Shorts are severely underrated

Shorts are severely underrated.

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I don't know if ignored counts as underrated. But they do have lots of people skip over them for just that reason.

To be fair, a lot of them are worth skipping. Not every season has a Wakako Zake or a Tonkatsu DJ.


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I prerfer spats myself

Spats + skirt is the perfect combo.

They really are.

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Spats are gay.
Long skirt + nopan is superior

My heart was not prepared for when I watched my first short.

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I sort of see why some people struggle to compare what can be around the length of 1 episode to a normal series.
They also have the issue that watching it as it airs can be a bit horrible at times. Like with Teekyuu S9 which in the 2.5 min runtime had 1 min for the OP and ED. That means 40% of that show was repeated content.
They've still provided top 3 series to several seasons for me.

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I thought this thread was supposed to be about shorts

Give me Yuno in khaki shorts

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Spats are just poor man's hot pants.

Shorty in a short anime wearing shorts

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They're not all gold but a lot of good shorts are overlooked.

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skirts in shorts are fine too

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Can I get some shorts recommendations

I don't think that's allowed.

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What, you think I'm going to recommend one of my favorite shorts this season, just cause you asked and no one else is watching it or making threads for it? I don't think so buddy.

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is that one that good

is that show an accurate depiction of its game's players

100% yes, couldn't be more accurate if it tried.

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Dump more pictures

I dunno about dump but you can have this.

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No. Yuno is going to witness her friend die instead

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I wouldn't mind a spin off showing Yokoi's and Seki's adult life. Their kid would be akin to a prankster god.

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Shorts need more love.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Onyankopon - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_01.17_[2017.11.21_03.38.42].png (1280x720, 844K)