Anime is not mainstream

>Anime is not mainstream
It is though. Hero Academia openings in under 1 year have reached over 30 million views on Youtube. Dragon Ball Super Broly movie broke all kinds of records. MAL has millions of users. Reddit subs about shows have hundreds of thousands of subscribers. Anime is airing on TV. Manga outsells comics in the USA, France, etc. Anime profile pics everywhere, literally EVERYWHERE. Millions and millions of animu watchers in the west.

Just accept that this shit is mainstream already.

Attached: 2D traps must be protected.png (436x552, 351K)

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What dumbass says anime is not mainstream?

This thread

Thats mean more censoriship and nothing good.

Is it that surprising? Even Yea Forums is not the sekrit club people pretending it to be now. Nowadays this site feels more and more like normalfag central.

Except even visually it's unimpressive. It's pretty in the traditional sense but that's about it. It doesn't utilise animation, screenplay and visuals in any interesting way like something like Susperia would. Redline is so fucking basic an unimpressive in every way that the idea of people working on it for an entire decade is straight up comical in a really dark way.
Anime movies tend to be capable of artistry, with Satoshi and Yuasa being first to come to mind. And that's why anime films are slowly becoming accepted even by functional human beings. But Redline definitely isn't anywhere up there and TV anime is an entirely different cultural climate, which is why I was asking for TV anime examples as opposed to films (which, even after breaking that rule, you couldn't name a film with any artistic merit to it)

My man, what the vittu are you talking about?


Normalfags watch normalfag anime. But "weebs" are still stigmatized. People are just worried that the elevens will eventually completely buckle to western influence and kill fanservice, lolis, and fun in general

As a medium it is. Most of the best shows aren't and never will be.

Anime as a concept was born of western influences you fucking leatherhead. And Japanese anime was not dominated by otaku in the first place. If your idea of "western influence" is anime going back to its creative roots and being made by people who actually have life experience and use the medium because they have something to say, then thank fucking christ. It couldn't happen any sooner.

Anime is popular, but it isn't really "mainstream" in north america. For something to be "mainstream" it needs to be recognizable to people outside of the subculture from where it comes. In terms of anime, there is maybe 4 or 5 series that normals could recognize on sight. Those are pokemon, sailor moon, dragonball, naruto, and maybe yugioh. For something to be truly "mainstream" it has to be recognizable to a sizable majority of the population. You try and talk to a true normalfag about My Hero Academia they aren't gonna no what the fuck you are talking about. Even if they know anything about weeb culture they probably are gonna think you're some pedophile. Also "muh reddit normalfags watch anime" is not true, mainly because redditors are not normalfags. Reddit is annoying and cancerous, but do you honestly think a true normalfag could stomach some ironic weeb shitposter doing his reddit bit? They wouldn't even understand what the hell is going on. Now I will say that anime is increasing in popularity and that overtime could lead to increasing mainstream crossover, but that sure as hell is not true right now.

Hero Academia is more popular than Naruto ever was.

The elevens care about the chinese market, the west is nearly irrelevant.

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I'm referring to political influence, not creative influence, idiot. I agree that not everything needs to be otaku-bait, but not everything needs to be pretentious Miyazaki-approved crap either.

Are you retarded? My Hero Academia is popular within the anime community, Naruto was both popular within the anime community and was successful on television like Dragonball. For something to actually be mainstream it needs to be recognizable by people that have never watched an episode of the show. Your average millenial or zoomer probably has heard of naruto at one point, but I doubt they could recognize My Hero Academia.

Good for you, Reddit, now shut up.

Have you been living under the rock? Hero Academia is popular as fuck. Way more popular than One Punch Man, which is already one of the most popular normalfag shows from the past 10 years.

Hero Academia is the normalfag series number 1 these days. Not sure if it'd be more popular than Naruto, but it's easily recognized by normalfags, because it's the thing people spam on Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, etc. The latest opening theme has over 40 million views on Youtube. It truly is the new Naruto.

MHA is literally the only anime I hear about outside of the internet.

>I'm referring to political influence
The only people worried about this are Yea Forums faggots going into histrionics over stupid shit on tabloid sites who got into anime some time around 2014/15
I suggest you fuck off back to Yea Forums.

Nobody watches TV anymore.

Attached: Hero Academia Opening.png (1219x768, 463K)

this is copypasted from the elon thread, right?

>anime is now mainstream
>retards watch my zero macadamia & dragging ball stupid
gee..I never saw that coming~

>several million is mainstream now

Never said I was part of that crowd, just pointing out that it's probably part of the reason why the subject of anime being "mainstream" or not in the west keeps popping up recently.

Depends on the country, really. In NA anime is certainly becoming culturally more significant and even most normalfags under the age of 30 at least know of its existence. This is not the case for Europe. It's still rather niche here.

Shit thread.


>This is not the case for Europe
Why the fuck do you talk about continents like you know every person there? Here in Finland tons of people know and watch anime. France is literally the biggest anime and manga market after Japan, even bigger than USA.

Does your grandma knows about Code Geass? No? Then it's not mainstream.

My grandma knows about Dragon Ball, it's mainstream.

Fuck off, spic.

I'm from Finland.

>30 million
>Less than 1% of the global population
>Implying those 30 million isn't 100k retards playing the same shit over and over
It's more popular but nowhere near mainstream.

That's just one series.

Not even close. In the west, Naruto, Pokemon and Dragon Ball defined and shaped entire generations on a global scale. Be it spic in Mexico or Nazis in Germany, every boy watched Dragon Ball and Naruto. Makes One Pieces success even more impressive given how the only people outside of Japan who give the slightest shit about it are frogs and SEAmonkeys. Nobody givens a shit about BnHA.

>Nobody givens a shit about BnHA
It's the most popular anime series in over 10 years.

One a handfull of series are, everything else isn't.

Just like with games, music, movies, tv-series, books...

Its more extreme with anime. There are less than 10 properties that attract all the retards unlike in other media where there are way more of them.

My enjoyment of anime is still the same whether its mainstream or not, but if the average person only knows pokemon, naruto, mha and dragon ball is it really a correct statement to say anime is mainstream if its only a few well known ones?

BnHA may be popular now with amerimutts, but it will never reach the scale that Naruto, Pokemon or DBZ did. But then again it's shounenshit.

>In Europe
>Continent as if it were one country
Depends on the country. It's fairly popular in Spain.

based spurdo

Academia is already more popular than Naruto.

More than any Naruto opening has done. And there are over 400k likes in one of the Hero Academia's openings. So not just 100k people repeating it.

That's because Naruto openings kept getting delete for years. Silhouette alone had like 25m before it got deleted for the 10th time.

Liteeally none of those things is even a sign, let alone proof, of anime being mainstream. Sorry weeb, most people here in the west cringe at anime.

Naruto and pokemon had over 10 years of enjoying relative mainstream popularity. MHA's is only in its 4th of 5th year I think, we should wait longer to see if MHA can reach naruto's heights.

wow, swing and a miss

Oh yeah? Well, this Hero Academia opening has over 140 million views.

Imagine thinking something having views on youtube makes it mainstream

quads of truth.

There are way more animu watchers today than when Naruto was at its peak popularity, and Hero Academia is the most popular anime right now.

It's definitely more popular than Naruto ever was.

Kinda does...

Fucking zoomer generation thinking that anything will ever reach the big 3 again. The reason they were called big 3 was because One Piece dominated the Japanese market while Naruto and Dragon Ball turned every single white, black or brown boy under the age of 15 into a battle shounen shitter. They'd come home from school and watch the newest episode on public television. Next day in school, the entire lunchbreak was blown on discussing. And it wasn't just nerds or outcasts, but chads and popular kids, too. Both shows were a global phenomenon that shaped generations. You don't even have the slightest fucking concept of how big, influential and game changing those 3 franchises were.

Naruto made people run at mach5 speed. BnHA is the average basedboys seasonal shit of choice. They aren't comparable, especially not in regards to cultural impact. All you see are MAL and youtube numbers when Naruto and Dragonball are from a time when anime had the public television popularity of Disney cartoons.

Sure boomer.

certain shows being popular doesn't mean anime is mainstream, especially when they're all of the same genre.

This is the real sin of the younger generation where they think views and likes are an ultimate distinction whether something is popular. I bet you have Instagram and are obsessed with followers

Sorry Timmy. BnHA is watched by ironic weebs. Naruto and Dragonball were so popular people didn't even consider them anime. They simple were cartoons.

same. i dont want american-liberal shit in anime

>It's definitely more popular than Naruto ever was.
Not only are it's sales nowhere near as close to Naruto, it hasn't been running as long. Naruto was on air (and is still on air) for over 15 years. It defined shounen popularity in the West

Did MHA have an entire 15 hours every day on a weekend dedicated to itself on American TV like Naruto did? I don't think so

This is not a fucking boomer vs. zooomer thing of "muh popularity". These are absolute facts of life. There is no comparison of MHA to the original Big 3

Hell, the fact that we're even having this discussion in this thread about only MHA further proves that anime is nowhere near mainstream. Hell, remember when Attack on Titan was supposed to be "mainstream"? That sure lasted a while

If I can't go up to a random person on the street and ask "Who's your favorite japanese animation studio", anime ain't mainstream.

You can ask "What video game system is your favorite" or "What movie directors do you like" to random people and that will get you an answer. That's what mainstream is.

Average normalfag doesn't know movie directors. They know actors, not directors.

This is a fair argument if I'm honest. Millions of views don't account to shit if people don't know anything about studios and directors.

>Millions of views don't account to shit if people don't know anything about studios and directors
People don't know shit about studios and directors when it comes to games and movies though.

Every single normalfag knows who Spielberg is.

Exactly. The argument is flawed. Nobody knows videogame directors bad Kojima. And people only know him cause he's a walking meme. Everybody knows Zelda or Mario yet you would maybe find 1:100 who knows the guy who invented the franchise or made the games.

No, but they know what "Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft" are. They have an idea of names "Christopher Nolan, Michael Bay, James Cameron and Steven Spielberg" and if not that, they most certainly know studios like Disney, Fox, WB, etc. actually exist. You can't get anything even remotely close to that with anime. No one's gonna have fan wars in real life about KyoAni vs Trigger, they don't even know what those are

Maybe a random person may know Studio Ghibli and Miyazaki but not so much anymore cause they haven't been relevant in the West for years.

I just asked my mother and sister. They didn't. My dad did.

its been mainstream since the 80's. Kill yourself

I think people know directors, but I said "which video game system is your favorite" specifically. I know they don't know studios and directors for those games but you can probably have someone who knows what Nintendo is


This. You have to understand that normalfaggotry is on a spectrum.

God Hideri is so fucking cute