When does it get good?

When does it get good?

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>it's another "WhEn DoEs It GeTs GoOd" jojo thread.
it gets better at part 2. if you still dont like it, just stop watching it

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Chapter 12

I'm reading and part 1 and part 2 are both boring slog.

Is that Guts or Kenshiro?

part 1 is pure setup neither good or bad
part 2 is really fucking good
part 3 is skippable except the final fight
part 4 is best
part 5 is meh
reading padts not animated yet is gay

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>reading padts not animated yet is gay

Chapter 1

Attached: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 1_ Phantom Blood - Chapter 1 - 30.jpg (1115x1600, 357K)

it doesn't

What kind of atrophied zoomer brain doesn't enjoy Part 1?

>no nose scar
>a K on his chest

Part 1 is underrated

>part 4 is the best

>animeonly has shit taste
Wow what a surprise

it's shit

This entire manga reads like a bad fanfiction my severely autistic classmate wrote and made me read in high school

You got it right, but Parts 3 and 4 are better as a comic

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fuck off Dio


If you don't have an eye for fashion, illustration skill, and style, it never gets good.

>If you don't have an eye for fashion

I'm not gay so no, I don't.

wait araki re-did part 1 in the new artstyle?

I wish.

that makes you a kid, not a homo

Part 1 chapter 1
Hope that answers your question
Now stop making the same thread you rocknigger

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It's called Steel Ball Run.

That's just a fucking Jojonium cover



half true







Good taste, just like mine

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When everyone enjoys something and you can’t you don’t ask them why you can’t enjoy it. You just fucking drop it. Your shit taste is your own, i know it sucks that you can’t join in on Le epic road roller memes but you’ll have to just manage.


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That's retarded. You should at least try to understand the appeal before you frop it, you may grow to like it

>favorite part is 1
>least favorite crew is also 1
>favorite villain and JoJo are from part 1
>favorite part 1 character is Jonathan's fucking father

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I think you just got used to later parts.
Part 1 is shallow writing and characters with goofy(not in good way) art.

Part 2, then it gets bad again in Part 3, and improves in Part 4.

If you can't appreciate Part 1, drop it.

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Parts 1 and 2 hardly even have a proper crew.
Jonathan's father is absolutely based. The little he appears is incredibly touching and impactful.

Well at least we can all agree Part 4 Josuke's shit

I'm more in the boat that I enjoyed Part 1 but didn't truly admire it until I progressed through future parts. The more his long legacy is expanded on the more I see Jonathan as a tragic hero that ignited something amazing and the more I appreciate Phantom Blood.

Araki is on record as despising Berserk and Miura. Some think Miura's constant hiatus is the result of Araki cursing him.
He would never draw Guts.

>Araki is on record as despising Berserk and Miura

>reading padts not animated yet is gay
This nigga be waiting till 2030 to see /ourboy/ Gyro

page one

>sitting through part 6 for at least a year before starting part 7

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What's with Araki giving Cesar's hairband to Jonathan every fucking time?

So he can give Joseph the goggles.
I'm not sure why Jotaro wears a belt with Caesar's headband pattern on it, though.

It is supposed to be Kenshiro...

Araki did a disservice to Hokuto no Ken with that tribute. I get that it's important to him to have a distinct style that is "recognizable from across the room," but he really missed the point with that illustration.

based hairposter

Ah hairposter


Part 1 is one of the better parts. It's dry though, so if you're greatly anticipating the zany memebait of the later parts it has nothing for you.

Dio and Jonathan's relationship remains one of the best written aspects of the series. And there's some other quality stuff in there.

when they start ripping persona off

Absolutely based

just read George Joestar