Dragon Ball Super

>Users can automatically react to any threat without the need to acknowledge it and defend themselves
-Ultra Instinct desc from the dragonball wiki
i don't get it, it just bumps your reaction speed to the max, it doesn't say anything about increasing your power, but goku suddenly able to harm Jiren.
is the wiki wrong or toriyama is just a hack?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I just thought it basically pushed your efficiency to the max. You don't REALLY get stronger, you just get as good possible at using the power/strength you already have. You don't punch harder, just better. If that makes any sense.

Isn't it basically just Musou Tensei from Hokuto no Ken?

He attacks weak spots, at least in the manga

Also this.

>Series has ended over a year ago
>Manga has surpassed the tournament of power
>Retards still ask dumb stupid ass questions when it is explicitly stated in the manga and been debated at ad nauseam.
Some of you people are too stupid to even spoonfeed.

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Anime fanfic, UI is a defensive technique and never a power up and is explained as such even in the anime.
How did he harm Jobren or why did Jobren lost all of his stamina in less than 20 seconds, is something only the Toei dogs can answer.

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This could easily be hand-waved with fatigue building up very slowly for a while but is then very noticeable when it reaches a certain threshold or something.

Being hyper sensitive and focused allows the user to essentially make all their blows counter blows/critical hits. They take advantage of any gaps the enemy shows in an instant and land hits on their weak points.

Why the fucking fuck are there three active threads for this shit series

This, stay in your general

Chads of Yea Forums, baby. COPE.

no no you fight perfectly on instinct which means your ki control is also 100% perfect


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Retarded shonenshitter casual.

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obviously its a power increase too since its a new form
>is the wiki wrong
the wiki is most likely maintained by a few spics in a basement so there you go

Goku and vegeta both could harm Jiren w/o UI. Remember the gut punch?

>n-no the wiki is wrong because...

I just hope they don't bring it back any time soon, because fights being decided by perfect unconscious movement is lame.

nowhere is that stated.


Because nobody gives a shit with garbage toyopedro came up with.

>Chads of Yea Forums


Is Vic /ourguy/?

Enter CHADren.

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I loved that arc so much

>his Ki literally shakes an infinite realm of nothingness
Nah he can dodge better now, not a power up at all wikifag

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A shitter like Jobppo warped the entire real lmao retards and their buzzwords!
UI is canonically not a power up and never will be.

Ultra Instinct is rooted in the concept of Mushin, or Flow. All it does is override Goku's love for battles and makes him actually hit the enemy at their weak points.

Vegeta can't unlock Ultra Instinct because he won't let of his Saiyan Pride, or obsession to surpass Goku. His GT counterpart might've been eligible for Ultra Instinct since he outgrew his obsession with Goku. Even Namek Arc Vegeta could've qualified if it was the proven way to beat Frieza at the time.

>comparing hakai energy to ki
As I said, wikifags can't into feats

Pretty straightforward, he didn't match it but overcome it with is SSB power, auto-dodge and manletren's being a staminalet.

I honestly like Jiren more in the manga. In the anime, it feels like Black Clown God kept shilling him too much. Only Toppo's faith in Jiren felt genuine

Shitposters stay away from powerscaling, no your biased conclusions only make sense in your head.


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Aren't they making this Merus guy a little bit too competent? I hope there's more explanation to him than just "He's elite"

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Gohan is pretty based. His fans are just really annoying.

>sub-human poojeet can't into logic

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Merus isn't a powerlevel fag, or a fighting retard. He's focused on getting shit done. It's nice that Merus uses gadgets for a change.

Cope, you pathetic animal.

>ad hominem

Toriyama is a complete hack through and through, but is right when it comes to MUI at least.

Based Recoome.

>Facts are shitposting now
powerscaling mongoloid that only scales what he likes is not welcome here


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But Goku already knew how to punch better in the first two arcs of Z. He somehow forgot that and became a drooling retard in Super.

Why can't he be competent?

Maybe this guy speedblitzing Vegeta is why Gogeta was slower than a Dende-tier Dragon

Based and Chadpilled

>doesn't even know what power cliffing is

You're right, the anime for babies were goki and babeta are much stronger than everyone else is much better.


wtf I love Multiverse now.

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Are Keketatards, Jobhanspics and Jobrentrannies the worst posters on these threads?

Based subordinate.

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The sheer amount of edge on Multiverse is the reason why Toriyama made Super. He's just tired of the death matches and wants Dragonball to be a silly martial arts adventure to spite the hardcore fans.

Gohan's gonna get snu snu'd

What the fuck is this thing?

Zamasu >
> Broly >
> Jiren >
> Gokek

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You were already told to get the fuck out, bitch. Don't make me tell you again.


UI doesn't make you stronger, just make you better.
It is based on the philosophical principle of "nothingness" in martial arts, it is the most heightned state your mind and body can be,

Only thing I don't like is that the galactic patrol doesn't really do shit with all the planet buster crap that always spawns on Earth, but it's nice knowing that there is someone competent dealing with the criminals and evil incarnations that appear everywhere else



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The Galactic Patrol are too busy to fighting against Frieza, who has far more soldiers under his army and better equipment.

Jobhan finna boutta job to Caulifla version Bra.V2

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Multiverse Bra would body Shitlifla.

He's fast and has probably some of the best tech in the multiverse.

>muh multijobber Jobhan is stronk
nice powerscaling retard, Shitifla godstomps and shits on Jobhan's mouth.

A fanfic

>Caulifla version Bra
I don't think Bra has a jobber version.

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SS1 Kefla spanked SSBKK Goku and forced him to go UI. Whis directly compared her energy to the genkidama Goku used against Jiren, his trump card stronger than blue kaioken - the old "Goku was tired" excuse doesn't mean anything. Kefla could, literally, one shot Golden Frieza.

Multiverse bra is gayeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Even if it's not stated to be a powerup I still think it powered Goku up in the sense that it allowed him to use his full potential that would normally be restricted by tension in his body and his thoughts. Making him operate at 100% essentially. With that in mind we could argue that by unleashing all his power while simultaneously being in absolute control of it he far surpasses all motherfuckers he's faced up until this point. In the end he beat Jiren by a huge margin even Jiren went all out in their struggle. Keep in mind that Goku also was beaten within inch of his life by Jiren before activating UI so this isn't even true full power UI if viewed objectively.

Enjoying Easter?

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Ultra Instinct might not increase power. How most Dragon Ball characters deliver and resist damage is different to Superman. The latter has a body that can, but much of the characters in this series deliver and resist force through Ki. Sorbet's laser pierced Goku because he was off guard and not properly defending himself. Maybe there was gaps in Jiren's defence that were exploited. Maybe UI improved his Ki control to attack more optimally.
Or maybe it was simply being more powerful. Who knows.

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yeah post bunnies

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Nice reading comprehension retard

>IT gives max speed but its weakness is that it doesn't improve reaction time
>UI gives max reaction time but it doesn't improve speed
>Goku can also charge attacks and IT at the same time.
Goku spamming IT while using UI is pretty broken. You wouldn't be able to touch him unless you're The Flash.

>unless you're The Flash.
I didn't know the Flash was several billion times faster than light.

is blue gogeta stronger than Ui goku?

Is Flash faster than instant speed? youtube.com/watch?v=6IFm5aIIhE8

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DBCads murder furries for fun.

Actually, The Flash is pretty broken. Wally West would shit on Superman if you were to compare their feats.

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Whis is such a God of the DBverse
Imagine how absurdly OP Daishinkan must be.

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To be fair, the manga readers are mostly retards that still think Goku wasn't using the Kaioken when his friends literally state on the page he is using the Kaioken

>could one-shot shit if he got the drop on him

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Master Roshi even pointed this out.



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Dragon Ball is shit liked by spics and niggers.

It's bullshit. They always try to hype muh master martial arts technique but in the end what matters most is always speed and power. Ui clearly gave Goku a power boost which allowed him to hurt Jiren.

> HxH cuck is back

Sorry lad, but /dbs/ is for Chads only.

As garbage as the anime was in a lot of aspects it at least implied Blue could hurt Jiren, he was just too overwhelming to get any good hits on

Say that to Toriyama

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Manga Roshi pointed this out and taught Goku how to achieve UI, anime Roshi didn't.
I kind wish to see that manga scene animated, it would be cool.

>Whis is so fucking broken he can casually dodge IT from a fusion of Goku and Vegeta that is confirmed along with Vegito be stronger than Beerus
What the fuck is his limit? And how bad would EGP shit on him?

if beerus is a 5
whis is a 15
Egp is a 40

The angels are broken fuckers

>m-muh Toriyama-sensei
Shut the fuck up and COPE, my pet. Cope. Kneel for your master, retarded animal.

who was the villain of broly movie?

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You posted him

Paragus was more of the villain than Freeza because no matter what he planned on using Broly as a revenge tool. I'd say Freeza and arguably Cheelai were supporting antagonists along with Broly because Cheelai's retarded ass made it impossible for Paragus to calm Broly down, if he'd just had that shock collar the entire fight never would have happened and Paragus wouldn't have died.

I still wished he used more martial art moves when using UI, instead of just mindlessly punching and shooting ki blasts, he uses legit bruce lee type fighting styles...

I wish the one-inch punch he used on Freeza in the RoF movie was used more. It's such a cool fucking technique and it's literally just a basic goddamn punch but it looks sick and it feels powerful as fuck

Even after seeing Gogeta in action, Freeza still sucks Broly's dick and states he only needs to control his power to be the ultimate soldier!
Tori shouldn't have made Broly have infinite stamina and ki, it makes staminalets like manletren look bad imo.

How the fuck does a shock collar stop a God?

Honestly are all DB characters easily take out by mundane tools now? What happened to 5 year old goku having bullets bounce off him

Is Majin Buu going to kill Cabron?


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>says I'll be back, conpletely neutral and ambigious on what Frieza plans to do in the future
>Funi adds "pathetic planet" for no reason

What the fuck is their problem?

Buu will job in the next chapter.

Gogeta for completely pacifying Freeza and making him into an even bigger joke after "5 centimeters".


It's Caulifla

how is toriyama so based that he can send even cuckzenshuu muh jp goku mods on suicide watch?

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Oh boy. I sure could go for a nice goat steak right about now.

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can anybody explain how babadi is able to posses good guys far stronger than him?

Go watch Z or read the manga.

it's a fanfic, you shouldn't expect sensible things from it

How is Jiren allowed to have a theme this good?


Probably about as salty as you had to have been to go to reddit, take a screen shot of somebody you recognize from another site saying something, and then post it on Yea Forums?


how would a battle between two ultra instincts go exactly? How would you beat UI even?

unironically, right, these threads are the fucking worst.

Did they ever give a name to the move Gogeta uses on Broly? The one where he punches him with energy charged fists and then explodes it after 2-3 hits.

They were able to hurt Jiren without the UI, they just couldn't do it consistently, like only once in a while. UI was able to let him do it with every strike due to achieving the state of mushin

UI is still dependant on the strength of the user. Roshi can also use UI to an extent but his power level means you can probably still speed blitz him if the gap in power is sufficiently wide enough.

magic techniques>strength

but I'm laughing at it

The only reason vegeta was taken over was because he had evil in his heart at that moment.
Bra is Gohans daughter or something right?

Pretty much, just means Bra didn't have a pure heart. Any kind of malice can be taken advantage of as long as it's actually present.

Whis said no one can beat you with UI

>Bra is Gohans daughter or something right?
It isn't impossible, Bulma is a slut after all.

She's the daughter of Vegito/Bulma, Gohan's partial sister.

Pretty sure Whis has UI and would still get beat by the Grand Priest.

Grand Priest could just negate UI probably

kek I still remember the day this episode came out

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m-muh he just didn't feed senzu beans

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That's already assuming too much. UI is beatable user, you just need a fuck huge gap in power to overcome it.

As canon as no one can beat SS Broly statement

Jiren has none

Best Girl.

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Jiren put all his energy in one blast Goku caught with his hand.

You don't need to kiss to fuck, kissing is for chicks

Piccolo already beat Whuss

looks like a whore


Based jobrentranny poster!

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For such a minor character fans really try to find ways to make her useful. Maybe Toei recognizes the demand and will put some focus on her.

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>current year
>17cucks still alive

Pure cringe.

kefla could probably beat toppo right

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Meanwhile on Broly's world.

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yea she could have killed UI goku

Based ReCHAD

>is the wiki wrong or toriyama is just a hack?
It was always like this

pretty much

No, she would give in to her fat bald middle-aged man fetish and let Toppo mating press her until the fusion ends.


>bulma thot

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but goku never fucked, he was raped

They're not saggy now that they've filled up with milk.

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It's doubtful considering it took Super Vegeta with god ki to beat him.

blue evolution is equal to blue kaioken, it's a jobber form

Comparable maybe, but I've never seen anything to make them equal. Going just off past boosts, grade 2 is exponentially stronger than just 20x kaioken.

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>about the same as goku blue's kaio ken

It's an asspull transformation that makes you actually STRONGER no matter what the faggots who think DBS is becoming a "smart" series would have you believe. Explain this, how can a UI powered kamehameha from the same distance actually do shit to someone who can no-sell an SSB one if it's only maxing out reaction speed?

They must be fucking huuuge.

> Your country
> Your favorite character

Argentina (I'm white, pic related)
Gohan nino

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Damn, so she might even be stronger than SSBE Vegeta?


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They are the perfect size.

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Already explained in the manga.
stay seething mongo.

this picture is absolutely disgusting

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i like jiren because he's just strong

no godly ki asspull, no gimmick magic, no flashy style

just a dude who trained all his life

Have you seen breasts engorged with milk, specially the ones on women who had multiple babies?


They did imply she was above the first UI omen so...


Jesus christ, look at his v taper

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That's fucking bullshit, but it's Toei so it's expected.

why is it bullshit? vegeta would never be allowed to be stronger than goku

Kid Trunks mmmh.... I'm hard



Ultra Instinct

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his most impressive feat was dodging gogeta's IT

it happens right after the gif ends too

Does the blu ray have any deleted scenes?

Just watch the fight between Jackie Shun and Goku, when Jackie uses the drunken technique and Goku uses the monkey, unfortunately the ultra instinct was poorly executed in the anime and in the manga, treating it as another transformation.

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Reminder Whis wasn't to train Broly.

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That's only in the manga. In the anime, you get a power boost.

Goku's UI makes it so that he can always hit his strongest and move his quickest without having to worry about defense because UI makes his body auto-dodge.

Post characters that are 6'0 or above.

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I am forgotten.

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what would the ginyu force think of vados

This video is retarded. Jiren is not that strong.

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They'd find her sexy.

>Vegeta taller than Bulma

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what else

You knew exactly what was wrong with this, yet shitposted any you fucking degenerate.

Here's your UI bros!

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not really


Absolutely based Lord Chadza eluding being killed off despite the odds.

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Ginyu would take a liking to her body

Yes really

i don't think it would work


set up a filter user

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Based HumanChads

Based & Aboriginalpilled

Based & Naturalized
>Piccolo Daimao

Cringe illegals

Cringe Half-Breeds

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what happens


Reminder if you prefer nu-db over One Piece then you have bad taste in anime (and art in general)

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There's something about Yamcha in Super that makes him look uncanny. He was pretty based in OG and Z

Based as fuck

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UI is a mental state that has byproducts like minimum reaction time and also likely enhanced KI control(why wouldnt a perception boost do this?). KI control is strength.

DBS might be shit, but it will never be as unsufferable and fucking garbage as Juan Piss is.

>no longer has muscles, now pretty much a stick
>literally never fights in super
Super did my man dirty, his baseball filler was nice but fuck they shat on him during ToP.

Attached: what.png (298x372, 249K)

>runs mouth on twitter
>gets slapped with a $1 million lawsuit
Fucking based. Rooting for Vic all the way.

i think vados would bang broly

No, he wasn't.

>jobbed to tien in the tournament

Would you let your daughter dress like this?

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There was no villain in the Broly movie, only antagonists. Frieza was planning to covertly make an arbitrary wish on the dragon and leave the Earth peacefully, Paragus was a man that was thinking of his son but got put into a bad situation, and Broly was just unlucky. Nobody was truly in the wrong, but all of those factors put together were a powder keg for the antagonizing force to take center stage, being Broly beating the crap out of everyone.
>But Frieza plotted to kill Goku and Vegeta!
He wouldn't have done anything if he'd been able to just make his wish and fuck off. Dude just wanted to be 5cm taller, is that a crime?

Vados would bang anyone with a dick.


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nah she has standards, you need to have potential / be at least SSB tier


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>Nobody was truly in the wrong


You're goddamn right.

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You're right, GODly is to much for her!

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broly would be angel tier if she trained him

That's not how that works.

A slut just like her mother.

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nice headcanon

What's the problem here? Just Frieza-sama removing another violent ape from the galaxy.
Reminder that the Vegeta Genocide was completely justifiable and even the protagonists agree with Frieza-sama's actions
>Be Saiyans
>Be giant, thuggish, violent, cave-dwelling neanderthals
>Occupy the same planet as a highly advanced and intelligent race that offered to uplift your species on multiple separate occasions
>Shoot them with energy blasts in response
>Plan to collectively chimp out against them, kill all of them in a single night
>Destroy their vast and bountiful technology, go back to living in caves
>Space reptiles employ you to literally wipe out all life on planets so they can be sold to the highest bidders
>Send your infants in small pods to grow up and do the same, literally zero effort to commit mass genocide on your part
>Monkeys get froggy and bite the hand that feeds
>If left unchecked, their power would exceed that of Frieza-sama and they'd run rampant across the galaxy since they are now capable of interstellar travel
>If left unchecked, they would wipe out all life in the universe

The usage of "just" in that sentence alarms me.

even goten would be GoD tier

>Broly trained by Vados
>Broly going to U.6
>Broly achieving a form of SSB Full Power.
Literally, angel level.

Broly will be Angel/Devil tier without training

what about tarble

No I would not let my 10 year old dress like that, but then again her parents are just as spoiled as she is.


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Tarble got shafted for Cabba.

what if she trained him for like a year

>Here's your average Jirenposter*

Whis can dodge anything.

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>young bitch Jobren training
Literally jobrentranny tier!

Post bunny DB girls you retards

Only Jobrentardspics post this garbage and actually have this saved.

Since you asked nicely.

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>Why, yes, my favorite character is Cabba! How could you tell?

You didn't know all 3 of Jobren's fans are trannies?

bunny girl marcarita would be top tier


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You mean like Toyo's promotional manga?

Post characters that can beat Broly, Gogeta, Jiren, Beerus, and UI Goku at the same time with both hands tied behind their back and while blindfolded

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>not filtering "dog", "pet", and "superior master"

>Not including the epitome of mankind

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You first.

Goku Negro Calvo

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>even his earring has gone bald

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what kind of videos does Vados post on godtube


like what

Because that raging cunt is only "good" by virtue of association. She's a narcissist and downright psychotic at times.
In essence, she edgy.

Wtf is this?!

Attached: Dare I say.... OH NO NO NOOOO.jpg (1995x2011, 859K)

Videos of her exercising Champa.

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A comparassiom between the canon movie and the non canon garbage

>reaching this hard

what does she do in those videos

What's the one character that all avatarfags hate?


Makes him do laps and stretch and then teases him.

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so will every new enemy be stronger than beerus now?

We didnt have a single one tho, Broly only surpassed him on raw power and even that is hard to confirm

nutted. net time bring 21 doujin

does she do any videos alone

Yes, everyone will just get stronger and stronger and EoZ will make less and less sense, but remain canon so nothing too dramatic can happen in Super.

>another jobrentranny thread archived

Attached: cryren.jpg (300x168, 5K)

Every new enemy will be "maybe stronger than Beerus".

>Stronger than Beerus
>Stronger than Merged Zamasu
>Stronger Broly
>Stronger than Moro

Attached: strongren.png (654x1221, 902K)

Why would EoZ make less sense?


El Grande Padre


this, beerus's full power will never be revealed until he has a rematch with goku



Dragonball is unironic garbage

Goku’s excitement about training Uub so they can fight one day doesn’t make sense, since Goku knows there are massively more powerful opponents out there, and he himself has more transformations and is way stronger than Uub will ever be as a human, even if he’s the reincarnation of Majin Buu.

Tl;dr Super’s power-scaling makes EoZ and Goku’s excitement nonsensical.

What was his tax policy?

>until he has a rematch with goku
>Battle of the Gods 2
>both jobbers fail at using UI 100%
>it ends in another shitty draw with beerus (kind of) having the upper hand
god i hope they never fight again

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I think they're framing it so that Oob will eventually be more powerful than the other enemies Goku's encountered so far. That's probably why Goku is still excited to meet him after fighting people like Hit.

>canon movie
HAHAHAH Imagine unironically putting those 2 words together



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honestly it would probably end with goku and vegeta barely winning in a 2v1 fight against him

Ruling is hard. This was maybe my answer to Toriyama, whom, as much as I admire him, I do quibble with. Dragon Ball Super had a very medieval philosophy: that if the GoD was a good man, the universe would prosper. We look at real history and it’s not that simple. Toriyama can say that Beerus became GoD and reigned for a billion years, and he was wise and good. But Toriyama doesn’t ask the question: What was Beerus's tax policy? Did he maintain a standing army? What did he do in times of flood and famine? And what about all these saiyans? By the end of the war, Planet Vegeta is gone but all of the saiyans aren’t gone – they’re on other planets. Did Beerus pursue a policy of systematic genocide and kill them? Even the little baby saiyans, in their little saiyan cradles?

It doesn't matter, but I think I want the user interface to be the side of the coin, and Broly's power is the second. At one point, Vegeta see the power of Bulu Li said the growing (or maybe the kale?), It's just like "real Super Saiyan." In addition, in the new film, we all have shades of green in Goku and Vegeta in the distortion process (which can only be the design of choice C). Then, perhaps, every Saiyan be technically able to achieve such a state, if his strength continues to increase without end, that is actually Saiyan's greatest strength.
Now combine it with the user interface. You cannot make contact with the user interface unless strong enough to attack your opponents faster than your body can even by instinct. Saiyan join forces increased their strength at the top without having to worry about your opponent to control you because your strength increases so that eventually you will be fast enough to dodge the user interface and powerful enough to kill the enemies of all
Maybe he knows this 'mentioned power', that's why he trained Goku and Vegeta. He makes the ultimate fighting machine without any limitations.

Retarded dog. Kneel.

>even tardku realizes his son is wasted potential

Attached: OUCH.png (680x383, 479K)

SS Broly

Attached: Still069_jpg.jpg (1280x720, 73K)

Reminder Broly loves her hair.
And legs.

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Goku doesn't kiss chichi because he is annoyed she ruined his first son and is doing the same with the second, both of them could have gotten much more stronger than they are right now but instead they are wasting their time with academic shit any earth weakling could do, especially when bulma and her dad are around to take care of tech

FAGOLAhan is just a natural born jobber, cope

its like attaining zen/nirvana/enlightenment

his zen state allows him to "believe" in his kamehameha more, like gohans father son kamehameha, gohan didnt get any actual energy from goku just confidence


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Anyone got the Gohan SSJ2 image where it's about him becoming something greater to stop an evil that won't say no and it has the dude just going >wow, what's his multiplier?


Why do you hate J? is it because it stands for Jobren? in that case i'd hate it too

What the fuck are you, a Brolyretard? "SSJ" is factually and grammatically incorrect.

Looks like he hit the nail on the head.

>this is the reading comprehension of Brolyniggers

oh, you're being autistically serious

Attached: 1553747843057.jpg (500x375, 37K)

You're pathetic.

>SSJuan seething that his spic abbreviation is demonstrably incorrect

>he doesn't know SS 'J' is used to make niggers like him seethe
imagine, a single alphabet!

Attached: 1478578085190.jpg (500x375, 33K)


What is it?

>I w-w-was m-merely p-p-pretending to be r-r-r-retarded
Kneel before me.

>a single alphabet
you mean letter you ESL lawn-mowing mule?

>it's a fucking Yea Forums crossboarder
Go back to your containment board.

Attached: THE LEGEND NEVER DIES.png (350x350, 175K)

>b-b-but i've ALWAYS used SSJ...

seething dog

Holy shit, you're actually retarded.

ah, at least you understand the Vegito image, good job for a brainlet!
yeah whatever

Attached: 1478462093241.jpg (640x495, 50K)

but super had all death matches my nigga.

>SSJ Pablos SEETHING like the ESL retarded dogs that they are
To your kennel at once, pets.

yo i really wish there was an arc about babidi and cell joinng forces to get teh fuck out of there and fiding a way to just majin a bunch of other characters from other universes to do their biding.

i love how everyone in this thread always accuses each other of being ESL spics

>yeah whatever
confirmation that you are an ESL spic taco eating lawnmower.

>Yea Forumsie just keeps going


>complains about J
okay thanks?

Attached: 1499189372895.jpg (700x700, 88K)

You do well... Hahaha.. You do well..

Cope and concede, dog.

>ESL SSJ Pedro Paco Juan Miguel Martinez Lopez Crusez Santiago de la Cruz crying and shitting himself over his intellectual superior's refusal to adhere to his retarded and demonstrably wrong abbreviation
Kneel before your godlike and divine master, Pablo the Dog.

Recoome fucking sucked balls in Budokai so I heard this every 3 seconds whenever I fought him

Based and Recoomepilled.

quiet pedro. i accept your concession

it's ''''''J'''''''uan the Great and i accept your copecession

You are going SSJ assmad.


Nice pasta.

>literally no mention of SSJ in my posts
Keep crying, faggot.

Silence, my precious pets. SILENCE. Kneel before me, your superior and illustrious master. Prostrate yourselves obediently, loyally, and MOST dutifully. Beg for my divine mercy. Apologize swiftly and surely for wasting my nigh incalculably important time, and thank me most graciously for showing you the light. KNEEL.

>Gogeta > Broly >= MUI Goku >= Beerus > Jiren > Belmod > All other Hakaishins

nice projection

>i-i-i-it wasn't m-m-me
SILENCE, Pablo the Samespic.

ohnonono, don't let Jobrenfags see this

Try reading the reply chain, you dumb cunt.

Try CONCEDING like a dutiful pet, you disgusting, cantankerous animal. KNEEL.

Super Saiyan Jiren?

>SSJ>Gogeta > Broly >= MUI Goku >= Beerus > Jiren > Belmod > All other Hakaishins



Shut the fuck up retard

Your master commands you, pet.


SSJhut the fuck up retard

why are you fucking stupid retards like this

Attached: FUCK MONKEYS.jpg (640x480, 73K)

>the spics continue to defy their SAGACIOUS and ILLUSTRIOUS master
Despicable. Incorrigible. Unforgivable. RETURN TO YOUR KENNEL AT ONCE. Your divine master shalt maketh his approach thusly to mete out the required punishment.

>A single letter could trigger a good amount of discussion on DB thread
this is why i love it

Attached: 12d.png (800x449, 278K)

Nothing better to do.

dumb ass fag, it's literally just a bunch of autistic virgin retards shitposting about a FUCKING LETTER

This is a lot of things but discussion isn't one of them.

that's what makes DB anons amazing and unique
i suppose i should say "discussion"

kill yourself

you first HxH cuck

You can't argue

Attached: 26th time CHADREN confirmed STRONGEST.jpg (1235x264, 89K)

>The Strongest
>The Chaddest
>The Tallest
>The Grayest
>The Swolest
>The Wisest
>The Stoicest
>The Handsomest

Attached: Meditationpilledest.gif (382x270, 734K)

Attached: deemed non canon by 'chad'ren.png (993x393, 100K)


Attached: d09d94a07c66578d62c9851a4b9c9bd8.jpg (231x276, 15K)

This is a crock of SSJhit.

Dumb anti-jiren tard needs a superior and intelligent CHADRENBRO to tell him Heroes is not canon otherwise he believes it is. Fucking KEK

>The Tranniest

Yeah but suckier because it doesn't give you the abilities of the people your soul has connected with.

so Jiren being the strongest is not canon then? thanks for confirming

You CANNOT argue

Attached: ANTI CHADREN FAGS BTFO.jpg (969x859, 190K)

It allows to one to tap into saint seiya, hence the white aura resembling scenes where someone uses a technique in saint seiya. Since there is higher powerlevels and it's even more spic, the techniques are thus stronger. Since saints never get hit by the same technique twice, they also have stronger auto-dodge. This was the only way left for db to go now that everyone had peaked way beyond belief and began meeting gods and simply increasing the power of super saiyan was reaching the peak of their own setting powerlevels, requiring them to borrow another setting's power.

HAHAHA. I gotta say it is useful having a high IQ and knowing all about logical fallacies. Makes me virtually invincible at arguments

SSJ kek

>weaker than Beerus
>weaker than Moro
>weaker than Broly
>weaker than Jiren
What's his name again?

Look at him go.

Attached: IMG_4579.gif (540x301, 705K)


If the manga's promotional then what's it promoting? The anime's been over for a year. Unless you think it's coming back.

Every fucking time.

Attached: RjedgAK.png (1920x1080, 1.36M)

>posting fanfic
Your concession is accepted.
You may pick up your dog treats at your nearest post office.

Are saint seiya characters really that broken?

Kneel. Cope dogshitters


>t. saiyancuck projecting

Attached: saiyancucks.jpg (500x745, 55K)

The manga did a better job showing his transition into UI, by having Master Roshi demonstrate a pseudo UI and Goku remembers his Kami house training

Cabba is the fastest.

No need to be SSJeething like this.

>unironically being a dogrencuck
smells like tranny

By the first season they're only comparable to db/dbz. Once it gets to gold saints they get abstract powers and move at lightspeed.

Silence my precious, precious pet.

Want a dog treat?

I like Kale

Attached: Kale happy.gif (350x350, 88K)

She literally looks like she has down syndrome or some shit.


A dog treat for you, then!

I want to hold hands with her.

Kneel before me. Prostrate yourself before the feet of your superior master, and mayhaps shalt your life be spared, dog.



I can't believe there are people that unironically think Jiren and MUI aren't the strongest. It literally makes no sense to think otherwise


>When you find out Jiren is the strongest mortal alive and that his haters have to resort to using non-canon shit to "prove" their point.

Attached: Jiren.png (2560x1440, 1.7M)

He's also the most boring mortal alive.

Will Goku and Vegeta ever revive their parents? I want Bardock and Gine to see how strong and happy their son is and I want King Vegeta's reaction when he finds out his son is equal in strength to the low class Kakarot and isn't the king or prince of anything, but still super strong and married to a hot billionare genius (and I want him to fear broly)

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Oh look the intellectually inferior jobrentranny now writes anti-jiren tard instead of anti-jirentard, I guess you're not 100% stupid!

Nah. I don't think they'll ever revive their parents- they haven't even bothered to consider it, and I don't think Toriyama will suddenly make them want to do it either.
Sadly, because I think Gine is cute and it would be nice to see her reaction to becoming a grandma to super saiyans.

Always baby!

Attached: female_jiren_by_greenkingdrich_dbrysr8-250t.jpg (179x250, 9K)

Probably not. Goku never knew his parents, and Vegeta never seemed to care much for his father. Both are also probably aware that resurrecting bloodthirsty Saiyans would be a problem for the Earthlings.

The "Tard" in that derogative term applies to the "anti-jiren" subject, not to Jiren. Regarless how you type it, dumb spic.

>or resort to spamming Yea Forums garbage and cardposting

>no goku bf to fuck full homo

Attached: TASUKETE.png (584x470, 366K)

Does r63 Jiren really turn you on that much, dumbass?


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The same manga where we pretend Jiren actually has to block Roshi's punches?

Both weaker than GODly, Fusions, the GoDs, and the angels.


Cry more.

She's such a sweetheart and deserved to see her son again

That's disappointing. Gine was so heartbroken to lose her son. And as far as saiyans being bloodthirsty, I'm only talking about reviving Goku and Vegeta's parents. Goku's parents I think would be just fine and Vegeta can easily keep his father (and mother if she's the same way) in line.

Thats a yes

Attached: female_jiren_the_busty_by_futurecrossed_dc2vqut-pre.png (883x905, 354K)

When you're weaker than a hypothetical SS3 Kefla, you don't get to be in the same boat as Gogeta and Broly.


Jiren looks like THAT?

>0 arguments
My point exactly


Attached: Strongest.jpg (600x480, 24K)


>Jirenspic thinks Fagren is stronger than the angels
My sides

Seething Jobrentranny

Maybe not their parents specifically, but Toyo could revive the U7 saiyans.

On a side note I think it would make a cute filler episode if they revived them for 24hrs

"Wait, I'm going to die again after 24 hours?"

Not stronger but not far behind. Granted that he can tank what most likely is the basis of the Angels' combat strenght

can anybody explain why trannies love the taste of jiren the grey?

>Moro's last vision

Attached: 64.gif (600x302, 68K)


>Jirenspic Headcanon: The Post


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>This level of delusion

It's better than nothing right? It's enough time to meet their grand kids.

are you fucking retarded?

>Not far behind the Grand Priest
Jesus Christ, I never thought I'd see a characterfag even more delusional than Gohandogs

>unironically thinking the Angels without UI are worth shit

Staminaletren the tranny is infamous for having the stankiest vagina in universe 11


Attached: TheTankest.gif (450x247, 2.06M)

Quiet, paco. Grown ups are talking


its a zoomer thing. They want to prove everybody how cool they are by mastubating to a gray male alien with no personality.
Its a need for attention since their millenial parents rather watch netflix and play games than caring about them.
If you see them seething at kefla is not because they hate her, they just need attention.

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>then Jobren wakes up

Attached: 1553825507378.jpg (480x360, 13K)

>Jiren isn't far behind the angels
>GP is an angel

at least jiren can't get calvo anymore

Vados and Whis knock out Champa and Beerus with simple chops.

Based Keflachad BTFOing Jobrendoormats.

Fucking based.

>holding back Vegeta
more like the chodiest just like his fandogs

Attached: 1522525998_Vegeta goat.gif (510x287, 2.93M)

Jobren lures in trannies and delusional Pacos.
How can anybody like him?

Is this thing an hermaphrodite?

Attached: kamioren.jpg (850x712, 76K)

>dumb retard groups the GP in the same tier as the Angels
Based mong.
Yes, your headcanon states that the Angels without UI are still the strongest.
Which would be trash without UI's superior offensive

>this fucking headcanon
Holy shit.


Attached: 687.jpg (540x540, 118K)

>massive post of headcanon
I snicker at you inferior Jirendogs.

Gonna have to try harder than that buddy

everyone laugh at the shitrenspic

Oh, I see, you're one of those retarded "Attack UI" spics. Carry on being wrong.

Jobren attracts trannies I have heard

>Vegecucks this delusional

Attached: 1479965152815.jpg (1000x560, 253K)

I could say the same to you, Paco.

>Broly's last vision

Attached: 1545859754964.jpg (1280x704, 57K)

v-vegeta is gonna get the offensive portion of UI just..just you wait and see!

>headcanonren tard in charge of calling anyone delusional

Because this season of anime is full of shit, we need to shitpost to wait to the next season

damn kefla could probably be a GoD since she's stronger than toppo...

The angels have the complete UI you dumb fuck. Holy fuck you subhumans are only good for wasting other people's time

>b-but UI is what makes the angels so strong t-trust me my headcanon says so

Are discord trannies Jobrendogs?


but Whis stepped on the poop so maybe not even the angels completed it

>UI made Goku from a cyan haired retard to being able to take on FP Jiren

Are you fucking retarded


>Goku's unmastered bastardized UI transformation allowed him to take on someone significantly weaker than the angels
holy fucking cope

Absolutely based and lime pilled

Dogrenshitters have surpassed Gohancucks.

>>Goku's unmastered bastardized UI transformation allowed him to take on someone significantly stronger than him
Fixed for ya

>literal headcanon
I accept your concession.

Yes, your headcanon is that the Angels dont weaken without UI. Done

>someone significantly weaker than the angels
Nice headcanon.

Burden of proof is on you, Paco the Spic.

Burden of proof, spic.


Not an argument, Paco.

Let's all take a second to laugh at the delusional Shitrenspics.

Attached: uytf.gif (500x375, 168K)

>Jiren is stated stronger than GoDs
>Beerus doesn't give a fuck about SSB Goku because he is massively stronger
>SSB Goku goes from being massively weaker than Beerus to as strong as Jiren who surpassed the GoDs, with an unsustainable UI

There is NOTHING wrong with being trans.
Also, I don't get why you are all being so hard on Jiren. I think he's a pretty cool character.

>no proof
Concession accepted.

Same shit, same smell.
They are like two drops of dog piss, equal in all.

How can Shitrentrannies ever recover?

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>there is nothing wrong in self mutilating your body to try to look more feminine


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>jiren trannies unironically thinking roshi is angel tier

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She can't.

kefla could kill UI-ku with her kienzan waves.


>with eyebrows

I accept your concession

damn she's strong

zeno would allow it just because it's cool bro

honestly, it does look less jarring.

SSBE "equal to blue kaioken" vegeta vs kefla ss2

who wins?

SS Kefla was equally matched with Kaiokenx20 Blueku, so SS2 Kefla wins.

>manages to pull his arm free from SSB GOGETA's grasp

Holy shit, how does based frieza do it?

>Jirendog BTFO

King Vegeta