OreGairu Volume 12 Translation Complete

English translation of OreGairu Volume 12 is Complete.


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>secondaries have to read machine translations

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Also Vol 12 as PDF is here: mediafire.com/file/3c47q52vji6b3fa/

Vol 13 Epub here: mediafire.com/file/gc4vsikcqbt45wk/Oregairu13.epub/file

Vol 13 PDF here: mediafire.com/file/c9rck397qsnkl7x/Oregairu13.pdf/file

So OP just reposted the MTL?

No, this is the real deal from a big team of fan translators, editors, and proofreaders. Of course they're from that Site of Name Which We Shall Not Utter Here.... but check it out

Yuckyno a shit

yukino more like yucky no

So with this Yukinofags will stop their unwarranted diatribe against Yui. Vol 12 kills their favorite ship and vol 13 ends it.

No, it ends Hachiman's club and project based relationships with the girls. Hachiman keeps doing helpful things behind the scenes even when asked not to because Yukino told him she wants to show what she can accomplish alone on a project, and that she does NOT want to be relying on him for everything. She tells him such a relationship can't be the "genuine thing" he wants. Yukino then shuts down the the service club. Yui is sad a couple times as Hachiman obviously only cares about Yukino...if you want to say a ship is sunk it's the Yui one.

Irowhore a shit

Iroha is the only sensible choice. Other girls have too much baggage.

Iroha is fucking trash and a manipulative whore r/animecasual

Iroha best girl.

>dumb secondary

Whatever makes you sleep at night user.

Attached: isshiki-iroha.jpg (478x615, 40K)

Side characters get one volume cover at most, user

So Iroha only gets side volume 10.5 cover.

Your girl is sideshow minor character

So wait, volume 13 is out? Wasn't that the final volume? If so, do we know how it ends?

No, volume 14 will be final one but release was retracted and season 3 announcement made instead. So unknown when that will be.

Everyone dies

still doesn't stop me from loving her though. I might get updated with the novels since haven't touch this series since 15.

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Yui rapes 8man since she got desperate so Yukino had to save him. There's a fast forward at the end of Vol13 where Yui is revealed to be pregnant. Vol14 will be the last one.


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Iroha is fucking trash though user

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Yui-fags might be upset at the vol 13 cover

Attached: vol13.jpg (576x863, 93K)

>people still care about this shit
Sheesh, move on already.

yet here you are, addict-user

>She tells him such a relationship can't be the "genuine thing" he wants. Yukino then shuts down the the service club.
Proof she doesn't like him.

Calm down YPF. Yukino wants to give him something genuine.

I'd say it's proof Yukino recognizes Hachiman is doing something wrong, that unwelcomed help is NOT what a girl interested in a guy wants. Hachiman needs to sprout some balls and act properly if he wants genuine relationship with a woman.

Fuck secondaries