Why is Naruto sad?
Why is Naruto sad?
I gave him the sex tape Sasuke and Sakura made.
This is considered forced animation?
I don't know, he managed to get Sasuke back and he ended up with the hottest girl in the village so he should probably stop moping
His boyfriend dumped him
lmao Sakura wishes.
His son is shitty.
What are you talking about? He didn't end up with Ino.
Uhhhm, Hinata is the worst female character in Naruto, possobly in all of shonen aswell, maybe even all of anime, to say she's the worst in all of animation wouldn't be reaching that far either.
>can't even cuck Naruto because Sasuke won't lay with Sakura
It's like the worst of all worlds.
That would actually be Karin
Because Boruto exists.
No literally, hinata is a non-character. The only thing she's good at is Raikage porn
Is this real?
Naruto is so shit
Talking out of both sides of your mouth you fucking loner.
What is wrong with you guys, that is a cool line.
Is sasuke going full freud autism
It's bizarre
Hinata is one of the only female characters in Naruto with any character what the fuck are you on about
>Hinata is one of the only female characters in Naruto with any character
In what reality?
In the reality where you are just shitposting
that doujin where naruto fucks his clones, sasuke finds the tape and says:
"so that jutsu was really to cover up your loneliness"
Sasuke is like the poster boy for "don't bother me, I'm brooding". How can he accuse Naruto, who is like a friend magnet, of being lonely?
but sasuke doesn't care about not having friends in fact he has sent people to fuck off many times trough the series.
this is what happens when a shonen uses some barely "complex" phrase, fucking narutards
Naruto loves Sakura
reminder that Naruto literally thot patrolled Sakura
His son is a fucking failure.