Can you feel my?

Can you feel my?

Attached: canyoufeelmy.png (567x385, 212K)


Your what

love buzz



Can you feel my?

Attached: canyoufeelmyy.png (467x314, 205K)


Seems yurishit


black people

heart bell


Tears they won’t dry ;_;


I think this anime is black discrimination

Disgust at this creature desecrating the sacred dunes of Mars? Yes.

To rectify this situation, I would start by beating her unconscious with an Arc Maul and locking her in the basement of my Forge-Shrine. Then, the real work can begin.

As a precaution, while she remained unconscious, I would implant an explosive device in her body, programmed to detonate in the event she escapes. Then, I would awaken her by injecting a mixture of stimulants and other drugs intended to increase neural sensitivity.

First, I would begin with a surface analysis of the creature. I would use monoatomic scalpels to remove surface samples, to example the consistency of her outer tissue. Then, I would use a pulse-laser to vaporize samples of her flesh, in order to conduct spectroscopy analysis of her composition. Then, I'm probably break her legs and leave her unsecured. I'd let her attempt crawl out, then when she is feet from the exit, have a servitor throw her down the waste chute. After a few days, I'd send a message to her sodomy partner, calling her to a nearby location. Once there, I'd capture her friend and force her to watch while while I amputate the limbs of her companion in disgusting organic rutting and lobotomize her, providing her with redemption as a servitor. Then, I'd replace the voice box of this creature with a vox system capable of producing only the most grating of sounds, and force her to record and listen to her own attempts at matching the songs produced by abominable intelligence. Eventually, I'd tire of this and render her for material, assuming the radiation doesn't kill her first.

Attached: BecomingATechPriest-June21-Header6yo[1].jpg (1000x416, 96K)


Based edgy mech/a/nicus shitposter

where is the general thread?

big martian cock

Was pre-dropping this the right choice?

no it's aots



Well not you specifically, given you are no longer in Africa but yeah at one point there were kings in Africa with more money then all of Europe

little martian cock


