Why did both of these shows flop?

Why did both of these shows flop?

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Because cute & funny girls aren’t popular right now.

Because it's literally pedoshit

Low production value adaptations of very niche manga.

Colors was a relatively low budget but still a great adaptation of a niche manga in a season where Yuru Camp and Antarctica aired.

I don't know what Bocchi's problem is. Not only does it have Hanada but it's only real competition is Senko-san.

Time flops are worse than flops.

>he unironically thinks Jukki Hackada is a good writer
No wonder you enjoy trash like Yorishit, which only sold well because of the A-list seiyuu cast.

I don't think he's that good. I like Reiko Yoshida better.

But anyway I mean he's a popular writer that the nips like so I'm saying it should be an advantage Bocchi has.

Not enough fanservice.

I want to ___ the colors!

But why did this flop?

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Got a S2 so fuck you.

>Time flop
This is one of the most retarded buzzwords I've heard in a while. Just because something isn't getting constant threads doesn't mean it's bad or forgotten. There are many anime that are generally highly regarded or considered classics like Cowboy Bebop, Baccano, Clannad (though I dispute its quality), Fullmetal Alchemist, and many others that never get threads. This is because they're finished stories; everything left to discuss about them has been done. It's not as if Sora Yori had a complicated narrative, a controversial twist, or any romance, it was just a fun adventure with a cast of characters who had great chemistry. As a result, there's even less to discuss about it, as opposed to shows like Code Geass with its ludicrous plot twists, Oreimo with its romance, and Evangelion with its everything.

Kemono friends literally rape everyone

Notification: $2 have been deposited into your account by Crunchyroll™. Thank you for your service.

The quintessential brainlet response.

Needed yuribait

Kill yourself, Yori shill.
Violet Evergarden was an actually good anime, not hipster memers' choice like Yuru Camp or Yorimoi. That's why it still gets talked about.

Just take a look at this: aots.moe/

The fanbase consists of bunch of underage memelords and Yea Forumsermin who hate KyoAni. They might not even enjoy the show, they just pretend to like it to hate on VEG.
I don't hate Yuru Camp. It's alright, but it's nothing compared to Violet Evergarden. Even Slow Start was a better show. I'm comparing a literal infomercial with no animation to an award-winning novel adaptation with beautiful visuals here.
I do hate Yorimoi, though. There were legitimate criticisms against that show, but the fans chose to report them.

There are also some real Crunchyroll shills on the internet:

Both Yuru Camp and Yorimoi got undeserved praise, because Crunchyroll co-produced them. Remember when critics were applauding Net-juu no Susume, and calling it one of the greatest love stories in anime history? Why? That's right; because Crunchyroll paid them to do so. They're doing the same thing with Yorimoi, calling it the best moe anime of all time (when it's not even moe). The critics are also known to be sponsored by Kadokawa (the owner of Book Walker, which you'll often see in anime YouTubers' videos), another producer of Yorimoi. This double sponsorship prompted them to shill Yorimoi as hard as possible.

How much do Crunchyroll and Kadokawa pay you? You've been making the exact same threads just to keep your forgotten seasonal trash alive. Nobody cares for your worthless FotM garbage. It's just you: boards.fireden.net/a/search/image/3LCpwOvjO9_IIVRv4T8asw/type/op/
You already were exposed for samefagging: boards.fireden.net/a/thread/171128909/#171182930

>accuses other of being shills
>shills for KyoAnus

I choose not to eat this pasta.

Many Yea Forums users now only have twenty-five possible responses.

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People realized how much of a joke BD sales became and now won't buy anything unless it comes with game codes or event tickets.

I love Colors, but I'm not really feeling Bocchi. I'll finish the season, but I don't like it as much as Colors.

Stop replying to yourself.

not wasting time reading the ramblings of a VEG shilling retard.

its almost like other people have different tastes than you do

Oh, I would like to point out a flaw with the pasta: the example of a Crunchyroll shill doesn't work. If I were trying to get people to consume Crunchyroll-produced anime, I certainly wouldn't mention shit like Active Raid, Island, and the Junji Ito adaptation.

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Hey, I think we should discuss about Katsuwo's works here and not starting a war?

>A bland Watamote
>Make main heroine retarded

>but it's only real competition is Senko-san

And Senko-san perfected the escapist pandering. You can't beat 23 minutes of pure fluffy healing.
Bocchi is just another autistic girl 4koma comedy.

Because they pandered to ironic weebs and those normalfags don't buy anime.

>asphyxiating herself to death on a vacuum cleaner
>o-other heroines are retarded

>Cowboy Bebop, Baccano, Clannad, Fullmetal Alchemist
What are you talking about? Every single normalfag knows about those unlike Yorishit.

>Time flops
That expression doesn't make any sense.

A time flop is an anime series that is currently forgotten despite selling well initially, which applies perfectly to Yorimoi.

Bland artstyle.

Color was a great adaption but I still can't accept Bocchi artstyle.

Nope, the name still doesn't make any sense. The guy who came up with this term is a moron.

Financial flop: a product that failed to make a profit.
Time flop: a product that failed the test of time.
It makes perfect sense.

Man putting those two series together makes me realize just how little Bocchi's character designs resembles Katsuwo's.

Bocchi would be more interesting if they discovered enjo-kousai.

At least here, a 'time flop' is considered to be something that no longer gets a lot of discussion about it, which was why I included those shows as examples. They're all generally well liked and viewed as classics, but there isn't much left to talk about, so if you were judging the impact of a show solely upon how much post-airing discussion it has, you would think that all of those shows were completely forgotten, which is entirely untrue.
I quite like Sora Yori, but I don't feel the need to initiate conversation about it because there isn't anything left to discuss; the thread would basically consist of fans saying they liked it and rampant shitposting. I would have quite a bit to say about Sora Yori if I were recommending it to somebody, but I don't feel the need to make threads about it.

That explains why censored hagshit is leading stalker rankings this season.

Bocchi neither cute nor funny. It got stale 5 minutes in. Trash manga, trash adaptation.

We have Non Non Biyori for autistic girls doing autistic things

>people need to constantly talk about a show
now that is some autism

Poor Bocchi doesn't deserve this

She deserves it for being so useless.

Flop is a dead word.

Does this autist spend his whole day frantically checking every thread to see if Yorimoi gets mentioned?

It's not forgotten, it gets mentioned all the time. Funnily enough it's often by retards like you, so there's that.

Watamote is nothing like Bochhi. Tomoko is a delusional degenerate who thinks she's better than all of the 'popular' people but still wants to be one of them. Otherwise known as me.


It's because you keep making the same thread every day.

The only one that doesn't get normal discussion is Kin no Tamago, and a shit thread like this probably isn't the place for it.

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>daily salesshit thread

Post a stalker thread so we can properly shitsling like gentlemen.

>Season 2 announced

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Irony of ironies that NPC would be on there.

Colors had poor animation and Bocchi had bad voice acting and character design.

Neither of those are true for Bocchi, though.

This buzzword is going to be a time flop.

Senko is shit nigger