Houseki No Kuni

Leaks very soon

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Other urls found in this thread:

I love you, Phosu.

this pain is killing me, thank you Ichikawa sensei

Hope we get leaks in 8 hours.


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Hopefully Phos stays dead

What if the earth gems (well more likely Euc) figure out that something is allowing Phos to command Sensei? Maybe Euc even realizes it's the weird pearl eye Phos didn't have before the moon and destroys it or something. Aechmea wouldn't be happy about that.

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I don't think that Euc has enough information to make the determination, but I believe that he'll probably still remove the eye.

Shut up Bortz.


how can fanart be so based

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>no chapter this month

>leaks arrive
>16 pages
>no dialogue only facial expressions

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that would be perfect for my reaction folder

please no
imagine is for calculating the masses of rocks crushing our skulls
imagine is not for spiralling deeper into Phossu withdrawal

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this thread need to be keeped alive until the leaks arrive
good luck gemfags

Why is the art so bland?

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Friendly reminder that Euclase is a bitch and Yellow has a tiny dick

>he can't appreciate minimal use of lines

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>Yea Forums tier console war faggotry
How can one series live in your head for so long RENT-FREE?

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learn how to place two arrows first

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You are the dumbest motherfucker.


Ichikawa is unique in her style and for you own good don't make god angry

name on thing unique about her style

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>name on thing
ESL-kun, don't you have some shounenshit you need to be watching?

somebody please search for the spoilers

>Terrible shot composition
>doesn't even follow the rule of thirds
>absolute terrible perspective
>Overdetailled in order to hide basic underlying flaws
>lack of detail on characters in the foreground.

amazing arguments
i wonder who taught you english let alone thought it was a good idea to use the internet
either way go suicide post on /dumblr/ and pretend you're an edgelord while wearing a skirt

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Holy fucking kek, you can't make this shit up.

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What would you give to pat a gem butt?

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Stop replying to him, he posts here regularly and it's always the same shit. Just ignore him and move on.

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remind me again who translates your manga

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If I pat his butt, would I die?

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the average gemfag
if posed with an argument he retorts to flaming like the woman he is
sit and watch since you're incapable of discussing anything because of your hack author that you worship is not even capable of making sense in her own universe

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when will bort be nice to dia again

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Man it really is comfy living in your head rent free.

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it would be extremly breakable

bort is a faggot and a failure in his own department
dia is a shit tryhard

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Bortz isn't exactly a nice person. Bortz does care a lot, though. If Dia doesn't get that by now, she's the problem tbqh

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Thread off to a good start I see. Ganbare, suffering can't be forever.

how much does Bortz weigh?

impressed that you haven't killed yourself by now
>in this manga
the only thing that remotely resembles suffering is the fact that readers have to wait months for chapters without dialogue and this shit manga is scheduled for a 108 chapters?kek amazing so how is that hack author planning to resolve anything?

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We should be getting leaks today, they posted images of the cover for this months Monthly Afternoon issue yesterday. We should see actual content today.

When will this shitty meandering manga end?

god bless china and their incredible leakiness

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based chinks

Was it a Houseki cover?

Unfortunately, no.

Can you post the weibo so that I can refresh it twice a minute for leaks?

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L-leaks very soon? Please? Chinks?

I hope for more suffering.

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no leaks, only suffering

Realistically how does it get worse for Phos?

being alive one chapter more

>the recovery procedure of the grinded gems is fake and moon man was just using phos, since she failed at making sensei pray they just continue with their original plan, moon gems are probably dead or on the run and they crank up their kidnappings since phos indirectly restored lunarian spirit to work

I just want the original back, is that too much to ask?

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>moon man was just using phos
Whatever happens I think that's a given. The gem reconstruction is an interesting distraction if nothing else, so unless it fails horribly I see them continuing to do it whilst maybe also capturing new gems.

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We can't go back to the way things were.

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What will Carnlet do?

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Be a good bitch and stay in his moon cottage while being oblivious to everything else

user was mean to you. Let me soon feed ya~ open your mouth~ here comes the link~


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Raise the human baby like the mother she's suposed to be! What a question user!

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no cunny

spoilers en 5 minutes!!

no es fake?

Lunarianito 100% no fake CRACK no virus descargar en descriptio

no xdddd

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this spread you posted is generic as fuck. pretty much the justin beiber of manga. whatever it's from is probably garbage. either obscure literal shit or overhyped shot in the pan fad.

>joseki no quni tenporada 2 mp4 ligero(son dibujados)

salut anons

>post PM
stop humillating yourself

>dumblr users riled up
>d-don't reply just let him fuck us in the ass and cry

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>reatard dont know how to write like a human
im just saying phoenix man is not even close to peak murata
and what type of faggot does like PM anyway?

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Ah, thanks rohiniposter.

PM is a fucking based cosplayer and orochi is about to get BTFO by baldman

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Friendly reminder that this is a thread for HnK discussion, suffering, and gemposting.

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Your shitposting is pretty stale. Please try a little harder.

go post your art on /c/

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>shonenshitters trying to fuck with us

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Exactly. Report and move on, don't reply.

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This next chapter has me filled with a complete sense of unease and uncertainty, who even knows how it's going to progress from here.
shinsha redemption arc when?

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>r-report and move on so we c-can r-repost!
holy fuck the irony

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The quality of the threads indeed goes down when there has yet to be a chapter released, but there is almost always some degree of worthwhile discussion if the thread doesn't die within the first hour or so.
Granted, you're certainly not helping it in anyway, posting facebook tier reaction images that have nothing to do with this thread.
Take your (You) and kindly leave.

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Will any gems actually be reconstructed? If so, will they just be without their former memories like Barbata said or completely non-functioning?

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Dumb baka gem. It won't work.

is anyone else here ready for more suffering or is it just me?

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Most likely it'll be a newborn gem type deal.
Do we know what portion of the body controls the rest of the inclusions? It's certainly not the head, as seen by lapis. Could it potentially be the torso, and that was the source of chadparadscha was the fact that her inclusions were incapable of communicating and sustaining motor movement?

wtf no.
clearly fake

The one needing a redemption arc is Phos, nothing really worked out despite Phos learning a lot. All the reconstructed gems could be brought back, but without their memories they're essentially new people, which isn't what Yellow, Alex and the others were looking for.

is it real?

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>not posted by the usual leakers
>art doesn’t look like ichikawas
It’s fake, just like that “Antarcs Foot” leak.

Please. Don't. This is going to break my heart.

The problem is that it DOES look like Ichikawa's art, just corrupted to hell by shitty quality. At this point it's hard to say if it's real or not.

Oh shit. It comes.

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Is wanting a happy ending to this story unrealistic?

is this real life?

Okay, this is fake. Unless Ichikawa regressed with seven years of art.

Is this just fantasy?

When you base your expectations only on what you see, you blind yourself to the possibilities of a new reality

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only ending I don't expect is a boring one.

caught in a landslide
no escape from the suffering

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Maybe I'm just too used to dissapointment but I've already braced myself for a letdown of an ending.

open your eyes
Look up to the skies and see

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That scene was badass, Zaheer and the Red Lotus were the best part of LoK

i'm just a weak gem
i need something to be

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Fake as fuck.

because I'm easy come, easy go
a little dead, little vore
anywhere we'll go, doesn't really matter to me, to me

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post nice art you've saved recently

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I'm going to bed, so I can't keep checking the site over and over.

>bumping a dead thread
lol .

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Spoilers out!!

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why are we so desperate for leaks when we know they will only bring more suffering

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Any news, chinkanon?

It's a cycle at this point. Someone post that otter pic.

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when HxH fags get buttfucked too hard by DB/OP fags they go to shitpost on obscure comfy threads falseflagging other series.

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this is the content I come here to see.


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We always hear "when are leaks?"
but we never hear "how are leaks?"

we are worse than the lunarians

Ok leaktard

So, leaks when?

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no leaks this month

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i drew this does that count

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where is their bulge?

they are female you degenerate homosexual

56 hours on paint

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Girls can have penises too you absolute bigot

i wanted 20 pages of fucking.
craigslist and aechmea's child will marry phos's child with an admirabilis, and those children will birth the first human in a thousand years
only then will adamant pray.

Silly user, that's too small for paddy!

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oh, so you are one of those anons who were on the "fucking" boat expecting for a sex scene.

>tfw i saved it before i saw it

how gem get pragnent

just say he or she, dumbos

They collect the shards of Ghost and make him a babby Ghost.

what makes you think is the gem who's gonna get pregaenanant?

i swear if is another Crimea chapter

i'm this user i thought you were talking about Phos...

you're gonna masturbate to it

because phossu has smelly admirabillis legs and the snails want to get fucked. The snails also understand that phossu has a longer lifespan and can acquire nutrients (light) more easily and will be able to develop a squishy child with rock bones inside of him

meant to reply to both of you with


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A gem, or crystal, can grow by adding material to an existing lattice, or by forming a new crystal lattice by nucleation.
This needs a site conducive to nucleation, which we will call 'seed site A', or 'cuckhorn' for short.
Nucleation sites vary by crystal or thermodynamic phase, so Achemearse will need to put the specific site onto Chainsaw manually to ensure best crystal growth conducitivity.
Once a seed crystal has formed, adding new material will allow the lattice to grow, under the right conditions. To promote these conditions, Ochayethenoo will probably embed the seed within the central body of Cabertoss to give it maximum insulation until it can grow a bit.
Repeatedly adding new material, such as by rubbing in new material or dispensing a crystalline solution via a penetrative dispenser, Achtung! can keep the growth rate optimal, until one day he will shatter the lower pelvis of the host gem to extract the newgrown gem from within its grown chamber. Catvomit will then be tossed aside, as the new gem can be 'fed' externally from now on

That is how jem gat prengent.

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user... What's wrong with you...


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Leaks never.

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Nothing yet. I'd say 2 to 4 more hours.

who is that thing?

A master scholar.

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post Baltz and Baldparadscha

Don't have Baldparadsha.

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This show is garbage

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Someone post DONGMEA in preparation for our boy running a train on CaptainClunge next chapter.

garbage thread sah gay

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I gotchu senpai

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better than current Bortz desu

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That's a >>Yea Forums question and even then, I wouldn't ask them. Those guys are fucking weird.

All of my semen.

i'm gonna kill myself and is Ichikawas fault

Not if I kill you first bitch

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literally the worst general on Yea Forums on par with the likes of madoka and LWA

Here's something worse, it's (you)

Is phos right?
>get sensei to pray
>lunarians disappear (maybe)
>gems won't get kidnapped ever again

Do gems do not have a cunni like the title implies or is it more complicated than that?

Of course he is right, it's most logical approach to the lunarian fights/kidnapping fiasco

reminder to filter all tripfags

I swear I forget clear the field after using it, it will not happen again

Now, Do gems do not have a cunni like the title implies or is it more complicated than that?

Aechmea had to have known Phos might get destroyed on this trip, Phos himself knew it. And the moonies made one before, there's no reason to think they couldn't do it again.

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>Post red gems

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megumin is truly a gem

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Do Phos lost her main part?

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They're sexless beings so they don't have any sexual characteristics. Whatever Aechmea is doing with Cairn, Cairn isn't getting sexual pleasure out of it. Maybe that can change if Cairn changes as well, but who knows.

I want chadparadscha to wreck my asshole

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would you play a HnK gacha game?

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I would whale for all forms of Phos in any gacha she appeared in.

I hate this dumb haircut and ugly arms
Post winter Phos worst Phos

I am only at chapter 42 and already megaspoiled so you guys won't do anything if you try to spoil.
More pressing is that I only read the official version of volume five that I purchased.

Is .Belkrax version the only English one online?
It is pretty mediocre translation and I don't want to waste my time trying to read something that is only half so good as the official translation.

There should be scans of the official TL up that covers everything up to when PAS takes over

>hurr durr cairn you tamed phos lol
wtf I thought she was supposed to have understood Phos and be smart or something...?

help a dumb gem out, aniki, where could I find these scanlations?


found this
what do?

Attached: Screenshot 2019-04-21 at 12.16.42.png (574x462, 145K)

Pretty sure vol 8 would have been posted in that thread if that post starts with "as for the rest"

this is a goldmine
at last i can read some quality instead of some drunk russians gay scribbles

i'm tired of praying

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Fake leaks please

Phos doesn't suffer this chapter

Do we know who yellows partners were?

To be honest I'm the user who made the storytime threads and my reasoning was to raise the average quality of houseki threads for a while
It seems I failed spectacularly seeing as they descended into the usual faggotry, /c/, blogging and newfags replying to bait. I take solace in knowing someone new started to read and get an interest in the manga because otherwise I'd feel like I wasted my time.

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imagine being a diamond and lost 4 partner
what a loser lmao

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Ruby is hot

Just finished reading chapter 42
I must say.
This is the most K I N O chapter yet.

How can it even get better from here on out?

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Phos almost lost SIX (6!!!) partners within a year! LMAO! WHAT A RETARD

Goddamn look at those butts.
I'm suddenly reminded why the gembutts appropriately earned such a perfect nickname.

Please refrain from calling my wife a retard.

Sensei lost more than 100 gems and he's even more powerfull lmao the biggest loser in our lifetime

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You haven't seen anything yet, son.

Peri knows how to bend their back.
Cairngorm looking sad ;(

your wife a shit

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The threads always get like this around leaks time because of people from other sites and speed readers coming here.

His own head?
Who else?

Lurk more newfag

Why won't he just pray?!

>mfw only half way through yet been reading for months
i don't know how i'm going to do it bros

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almost lost cairn, peri and sphene if it weren't for the cavalry showing up

The cavalry he admittedly called though.

imagine waiting for a monthly manga with just 20 pages lmao what a losers

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Calling Bortz and Sensei only makes sense and was him trying to step out of the situation by letting his superiors take over.

His leadership in the field went against advice of sphene that was waiting for Sensei.
Just fucking zerg rushed them.

21 pages would be too much punishment and suffering.

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>like both Shinsekai Yori and Nier: Automata, even recall the former on my first time going through Houseki

>having a dick

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If they hadn't done what Phos said, they would have lost several parts of their bodies. The old gems shouldn't have put an relatively baby-aged idiot in charge in the first place.

Yes and no.
Phos was forced to think strategically but the entire fight showed how he wasn't used to fight in a team and still threw himself out too much because he felt expendable. At the same time, he's one of the few gems who doesn't freeze when confronted with new or dangerous situations (but still has a tendency to despair). That fight doesn't get mentioned much aside from the triple penetration but it's a first show of Phos' leadership style which gets more prominent from volume 8 onwards.

Haven't played Nier: Automata, is it good?
I absolutely adore Shinsekai Yori and other social/philosophical shows.

>calling your buff big brother to help you fend off an attacker is trying to skirt responsibility


It was a precarious situation.
I mean how often are you faced with fragmentation grenades and two vessels full of enemies?

Still, she didn't handle it aswell as she could've considering her experience.
By this point Phos has both an expert eye and a high functioning body. She could've found a different way from just attacking the lunarians.

Losing a few shards is always preferable to losing three/four entire gems.

>you're totally in control of the situation if you have to call for reinforcements
Phos is a dumb

>its a moon chapter

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Are you saying that Phos should have lied to himself and pretended to be strong enough to deal with the board game? They would have all been captured.

>it's a Cringeworm chapter

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It's good, but I'll say that knowing a bit of background about Yoko Taro's previous games (Drakengard, Nier, then Drakengard 3) might help in appreciating the narrative and mindset behind Automata's development. It's not necessary for a newcomer, but it's worth looking into if you find yourself loving what Automata has to offer.

Worth noting that the comparisons between Houseki and Automata come from the idea of fairly young warriors not fully understanding the cause behind their endless battles until greater secrets about their being come into light which lead them to question themselves and the status quo they've upheld for so long.

If you do decide to get into it, I recommend at least doing as many side quests as you can before reaching the first "ending". I've seen too many people rush through the story and it kind of skews the narrative a bit especially since the side quests act as development for the characters.

Hope that helps!

>those double line spaces
Fuck, I don't know how I fucked that up but it is what it is.

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I'm saying Phos is a dumb twat for fighting them in the first place when she already called for Bort and Sensei.

Thanks, friend!
I haven't played games in a long time but maybe it's time I consider this one.
Cairngorm saved the series.

>By this point Phos has both an expert eye and a high functioning body
The whole point of the fight was displaying how Phos functions when he's not alone though. Up to that point, he'd learned to be a beast when going against the moonies 1 on 1 but even the Shiro fight (when he was paired with the even more beast Bortz) showed that he has a tendency to focus too much on what's in front of him, when the strategically-focused Bortz realized it was better to bail.
That's the kind of leader Phos is: a bit reluctant to be put into a position of authority in the first place, but the fact that he's the first one not to shy away from a fight makes him a good example to follow after. Still, since he's not really used to having others in his care he's subject to overexerting himself -that's why actually listening to others' advice makes him more balanced, like in that fight. When he tries to shoulder too much and think in place of the others instead he fails spectacularly.

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I don't even go there so you can drop the paranoia.

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I understand your point but I don't see why Phos developing their leadership is something that should cost that many gems' lives.
I mean consider this; up till now Phos has only been foolhardy.
Yeah it was cool how they jumped on the cloud thing for interrogation but without Ghost she'd have been on the moon.

Phos needs to rely more on others. She somehow thinks only Cinnabar who is there only for two or three frames every volume is reliable but she should be mindful of the other gems, hell it almost cost her three more lives.

She needs to develop herself but till then she's subpar and inferior to Bortz

Attached: Screenshot 2019-04-21 at 15.06.23.png (711x313, 188K)

Early houseki (more or less the portion of the story adapted to anime) had a very distinctive feeling I couldn't quite place for a while, but I think what drew me to it was that particular combination of a technically unnerving, unsettling environment that's not really in focus but is still there combined with strong character work and the presence of cute, often childish characters giving off an iyashikei vibe.
It's a particular combination that I eventually realized I like a lot and Japan seems to excel at: Sora no Woto, Haibane Renmei, Kino no Tabi, Shinsekai Yori, Houseki no kuni are all examples of this.

Attached: Ghost sickle winter.jpg (918x2048, 213K)

Please post leaks I'm actually so close to killing myself only leaks can save me

Attached: 1550758230654.png (386x512, 154K)

Only Haibane Renmei I didn't watch.
I very much agree with your sentiment. The Japanese are front runners of culture and this feeling of "mono no aware" is not only heavily pronounced in their shows but also very reflective of real life - only westerners demonstrate this feeling through memes.

I really agree with this.

Attached: 67c5a2b3225e3c33d6934a77d7b86787--japanese-phrases-ephemera.jpg (236x289, 16K)

>close to killing myself
westerner detected
go do it somewhere quietly, where we aren't bothered by the smell

I was aware of the term and the vast literature about it, I was just remarking how the "comfy SoL in post-apoc setting"-core is a thing. SukaSuka too.
>Only Haibane Renmei I didn't watch.
You should.

You're contributing nothing, only making these threads worse. Please stop doing that.

Attached: Shinsha rigorous work.jpg (1280x720, 111K)

I'm taking you out first bitch

The shows you mentioned are more like post-post apoc. I really like that feel too.
We saw it with GLT but that was too nihilist.
Melancholy in anime plus genki characters makes for a good time, I guess.

I posted art and made a quick joke so you can fuck off. Who do you even think you are trying to make that comment?

Attached: 1550978600839.png (2275x1300, 3.29M)


Buddha am I a man
I went to save the gems now I’m chilling with moonmen

Attached: 8E43794E-F093-4BE7-9157-8B36622EF46D.png (551x649, 94K)

I haven't been this excited for a chapter for a long time because after the last one, I think I can say with confidence that things actually can only get better from here

Attached: 25 day phos.png (515x492, 347K)

Which gem has the best pussy?

Attached: 72923792_p0.jpg (3431x1907, 389K)

>We saw it with GLT but that was too nihilist.
Because the post-apoc is front and center in SSR, with the contrast between the characters and the setting being sharper. Although that one is mostly a riff on mahou shoujo, there's something of that element in YuYuYu, with the KuMeYu spinoff being closer to what I described.
Although what was always clear from the aesthetics and themes of Ichikawa's other works is that she's not just interesting in familiarizing the reader with a disturbing setting through a sympathetic POV, she actually goes further by making the uncanny seem banal and the banal look uncanny.
The moon arc left a sour taste among a lot of the previous readership but it's actually coherent with her writing and the themes she likes to explore even if it came at the cost of shattering the mystery.

dia, duh
inb4 someone says they are sexless, it would be more optimal for use of their pieces to have hollow spaces inside

Attached: 1514710502131.jpg (1500x1500, 2.49M)

>that filename
Shouldn't it be 25-hour?

>things actually can only get better from here
They can't but it IS a huge deal that the gems now have seen what Sensei being a 'machine' actually means and how Phos wasn't bullshitting. Still I wouldn't be sure about things getting better because I feel like the rift in relationships isn't going to heal anytime soon, since that takes time while the story doesn't need the gems to make amends for the plot to progress.

Attached: Phos yattaaa.gif (540x304, 2.98M)

>267 posts
>not even one leak

I'm about to transform into another AAAAAH poster.

Attached: sufferingghost.png (248x263, 64K)

You might be right I haven't read it in so long. But as far as only getting better, Phos is completely shattered in hostile territory, how else could it possibly get any worse? I suppose moonwar could break out but from specifically Phos' perspective she is as low as possible

Attached: e9c1fb54dba0ac2b65cfaee072fb7539.jpg (504x512, 24K)

he could go even lower, he still has moon gems and admirabilis trust and i guess some earth gems still dont hate him and think he's being controlled/used by the lunarians

I just want her put back together at least. It doesn't sit right with me in an odd way that she's gone like that until ichikawa frees us from this hell

This chapter they will toss all of Phos' bits into a box and have Cinnabar fill it with mercury, then throw that box into the ocean for good measure

Phos' inclusions take to the mercury and she becomes a meltman abomination.

it takes 50 years however and by the time phos gets back after a sea arc the war is fiercer than ever, most of the earth gems have been taken and it is unclear what happened to the moon gems

do it, nothing matters anymore

How can anyone justify a war at this point. Everyone has to be an actual retard for there to be a war. Everyone understands sensei is some weird thing, the moonies no longer intend to steal gems, the gems should be able to have some sort of reasonale discours if they can manage to lock up bort for 5 minutes.

The lunarians are the ones who are deciding whether there will be further conflict or not, and they still haven't gotten what they wanted. The Earth gems are still protecting Sensei and aren't him get broken or messed with by the lunarians.

Someone explain the AAAAAAAAAAAAHH posting for me.

Ahhhhhhhhh I love phos

Attached: IMG_20190327_002731.jpg (2372x3791, 560K)

We had a poster that would post "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I love Phos" about once a thread. Then it caught on and more people started doing it. Then eventually it built up into the most beautifully autistic thread in the history of this board where about 2-300 posts were just AAAAAAAAAAAAposting. Someone has the compilation pic, please post it.

Attached: Brown Trumpet Maid Phos.jpg (1280x1827, 196K)

It remains to be seen if the Admirabilis getting a lot of attention lately (may I add FUCKING FINALLY) was foreshadowing or is going to play out sooner in the story. In that case we still have the moral conundrum of the moon slug genocide being used to accelerate the gems' reconstruction. Aechmea promised they would let the slugs die out but that's unless some factor for instability comes into the field.

What used to be casual funposting turned to perpetual cancer.

Attached: Variegatus and her ancestors.jpg (1076x1520, 455K)

Masculine diamond is so hot

Attached: IMG_20190421_001327.jpg (848x1200, 102K)

Angst in this case.

Kumiko is kumicute and I wish Kurosawa a long, healthy career.



Is this magical girl Phos then? Or is that Asuka?

Attached: Itsuki question mark.jpg (731x840, 154K)

Oh yeah?

Just the same VA

Attached: manly gembutt 2.jpg (1380x2808, 244K)

Now post the gem rape one.

Too masculine eww, gems are twinks

I live to serve.

Attached: rape anon compilation.jpg (5488x3500, 3.5M)

people screaming like ice floes

I agree and thank you for having that on cue based compilation poster

Attached: Cutest Diamond.jpg (189x267, 7K)

Bless ye, user.
>he's still alive
I hope he will make more of these.

Attached: 1541753133353.jpg (137x120, 7K)

I thought he died in the middle of some kind of odd sexual ritual.

Pre-haircut lapis head was really cute, though

post haircut is still cute, that user just hasn't accepted it yet

Attached: cutemoonphos.png (719x434, 397K)

I reread chapter 76 and
>the panel with the baby slugs was actually happening as they spoke all along
For some reason I used to read it as some possibility or an illustration of what would happen in the future, but they already started doing that. Do you think it possible that shellless slugs could regain their minds?

Attached: t11.png (1114x1600, 486K)

None of them, their pussies are dry and hard
Actually, now that I think about it, Phos
Only gem that could make an actually good pussy analog

Possible outcomes from this chapter:
1. Aechmea finally understood from observation what the problem with Sensei is, comes up with a plan that doesn't involve Phos soon, involves Karen instead
2. Same but his plan involves Phos so they'll need to retrieve him invading Earth
3. They got nothing, Aechmea has to think of a new plan so the moonies won't go down on Earth for quite some time
4. Everyone on the moon expected the plan to work so they just lash out against Sensei
5. Something unrelated to the above

Do the moon gems even care about anything anymore?

Sensei will die of overwork

But he doesn't do any work at all.

Attached: you-die-if-you-work.png (300x468, 550K)

my chapter predictions
1. if phos is rebuilt
-phos is interrogated by earth gems, (likely bortz, shinsha, or euc)
-phos is depressed because sensei can't pray
-might tell the truth about what is happening on the moon
-moonies start whatever they were making final preparations for
2. if phos isn't rebuilt
-earth gems talk to each other, maybe sensei tells them more about himself
-flash to moon gems, might know phos failed
-show moonies start whatever they were making final preparations for
-aechma + crinklegrape scene
potential suffering either way for both the gems and us

Attached: sleepyphos.png (1439x773, 1.4M)

being alive is a work for him

Attached: 1548738233947.png (400x400, 173K)

Variegatus leads a team of special slug forces to infiltrate the school and exfiltrate Phos

Hell yeah! Thats my boy get out there and rape some gems like a champ!
I find it high praise that I've been mistaken for rapeanon twice.

Yellow is dead inside and Parappa is dead outside which leaves those two conveniently benched until Ichikawa needs them.
Karen is a moonslut and nuGoshe only cares about mindless fun.
That leaves a group of 4 -Aleki was driven enough that she offered to go RULES OF NATURE on the earth gems' asses but can't do shit as long as she has to wear the blindfold. Benito is her caretaker. Dia is still obsessed with Bortz. As per chapter 76, 84 seems to be in charge.
Still, Yellow could go bonkers and take the restoration project into his hand. Parappa might wake up with a different personality. The moon gems' character arcs are still up in the air for the foreseeable future.

>pretends to hate work
>actually works
dumb aidoru

fuck man I know the feeling

Attached: gemscellent.jpg (452x520, 56K)

Why must you hurt me this way

Attached: 1536289414975.jpg (886x794, 66K)

Attached: 1548453643565.png (499x503, 208K)

Sea slugs should be unaware of whatever goes on in the drylands, Variegatus only knew from legends

>-might tell the truth about what is happening on the moon
This would be nice tbqh, to have everyone on the same page again. Even the 'the descendants of your beloved humans split into three' should've sounded fucking crazy to the gems

Attached: houseki10hd.mp4_snapshot_19.10.png (1280x720, 897K)

Still cute, yes
But not as cute
At least it's never gonna get worse than Bortz

My chapter predictions:
- Phos will not be fully rebuilt, maybe enough to speak, but no more. Ichikawa needs to have more purpose to Phos being shattered so violently last chapter ending
- Cinnabar will reveal what she wanted to say all along before Bortz started talking for her, which will probably reveal her want to be mooned and her jealousy of the current moongems
- Euc will judge everyone like the bitch he is
- Jade will give Euc another catty look like 'the fuck you sayin you grandmother-ass control freak' but not actually say anything to Euc's face
- Sensei will mourn Phos' destruction further, and be further alienated from the Earth gems
- Earth.Ame will start questioning where Moon.Ame is, and protest against the prevailing anti-moon sentiment, as Moon.Ame is still her twin and therefore can't be all that bad
>Obsidian is still not suspected
And not featured in the chapter but we know it to be true,
- Sphene will mourn the loss of his delicately crafted wooden Phos cage after Sensei vanished it and will be wondering what else Sensei can vanish (including even gems)

This leads onto speculation: If Sensei vanishes a gem, will the whole gem be vanished, or just the inclusions (leaving behind a gemstone corpse)?

Red Beryl

Rank these characters based on their suffering power level. Add other characters as you see fit.

I have been looking through what the guy we have been looking at has posted. It appears that multiple posts if not all of his previous posts barring a small few were wiped/hidden.

Could you elaborate? Does that mean that the leaks were taken down?

Yellow > Sensei > Cairn > Shinsha > Alex > Phos > Sphene > Peridot > Ghost > Red Beryl
Yellow is dead inside and doesn't know why, and has even forgotten much of his own personality over the last 3000 years
Sensei has lost so many, but he knows why, and he gets new gems every few hundred years
Cairn was a locked-in captive inside the body of Ghost for hundreds of years, and spent another 102 years being forced to emulate Antarc
Shinsha has spent the last century on her own brooding in her emocave after life itself rejected her
Alex spends every waking moment focused on learning about the moonies who killed her partner
Sphene wants more trees
Peridot wants more hemp
Ghost is glad Lapis is gone
Red Beryl gets to put the gembutts in cute bootyshorts as her job

>315 post
>no leaks

More like before you could view leaks that he had posted the previous month, and he had posted BnHA leaks 2 days ago and those have disappeared.

We can't control when the leaks come out. Honestly if we don't get leaks soon, I would suggest to put your expectations to getting the chapter onto the 24th

>This leads onto speculation: If Sensei vanishes a gem, will the whole gem be vanished, or just the inclusions (leaving behind a gemstone corpse)?
Intredasting. It's still unclear whether the cage disappeared because Sensei wanted it to or not: I'd say it's more likely it was transmutated to lotus petals because it was inanimated matter exposed too closely to his powers (leaving aside the blatant symbolism), whereas everything and everyone else around him was fine. Aechmea described Kongo's powers as disintegrating or atomizing human matter, so the problem would be in Sensei not recognizing the gems as fully humans. He probably could disintegrate them alright with his normal, non-praying powers though.

Anyway this is what Sensei looks like in that Buddha anime that's airing this season (literally Jizou Bosatsu)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Namu Amida Butsu! - Rendai Utena - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_09.09.png (1280x720, 1.69M)

>Ghost is glad Lapis is gone

no spoilers today

Sensei>Yellow/Phos>Alex>Cairn>Ghost>Sphene/Peridot/Red Beryl>Shinsha
Shinsha honestly hasn't suffered much. Phos is almost as high up as Yellow on the suffering meter, but for different reasons.

So this is the end.

Damn I really wanted leaks I was looking forward to this all month. Now I have to be an office drone with no joy of houseki knowledge for another week

Attached: 10effc25b6f36d4c6ab6d31f28ef7251.jpg (720x895, 34K)

I really hope the next few chapters don't go back to cringeworm and his sugar daddy

Attached: 1543592954241.png (512x512, 269K)

You can start leaking

Attached: DlPYWMpVsAEsPkX.png (780x975, 881K)

Well, since Phos is dead, someone has to be MC. Perhaps it could even be _____?

Attached: 1522279585055.jpg (849x1200, 145K)

I would actually buy the gem card game, it's a cute concept and used to have a reasonable price to usefulness ratio

It looks fine you're just autistic.

Phos is kill.

Cairn is her replacement.

How would you react?

No, I am not Japanese, thank you in advance for asking.

epileptic warning

Attached: senseiisbroken.gif (355x560, 203K)

Phos is dead?! Damm, I really grew into his persona. Maybe someone else can rebuild him?

I just picture Phos crawling, breaking and shattering his remaining shards as gold leaves a trail behind his bruised torso while begging to pray. While listening to this.

Hit me right in the feels ;_;

When last chapter coming up?

Attached: Padparadscha.jpg (1419x2000, 231K)

>When last chapter coming up?
Never. It's finished.


With all that protagonism he had I would not be surprised.


did you do this user? is amazing

Is a literal ghost now and isn't coming back


glad you liked it!

Leaks when?

How will Phos get out of it?

Attached: Phos gentlmen.jpg (1200x1200, 86K)

not having chapter this month

This is not true. Ichikawa is mentioned on the authors listing for this month's issue. Stop spreading misinformation.

Booo! Go away! No one likes you!

Phos, then Alex.

Attached: 1552432204113.png (1100x1100, 378K)

its 5

We postin rock hard gem boobies?

Attached: DpjypJ7UcAA1QT4.jpg (1061x1200, 114K)

Attached: 1554217937992.png (1240x1903, 728K)


>Phos will get smashed and die during your lifetime

Attached: BERAT18.jpg (300x277, 21K)

you're really great user! do you have an art page?

I would drop it until Phos is back really.

No one is happier than Phos with that outcome

Guys I wanna rape and mindbreak Phos so badly.

Attached: 1517156679087.png (604x800, 282K)

I do! But it's mostly Pokemon fanart, not hnk. It's geneseedraws on tumblr

>no twitter
thanks a ton though friend!

ok my twitter is @sailordeer but it's not solely my art, I rt some stuff too

thanks a ton friendo

you are welcome, have this phos I drew last year

Attached: phos.png (1904x2463, 1.25M)

not him but super cute master scholar

By the way that dumb anime also has a character using a Buddhist monk-style fly-whisk or 払子 as a whip exactly like Bortz in the latest chapter so I'm only more convinced it's an actual visual reference

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Namu Amida Butsu! - Rendai Utena - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_02.23.png (1280x720, 1.05M)


Will we even get leaks?

series ended, go home

>Complains about Ichikawa's art
>Posts this ugly shit
What did user mean by this? Is he blind?

The earliest I can get them is the 24th. If we don't have leaks by then, I will buy the issue and rip the chapter myself.

>replying to your own post to try to bait further

ded thread

I love you stranger your service brings me life

Believe anons! Leaks tonight!

Attached: 1529067770140.jpg (680x706, 96K)

;_; thank you chinkanon

based chink

i can't believe you user you will hurt me ;-;

No leaks is good, it’s better to read the whole chapter at once in order like the author intended.


I agree and usually avoid threads after leaks are posted but some months I can't restrain the morbid curiosity

Attached: facelessphos.jpg (99x141, 9K)

is thread kill?

Attached: IMG_20190414_154802.jpg (519x496, 55K)

yes, thread is kill, leaks are kill, and worst of all phos is kill

Attached: boredphos6.jpg (1920x1080, 275K)

but this is the only good thread without counting the chapter drop thread and like 2 more after it

god i want to lick phossu

What does she taste like?

rock, unless his sweat has a taste

Attached: sweatingphos5.png (108x241, 24K)


Leaks will be out by the time I wake up, I can feel it in my wee penis.

>good thread
We’ve had like 12 discussion posts, half the thread is people responding to a shitposter and the other half is people asking for leaks.

Yellow is sexy, right?

Attached: D2v9gwiU8AA2Xso.jpg (850x1134, 86K)


Its looking like 5 hours until they post next.


Attached: 1553655179501.png (562x585, 255K)

who draws these


Attached: IMG_4333.jpg (688x612, 82K)

if he here can he draw a chrysoberyl, she gets no love

Attached: 1537363689080.png (2150x1527, 1.73M)

Guys I think my rock is broken, it wont stop crying and asking for LEAKS

Attached: 1541558786850.png (532x412, 142K)


Attached: IMG_4335.jpg (652x756, 67K)




>Not using gembutt

Attached: 1512284813294.png (522x587, 376K)


Attached: 1545439501321.png (638x638, 110K)


I hope Phos breaks into a billion tiny pieces!

Can we start AAAAAAAAAAAposting to piss off autismanon who complains about thread quality and thinks his discussion is meaningful?

Attached: IMG_20190419_192028.jpg (2472x2786, 811K)

>leaks very soon
>one day and 9 hours ago

Attached: cryingphos3.jpg (1200x1200, 135K)

Sure, anyway this thread have to die someday, virgin and unpolluted from spoilers.


Attached: 1534361252816.gif (900x770, 2.95M)


Attached: 1358.jpg (220x313, 16K)

sex with phussy

Attached: DSm7kZ-UMAAi14W.jpg (1074x1200, 155K)

Patience is a virtue. At the very least, we'll have the chapter on the 24th

good night anons


>412 posts
>still no leaks

Goodnight everyone.

Attached: 1519977833181.jpg (512x486, 78K)

We'd better get leaks soon or SOME ANONS GONNA RECEIVE A PADDLIN'

Attached: obsid.jpg (520x1230, 227K)

Helio died by spanking.

shut up you traitor

ded thread
like antarc


Attached: D00cDJeVYAAt5eq.jpg orig.jpg (1075x1221, 130K)

Is this what we all look like irl?

Attached: bpdquhf44nt21.jpg (4032x3024, 1.05M)

hey i was there yesterday

I will be watching out for about 2 more hours. They like to post at around 12pm-2pm.

I bet the ones who aren't landwhales are men

Fatmetists ate sensei or something

Rutile and Dia don't look like men tho

phos on the left is clearly male but just judging from their heights the rests are probably women.

I hope you two are skinny and aren't hypocritical fat fucks

why am I AHHHHHH posting
(I miss Antarc)

Fatmetist detected

What the hell is a fatmetist supposed to be?

Nah I'm skinny I can shit on fat people all I want, just saying statistically they're probably a fat person calling another person fat

That's the ametits from the inferior show

An amethyst who ate too many of phos' head doritos

I'm a skinny bitch tho

whats you bmi :)

your* fucking kill me

No fucking idea hon, but my waist is 74cm, just size M
Also now I'm 100% sure you're one of the fatmetists, or at the very least the fatde

>Gender neutral bathroom
>Still says women on it
I appreciate this on some level

ah yes you got me I'm actually the fat amethyst
didnt know we had detective pikachu here

buddha forgive me

Attached: fatmethysts.jpg (800x1111, 97K)


Attached: 1548282291645.jpg (597x597, 40K)

>thicc gems

Attached: 1400014868198.png (691x597, 17K)

>Post Bort

Attached: DQ2joOVVQAAoVwZ.jpg (1378x2039, 150K)

if you insist

Attached: bortzhair.png (1206x1500, 817K)

Attached: 1511967300248.jpg (1200x1200, 156K)

Come on, user. That's not very nice. They're just having fun.

Is lewd Bort good?

Attached: 1553275319627.jpg (1200x800, 355K)

Dang, that's high quality. Just it's sad that Dia/Bortz gets all the attention

Attached: nolewdspls.jpg (1181x741, 162K)

desu I don't get the huge love for Bortz/Dia at all, but then I feel that way about a lot of the popular characters and ships in this fandom

Attached: Dv5WMRiUwAIXM3a.jpg (588x962, 40K)

I dont dislike diamond but they're waifu bait and all the normies like them.


Attached: 464F15D5-993F-47EB-A1D0-3BC247E34D02.jpg (1440x792, 116K)

chinkanon please save us!

There's a really fucked up dynamic between them, and I really cannot get enough of it. I love that Dia feels something between intense love and intense hate for Bortz, and I love that Bortz cares for Dia a lot but shows it in the absolute worst way possible. I read a lot of josei manga, too, so that probably explains a lot.

>I like to frolic in my own shit! That'll show him!

They've got good designs and some of the most time spent on developing them, so I guess it's not too surprising. I don't think Ichikawa is going to spend too much time on the other gems that are not directly attached to Phos, so they'll probably continue to be one of the more prominent side stories that's going on.

>that Phos
This is pretty much what I was asking for a couple of threads ago.



>Yellow has a tiny dick
I guess some shrinkage is to be expected with age.

Keep up the good work drawanon fucking hot

Literally the only worthwhile contribution in the whole thread

Who drew this? It's great

Nevermind got my answer

Did drawanon ever draw more Obsidian?

Attached: 1534042759267.png (688x612, 255K)

did drawanon deliver on the bhudda sex dolls or no?

Anything can have a cunny, if you're hard enough.

They did say almost lost, so, the Amethysts?

Gold and mercury can amalgamate.

>bhudda sex dolls
Every day we stray further from god.

Did Reddoberiru ever actually made a new outfit for Phos after that first winter? Phos sports gloves right after this but the implication seems to be that he never really changed his original winter clothes to keep mourning Antarc, and when Laphos wakes up he's still wearing winter clothes in spring like he just went back to the last pre-decapitation outfit.
Phos' clothes were destroyed along with his body so he's going to need new ones.

Attached: Land of the Lustrous - c021 (v04) - p018 [Digital-HD] [danke-Empire].jpg (2146x3056, 1.41M)

I was sleeping when that was posted, sorry. Thanks!
Ah, I forgot about that. I'll try to do it, sorry.
The truth is that I'm Bortzanons even buffer brother.

Sure, let me take a bath and eat first though


>no more fun banter times like that
Phos had to go and ruin everything didn't he
I wonder who the eldest gem on Earth is. It should be Euclase or either Sphene or Peridot


If you want to attempt an English phonetic impression like that, it's Roo-chee-roo

Anyone have a webm of Yellow chasing Rutile around?

This is why I'm scared to cosplay this series

I'm ded, thank you user I needed this b4 work today

This gave me life, thank you drawanon.

jesus christ, not that kind of doll...

honestly people who cosplay 90% of the time are either obese whales and ugly males who have nothing more to lose or extremely hot sluts who aren't into the fandom

Attached: dsc_4945__64667.jpg (772x1024, 199K)

Whats the problem

imagine the [___]

Attached: DZjyS9EVAAA3Mmt.jpg (1200x1200, 237K)

based Brazilian putting Western bitches in their place

Why won't they at least cosplay gems who wear gloves and socks to minimize the damage?

Attached: Sphene cosplay.jpg (1280x1920, 338K)

You can tell she's really involved with the manga and not just dressing up as the first best sexy thing she finds under "sexy anime girls" in google search.

also they won't wear gloves or socks because they are nurglites who relish in flaunting their biological mistakes

this is actually correct
fucking kill it with fire

That Laphos is so off-model it reminds me of fat Fuu

Attached: 1451844068592.png (553x470, 264K)

put on some school girl outfit and a fake wig and here you go fake cosplay fucking shit

Oh fuck, her nacho cheese is getting everywhere.

>rando people in costume and wigs
I still dont see the problem.

How does the gems' hair feel?

Like thousands of moving shards of flint and glass, user

I've read it as lost almost six.

Attached: master scholar.png (756x673, 449K)

Thin, cold, hard crystallizations whose other properties would vary depending on the gem
Your skin moisture would probably condense on them

God I want to hug a rock and stroke his hair.
Specifically hugging Phos and stroking Phos's hair.

Attached: 1533752090007.png (706x918, 619K)

>I want to hug a rock
Hugging rocks is free, user, don't let anyone tell you other wise. Go outside and find some.




never ever

What kind of retarded bullshit is that? How the fuck do you get "fatmetist" out of amethyst? Literally only three consecutive letters even come from amethyst, you didn't even keep the sound from them. 1/10 for managing to use a keyboard, apply yourself next time.

ur fat

In the end, this thread once again proved that making le epin 'leaks when?!' thread when leaks aren't out is a bad idea that only incites shitposting.
At least in 24 hours the actual chapter is coming out.

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Shut up, Pad.

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>24 hours

Isn't Afternoon coming out on the 24th this month? I admit not taking a look at the ToC

now i know why rutile don't use pads hair

last for yellow!


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