10 1 cour shows. A person who watches Detective Conan and is up to date have seen +90 1 cour seasons at least.

I don't mean that people who watch long running shows have big dick, I think we put too much emphasis on seasonal garbage.

What do MAL users, Taigai users, and gacha shit players all share in common?

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Go back.

Time spent watching is a better metric, but it's still not useful because it could all be dedicated to the same type of shit like long-running shounen without any vartiety. Someone who watched all of DB, One Piece, Naruto and Bleach has watched the equivalent of easily 100 standard one-cour shows, but wouldn't have the slightest bit of insight or ability to discuss anything on Yea Forums. There really isn't a one size fits all metric.

Well MAL takes into account running time too. So you can tell who was just watching shorts and who was watching actual shows. Most new stuff is also split between cours or seasons so a show with 2 seasons/cours counts as two shows.

>watching airing shows

A greater faggot appears.

they have to show everyone online what the did?

Don't try to marathon everything.
For example, watch 1 episode each of 5 different shows a day instead of half a season of one and the same shit.

Sure, spending 5 minutes a week preparing a playlist is a little annoying, but it keeps the experience varied and makes it more fun

I've only seen 300 and it's a drop in the water because most of 2013 and earlier is a black hole for me, since I mostly watch seasonal shows.

300 titles ranging from the 1970s to now is better than 1000 from the 2010s.

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I just let the shorts and movies and OVAs average everything out. Once you get to 1000+ you stop worrying about whether you're actually at 1200 or 1300.

You need to watch all 1300 for proper context anyway.

Not that guy (I'm probably at around 800 or so completed), but why does having "taste" matter? If I happen to enjoy a "bad" anime, then hey, that's my gain, and if you don't like it then that's just your loss. Having low standards doesn't mean that one is a mindless consumer, or that one is unable to judge shows objectively and think critically, but watching more shows from a broader variety of genres allows for a deeper appreciation of both the good and the bad. I can watch and enjoy shows like Pastel Memories, Devil's Line or Grancrest Senki, but still appreciate shows like Rakugo, Flip Flappers, or Sangatsu no Lion.

> Dropped/Completed ~ 1/2
Apparently, you don't really like anime. What is the point of torturing yourself?

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>forcing yourself to watch tons of more-of-the-same garbage just to have proper context
get a load of this nigger

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If there are ten shows with an extremely similar premise, you need to watch them all to figure out which one is good. That's what I tell myself, anyway.

OP, your tastes are improving, you just don't know it because all the anime you've consumed until now has been shit, so you're afraid of trying something that does not reek of shit because shit is all you know. It is further proved by the fact you stopped after one episode of Cromartie, the only thing in your pic that's actually worth watching.
Don't fight it OP. Find the strength within you to stop eating shit.

i'm safe bros

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plot twist: they're all equally shit and nobody will give you back those ((10x12x22)/60)=44 hours of your life you wasted

I would have just wasted them on something else. I'm here, after all.

I only watch those I like and would need strength not to finish them.

>tfw started at the last year of uni and a year of NEET after wasn't enough
So much time wasted on other boards when I could have been pushing these numbers.

If i needed strength to lie down and watch something, I would be finding about the less painful way to euthanize myself.

>how do you get the strength to finish an anime?
By giving up and only reading manga.

500+ is entry level now. 1000+ is standard. 1500+ is elder.

10 years ago, 100-200 was entry level, and 500+ was standard and 1000+ was elder.

im 21

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>average is less than 10 episodes per entry

Early 20s. I have an external HDD which I archive some of the better anime I've seen that I can rewatch over/over without much issue. And its got ~300 anime already. That's just my casual "above average anime" that I like only. I include the entire series (ova/movies/sequels/prequels under 1 folder and subfolders) but only count as 1 series. Overall anime I've watched is easily ~1500s

ive watched a few of those 100+ 3 min short shows like teekyuu and nobunaga , maybe thats skewed my ratio

Its not that hard if you actually watch anime instead of wasting time here

By not forcing myself to watch shit i don't like

This, i even drop supposed classics if i just don't enjoy them. I watch anime for entertainment after all, not to become some anime pro.

just because something is a "classic" doesnt mean you have to enjoy it if you dont

its perfectly fine to drop literally anything that doesnt interest you

Think about all anime you want to finish, if you have good or strong feeling about some of them you will probably enjoy it and finish it easy.

>60+ currently watching

How you're referring to anime in total, not 1000 shows. People who complete a thousand shows have no standards, plain and simple.

imagine watching all that garbage, watch 250/300 and you have seen it all

When I was first getting into anime about 15 years ago having seen 200-300 series was impressive. The bar is higher now of course since it's easier to get

Spend more time with manga and then when you finally grow up move to VNs

I watched like 6 shows total during the past 3 seasons. I'm kinda burnt out somehow.
And then yesterday I watched all of gdgd fairies and it was really fun.

It is said that if you do anything 5000 hours, you become an expert of it. How many hours have you watched Yea Forumsnons?

4880 hours according to the MAL counter. That's not including rewatches, though. That said, I'm pretty sure people usually say it's 10,000 hours, not 5,000.

>Remember that one thread mid OP
>"Just gonna go check if there are any replies real quick"
>3 hours wasted

a man of fine taste. best girl and TLR '08 is good and fun.

>only watched about 50 or so anime
i haven't got time for your shitty medium, manga 4life

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