>the world's most powerful female hero by leaps and bounds gets utterly demolished by sperm
what did ONE mean by this?
One Punch Man OPM
Other urls found in this thread:
that nut is strong
Hey. Dumb retard from yesterday here. Do I start reading the webcomic and then move on to the manga? Where do I start with this? I'm so confused.
She's the cutest cake, nobody can compete.
Just read the manga, its the same as the webcomic and has incredible art from Murata as you probably know
Can't beat the dick.
didn't ONE said that at full power Tats would have beaten GS?
You could read the manga first, and then the webcomic. Honestly it doesn't matter. If you watched anime first, then manga will be familiar to you
I don't recall this
can legal Loli be cake?
cakiness is by age and childlessness, nothing about appearance
It doesn't matter where you start from. The manga is based off the webcomic and adds scenes, improves fights, and looks amazing. It's your choice. Manga manga has much, much better fight scenes due to the art and added panels. The webcomic is more focused on jokes and dialogue. However, the manga hasn't covered the entire webcomic yet, so you might need to switch over or wait if you want more content. Both the manga and webcomic are active and release chapters every few weeks.
Personally, it's really nice to be up-to-date with the webcomic, but you might want to wait for better art before reading more into the story. It's also cool to see the webcomic redrawn after reading it. It's like I get to see the same story remastered twice (manga then anime).
Wasn't she suffering a heavy concussion?
CHADranko > Garbou
If Saitama doesnt kill Orochi, then Orochi will also fk her up as well.
This is peak Tatsumaki(for now)
Typical MS adding "bitch" to the dialogue, but Murata really nailed the One gag design.
>ywn be her
why even live
Something has to happen otherwise Tats is going to lift the MA base faster than expected.
Manga page(s) of the year candidate.
Garou was right, Orochi isn't scary. Boros was scary, Orochi isn't.
Why do you fucking faggots INSIST and fucking everything up?
Is it really that hard to go to mangadex?
Or just fucking save the unwatermarked version posted over 50 fucking time over the last 3 day
It's not that hard
You really don't find the freaky looking multi-mouthed, dragon-limbed, tentacled, shape-shifting, colossal, fire-spweing, spiked, fightining genius monster more terrifying that Boros?
Reminder that Murata is a faggot that always censor naked girls even when the editor allows him to publish it but has no trouble with naked men.
pay attention
Reminder that you're a retard for not knowing that Murata was going to release the unclothed version in the official release but decided against it because mouth-breathers like you would ask him to draw only that. To top it off, he gave both versions of the drawing to a fan in China
Have sex
>reading heavily compressed artifact-filled shit
no thanks
At least he draws good looking men too
>tumblr art
what would've happen if Golden Sperm attacked Darkshine instead?
would Darkshine tank it like usual or will he at best be crippled?
Different user here. In anime logic the scariest opponent is the simple looking one. that guy looks like he's one punch material.
>taking pictures of a woman' ass
She's got some balls
why won't this raging homosexual finish that futa doujin
You can, in fact, beat the dick. Easy.
Looks like she's getting tentacle'd by shuma-gorath.
>that bloody face down corpse
Garou boomed him, god damn
I want to have SEX with speed o sound sonic.
has a clearer image of the left pic been posted yet? the fan should have scanned it by now, right?
Read then manga
So did I, until I realized it was a guy.
both look fine to me I don't see the issue
>until I realized it was a guy.
U still faggot.
>Garou kills monsters but not hero's
>face down corpse
So the personification of Sperm got raped to death by Garou
Who wouldn't want to be raped to death by Garou?
>not wanting to have SEX the second you knew he was a guy
what the fuck
when will ONE release the next chapter?
we need to stop the gay shit
Just imagine his cute widdle boner with drips of precum leaking through his tights.
>tfw every opm thread inevitably turns super gay
I want Garou to make vanilla love to me in the missionary position so that I can claw at his back at the same time
upset unstable darkshine or full of confidence darkshine?
It's not as bad as the Mob Psycho 100 threads from last season yet.
The OPM audience in Japan is full of fujos
Can't beat the cock.
pre Garou Darkshine
>missionary position so that I can claw at his back at the same time
he would have gotten wrecked either way. he would have lasted longer until he got his confidence broken.
so is Tatsumaki a cute loli version of Patty and Selma from the simpsons?
i bet her favorite show is Detective Conan
>watching shows
the only thing she watches are news, she has no life outside of her hero work.
She will end up with King and become a world famous cosplayer.
>No friends
>No hobbies
>Only work
So did one intentionally make her such a salary man?
>no friends
to some extent her sister
>no hobbies
killing monsters
It's called creepshot dude.
What would Fubuki have to do for Saitama to be attracted to her?
Be able to give him a challenging fight
be friendly without trying to take advantage of him.
>Reminder that you're a retard for not knowing that Murata was going to release the unclothed version in the official release but decided against it because mouth-breathers.
But naked men and fujoshits insulting him on twitter are okay? fuck off fag.
Have sex.
>has a clearer image of the left pic been posted yet? the fan should have scanned it by now, right?
Will there ever be an arc in the history of manga that will ever top the monster association?
have hair restoring properties in her breast milk.
Buy him food and give him space Cope incel
this is my favorite piece of OPM fanart, because not only does Saitama consider it... he THOT Begones Sonic
Nothing because he's already in love with
Thought it was marriage
Any Bleach arc.
yes, being over 25 and being ALONE makes you a cake, the further you are over that the more cake you are.
Cry more fag.
Let's keep going guys.
Seeing Tatsumaki get BTFO'd never gets old
Fubuki doesn't really seem to like her all that much either though.
if you draw atomic samurai and his disciples. please draw Slicing shemale holding Iaian's hand
Can't wait to see Garou vs MB animated.
that update seems to be someone editing images trying to gain some sort of notoriety by attaching shitty one trick ninjas whose is nothing more than a cheap gag and fujo/homo bait. also, king is now there having turned his head really awkwardly.
>that King
Would ONE ever write one of these in the story or will Fubuki always be bad in his eyes?
I know the webcomic just came back but, based on his previous record, how often does the webcomic update usually?
The manga and the webcomic are starting to be quite different. I'd say read the webcomic then the manga.
best girl (guy)
Whenever he wants
user, dont be retarded. Its obviously a low quality edit. The drawfag already said its a saitama + female HA only. Tank top girl is already confirmed to be drawn next
That's what happens when 9 out of 10 characters are male. And people call me gay for watching show full of girls
>And people call me gay for watching show full of girls
but doing that makes you want to be a little girl
2 years rate
2 chapters in a week after 2 years, it'd be amazing if ONE started pumping them out weekly
Why must you bully me so?
They're both not wrong..
I know tats says it but I'd prefer it if it wasn't true, or at least it'd be more of a fight.
Fubuki will always be bad in Saitama's eyes.
>a generic black button-up is equivalent to Fubuki's dress
Truly no sense of fashion.
>redrew sonic's hair and jump
>redrew genos' fist just before the eye closeup
>add trails to genos' rush
Not bad
How long before hired by JC staff?
>saitama considers it
dont project your fag shit on saitama hes giving him his normal confused face
Acquantance is as good as you can get.
The madman did it! One restarted the series again.
It's not meant to be anything good, but at least I'll try to make it more fluid and flow better than JC. It's too quick right now so more frames need to be added to fist and genos appearing behind sonic. Maybe sonic needs to be animated slightly when he's in the air
That order.
thanks for posting this
>teleports behind you
nothing personnel, kid.
Anyone have the image of saitama throwing tatsu in the dumpster after she falls asleep?
so she's a cake indeed
Word is that he was going to, but accidentally splashed semen all over it before he had the chance to.
>Fubuki finally realizes how she's treated Saitama all this
I want to see Mizuki with her hair down
Literally anyone can start ANIMATING and do better than jcstaff, incredible.
beat his cock
s a v e d
Its seems to be a commentary on how with great power doesn't come great responsibility but boredom I guess. Both Tats and Saitama have reached the top but at what cost?
Does anybody else finds Tatsumaki philosophy about “being a lone wolf” retarded?
what do you expect from a bratty child
>Does anybody else find Tatsumaki retarded?
What the hell does "retarded" mean in this context?
It's clear she has trust issues, and yes it would probably be better if she didn't have those issues but how is it retarded?
She rejects utility of relationships, which is pretty stupid. In actual armies properly utilized quantity trumps quality. Support is ever-vital
Moreover, her sister is not as strong, so for her those followers are actually beneficial
Lastly, forcing that crap down Fubuki’s throat is bound to backfire in terms oftheir relationship
Whenever sonic smiles like that my dick gets uncontrollably hard.
Why doesn’t King just retire? he can just say : “i cannot use King engine anymore to fight” and that’s that
It's hard to convince her when essentially her quality trumps every other quantity in the world (till the current arc happens)
I don't know, when you're literally omnipotent saying quality > quantity is pretty valid. For Tatsumaki friends and relationships DON'T have any utility, at least when it comes to fighting monsters, which is all she does.
fate would conspire against him
this guy gets it, king has a low luck high charisma build
>implying she would leave and not try to one up tats
Watchdog Man and PIG GOD are goat heroes
So Fubuki got acquaintance-zoned? Damn.
I'm already a little girl
I can't wait to see his ultimate move where he expends all his stored energy on a fight and is revealed to be blast
shit art.
see its already brainwashed you
you'll be a tranny before you know it
imagine the cute babies he and Do-S could have had
I wonder if they would have inherited her tongue or eyes.
I imagine she would have regained her humanity like Garou did if she had the right stimulus, like being treated like anything but a sex object and going straightedge
heck getting pregnant changes some irresponsible women. I know someone who was born with severe herpes because her mom was a dirty whore and now is a born again christian hippy type
B-but they ate a hotpot together!
I want to have unprotected sex with Garou in the missionary position with the purpose of procreation
Well I don't know about you guys but to want to piss inside tatsumaki's asshole
isnt that pretty much 80% of the opm fanbase
More like .00002 of the fanbase. Everyone else doesn't want to look like a pedophile or monster lover, so they go with Fubuki.
>Implying there's anything wrong with wanting to vanquish monsters with your dick
At the end of the day, it's just another weapon
Only for those who are against the human race. Monsters and their enablers should be killed.
Hello retard user. Can you understand the concept of Tatsumaki?
The Fubuki x Saitama pairing is not happening. So people please shut the fuck up about it you annoying twats.
>those dyel arms
oh no
Demolish is a big word considering she was standing and attacking him 2 page latter
Binge S1, read the manga from the begenning, including the special chapters, than read the webcomic
right after, even.
Any theories for next webcomic? Mine is that Flash is offering to train Saitama and King will see it as an opportunity to get stronger. Also I believe this is gonna be the arc where Genos will find out Metal Knigth sent the cyborg to exterminate his village and confront him with the help of Drive Knight.
What ever happened to Drive Knight?
I'm up to date on the manga but have only loosely gone through the webcomic.
> implying going from asquitances to lovers is impossible
He never got anything in the webcomic, ONE fixed that with the manga so we will have to see.
He was completely absent from the MA arc. With Metal Knight making more of an appearance in the webcomic I presume we'll see more of them as long with Genos.
Saitama is going to tell King to do the 100 situps, 100 pushups and 100 squats plus a 10km run every day thing
He already said in a way. It'd actually be interesting seeing King becoming super strong and losing his hair in the process.
I'm really looking forward this next arc. We already saw Atomic Samurai saying he's going to train from zero, Child Emperor, Darkshine and Metal bat moving to the neo heroes and Metal Knight, Zombieman, Tatsumaki and Flashy Flash finally recognizing Saitama's strength.
She’sjust working in the most efficient way, everybody else would just be an hinderence
She's the only one who can beat demon levels and above where all the other S-class heroes except for Blast are complete morons. What did you expect?
>King laughs and tells Saitama it is a basic training
>Saitama loses his power due to King's luck
>the serie focuses on King from then on
>it becomes a shonen story about how King became one punch man
What is the source of this?
I like that after the fight with Saitama she was almost relieved that he was as strong as her or stronger, like knowing that she isnt the only one who can beat dragon or better enemies
>not Webcomic>Manga>Anime
y'all fucking Muratafags I swear.
Bang, Atomic, Flash, Metal Bat, Child Emperor, Metal Knight, Zombieman can all beat dragons canonically.
king has no luck, he is 1 Luck 10 Charisma
but yeah there will be a joke involving King attempting it and being out of commission for a few days, then realising he got a zenkai boost or something ridiculous like that
>tfw garo will never kiss you like this
While almost dying in the process.
but they can't beat the lesser god/better than dragon like Orochi, Golden Sperm, Boros or Garou
Bang is retired, Atomic Samurai, Child Emperor and Zombieman could only beat demon level monsters, Metal Bat only faced Garou in human mode, Metal Knight isn't reliable.
Depends if you like capeshit or not. Webcomic is a parody of capeshit, manga and anime are capeshit.
He survived all encounters with every single monsters he met, be it wolf or be it dragon, and made the world population believe that he killed those beings without even talking.
Even Atomic, a true swordship master, thought that King had passed through the gaps between the cells of the apple making the apple not realize it has been cut.
If you think about it, this is absurd but the other situation is that King is weak and that is even more absurd.
A strange coincidence, him being knocked out by Saitama and his clothes getting dirty by that due to the friendly fire happening for the hot pot and him casually being in the most dangerous zone, led the whole Association believe that he was fighting mysterious beings all night.
It’s more battle manga than capeshit, the hero stuff is just an excuse to critic the salariman culture of japan
Doesn't matter if Bang is retired you faggot, the user I replied to, wrote that Tatsumaki is relieved that she met another one that can beat dragons like she can, which is not true.
Atomic was sent to fight a dragon level threat in one of the audiobook alongside with Tatsumaki.
Child defeated Phoenix Man who was already dragon level threat by his second transformation
Zombieman defeated Homeless Emperor who is a dragon.
Metal Bat is confirmed by ONE to be able to do it, so your headcanon doesn't matter.
Metal knight not being reliable doesn't matter.
Neither she can.
>this level of reaching
who would've thought fubukifags can get more worse.
Orochi one shots Saitama.
More like Saitama is eaten by Orochi, then he punches him from the inside just before he's about to kill the rest of the heroes
Shut up and make him a sandwich.
blame Blast and Tat's step-parents, if it weren't for them then there's a chance that both psychic sisters are on good terms and probably sharing the same #2 spot.
Continuing, added Iily.
>mizuki is taller than king
how tall is mizuki?
Does Blast actually exist or is he just what they call the mystery dude who solves all these problems (Saitama)?
Much obliged
Murata said in a stream Q&A last year that DK will "is joining this fight" so it seems he's not dead and will probably appear at some point before the MA arc is over.
Blast appeared when Tats was 10, tats is 28, do the math.
i think Tatsumaki will destroy the entire base earlier than expected and cancel the Saitama vs Ororchi fight.
Add less clothes.
if Mizuki is that tall then how tall is Darkshine? Darkshine towers Mizuki
they clearly made that comment just to trigger people and you're the only one that fell for it, nice job
You will never achieve Bait-Kai if you won't have a heart to heart talk with your inner Australian.
>My Ass
Tatsumaki will never destroy the base. She got orders not to and she can't guarantee the safety of the child.
>he doesn't know
sorry for spoiling you manga nigga
Murata said that Mizuki "is a bit shorter than Darkshine".
The difference isn't all that big in height, but Darkshine is way larger and impressive.
Stop bullshitting
>she can't guarantee the safety of the child
The child will be in safe hands
That means skipping all the initial dragon fights, hell no.
>king keeps getting rejected and referenced to other dojos
>ends up with a meditating master who died and garou in the waterfalls
too strong
question: is the murata manga already beyond the point where tatsumaki and saitama fought?
How strong was Gouketsu as a human? The first super tournament was said to have been the toughest in its history, and we're talking about a tournament that regularly gets entrants that are on the level of A class heroes. Gouketsu's only known loss as a human was to Orochi.
It's on the interviews page of the wiki.
Vampire Kiss
No, it's not even anywhere close to that.
huh, so murata still isn't finished with the underground fights?
>and we're talking about a tournament that regularly gets entrants that are on the level of A class heroes.
Snek and Max were clearly the strongest fighters behind The top 3 (Suiryu, Bakuzan, Choze).
>shitty reddit typeset
>low quality pages
no thanks
Can't find it, not a single key word worked.
This is just getting started dude. Orochi fighting Tatsumaki would be a good excuse for why she doesn't do anything in the meantime to the base.
Not a single one of the main dragons has made a move yet.
I'd say he was probably the same level as Suiryu, maybe a bit better. Monster Gouketsu did kind of totally fuck of Suiryu though so maybe he just acclimated well to the monsterification.
We haven't even gotten DS vs Garou yet.
You can't find the wiki, the page on the wiki or the part of the interview?
Poor Volten, nobody remembers he made it to the semifinals with Saitama, Suiryu and Choze.
The interview on the page.
yeah but isn't this just following the course of events from the webcomics?
Tats rekts Psykos - Tats finds real Psykos - drags her and the entire base to the surface
how can Murata stop that then?
Interesting that Murata retweeted the Sonic vs Genos fight and nothing about Saitama vs Fubuki.
he got one shotted by Suiryu in monster form. I'm fairly sure he was weaker.
> - Tats finds real Psykos - drags her and the entire base to the surface
Except this is supposed to happen in several chapters before all the dragons fight + DS vs Garou. It's in a while.
Suiryu actually avoided touching his super-charged form directly so that's something at least.
It's from Q&A 4 on 2/6/2018.
Well none of us know what Murata is going to do but we can be sure he's definitely not going to just skip all the S Class vs Dragon fights, that would be absurd.
Yes and it is almost exactly right, tatsumaki thrashes psykos at the same time the dragons start making their moves, by the time they are done tats starts lifting the base saving them all in the process.
Someone who isn't a complete faggot for one.
That's the look of a defeated woman.
One big chance is that Tats already noticed that Gyoro is human, something has to prevent Tats from bringing the whole MA HQ above ground because the S class heroes havent met the cadre yet.
Yep, gonna have to wait till at least mid 2020 for that in the manga.
i wonder who will distract her then? Orochi is out of the question because of Saitama
Episode 3 in 2 more days, just noticed that the preview pic is when Saitama is visiting TTM and Mumen Rider at the Hospital.
>choosing Niggerstream
>choosing edgy rewrites
>shitty reddit typeset
What does that even mean.
I am still not convinced but we will see.
Saitama will distract her by punting Orochi through the entire complex.
Saitama punches Orochi toward her and she thinks it was Kings doing while Gyoro meltdown continues.
>Orochi is out of the question because of Saitama
Actually, no. With Gyoro that keeps insisting to him, it's possible that Orochi will get back. Maybe half unintentially, like Saitama punches him once, he falls, and Saitama thinks it's done so he leaves.
Well he did also say "it seems like he already infiltrated the Monster Association" so he might not be sure about it or something? Could also be the translation but I'm just hoping DK isn't dead, I don't mind if he doesn't appear in this arc.
I like how she's gonna get BLACKED.
He's probably G5 and is trying to investigate the Organization and metal knight while undercover.
darkshine is not a nigger, he's just your typical body builder
is there one for tats?
>attention whore from l*ddit
Episode 5 probably.
Yeah that does seem to be the prevailing theory about him atm.
I ain't indian doe
Looks really nice.
Could you fix Tatsu hair pls?
Pay for food, rent, clothes, etc.
What is there to fix here?
You can't draw any different legs position from that?
There is absolutely nothing she could do to achieve this. Saitama can appreciate things but he has no sex drive, nobody has a sex drive in this story except for Do-S or something. It's a very sexless setting.
here's the objectively better one
you're saying you want to see girls doing a spread?
two of them will
Webcomic Fubuki >>> Manga Fubuki
Are you blind? The hair colour is wrong and it could get some more shadowings.
Is one of them going to be Tank Top Girl?
I just think she looks more badass/unsettling/unique in One's artstyle. Her breasts are way too big in the manga. It just looks comical.
Dunno how you haven't noticed that it's a flat shading version. Also Tats' green hair color isn't consistent.
>Her breasts are way too big in the manga.
Are you joking? Is that your first time seeing big breasts or something? They're very far from being really big for manga standards. They just have a sexy shape.
my dad works for ONE
tats destroys the base burying orochi and later monster garou will one shot him
I much prefer her more simple dress from the webcomic than the manga one with loads of necklaces also the pieces of fabric going over her palms are nice, for some reason.
She doesn't even have the necklaces when she's fighting. And aren't the palms a cloth change that happens after the MA arc?
Big sleeves fits more the "witch" look that the sisters have going on (like Psykos said).
>flat shading
>looks at fubuki's hair
yeah sure.
If you are doing the greenish aura around her, why the bottom half doesn't have one?
there are no greenish aura besides some on the eyes.
>her whole top half outline is green
fag you are blind.
They look like sandbags. There are better ways to make big boobies than making them look like sandbags strapped to her chest.
Yeah but she still wears them when not fighting, which is most of the time. And I'm not sure, but even if they are I still prefer it so not like it matters much.
It's still just personal preference, I like the normal sleeves she has in her current webcomic design more.
>Child defeated Phoenix Man who was already dragon level threat by his second transformation
No, he used a cheap trick and Phoenix man ripped his costume off.
>Zombieman defeated Homeless Emperor who is a dragon.
No, speedreader. Homeless Emperor got BTFO'd by the person who gave him his powers.
>Metal Bat is confirmed by ONE to be able to do it, so your headcanon doesn't matter.
I'll need source for that
I'm not sure if being in proximity to King is the safest or most dangerous place to be. I guess it depends on how far his insane luck spreads.
>No, he used a cheap trick and Phoenix man ripped his costume off.
You know that's how he defeated him right? He then proceeded to strip away the rest of the costume and killed phoenix man.
Will we ever see this villain?
Zombieman beating Hobo was pure luck. Hobo was focusing on King his powers.
That's the version he uses to fap man.
Manga Fubuki have a much wider range of expression than in the webcomic.
It took me too long to realize that star-face has a fucking knife on him.
ONE drew Psykos with giant breasts. It's fair to assume ONE Fubuki have big ones too, but since he just draw her dress in full black it's never visible.
Yeah, but not all monster will be able to be beaten by tickling. Still it's a gag manga so there's no point in discussing power level
That's the best part imagine you're walking home one day and a star faced man in speedos is trying to mug you.
Considering he's the main character, probably
Guys, I need your help. I can't stop thinking about Tatsumaki's legs and feet!
What should I do?
That's how breasts look without bra support, look at nudist beach pictures instead of regular porn and you'll see
ONE said in an interview that "Metal Bat wasn't joking when he said "He could take care of a dragon level threat"." It's on the Interviews page of the wiki, under "Niconico Interview".
In a place that looks like a volcano at that.
He defeated 3 times phoenix man. He just resurrected again and again. Thus my 'who was already dragon level threat by his second transformation'.
Homeless was lying under Zombieman defeated. Zombieman was about to question him but he died.
You can search for it retard.
It wasn't luck. HE underestimated Zombieman.
Tatsumaki x King confirmed
Not my fault if your brain is retarded enough to not remember.
The only person Saitama actually likes is King.
He also 'likes' Mumen Rider
She is freakishly tall, taller than 6 foot for sure.
I wanna be put into cryogenic sleep until 2023 so I can read all of the MA arc drawn by Murata at once
Why does Murata keep blue balling me? I know he likes Darkstalkers. He can't have not noticed that Tatsumaki and Fubuki are perfect for some Morrigan/Lilith fan art.
I think it was Murata who said she's shorter than Darkshine, but she's still crazy tall so probably like 213cm at least.
He probably doesn't have time.
Darkshine is 235cm tall.
How hard would it be to convince Tatsumaki to let you be her slave?
puri puri prisoner?
I know?
are you an actual faggot?
>better back muscles than Garou in s2 and the manga
Even his habit of raping dudes comes off as something he does out of principle, there's no eroticism to it.
The best back muscles are the ones gained through the power of love and rape
no, im pretty sure he rapes men because hes sexually attracted to them
>Who would win, the Monster Association Mastermind or a very angry midget
Murata please...
i wonder if Chad Mask will finally move to S Class? their strongest hero Tats is injured so that's a massive loss to their power.
Knowing One the star guy is probably the final boss God level threat.
He´s truly best girl.
>and rape
thats just called rough love
just start wherver you want everything is great and has it's own pros and cons, [spoilers]except season 2 that's only cons[/spoilers]
no need for him to do that, he keep A CLASS IN CHECK.
sweet mask knows of saitama,so no loss of power at all
I finally read the manga. Holy shit, everything after Garou's introduction until the end of the tournament was so fucking convoluted and bloated.
It was juggling the MA attacks on multiple fronts, the Garou Story AND the tournament with some 10 competitors
Why did it end like that? Nothing from before chapter 1 all the way to Boros was so packed
the superior version
How do you do shading like that. It is literally the defining piece of manga art.
>hentai fanart vs canon design
literally true
Don't kid yourself that Muruta doesn't draw her breasts unrealistically sexy on purpose. There's nothing wrong with that but don't deny it. Cloth does NOT stick to breasts like that.
You're trying too hard. You don't like OPM.
I'm finished.
J.C. hire this man
he was quickly catching up to the webcomic, so one made him add some filler lel
fuck i forgot to remove my trip
> Mommy I can’t handle more than one plotline going on
J.C. hire this man
The guy that started it said they were way too big, not "way too sexy".
Why do autists keep drawing mizuki way more buff than she really is
probably because they like muscles
God I wish she was my friend with benefits.
Her muscles aren.t consistent, she’s quite buff depending on the panels.
at the same level as a profesional animation company like JC
Fuck off, moot.
I always thought it was just part of his training.
This too
>70% of the series follow a specific pacing and structure
>Some 30% in the middle have a weird and very different structure and pacing
Its not about if i can follow it or not, its simply too different from the previously established structure and it feels off
What was the filler?
The entire tournament arc was filler and the "new heroes" are also filler. In the webcomic it goes straight from the Garou hunt to the Monster Association and the heroes storming the base.
It does flow a lot better in the webcomic. The introduction of the new heroes were the two worst manga chapters so far.
That's bullshit, the gif has actual animation, while anime has only shaky blurry close ups of still images.
>70% of the series follow a specific pacing and structure
>Some 30% in the middle have a weird and very different structure and pacing
It's no different from what we've been having for more than half of the series.
"The introduction of the new heroes" being just before the MA Raid started?
You keep using the word "filler", friend. The manga is still written by ONE, Murata is only drawing it. I didn't really enjoy the tournament arc and Phoenixman vs. Child Emperor as much as the rest, either, but that does not make it filler.
To them anything not like the webcomic pace is filler.
>The introduction of the new heroes were the two worst manga chapters so far.
That shit was atrocious. The manga built so much momentum and hype for the raid and suddenly right before it starts the reader is presented with almost 100 pages of nobodies killing fodder. It murders the flow of the plot, and adds literally nothing to it.
>"new heroes"
I'd laugh if they were killed to add to how disastrous the raid was. Next to zero chance I know.
is tats a virgin?
Tats with abs
nah that chapter was pure fun, it was one of the most discuss chapters we had. It was child emperor vs phonix that was atrocious, it just kept going, with redrawn
Keep seething, most people loved it. It wasn't even 100 pages long at all to start off, lots of content was focused on Tatsumaki, Iain, Atomic, DS, and the lesser heroes were fun with nice ablities.
Mizuki, One Shotter and Narcisstoic were fucking amazing. Evil Eye and Rhino were great monsters as well.
Only people with garbage tastes who hates fun would dislike such a chapter.
Salivating about the new female character isn't discussing, user. The only interesting part was the one with Rhino. The rest was trash (from a narrative point of view, the art was very good) and nothing was discussed about it.
The Monster Association is no longer like 15 monsters hiding in a base, and the hero association brought more than 7 people to take them on! The scope of what the MA represented was expanded in the manga and the story treats it accordingly. I like the webcomic but you autists complaining that the story isn't a 1:1 adaptation really don't understand that ONE is fleshing out and fixing his story. This isn't supposed to be paced out like the webcomic, the manga has it's own story to tell
but muh filler.
it hard for powerlevel fags to enjoy those type of chapters.
I have read the MA raid more than a dozen time before the manga started adapting it, it would have been boring if he just adapted it panel per panel
As a pl fag, I loved this chapter as it gave a concrete ranking of all those lesser hero
Sonic is a guy you faggot
for once we actually had fairly hard fights against smaller monsters, it was fun to read. The S heroes are fun in their own ways, but diversity makes it even better. I kept wishing for ONE to give a bit of focus to the lesser heroes and they sure delivered.
>the hero association brought more than 7 people to take them on!
Which was retarded and it's pointed out in the story. At the end of that chapter the S-class are literally bored of waiting for the low class shitters to finish and they clean up the surface real quick. They are useless in this raid, independently of how much fodder the MA has.
The pacing was completely off. We suddenly have to spend around 200 pages reading about nobodies doing unimpressive feats. Meanwhile the main characters are nowhere to be seen, Tatsumaki is fighting off-scene and the new heroes simply disappear after that battle. Where are they now? What are they doing? It doesn't matter; they're inconsequential to the story. Hell, if you skip those chapters you don't lose anything because they don't move the plot forward or add anything to the story.
Those threads were nothing but circlejerking over Mizuki.
that what makes it hot
He's blast
Pig God is Blast
Gonna ask here in hopes someone knows something. Are there any scans of this? I can't find either raws or a scanlation through a quick google search.
I wonder how Psykos feels about the fact that litterally no heroes that are part of the raid have fallen yet. Pretty hilarious how the night before it was all about how they were sure to have an easy win against them (though Psykos probably didn’t actually believe that and just wanted to raise morale).
Still, all those possible subjects of hers are dead by now.
I get you're desperate to get to the big fight of the webcomic, but just because you don't like the new characters doesn't make them useless when their role isn't to be the ones actually carrying out the rescue, just the cleanup which is what we're shown they are capable of.
most of her executive are still alive, she likely believe that them and Orochi are more than enough to win
Do you not read the webcomic?
Yeah, but doesn’t it feels kind of a waste for her that in the end only the executives actually mattered.
>all those possible subjects of hers are dead by now
Nah. It is supposed to be like this, first it seems like heroes are winning then it will get quite bad for them once Sperm, Hobo, Ugly Fuhrer and Evil Water join in.
> have fallen yet
> yet
I have, obviously.
Nope, I'm enjoying the smaller demon fights and I'm looking forward for the dragons. I like the structure of the actual raid.
>they are capable of the cleanup
Unless they need to clean up a demon or dragon, in that case they are all dead, further showing how their presence is completely retarded. Shame ONE is too much of a pussy to bring Nyan out there to slit all of their irrelevant throats.
heroes have the thickest plot armour
Dont worry, the tournament will be 2 episodes long
>Shame ONE is too much of a pussy
I wonder if he eventually will start killing minor heroes.
I'm like 90% sure she believed everyone but the cadre were useless and would just die without having done anything.
>Shame ONE is too much of a pussy to bring Nyan out there to slit all of their irrelevant throats.
With this level of animosity towards a single chapter's worth of content, I struggle to see how you actually enjoyed any of the other fights, although since you said smaller I take it you weren't a fan of Flashy Flash or CE's fights either.
I don't know why people can't just kick back and enjoy the new stuff. It's great.
There's a doujin where if Genos was female
I think Genos works fine as a straight edge to Saitama's aloof but the potential of a cute robot waifu might have been good too
In before her abs will be completely gone like Do-Ss.
>then it will get quite bad for them once Sperm, Hobo, Ugly Fuhrer and Evil Water join in.
King stalled all of them + Psykos.
>Phoenixman vs. Child Emperor
That did a lot of damage to the hype, the manga got a lot of better after it, the pacing was fixed.
one should introduce another female S rank, tats shouldn't be the only one. inb4 fubuki we dont need two espers
Not until he run away, I mean tried to bait them to a place where he could unleash all his mighty power.
I don't care about those heroes, although them dying would be an interesting development.
I did like those two fights. They were much, much more than nobodies killing fodder. No comparison.
The manga is just being realistic, woman aren't as strong as man
Not the weirdest time travel romance I've read, but definitely somewhere up there.
>I don't know why people can't just kick back and enjoy the new stuff.
Because usually "new stuff"doesn't bring anything to the overall plot. Also it's boring as shit.
>female s rank
But we already have Puri Puri
even a female cyborg would be welcome, just no more esper
It's really not going that bad for the monsters as of now.
They've lost a ton of demon level monsters, but that's simply to be expected when you're raided by the S-class who are by definition able to take out low level demons, and their executives are intact and well rested (Rover only taken out temporarily). Meanwhile Meme Bird Man, who wasn't even an executive, essentially disarmed one of the top 5 heroes in exchange for a hostage that doesn't matter now that the incursion is going.
Sure, Phoenix Man turned out to be a great potential asset with his strength and necromancy gimmick and he died, but that power wasn't part of what Psykos took into account before the raid, so with all the executives alive and Orochi being a thing, the monster side is still solid.
The only real loss is the ninjas.
they got a single demon left and one thats not assured to by loyal, most of the tiger and wolf must also be dead by now
neo heroes probably got some female heroes. We should see them next chapter, next week.
It still wouldn't be as amazing as taming him like saitama did
Neo heroes might have some strong female heroes or new ones will take the place of S class that have left the association.
i'd read this, but i can't, so i won't.
He's cool like that.
Will she eat more humble pie from anyone outside of Saitama?
it's pretty cute so you're missing out
tats btfo saitama with his own friendship speech lel she cool
Nothing in this manga will top the Boros vs. Saitama fight, except maybe if One decides to bring God to fight Saitama.
i'll just have to wait until someone translates it and puts it in a singular location.
Fuck off dbzfag
Something about this pic reminds me that Garou is only 18, he looks softer
He has his clothes on.
I remember reading it somewhere but fuck I forgot
Saitama isn't even technically s class yet. Unless they are side kick tier like genos they are fodder and won't arise past sweet mask unless you want to undermine one of his main premises of being written in.
why is she even wringing out her dress like its a towel, couldn't she just psychic the water out of her dress?
Get out
Cry me more.
Boros vs Saitama is the most dope animated fight of these times.
>Only cares about animation
>he's not a little girl
Get out!
I love Garou!
>Ppl still proving anyone can animate but jcstaff
No, they dont hire animators.
I'd share a coke with you user
Puri and prisonerpilled.
it's a fanart for a good reason.
well at least it has a nice ass. also nice collage, yet another to add to the collection
>Garou is only 18
Why he's cuter for me now?
tank top master should be given more time to shine.
kinda funny how garoufag sounds so much better than "garouchad".
I feel sorry for the guy. Barely gets screentime and is one of the strongest physical fighters in s class. Yet his appearances are with either jobbing and embarrassing himself. Doesn't help after all of this he will lose members of his group.
Cute duo
That's a Garou yottachad for you
Fuck he's so based
Mumen and TTG are the only ones that matters anyway. I'm sure ONE has something in stock for TTM and Mumen once the war is over.
my man Garou would obliterate any German pub
how many chapters until we get another glimpse of him?
>doesn't know how to eat
>doesn't know how to drink
>is 18
>is a thief
If Mumen joins his group that would be great.
Don't really like how TTM was just given a pass on the raid, he was clearly back to shape and that was 3 days before the assault.
WDM is also super inconsistent, he's fine with coming to the HQ and going in vacation for a day to hot springs, but going for half a day to help raid the MA was out of question?
>Garou would obliterate any German pub
And any Korean barbecue spot
I miss her bros.
Wdm doesn't do any job outside City Q.
>that yottachad guzzle
>tfw you could be Garou's mommy
Who is going to voice her?
I like that even though Garou loves cola he asked for lots of water, and meat and veggies.
>doesn't pay
He is trash
The hand holding the knife is bloody, he's killed people
>paying for meals
>not hunting your own dinner and using silly restaurateurs and Fubukis once in a while
You're trash and a pussy
Garou and Saitama are yottachads
Garou wakes up my maternal instincts!
How the fuck did he end up with such shitty fucking followers? Atomic's disciples are great, Bang's seem to at least be decent people even if they got spooked by Garou, and even Fubuki's lackeys are loyal as fuck to her despite being thugs.
TTM's groupies are both giant cunts and quitters. It almost feels like ONE gave those new scenes with him and Mumen being bros to make it clear he's not like the rest of the tank-toppers
what is this?
chad way to recover hp
>what is this?
A level above gigachads and average chads
Sayaka Ohara or Yu Kobayashi come to mind imo.
They are both shorter than Suiryu, right?
THE CHAD FEAST. I absolutely love that fighting machine probably hitting 10k kcal daily maintenance from all that ridiculous fighting devouring all that BALANCED MEAL of meat and veggies and then drinking lots of WATER. Makes me want to actually start playing high intensity sports or doing long distance running daily again.
Nobody likes your husbando.
Murata: Orochi is probably included to let Tatsumaki to get injured, so Psykos can use the opportunity to sneak attack Tatsumaki. Having her directly sneak attacking and injuring Tatsumaki in the original was a little far fetched.
So Orochi is fucking dead... I was wondering when they would get rid of him, since he wasn't in the webcomic. Kinda sad that he was just there for Garou to grow even stonger. Feels like a waste of a impressive design. Well, let's hope we'll get some cool looking attacks and who knows, maybe he can tank the first punch.
And a cute quartet
>Garoufags so delusional that they are ignoring every negative replies
Murata said he can take more than one punch so he's not dying by this. But I do see him getting pissed and damaged.
Is Sweet Mask a Jack off all trades, master of none?
>Faster than average, but still slower than the speedy ninjas, much less Flashy Flash.
>Has martial arts knowledge, but it's nowhere near Bang's.
>Has semi good durability due to regen, but it's not close to Darkshine's
His speciality is murder.
>How the fuck did he end up with such shitty fucking followers?
I mean his followers are pretty much just gym meatheads cosplaying as him, so it's not that strange that they act like they do.
you make it sound like every tank top follower quit? even jesus had disciple that quit on him man, shit not everything has to be perfect.
fubuki lackey are bullys like fubuki so been loyal is easier.
tank top a cool dude, it why he gained a bro
Why do you all think he will survive this? It was just a theory on Murata's part
That is nice.
>hunt down giant shark
>use whole tree to cook it
Welcome to Garou Ramsay's kitchen
>His speciality is murdering waifus.
explains how you can be so dumb to fall for obvious bait
inb4 b-but my post was bait, you i-idiot!
These two have very nice art.
If Tatsumaki killed Psykos when she had the chance, would she have been able to take the rest of the MA by herself?
Passes through
>fubuki lackey are bullys like fubuki
But they aren't. Early Glasses was genuinely useless, they weren't really bullying him.
100% would have.
How was it a theory?
It was speculation on Murata parts during one of the livestream