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chen got the fishe

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Chen > Clowns

Honk honk faggots!

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Are we free to post 2hu? Yahoo!

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I want Clownpiss to piss on me

New 2hu game lads. How we feeling right now?

this clown is an exception

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I want to drink Clownpiss' funny pee

I don't want to make a new thread so I'll just ask here. For Steins gate 0, anime or vn?

Will be shit just like everything after SA

Fuck you. LoLK is amazing. One of the best newhus.

>everything after SA is shit
>LoLK came 4 games after

Attached: bored.jpg (480x360, 24K)

Is this some new epic bait?

LoLK had Doremy so everything you'll say from now on will be synonymous with a monkey's "eeck eeck"

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It's just the tryhard autists because it's difficult.

how is UFO bad? It's literally SA but slightly easier and with a set of cool new characters. I admit the ufos were kinda shitty themselves, but the actual danmaku was awesome.

Quickly claim your touhou before Nazi mods delete

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LoLK is unironically kino and the best of all the Nu-hu games

>Good cast
>Good OST
>Very difficult
>High meme potential

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>He doesn't rates UFO

What a pity to have such a shit taste

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>No Chen comics being posted
Wtf Yea Forums

For me it's green Reimu

Attached: oneesan.png (880x1495, 604K)

>saving a gif as jpg and naming it about the file size
Is this Cirno posting?

Crazy pole dancers!

Attached: crazy pole dancers.png (686x969, 377K)


Attached: tayoyo.gif (541x304, 514K)

I wish Bkub still made Touhou comics