Next week bestboy will be gone forever
why couldn't stands be something that were their own powers? Like super heroes?
you mean BNHA?
because that would be boring
They pretty much already are. A fuckton of stands don't do anything but sit there while "allowing" the user to do shit.
Why even hinder yourself by keeping your powersets in one bigass archetype? It gets monotonous as shit when every fight is just
>Okay what's this guy's power
>How can I exploit his power/my power/our surroundings/what the fuck ever to get the upper hand
>gg ez
Can't wait.
Made a stage based off of il Colosseo from Golden Wind.
Has Cioccolata's helicopter overhead, Secco's underground, and Polnareff's stairs.
>unique, iconic power system that allows for awesome designs, weaknesses, and simultaneous action between stands and the users
>hur durr why not just dumb it down when it’s already ridiculously simple
Half of the abilities already are pretty much just normal superpowers, why the fuck would you want to remove the cool ghost designs that can beat the shit out of people too? Why are JoJo fans so autistic?
What do you think of the Part 4 anime's decision to bunch Enigma Boy, Cheap Trick, and My Dad Is Not My Dad together and show them nonlinearly as part of a four-parter rather than one after the other in the manga?
In an alternative universe where everyone in Bruno's gang would have survived, who would have married Trish?
All of them. Trish is pretty much a public cumdump.
i liked it honestly, made for better episodes because sometimes you get tired of watching one stand fight at a time but now you can see three plus watch kira borderline molest a child in a cinematographic format
probably because araki wants to go crazy and get creative with some designs but is limited by what he can do with normal people in weird costumes, but not with psychic ghosts
Trish should pay for the gang's sacrifices to keep her alive with all of her holes. And also her Stand's.
>chariot requiem
>notorious b.i.g
i like when they're more dependent on the user cause those ones aren't and those ones all kinda suck
narancia deserved to die
If she got with Mista, Don Giorno would have her sleeping with the fishes within a week.
One of the only good pacing decisions of Part 4's anime
Kawaii epitaphu-chan
Sex Pistols are probably the only good exception
everyone like to discuss who is the most strong stand, but, who is the cutest?
>who is the cutest?
Stray Cat
Because stands are more unique than just boring hero costumes.
King Nothing
How can Daiya do a puzzle?
So many options to choose
>Star Platinum when he's smiling
>Little Silver Chariot
>Killer Queen
>Stray Cay
>Sex Pistols
>Moody Blues
>Talking Head
>Diver Down
>Soft and Wet
>Notorious BIG
>Heaven's Door
Definitely soft and wet or killer queen
Metallica is also cute in a weird way
>Diver Down
absolutely based
I also think Stone Free is very cute
>Diavolo throws scalpels at Bruno and Co.
>Narancia seeks out and attacks Risotto as a result
>Animeonlies reeing about Narancia attacking for no reason and ruining everything
top kek
Can't wait for those faggots to start dying.
I ain't clicking that shit, nigga.
She seemed closest with Narancia and Bruno, and the latter was basically a father-ish figure. So Narancia.
are you okay? This is pretty weird
Probably Bruno, since he would've defeated Diavolo all by himself in such universe. Hard to not marry such Chad.
Part 4 anime was a masterpiece in Blue Rays.
Can someone post the dabbing Doppio gif
based hairposter
I can't wait for Abbacchio's death
This, Part 4 has one of the WORST pacing of all parts, the first part of DiU is probably worse than the first part of Stardust Crusaders.
Are you fucking kidding me? The pacing is excellent compared to Part 5.
I'll actually post the template this time.
Nice taste
The pacing in part 4 was fine, my only sore spot was the fact that they trimmed so much out of the dice game arc.
>be ricefag
>want to pound doppio into eternity
what does this mean
it took so fucking long i hope its presentable at least
Probably the weirdest selections I've ever seen.
Holy... based....
Mostly shit taste.
no you
Normie anime only tier taste
How do you make it look so good user? Mine is all fucked up and the pictures are all pixels.
> Doesn't have a favourite death
nothing says anime only like your favourite part being an ongoing manga
Is this sarcastic? If not what do you mean by all pixels? Are you using big enough sources?
what do you mean by that?
Weirdest selection meaning rarity of the choices you picked compared to what people normally post.
It's not sarcasm i'm just shit at filling templates with pictures. I'm using big pictures but even after cuting them they still look like crap.
Idk how I can help you honestly without seeing your results
If somehow some company can buy the right, or at least have western adaption like Sentai, what would it look like?
is right, but very good (not best) JoJo and good crew
Can someone explain to a brainlet why part 5 is called Vento Aureo? Is it because their souls are golden?
Read the ending again
I miss Fugo...
You'll see him again in Sleeping Slaves and maybe the extended epilogue.
Literally who?
> mfw want an epilogue to show Trish living at Bruno's old house but since he only technically told Doppio about it she'll never know he wanted her to have it.
>Giorno can get top quality weed any time he wants by having Golden Experience punch something
Uh excuse me are you implying giorno would use drugs? Do i need to tell you about my dream again?
So does Giorno chimp out about caffeine? Or wine?
No, he cares about hard drugs.
I guess he IS only 15 but Giorno probably considers himself beyond the law at this point.
He doesn't want to sell them, but that doesn't stop him from using them himself.
Drugs are basically presented as a symbol of everything wrong with the gang that giorno wants to get rid of: preying on and harming the vulnerable/innocent. He wants the gang to become a sort of vigilante faction because thats the idealized view he had of the gangster he saved. Atleast thats my interpretation of it.
This, what he wants is more or less the old timey interpretations of gangs, in that yeah they worked outside the law, but they were also more or less the police force/peacekeepers of the places they worked in because the actual police sucked.
next week is a recap episode
good taste except your jojo
recap is may 3
next week is april 26
It's not next week, but the week after, the third of may.
nevermind then
She isn't completely blind
I thought he only had a problem with drugs being sold to kids.
He IS only 15, if he was pissed off at the idea of a thirteen year old doing drugs when fighting Bruno I feel like being 15 wouldn't be too much of a difference.
Di molto
Can't see shit senpai
What about now?
Finally got around to filling in the bigger version