(It Seems I'm) Young Again in Another World

You wouldn't a demon girl (male), would you?
avoid the other "anime-only" isekai thread if possible]

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Other urls found in this thread:


I just read the wiki page regarding the controversy, seems like fun.

I like what am reading

Author is(was?) based, series is as generic as it gets though.

surprisingly progressing stance on trans rights for a racist.

New maou sama retry.
The new summon is kinda hot.

Fuck off tranny scum

oh god I wish that was me

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you'd fuck her(him) and we all know it.

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Alcohol is one hell of an isekai drug.

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Is this it?

MT released another manga chapter. Eris is super cute with short hair!

What a faggot

She also has a shitty excuse for leaving Rudy.

I mean I get it, she wants to get stronger so she can be equal with him, but she's so dumb she doesn't convey it right ands ends up making Rudi miserable for years.

Rudy is already shitty though. You can leave him with no reason and that would be okay.

Why so dead?

New maou-sama retry and no one is talking about it?

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>Kaoru literally bombs a group of peaceful religious believers because they bothered her
someone needs to stop this horrible horrible loli

Easter, yo.

There's also a second hidden thread up.


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This one?

You talking about the GB one?

Is that The Man Picked up by the Peaceful Isekai Divine Olympic Family?

and here I thought otomefags want their own thread

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Is it even otome though?

Picked the fuck up!

Based Iris does it again

>tfw no tequila

Man another wholesome Swordad chapter

You don't even use an otome manga in the OP you dumb racist fuck.

Thanks, I'll pick this up.

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Oh baby

>She also has a shitty excuse for leaving Rudy.
If she stayed with him she would never reach the level she needed to reach. Thank god she gave Rudy ED as there would be a dozen or so more wives if she didn't


>At that moment, Chae Nayun’s eyes shot open.
>When Aileen and Kim Suho tilted their heads, Chae Nayun took out the [Invitation Letter to the Love Room] from her pocket.

>“Hm? What’s that~?”

>Aileen gave her a curious look.

>“This? You see…”

>Chae Nayun wanted to use it before the mission. Since she was at the risk of death, she didn’t want to die without finding out who Extra7 was.

>“Well, it’s nothing.”
He's gonna tease this for the next hundred chapters isn't he

>ends up making Rudi miserable for years.
deserves it for being a creep grooming the elf loli and Eris in the first place

Well, trans isn't a race.

Let this shitty thread die, you retards.

time for more warcrimes

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It's not warcrimes enough, she should have pulled out the white phosphorus.

>all the people getting butthurt in the comment section of the latest Duke's Daughter manga chapter
There is enough projection going on there to make Shirou blush.

What's this?


Does anyone even give a fuck anymore? They have delayed their reunion for so fucking long and so much more interesting shit has happened that I just don't care any longer.

In the Tensei Ouji manga (the one with the half cat, black wolf, and the earth spirit), does the maid's daughter stand a chance to win the MC bowl?

One needs to be an user to commit that level of war crime.

If you had to marry that ork you would be drunk too.


Oh that is why he had ED.

That's cute. Did Roxy sexed him up to cure it?

Would you want to be sober while fucking that thing?

No, he fucked a boy to cure it.



Just caught up with Strongest fairy and wondering just how big Arena's harem will get

no Frittz

JNC got Crest the Stars and Wortenia Senki, of all things. Can't say I think much of th latter.

Nah, don’t think so, it should be coming soon. Also, used the other thread for chapterposting. Oh well.

this manga is blatant propaganda for small breasts

I like it


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quoting emil
>shitty meatbags

small breasts are the best

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What the fuck? Was Isekai Barrister axed? Short as fuck out of nowhere


Let it die, since it didn't take off the OP is clearly bad.

There's also another thread. And it's not as dead as this one.

The other thread was supposed to be THE otomenigger thread anyway

>non-otome genderbender
>otome thread
Whatever you say.

9 more days until May~

When are we actually getting new chapters? I don't see any obvious announcements on the raw page. Either way I hope I live until 2020 to see the end of Athy

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Oh man I didn't even know I had Athy withdrawals.

Small to flat, large is never a good idea.

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Do you think people have actually comitted suicide by jumping infront of trucks in japan?

Depends. How high is nips' suicide rate?

>Besides the main account Deception, there was also his alternate account called Not White. He even discovered a second alternate account called White Not.
This shit really allows you to suspend your disbelief.

not just japan

Too many leaves.

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Rereis' body is a liiitle too childish.

Not at all.

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>world of magic
>MC only know how to use projectile type spell with various element
Wish I can strangle all of those hacks.

Probably trains more often than trucks.
Isekai stories favor the truck because it's usually supposed to be an accident. Specifically an accident that the Japanese readers find plausible but that doesn't step out of their comfort zone. Train jumpers would hit way too close to home.

Willy Pete comes later.

Tanya's assisted Chuocide was pretty fun in YS.

Does anyone remember the name of the chinkshit manga where the setup was basically YS, but Tanya was a chad, the dude who he fired stabbed him to death, and he reincarnated in a concubine harem instead of in not-Germany?

>isekai chapter starts with random murder, pillaging and rape
"we want the GS audience."

it's their job as soldier or millitia
right for the winner
okay this one I can't accept too

Is it okay for the protagonist of my isekai story to escalate the relation between 2 countries because he wants them to go to war and buy some of the survivors as slaves?

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>Isekai Lord Of War

Is the selection not good enough without a war?

only if you make them your citizen
>normal small kingdom only have million people
>you make war and move the refugee/citizen to your land for that sweet, sweet workforces.

I kinda fucked up and made it so the relation between the 2 countries was good and they didn't allow slaves from either nation, but the MC got shat on by the country that summons him. So now I want to fix it by first instigating some war and then being able to buy slaves.

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>What is summoned slaughterer

It is okay as long as your MC was meant to be an amoral cunt or becomes one after that.
Once you make him cross that line you can't pussy out and write him as a moral guy any longer (if he was one to begin with).

Potion-danomi de Ikinobimasu!

Are all slaveryfags mentally retarded?

Only some.

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What was he supposed to do?

>sorry I can't hang out with you girls, I'm actually a 44 year old fat and creepy incel virgin hikikomori

>haha let's force myself onto that girl I purchased against her will
Die you fucking scumbag.

>rudy doesn't get that double beastgirl puss

Such a shame.

She sold herself to be used for sex to earn more money. She just isn't renting her body like the others.

Reminder to not let your angels consume BL and fujoshit.

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Fuck you, that made me remember that one story where humanity went extinct, but a single clone was still alive in a world that was now populated by beastmen. He made his own harem of bunny boys and started selling fujo doujins.

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>Cale’s specialty was blankly staring into nothing for hours without thinking about anything.
Literally me.

Tell the truth and expect the best. Maybe they aren't creeped out by his shit.

I wish I was Cale.

It's weird that Cale still doesn't get any puss after all he's done.

It's not like he put forward any effort to get some. I would expect a million marriage proposals though.

I thought Cales speciality was "Fuck this dude/group/nation in particular"

I think someone small with black scales and also great and mighty would fit him best.

But that's pedophilia.

Read my isekai.

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Isekai'd in skyrim when?




So is the webnovel still ongoing or did the author pussy out with the controversy? I know the LN and animu got canceled

And also gay
Dragons don't have gender, so if Raon takes on a loli form I will lose my shit

>what is warlock in magus world

I just read a yuri isekai where a kingdom summoned a bunch of isekai MC to kill a demon king they went full murderhobo and destroyed the beastmen kingdom and sold them all into slavery as compensation for their efforts

dyke fairy MC is trying to rebuild beastmen kingdom and slaughter all the isekai MCs

Ravioli. ravioli, you know the drill.

Isekai swordfucker chapter 1 is out.

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You wish you're as strong as my front paw, weak human!

Try to not die from shame while reading the summary.

>Turns into a girl
>Immediately whores himself out
Sounds like most of Yea Forums

The author's publisher forced him to put the web novel on indefinite hiatus like the LN. He's mainly working on Broke Mercenary now.

Why are isekai authors all so touched in the head?

Why is banditry so common in isekai world? you would think with magic and peace nobody would resort to such thing

If you're a shit writer and want to throw some bodies at your characters, roaming murder hobos are an easy out.

The art is good and shit at the same time.

To be fair to him, that is a very perky and tight body there. It's perfect for pleasing old men.

Who comes up with this shit

>bandit fucking a corpse while licking the sword still stuck in his victim's neck
Yeah no, fuck this shit, I'm out.

it's like they are not even trying.

The question is why is he the only one porking the dead woman in the caravan while the rest of them are just out there ogling on their remaining captive; could be that the corpse looked average or ugly and that's just his kink.

Guy has his fetish, they don't share it or want to watch him while he relishes on it but they are willing to leave him alone for a while so he can do it.

Bandits don't kinkshame their bros.

>It’s an all-purpose ancillary weapon used in wars. It can be used like an axe or a spear. It can also be used as a blunt weapon or at worst, you could just throw it at the enemy. It has an overall length of 1~1.5 meters, has a weight of 1~2 kilos and it’s tough but cheap. Even if you use it for farming and, as long as you properly clean it, it can also be used as a frying pan. In a way, it truly is an all-purpose weapon.
All hail shovels, the king of all weapons.

there's no (him) because space magic means """he's""" an actual biological girl. Something trannies never will be.

The wonders of magic.

the Almighty Farming Tool

Shovels, dig holes and dump put your enemies inside them.

>『Girls will betray you but muscles will always stay』

>tfw just finished my routine
>put my arms on the table, can feel the muscles contract
feel good

If I were him i wouldn't be sober for one moment. Quite impressive for him to hold out for ten years.


>another isekai'd Japanese war criminal
>first chapter sets the tone with necrophilia

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What are some good women-hating isekai?

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kino healer
edgiest garbage around

Fang Yuan somehow seems like less of a psychopath in comparison.

>another episode of "I've lived for eons but this is the FIRST TIME I've met someone JUST LIKE YOU"

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Most chinks feel more sane than those truly extreme jap muderhobos.

I didn't even remember reading that. I think I've read so much garbage that shit like that doesn't even register anymore.

Is it because they kill everythin in their path just because while chinese young masters just do so to whoever slights them?

You're always super special, that's why you are here with me!

I don't think there is anything wrong with having 'special' mc's.

fang yuan is pretty low on the psychopath scale
he can certainly feel love and isn't antisocial because he wanted to be, at least in his first life

>Villainess is tsundere for the heroine

Why is this such a good trope

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There isn't, but in the case of clearly self-insert types, it's rather obnoxious for the story to try to frame them as somehow special while instead showing them as really generic with one or two quirks.
It's fine if we're talking a normal girl who's always only been approached by a single type of guy, but it's absurd when the character in question is nearly a millennia old and should have had time to see (and be used by) a thousand other men.

I guess so. Chinks have at least some reason, even if its ridiculous.

>Go to a restaurant with your harem of jade-like beauties to eat
>Suddenly, a wild young master appears!
>He properly sits down saying
>"Hey waiter give me every type of alcohol you have in your store."
>"For take-out I assume?", the waiter asks
>"No.", the young master denies, "I'll drink it all right here"
>Another customer hearing that stands up and exclaims
>"Hahaha, no, I'll be fine! Now, waiter, let's start with wine first!"
>murder hobo protag feels confused due to the unexpected development, because he was sure that he'd be faceslapping someone today, but appearently not this time?
>As time passes and the murder hobo protag and his harem are about to finish with their meal, the wine-drinking young master suddenly shows a strange smile on his face
>murder hobo protag can suddenly sense some sort of magical thought transmission, but only catches a few words
>"... weak human ... that smile ... my right toe ... mighty dragon!"
>murder hobo protag feels very confused because today's events are totally different from the usual chink cultivation cliché
>all of a sudden the young master turns to the murder hobo protag with a red-faced grin on his face
>this bizzare event made the murder hobo protag run out of the restaurant with his harem following him. It was just too different from the usual!
>After he made his exit, murder hobo protag saw a scholarish daoist with a bashful smile standing on the road, mumbling to himself
>"That noble kid got potential on a similar level to that one grass porridge sculptor guy I once encountered, but he's still a little chick in comparison."
>the scholar daoist goes his merry way, but when murder hobo protag turns around he made a shocking discovery!
>all the roof tiles of the restaurant are gone!

There should be some limits to being special. A proper reasoning would be fine with people acknowledging the MC having some extraordinary aspects but it's outright disturbing if the MC is portrayed as unparalleled throughout the ages for being interesting™.

>Chinese young master: since you dirtied my shoes i'll break your bones, cripple your cultivation kill your family and call it a day.
>isekai'd japanese murderhobo with cheats: JAPANAZING BEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM!

Nah, not really.

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Where can i read about the adventures of this tile-stealing daoist?

It's Meng Hao from I shall s(t)eal the Heavens.

Man that's some stupid shit

It's a trap

No, user, the fujo Uriel is the good, not-crazy one.

On Wuxia World.

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Chink murderhobos rationalize their ways due to their fucked up culture, and are meant to be seen as the norm.
Jap murderhobos are in it for the thrills, and are meant to be seen as quirky or abnormal.

God I love the absurd scale of cultivation shit.

>Bai Xiaochun found Meng Hao's scam note in the epilogue
The meeting between these two will be horrific for a large number of people that aren't them.

>a scholarish daoist with a bashful smile
Praised be Meng Hao.

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Someone should make an isekai about someone finding one of them technique manuals that teach you flashy attacks and stuff and then finding out they count as skillbooks and using said techniques to kill bandits, slap the face of arrogant reverse harem members of the heroine and seal the demon lord using it's own demonic power(qi) against them.

So an Villainess Otome with a "Skillbook cheat" who just so happens to run into a chink cultivation tome?

More or less.

>“Are you mad?”
>“Yep. Our academy’s gone mad.”
Mister Instructor sure broke those kids good.

"I have to escape the fate of the villainess by reaching the core formation stage and seal the Demon King?"

With added xenophobia from the heroine as they're japanese but in their past life they loathe most things chinese.

>Nobody will read your homebrew

Thankfully for the kids, the princess will be there to sort his shit out soon enough.
At the very least, I'm sure they'll get to see him cry a little bit.

What's this?

Running Away From The Hero.
An isekaid Korean traumatises children while teaching them how to fight, featuring innovative teaching strategies such as "Last place doesn't get to eat" and "You should scam the devil before he can scam you".

any good korean/chinese isekai like tales of reincarnated lord, especially with war and territory change and shit?

"I am the Monarch". Unfortunately it's sort of stuck in TL limbo.

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holy shit, butchered beyond salvation

How can you ruin designs so much?

Luna = who the fuck is this? Shit.
Maou = ????
Queen = who the fuck again? Shit again.

Nah, they'll see the man turn into Silver Tentacles and engage in a kaijuu fight with her and they'll listen to both of their laughing and embed that laughter into their nightmares.

Why the hell does Maou have this weird long hair?

My yankee priestess doesn't look nearly as kakkoi as she does in the mango or LN art. Don't really mind the redesigns though, it's not like they retroactively make the mango and LN ones dissapear. Can't wait for the shitposting about Aku's gender even after it's 100% confirmed she's a girl.

He's a wuxia/xianxia villain that got old and they tend to have long hair.


>tfw no oni childhood friend will destroy your pelvis during your first time
Shovelman is blessed.

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Isn't that circle zero or something?

Yeah, that sure sounds like Paril-sama, wish someone would pick up her novel.

Greatest love story ever told. Ruined by atrocious designs

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why would someone pick up a dropped novel

Because the novel is still ongoing, it's the webcomic that got killed.

what a lady killer
how many chapters ahead is this

>magic and peace
Magic won't create peace user. Especially when it is wielded by either autistic mages, arrogant nobles or narcissist adventurers with little to none supervision. It is a recipe for chaos.

>Gods made a mistake
>your zero everything
>except for your mana who over 20B
>and one of the kind attribute that's governs the death itself

>oni childhood friend
Okay who's this shovelman, this sounds based

Thing is real slow, the island in the title doesn't come into play before like chapter 52.

>oh shit, I forgot to give my character a personality. how am I going to write in some development?
>fuck it, I'll just have it happen off screen as a joke and have his character be even more inconsistent.

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this one is literally just your typical bottom tier isekai but with a thinly veiled "otome"-twist to it

>Heroine/Villainess join the Heroine/Villainess harem.
I love this shit. Bakarina, Eliza, and this is the only one with that kind of shit.

Eh modern nip likes ancient chink shit. It's only modern commie china they hate.

Based Katana mc.

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you mean patriarchal? all of them?
hating women is something losers angry that they can't get laid do.

next chapter when?

This seems to be trying to compensate for the low quality of the plot with other methods.

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>Heroine introduced as a moeblob
>Is actually a battle crazed flaming fist fighter

That was something

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Forgetting Rei the turbo lesbo are we.

A harem was never an option to Rei, she only had one goal from the beginning and by god she stuck to it.

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She still did a good job gathering one. Claire, two lesbos and two guys.

Yes, I would

>after 3 days of continous reading, my reading materials were exhausted once again

>claims to not be a lolicon
>girl with huge breasts appears
>does nothing
what does it mean

Too young

That doesn't explain what he was going to do to Nana, or what he needed to do to Liza.

Her problem is that she's nobility.

>or what he needed to do to Liza.
Her to show any interest in him? Because she hasn't.

I'm like that but the material I read is either on hiatus, dropped, behind a paywall, troll version only because someone kept stealing translations drama or already caught up to the author and just waiting for him/her.

>Travel to 100 years in the future
>Most series are either dropped by the author or because translator drama, never finish the series
>Worse, with advent of technology, everyone make their own animes, this time not only stealing tropes and template,.but character design and graphic style


Introducing people from fantasy to modern porn is a obscure fetish, but it's mine.

To be fair, Claire had 10/10 face and 10/10 body. Too bad she had shitty tsundere personality though.

Might get along well with Scarlet and Rachel.

You are welcome enjoy

He likes older women. Desu-wa is too young, and Nana is still essentially a child.

Why don't he make a nursing home then?

Not that old. We're talking Ara-ara age.

>I'm not a lolicon
>he proclaimed as he was drowned beneath a pile of little girls
death march garbage needs its own containment threads desu

>Until we’ve eaten all the delicious meat that we can hunt. Then, without words… He gripped the magic sword on his waist.
>When he turned and locked glares with me, we both grinned.
>After all, both he and I were battle junkies.
>Running rampant was the most fun thing in the world.

Finne POV is pretty great.

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Itami's harem watching some needed a longer part too.

So old hag?

>>he proclaimed as he was drowned beneath a pile of little girls
Believe it or not there's a actual reason for that. His girlfriend from a past life or whatever curses him to only be surrounded by lolis because she was jealous.
Alternately, the hero is a lolicon but cursed to be around big breasted nee-sans.

That justification feels forced, tho.

Oh yeah I forgot it's brought up the girls watched the porn channel at the hotel. Honestly we need to go back to the SoL stuff. Not that it's the mangakas fault but I would love more.

that feels like it was written in long after the fact
I fucking hate death march

Well that was the WN so who knows what they do in the LN.

Manga when

More like blessing

I'd be happy getting changes in the adaptation to add more of that, but I think the manga cut some in Japan instead. Original content allowing Rory to get Itami to have sex with her would be fine too.

Just sex everyone and get it over with Itami. You're not going to win.

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holy fuck, i just read the first chapter.
it's as generic as an isekai could ever be.
>girls in distress
>OP MC saves girls effortlessly
>girls want his dick
>girls join him

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Just have him get raped by his harem and call it a day.

What if government decide to regulate isekai work?

Any epub for world of otome vol 2?

>regulate isekai work?

Holy fucking shit, Amanda.

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Union and laws

Why the fuck would any government(Other than China I guess) give a shit?

I take it all back
T&Amonster Amanda is the best Amanda

Now I'm happy that sword dad won the artist lottery.
Imagine the manga drawn by gunota artist.

Gunota's artist actually kinda know how to draw based on his doujin.

Not sure why the head tilts in gunota tho.

Like straight up, you could put the woman in a burka and she'd still ooze sex appeal.

Give us better quality isekai? Just look at the front page of narou

Fran armpit pussy. Also Amanda dying from getting called mama.

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You can't fuck armpit

You're not trying hard enough.

Not with that attitude!

Raped by Rory, then he no longer cares and gets to teach Lelei with some practical experience.

You're wrong, and I have proof.

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God design women with 3 holes and you want to fuck her armpit?

>only 3 holes
Man, even the chinks know at least 7.

Vagina, asshole, mouth, navel, 2 nipplepussy and eyepussy?

Actually in this case, Fran isn't for sexualizing. However, if we were to substitute in Amanda, I want to fuck more than just her armpits.

Also, you forgot one (five, actually).

>ears and nostrils
>and peehole


You can't fuck those holes at the same time with other hole

chink dicks, remind you.

Well, there was that one doujin. Ass, vagina, peehole, both nipple, mouth and handjobs.
Let me see if I can remember it.

holy copout batman

Yao being in the way, and him not imagining Lelei too was a mistake with this page.

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What are you reading today?

The King's Avatar. Thanks to that user who recommended it. Neither isekai nor VRMMO, tho, just videogames.

>Still reading
I am off to isekailand with this facemask and helium tank

Armor Daughter Play Fetishist in Denial and Shovel Lord.

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Cute Aku

>His girlfriend from a past life or whatever curses him to only be surrounded by lolis because she was jealous
this is the most retarded herbivore reason i've read

Gun designs are kinda bad though, he needs to practice more on them.

>No ass

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yo bruh thanks for turning me on this
this shit mad comfy

>see isekai in a world with magic
>first move used by a newbie magic user is water ball
Why is it ALWAYS fucking water ball? Why do nips love showing off this move first so much?

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how many people YOU KNOW that seeks a sword harem?

>Why is it ALWAYS fucking water ball?
you mean fireball?

After the anime adaptation of Skyrim hentai

If I could talk to swords and turn them into cute girls, I would.

I wish I was cursed the same way.

You could ask further on why most of their magic ends up in different forms of elemental projectiles with almost nothing else besides body strengthening. No curses, summoning, rituals or other stuff.

Is she okay?

The old
>My character is super stoic
It honestly annoys me reading shit like a MC in a feudal middle age society and having them impress nobles with things like fried food which was common as shit back then.

It's a chuuni thing, I always used to fuck around still do that wind is my type because doors close on their own when I pass them and a little brease kicks in when I think about it.

Why is chuuni always an 8th grader thing? Why don't 7th or 9th graders do this?

i imitated Abe's running style when i was kid

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Could be worse, you could imitate Naruto's running style

In high school, you have no time. In junior high, when you just entered, first year is for getting accustomed and third year is for preparing to enter high school. So only second year is left.
At least that's how the theory goes.

>Guy constantly makes otome threads with Iris OPs
>Iris chapter drops and he doesn't make a thread

What's the deal with that

luckily i didn't know much about anime back then, only knew Ginga: Nagareboshi Gin back then

Shinzo Abe's?

nah, pic related

maybe he doesn't actually read it

mob otome

can't belive people are making mental gymnastics to call Shield hero "the incel isekai" when such an easy target like mob otome exists

he's volcel though, he has a harem of women desperate for his dick

Some fags spam shit they don't like in hopes that the series gets shitposted to death.

Another one.


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Isn't that innfag whole shtick?

How far would you go to have the demon lord knock you up?

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all the way

they revealed there was a canon yuri route in the original otome game

You mean bakarina? Really?

no the commentary series posted

Yao up front confirms he's thinking of sexing her first.

No I'd rather slaughter thousand of chinks with my trusty katana and brag about it on twitter.

No, he means Kobayashi's and Endo's live commentary.

Nah, the Live Commentary one. In the reverse harem route the heroine (Finne) saves the villainess (Liselotte) from turning evil with the power of love.

Those 2 panels with slime are funniest thing I've seen in manga ever.

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what did he mean by this?

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if you trained in the art of the sword to the zenith then maybe that could happen

get to it

I feel like this is one of those series that really benefits from its manga adaption, it's a lot more fun to read with the great art.

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God I want bury myself in makotos crotch.

Another month, another villainess novel

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Mio contain yourself.

I don't know, but picking this up was the best decision that I made. Pic related.

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Yet. I'm still waiting on the RAWs to give Luxon a bombshell blonde body.

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How's this?

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>superior Japanese judicial system folded thousand times

>harem tag
he's not going to fucking cheat on her, is he?

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>he seeks to achieve ... a sword harem?
>a sword harem

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The sword might have been slutty, but Monk wasn't. He was true and pure for his waifu.

kind of a mess?

>makoto is somehow considered ugly
of course, the world made by bug goddess would have shit tastes.

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Stop being gay guys.

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>be god
>reincarnate some people to an otome game world
>get the concepts good and evil backwards for the ten thousandth time across an infinite number of multiverses
>reincarnate a cunt as the heroine for no good reason again
it's all so tiresome

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Otome heroines as these novels imagine them to be are inherently bad people that constantly flirt with other women's fiancees and try to build harems.

Nigger 2.0?

Basically, she reincarnates as a villainess who was a secret optional boss in the original game. After training up her stats to be high spec, she tried to help the heroine and the hero party defeat the regular storyline, but they distrust her because, y'know, villainess.

Scanslator didn't even translate that OY!

I guess. Any suggestions?

I laughed

the goddes just hates cucks

more distinction between themes, tropes and settings. otome is more of a genre as in 'genre film' but monster reincarnation can be anything and is more of a setting genre.
isekai is a pretty huge umbrella and covers what other genres would get a number of separate terms for.

her name must be stacy keibler, cause those legs go on for miles

Would be nice for once to have a villainess who actually want to be a villainess and get things straight and conquer the the world or something. I mean, they all have a fucking knowledge of everything.

>typing it out instead of posting this

You had one job, user! ONE LOUSY JOB!

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Thanks for the critiscism. I'll try to distinguish themes, tropes and settings for v3.

even bug goddess understands bland vanilla midgets don't draw

read into tropes and genres as a whole. the task of categorizing art is a mess to begin with. like how Star Wars's genre has moved from science-fiction over to science-fantasy over the years.

That's a fig bucking armadillo.

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Seems pretty fucking stupid but if it goes full edge it might be a fun read, will save it and read it in like a year.

>air tastes good

>wants to quit being Villainess' follower
>ends up saving the Villainess from the (evil) Heroine

Maria from Hell. Arguably also Modern Firepower Villainess.

Attached: m10.jpg (950x1350, 501K)

>Meanwhile on the Native side
>Demon King made breakfast for his Hero Stepdaughter

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I read his lines and I hear Nakata Jouji

>My Wife's Daughter:The Manga

What a cuck

what if it turns into oyakodon?
i say that's a reasonable reason to rise somebody else girl

>marry one
>get a younger extra version for free
What did he mean by this?

>My Dead Wife's Long-Lost Human Twin Sister's Daughter: The Manga

this is actually better than i thought it would be

Attached: out.jpg (1440x4096, 2.67M)

Word its very nice.

Almond best crow

What a waste of talent from one of the most popular hentai artists, Kojima Saya.

How the fuck did the author or publisher land Kojima Saya?

His talent could have been used to make more hentai or contribute to a much better story.

The publisher is pretty small and obscure as well.


What is?

With money.


He's nothing special and fuck off with your reddit spacing.

legit options are often less than ideal

Danke user.

this is abusable taken out of context

Attached: womenarefrightening.png (1329x784, 1.07M)

I quickly searched for a summary, and it seems like the typical generic isekai

Is that edgy tentacle demon MC flashbanged and nuffin personelled?

>Maou is tsundere


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Reminder that the only acceptable tensei is traditional Buddhist reincarnation - that means regaining consciousness as a baby, with all your memories intact at most.

You can't just gain a carefree, cheat-filled life right off the bat. You have to earn it. And if that means enduring the pain firsthand of being squeezed headfirst out of a woman's uterus, compounded with years of having to relearn walking, talking, and toilet training, then so be it.

Attached: x13.png (836x1200, 176K)

Who are you quoting?

New chapter out.

>Heroine just wants to hunt bears and punch the everloving shit out of monsters all day
>Some white knight dude steals your kills because he's falling in love with you

Don't fall for his shit just 'cause he called you cute, Finne.

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Yup, MT did it best.

Yeah, but just I M A G I N E.

The fact that Finne would dom him just makes it all the better.

Phoneposting was a mistake

what's this?


Modern day boy and girl play an otome game and run commentary, but the main capture target boy can hear their commentary. They love the villainess, and the heroine is actually a fight-happy max-level monk build despite looking like a 150 cm bag of wet tissue paper.

Sword Dad popularity poll


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If you write your own isekai don't forget to have the MC behave in a realistic way and not ignore every girl that tries to seduce him.

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i gather this is the fotm?

All Villainess Otome Isekai stories are fotm

But royalroad bans lolis.

it's not warcrime if the goddess wills it (and also does by herself)

She doesn't seem so, but

but which is the most fotm of them all

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Make them old enough and it becomes ok.

Wait, does that shit seriously work on them?

>Native isekai GB
This could have been so good if the manga didn't skip the childhood of MC.


Diabeetus: The Series. And I'm loving it.

the rules on that site are pretty moralfaggy, even grey morality has to be hidden to an extent

i bet they'd say legal loli are still unacceptable

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The only thing that irks me now is that I can't decide which of the pairings is the cutest. I thought I'd be irritated whenever the focus was off the villainess but every character is kinda moe as fuck, even the boys.

>tfw you'll never have a bro who genetically engineers a perfect set of twins for you as sexslaves

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Ole was certainly FOTM few months back and now nobody talks about her much anymore

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well, is there a reasonable place to post my lolirotica murderhobo story?

It's quite a slow series. The TL is about to get to the best parts (and the ending) though so maybe more people will talk about it.

well, latest chapters became boring and a drag to get on, so i drop it

Why does the isekai where the MC fucks his house get updated so rarely?

Try fictionpress or just make your own blog/WP.

It's become a slog to get through. Plus it's been how many chapters and no characters except Klaus are even a little likeable.

>Trying to have children with masonry

While I do agree with you, it would be hard to really make things interesting. It would be very SOL, and it’s difficult to make something like that work if you’re going to turn it into a quasi-isekai anyway.

I mean, Nicole goes infant > 3 > 5 > 7 here, which isn’t that bad but could be better.

>New Self Improving Liz

Yep, disliking 2nd prince more and more now

When will Otome Mob get new chapters? Volume 3 has been out for a couple months already

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>rip average anime
oh well

TL is finishing up a volume of a different series that was paused for awhile prior to starting work on Otome Mob. Probably has a good chance of doing Otome Mob vol 3 next.

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I wonder if the author has a beef with some Will.
First, one is made to incessantly suffer in her previous work, then the one in Liz is portrayed as a complete asshat.

I think he still delusional and treat this world like an otome vidya gaem

got link?

Can you isekai Will to hell please, Satan-sama?

Seriously, what's going on with that?
It's been a year since any news came of it, not even a PV or an ETA.

>another fucking otome adaptation
>I'm Thinking of Quitting the Villainess' Entourage
i admit that actually caught me by surprise

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Weren't those things developed by crazy ass scientists and mc himself?

>Heroine is deceptively evil
>Is also a reincarnated person

Watch as FeMC who wants to quit being the Villainess' lackey ends up saving the Villainess from the evil Heroine

Gratuitous edge?

Let me guess, the heroine is her daughter?

Wtf kind of expression is that?!

Attached: scared_yank.png (421x500, 151K)

the down to fuck kind of look.

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Is that anything like breeze?

dafuq is that?

Haha, time for new DROP!!

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given the reviews for the source material on NU, the MC being a 40 year old mom is probably going to be irrelevant immediately. Was kinda hoping the MC would be really motherly and familyzone everyone instead of turning into a shoujo MC.
The source material must be really mediocre if the ratings are these spread out, considering NU usually rates trash pretty highly.

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>not Floramancer


is this really the thread?
Are the usual spammers dead now

this is usually the time the janitor gets active

Picking the wrong name for classes is a hobby of mine.

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It's not time yet.
It's an unusually good ratio.

>It's an unusually good ratio.
It's just a function of the time it's been up. It'll be 2 days soon.

Well, there was that thread that stayed up for 3 days and yet it didn't even cross 100.

i'll come clean
i phoneposted, so 2 ip's are mine

Actually it's a demon (girl) as she says the male form is for serious business.

>You will never have a girl that will compliment your big warm hands.

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>job class is intermixed with racial class

Your pretty good.

I like this manga

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You're not going to be a medusa paladin.

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Delete this shitty thread, pls.

Not with that attitude.

>half of the manga so far is just him cleaning out the disease-laden latrines
Is this wish-fulfillment for someone?

It is satisfying for me to see filth cleaned up.

If orc testicles were a delicacy would you eat them? Or maybe just grind some to make a quick buck? Do you have it in you to cut off someones balls and sell them to the adventurers guild receptionist lady?


You don't have to tell me that things like that exist, but would you do it? I mean people usually stay away from stuff like this in the real world.

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They're tasty, tho.

Sure I guess but to enjoy it you should blanch the balls first then cut off the membrane otherwise it is too chewy.

holy shit the web novel translations are god-awful for this

Loli is lusting MC's shota dick right?

It would appear so.

The translator of that series is kind of a bitch desu

You kinda get sick of basically everyone being a complete asshole to her for no discernible reason.

even filthy ex-virgins?

They are all looking ready for it.

They've been ready for months now.

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Since Lelei knows enough about sex, and thinks sleeping in the same room for three nights was enough to be married, I want to see her learn she still needs to complete that too, and know getting ahead of Rory isn't a safe thing to do.

google a shit any help here

i can't believe the princess has done this

wrong t11

Attached: t11.png (1124x1216, 1.24M)

>funeral fees


Rory always has been the best at showing what she wants.

Attached: officially wants sex.jpg (1000x1414, 681K)

and you think the chapters all about the normies would tone down the diabetes but no

Now if only Itami stops being such a spineless faggot

>Story ends with Itami literally running away like a spineless faggot

just following orders

Attached: t4.png (1052x1600, 1.33M)

those blank expressions though

That just means it needs a sequel starting where Rory catches him and finally rapes him. How can he be about to agree to her requests here and never be convinced to give in later? The manga should change the story to fix that.

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>implying you wouldn't spend your days in isekai land training slimes for domestic and industrial use

That's not the kind it needs. Using new main characters wasn't necessary.

Do you really want more Itami?

If by that you mean designing the perfect onahole slimegirl, yes

He gets one more wife.

Itami isn't the one I want more of, it's his harem. And from what I heard, the new MC isn't any better than Itami either.

Author had already washed his hand on Itami's story and started a new story about the JMSDF (Maritime)

From what I heard, MC is just as spineless as Itami

does he get scammed out of his soul like itami did?

Itami wasn't exactly scammed out of his soul, Rory just took it. It also kept him alive when he should have died. It makes even less sense how she could take his soul, but can't take his body too.

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And this is why Myne's new life is to suffer without books. Because she made everyone else put up with her shit in her previous life.

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So that girl was obnoxious even back on earth.

The adventures of blonde Mashu and Waver?

you fetishfags are getting out of control. what did /d/ get competent mods and kicked you scum out?

That's what happens if you are a sexslave and your new owner is an eunuch.

>send fetish discussion to /d/
>/d/ advocates mods to drive fetish threads out of /d/ because it's an image board

besides this is from non-h manga

Yes, basically.

If you are a sex slave and your new owner is not a eunuch, you have much different expressions.

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but what if the eunuch is into cuckshit and hires a stud slave?

Look man, I don't want to spoil too much, but they are basically the children of his brother. You can't just think about something like that.

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I hope no one has to redraw for that shit for ts

Attached: bleak.png (375x244, 53K)

I hope, but don't expect, for the tank to have the bottom right panel centered on them and not the shadow.
Redrawing that text doesn't look easy to do well.


What about things that are reincarnation but not isekai?

thread is officially kill

Just like TNE.

I use to be so excited everyday. Now I'm a dozen chapters behind.
Hoping the next arc is good.

It won't be. Author of the novel, co-author of Hajin's novel, and Hajin are all hacks who lost the spark during the last third of the story causing the last few arcs to drag.

I honestly think it was the lack of Rachel and Evandel.
We should have seen way more of her growth and escapades with Rachel. So much of the tower of wish could have been cut.

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This. I don't even care if it's accurate or not, there just needed to be more comfy family bonding and also Yeonha.

author just needs to stop dragging things out and get it in his mind that he needs to steer the series to the climax soon and then start winding things down in a resolution arc. Nayun became a despised character simply because the author decided to draw her arc out by 200 chapters when it can be resolved with a 5 minute conversation that Hajin still refuses to have even after giving himself a death penalty if he doesn't do it.
i can already see shit getting dragged out past a natural climax of saving earth by killing Baal with how they're now introducing a new future arc with chameleon troupe's old boss still being alive

Eh, makes more sense for CT's old boss to be all deviled up as well.