Character gets the tiniest cut

>character gets the tiniest cut
>has to immediately get it disinfected and patched
why are japs such pussies?

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How new?

Its all a conspiracy that was started by big pharma to sell bandages

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I always wondered if there is any real danger from small cuts.
Kids get fucked up all the time and I never heard about someone dying from small cut infection or anything like that.

Because if they weren't there wouldn't be an excuse for two characters to be alone in the nurse's office.

>any real danger from small cuts
Only if you have immune deficiency

Because of the Japanese Sickness

Weak immune systems, they're scared of contracting the dreaded Japanese cold and dying.

with colds that kill you and wasps as big as cats it's better to be save than sorry, don't you think?

>character vomits an entire stomach full of razor blades and a waterfall of blood
>is running around and playing soccer immediately afterwards
Why are Italians such chads?

That Brazilian guy who turned into a tree started with a small cut

is there really an anime character that died due to cold? i've heard this joke a lot but wonders if there is actually an example


I have Hemophilia so I need to do this even with the tiniest cuts, it's just a normal thing for me now. All anime characters are diseased faggots.

Nips can barely handle breathing air without getting pneumonia, a cut might as well be snorting anthrax powder for how dangerous it is

>be in third world country
>wear the thinnest slippers you could find because you're poor
>walk in an alleyway with construction stuff
>accidentally walk on rusty nail and it pierced your foot
>the only thing I did after was rinsing it with water and apply a bit of spit then cover it with a tissue
Yet, I'm still not dead. Japs are pussies.

global power by 2030

Like have you ever cut yourself because you were sharpening a pencil with a rusty pocket knife? Because I did and I just rinsed it and cover it with a tissue again. Still not dead. Though my friend did tell me that I was going to die because the knife was rusty.

Infections are pretty nasty though. The characters prolly don't want to catch turbo aids.

Japs are pussies and have no common sense for everyday life, more news at 11
That's why I find most isekai unrelatable, they're people who can't even figure out how to open a beer without a bottle opener, let alone survive in a world without the convenience and overprotectiveness that they're used to

President Coolidge's son died from an infection. That sprang from a blister in his foot. Do not underestimate minor cuts. You're not "tough" for thinking lmao nips are pussies for not taking minor cuts seriously.

>2nd highest life expectancy of any country in the world
idk user you tell me

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President Coolidge's son was a fucking bitch then

If you're not vaccinated against tetanus you can get pretty easily fucked. You might still survive but if you live in a country without socialized healthcare the costs will fuck you over a hundredfold and meanwhile you're going to suffer extreme, unimaginable pain from your muscles fracturing your own bones for quite some time. Oh and 10% die despite getting timely treatment anyway.

serious question
is getting a cold a death sentence in japan? its always portrayed as something really serious

Only if you're a below 6 10 beta sojboy

>That Brazilian guy who turned into a tree started with a small cut
ki ni narimasu

It's a thing, apparently.

>They don't immediately cauterize the would

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I impaled my foot on a pretty big screw few years ago so I just poured some vodka on it and left it alone. Healed in like 2 weeks.
I think Japs are just hypochondriac as fuck.

Underrated fucking post.

Tetanus will kill you with a small cut.
As long you have your vacines and clean it up with water and don't have an anemic defense system cuts mean nothing.

To be fair, nips are one of the few island nations not to get utterly raped by exposure to european diseases.

Top wordplay

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Life expectancy is a shitty meme. What use does a long life has if it's filled with pain, illness and other nasty shit?. QUALITY of life is what people should focus on.

A more immediate concern is that an uncleaned wound won't heal as nicely.
A small puncture wound on the other hand, you can die very easily from that.

>tfw have had open wounds for as long as I can remember
>never do anything about it
>never get any complications
not even a cutfag, my skin is just so dry it cracks open like the earth during a drought

Cold temperature of motherland tempers the body, comrade. Wasting vodka like that is of unnecessary.

shouldn't that mean the japs fall like flies when I visit japan with my superior yuropean diseases that I myself have immunity against?

They already get raped by the common cold. The point is their obsession with cleanliness may have shielded them somewhat. Pure speculation on my part though.

kek what a bitch

Did you seen Hataraku Saibou?

They die from heat exhaustion. They die from overworking. They die from the common cold. I blame isolation and inbreeding

>a population of 120 million
You're one retarded nigger. At least you haven't been accidentally shot like most murrikans, that makes you special.

Speak english nigger


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gomenasai, but kore wa japanese webu saito so damare you kuso foreigner

You can die just for getting a bit of water in your nose while swimming. Everything in this world is out there just to get you.

Based brainlette

holy shit

木になります (ki ni narimasu) = become a tree
気になります (ki ni narimasu) = I'm interested

weak ass bitch

They're a hyper clean and conscientious society
Leaving an wound uncovered is considered gross and inconsiderate to others - it's the same kind of thing as not wearing a face mask when your sick.

They probably do this shit from birth, compromising their immune system for life. It's no wonder so many die because of a fucking cold.

No, but talking about serious illnesses in your japanese anime is in ill taste. A mysterious sickness or just the dreaded japanese cold is safer.

>wasps as big as cats
fucking kek, what's next donuts made of rice

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Look at him go!

wew lad, that was fucking clever

Being obsessed with cleanliness is actually a bad thing. You don't give your immune system enough samples to develop well and are fucked when you come in contact with them later in life.

Used to call children who were raised like that Domestos-kids where I lived. Poor sods were plagued with allergies and were KO'd by a single cold.

quality of life is a lot better when you dont have an infection from a shitty cut.