Is there any anime with Gameofthrones tier dialogue? (dialogue that's Witty/Sarcastic)
Is there any anime with Gameofthrones tier dialogue? (dialogue that's Witty/Sarcastic)
mmmmmm yes me liekey
czech dubz
anything from Nisio
got is almost a parody of itself at this point, if you enjoy that garbage watch reddit senpai
people are just mad because it's getting an anime original ending like FMA and Magi
why are you being so mean to me? it's literally my 1st time posting on this board
I fucking hate faggots so much
mmmm girlpenis
Make it your last.
astolfo has a large, meaty and masculine penis though
Fuck off.
>it's literally my 1st time posting on this board
like it wasn't obvious enough
Yeah, pretty much any anime written by a spiritually castrated fat edgy smelly virgin who is angry at society and life because of his shitty mutant genes and womanless life despite his success amongst neckbeards.
ooohhh oppen bob plss mmm
I would fuck him but I'm straight
You want the good board but you need the bad
GoT has hollywood tier quips, nothing witty.
kill yourself
also check em