For Yea Forumsutists like you hating crybabies, you sure love this bitch. Whats your excuse?

For Yea Forumsutists like you hating crybabies, you sure love this bitch. Whats your excuse?

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Kaiji has a reason to cry

whats the question chief?

he had good reasons to cry tho

>he doesn't know
how new

i don't have self-esteem, and I want to relate to a piece of shit

>hating crybabies
No, we love them.

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>you sure love this bitch
I hate it.

>implying shonen crybabies suffer more than him
Read mature manga

tbf, there are plenty of times when Kaiji cries over practically fucking nothing, like the very first time he cries in the show.

I don’t deny I’d be in tears during the life or death situations, but Kaiji also cries over spilt milk.

duno, because you are much braver than him




>Tonegawa Season 2 never ever
It hurts

Madhouse likes (liked) to over-dramatize. Manga Kaiji is way more air-headed and positive.

For me it's Akagi and his intelligent, nihilistic and wicked sense of humor

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Man, when is S3 gonna come out?

That side character Middle man blues spinoff was ok but the main story needs to continue, it's been 4 years.

Never. Fucking Bog devouring people's hope.

It's a Mangan.

I liked the Bog, I don’t give a fuck what anyone says

Akagi isn't nihilistic, he's an existentialist

kaiji is pure kino.

He also doesn't really joke. That's just an old memey saying.

Honestly don't understand how this whining asspulling faggot has the fanbase he does.

>he doesn't joke
What is this then?

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tfw Ikuhara draws weed no fucks given

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Has anygot got the panel from Akagi where the guy is crumbling the paper and he sees a message in it that says "hey retard, don't crumple the paper. -Akagi"?

>titled the entire building
Kaiji is fucking madman.

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