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Tendies' Endies
Endou didn't get Kaiji but he got his tendies
dump the chapter nigga
I bet Kaiji has already left.
He was the helmet guy probably
Man I wonder if Kaiji possibly escaped while disguising himself as bike helmet-kun like four or five chapters ago like Fukumoto foreshadowed super hard
Most likely
Wait a second how is Endou still working for Teai when he was a pilferer himself during the bog arc.
He knows Kaiji the best, who else is there to catch him
They probably did a very thorough and deep check on him and decided he was still worth employing.
You know.
an Endouscopy
I don't know Endou seems like too many guys to capture a single guy. Also did they think about what if Kaiji were armed? If this was american story Kaiji would definitely have a gun on him.
If kaiji was planning to leave immediately why the fuck would he walk his mother through his plan of staying, and at what point would he make contact with his friend and establish the need for all his shit.
Find out in the next 10 chapters
it would of have been funny if all of them took their shoes off as per japanese custom.
"we're breaking in but we're not fucking savages you know"
What did Endou see anons?
Just tilt the building toward the window so Kaiji will fall out lol.
Kaiji probably is outside crouching down on the 5th or 4th floor stairway and walking out as they're inside. Fucking dumb assess.
>Well then, where?
Fukumoto questioning his own plot decisions.
>it would of have been
Are you trying to kill me?
The guy with the helmet is an old childhood friend and he leaves very early in the morning. All Kaiji has to do is
>leave the apparment before the dude and wait for him
>tell him the deal (someone is after me) and promise him some money (they're after me because I got huge bank)
>swap his old hag costume with the biker outfit
His mother needs to act in a way as if he's still in the apartment.
I wonder what happens next. Will all the henchmen laugh at Endou? Will Endou get his shit kicked in by Teia? This was their best shot at getting him and Endou completely failed because he was distracted by delicious fried chicken.
How much of this series is translated? Where do I start if I watch the anime first?
Teia WILL catch Kaiji, that's a guarantee
That's true, but not this time. The other 2 dorks will return home first and then Kaiji gets lured into another game against the big honcho. It wouldn't feel right if Kaiji didn't win a game against him, that's been setup since Part 2.
The manga translation is up to date. I haven't watched the anime, but according to google it covers the first 2 parts. Which is a shame because part 3 is the best one.
Translations are caught up with the japs, jap chapter comes out on Monday and English on following Friday.
We're currently in the 6th part, first 2 parts are anime, after than you start from Tobaku Datenroku Kaiji which is part 3 ( this part is mahjong but you don't really need to know how to play it )
For the first 2 parts definitely watch the anime, manga is excellent but anime is just better and adds the OST, color, animation, voices...
He'll have to beat Hyodou's other son Kazuta first. We learned about him from Kazuya.
>How much of this series is translated?
We caught up. I can't remember if there are missing chunks, I don't believe so.
>Where do I start if I watch the anime first?
I'd recommend you only watch up until the Pachinko arc and start reading from there. It's already pretty tedious by itself, but the anime is an absolute slog. It's almost hilarious how much it gets dragged on.
Who knows, maybe father and son need to team up to beat Kaiji
Yep. Notice that the helmet dude left first.
If Endou was as smart as he pretends to be, he would've tasked one of the henchmen to tail the helmet dude and see what he's up to. But the tendies clouded his mind. Who can blame him.
Well that's a nice surprise. It isn't too often when I want to read something and it's fully translated. What I think I'll do, is that I start with the anime to see if the series is for me and then check out the manga. Thanks.
Endou is pretty smart desu.
Even in this chapter, figuring out the door chain won't be locked is smart.
Absolutely go for the anime first, the OST makes it 10 times better
It's fully translated but still ongoing, keep that in mind.
Honestly, before you do the anime, check out the abridged parody, that's how I got into it.
Yeah, Teia will be very impressed by this when he comes home without Kaiji, kek.
I laughed at least.
You are misunderstanding the point, kaiji neither knows that his old childhood friend has the perfect disguise for him to walk out with and would have to first communicate with him by either leaving the apartment or getting his mother to do things that won't appear routine to contact him for Kaiji. The manga also stopped as they were both going to sleep so something like that occuring so quickly afterwards is silly.
But an old lady was wearing Kaiji's disguise.
He doesn't need to know, the disguise is just luck on Kaiji's part. The original plan could've been that Kaiji hides in Tamotsu's apartment, but because of a lucky break he could use the disguise.
It doesn't take long to either explain the situation or to make up something. Kaiji is known as a freeloader, so him showing up at an old childhoods friend place and asking to crash isn't crazy.
There's nothing silly about waking up early, especially when you have the Yakuza crawling up your ass. It would be silly to sleep at fucking all in these circumstances. It's more likely that Kaiji was up all night planning.
Tell me what benefit that would have if he decided to just scram using his friends outfit.
I remember when the cop in Akagi did exactly that when barging him to save him from that sword gang.
We don't know yet but we saw someone clearly wearing Kaiji's disguise.
The novel "The Human Chair". Kaiji is inside the furniture like the cockroach he is!
Confusing Endou and the other guys. They were entirely fixated on the disguise.
That sounds like way too happy of a coincidence to just skip over like that and explain in a flashback, it'd also be really impulsive of kaiji to do after seeing the disguise, when all he has to do is convince the watchmen that he simply isn't in the building.
It would also explain the old lady outfit, if he had someone go out with it while staying in the building he would be planting seeds of doubt that he was ever there and they didn't just fuck up.
Also this page just screams foreshadowing. Look at Kaiji's reaction. That's when he puts it all together.
It means he has a whole new apartment to hide in, don't think he pieced the whole plan through that.
What happens if Kaiji does get away but Teiai takes his mom hostage, or tortures her for info?
It was an extremely happy coincidence for Kaiji, especially given his going to work outfit.
Possible, but her neighbors would call the police if she disappears.
Kaiji saves her through GAMBLES
So current possibilities are
>kaiji is hiding somewhere in the apartment through magic
>he is chillin in his friends unbugged apartment and probably making phonecalls
>he realized he could escape right there and then after seeing his friend, convinced him to stay at home
>Kaiji offers his friend money to not go to work
>puts on his outfit and strolls out right under Teiai's nose
Makes sense to me.
It makes sense as the final solution but it all happened really quickly off-screen, I think he is just in his apartment for now.
Although the old lady being used as a distraction instead of a way of confusing them makes sense too, so maybe it did happen.
He could also bug his mothers apartment with his cellphone, wait until he hears the door open, because lockpicking or not the lock will make a sound, and then make a run for it.
After that all he needs to do is buy 3 new cellphones and they're untraceable again.
I think he left enough people to watch the exits, although using the phone as a ghetto bug is smart, assuming they don't find it because that's basically a confession he is close.
It's a gamble on Kaiji's part.
If you combine this with Kaiji hiding in Tatsumo's apartment, he could get any kind of disguise there and then slip out after the door closes.
What if he just somehow blocks the door and calls the cops in on them
This shit moves way too slowly.
Then Kaiji would be forced to explain the situation. Remember that gambling isn't legal in japan. He also wouldn't be able to hold the door on his own against 4 people and an angry tendie-less Endou.
>endou is back
I really need to get back reading this,
He could just anonymously say he saw a break into a friends apartment and run, although there really isn't a way to lock them without decent props
Too risky, too slow, too many variables. We already know it would fail anyway, even if Kaiji doesn't.
MMMMmmmmmmmmm Endiesssss
>or tortures her for info?
Delete this TEIAI would never do such a thing
Do you think Endou gets paid in chicken by Teia?
Nah, they pay him in pork sandwiches. Remember when Hyodou ordered a fuckton of them? I bet he got sick of them the next day so they started dumping them on unsuspecting employees.
Endou's desperately trying so hard, I feel kinda bad for him.
I don't, he fucked Kaiji over hard with the pachinko thing. He deserves this and more.
When are we going to get back to gambling?
How did he fuck Kaiji over in any way? Kaiji signed the contract.
Kaiji will face Kazuya's brother at some point probably.
Without telling him the conditions.
Isn't life one big gamble?
Friendship game also wasn't gambling.
A low-key escape story is more interesting than yet another convoluted long-winded gamble.
Part 3 > Part 1 > Part 5 > Part 2 > Part 4
Part 6 isn't over yet.
It still bugs the hell of out me that none of them even blinked when a person who looked exactly like Kaiji's disguise walked out of the building, despite all of the lookouts making it clear nobody ever saw anyone who looks like that. Either it's suspicious as hell or it completely invalidates their main reason for suspecting Kaiji's in the building to begin with.
They had to rely on trust of each other so it was technically a gamble
Yeah but not for Kaiji. He was just sitting on the guidelines. Not to mention that the game itself was retarded considering kicking wasn't against the rules, so all you had to do was to kick the guy beneath you if he's the leader.
Look at that. The moment they confirm it isn't Kaiji, they all just forget about her. Nobody questions why nobody has ever seen this woman before or why she happens to look so much like Kaiji's disguise.
Not him, but the old woman or whoever the fuck who's wearing Kaiji's disguise is still really suspicious, it should've alerted Endou that something is going on.
After the kidnapping fails he might start doubting his crew's intel
Different noses?
Looks the same to me.
Well yeah, autists are known for having trouble with facial recognition.
What can I say, fat noses look all the same. Also, that's childhood version Tatsumo in the first page, who knows what he looks like now. Also, the mouthpiece is pressing down on his nosetip.
Well Kaiji's friend has a shorter nose, while the old lady is longer and rounder, however it could have changed with age.
That's mean, we're all sisters here
I'd put 1 above 3, but Kazuya-hen was absolutely the worst part.
Literally the very next page
That's just Kaiji imaging it.
Doesn't matter, he knows his friend's nose.
He knows the past version of the nose. But future nose is very different.
If it isn't him, who else could it be?
One of the three people Endou's team hasn't seen leave the building.
Dude, he asked his friend to use his old woman disguise and Kaiji left with the helmet and his friend's clothes. Who the hell would the person with the helmet and the dude with Kaiji's disguise be otherwise?
Kaiji doesn't know how to drive a motorbike, the person in the helmet is Tamotsu.
The person in Kaiji's old lady disguise is Tamotsu's mom (reminder that Tamotsu lives in the same apartment he did when he was in middle school, so he still lives with his parents unless for some reason they moved out while Tamotsu kept the apartment.)
Kaiji is hiding in Tamotsu's family's apartment.
>Kaiji doesn't know how to drive a motorbike
That's straight out of your ass my friend.
I made a fkmt board on 8ch if anybody cares
If Endou saw the old lady, he would have been suspicious. The failure here is the crew is made up of idiots.
Endou doesn't know for sure that the old lady doesn't live there. He has a hunch it could be Kaiji, but seeing how Endou doesn't know Kaiji childhood friend lives there he has no reason to suspect the lady. Her outfit could be common for Japan as well.
If the crew was more attentive (hey she is wearing the same _exact_ clothes), or if Endou were there he could have confirmed it. But all he has is the crew saw a strange old woman last night, and again this morning. It's suspicious, but its not suspicious enough to act upon (again, Endou would need to also guess that there was someone else who was willing to act with Kaiji, and Endou thinks Kaiji has no friends)
Kazuta's easily final boss material.
Who? Kazuki?
1. Kaiji disguised as his mother
2. Kaiji went to his friend's house to hang out and sleep there
Kaiji disguised himself as Endou in order to confuse the guys.
>be Teia employees
>feared throughout Japanese gambling underworld
>outwitted by loser with a mullet
Was it autism?
Punished Endo
A man denied his tendies
Endou should write slogans or ads.
Fukumoto just wants to draw an エンドウ spinoff
Endo means pea in Japanese lol
Oh my fucking god, I figured it out
The chicken is a setup
After Endou fails he will get some KFC to cool down and come up with a new plan, but either Kaiji & Friends are celebrating at KFC or one of them gets some chicken to go and this is how Endou will be able to catch them
Meant to quote the tendies.
Very Hanchou stuff.
Sasuga Fukumoto.
It's not like he has any stakes on this whether or not they capture Kaiji. He can still say he was just doing the capture job properly and eat some kfc whatever happens afterwards.
That's naive, you really think Hyodou is gonna let this shit fly? Endou was already in deep shit once before, this might as well be a death sentence.
>oh yeah we are pretty sure he was right there but I guess he outsmarted us haha
Endou has the most stakes in capturing him because he was appointed to the task in the first place. Do you need a reminder how Hyodou treated Tonegawa after his loss?
The Toad Style of the Kwan Lun School!
highly possible
You're totally right.
Also, what explanation is there? Did Kaiji give his clothes to a random old lady? That can't be right, because Endou checked that all of the residents that came out of the building were seen before by the lookouts.
No Kaiji, no tendies, only a bunch of lazy kutofukers and a sleepless night.