In no particular order:

In no particular order:

Kimetsu no Yaiba
Kono Oto Tomare
One Punch Man
Shoumetsu Toshi
Carole and Tuesday
Fairy Gone

Please note that if you watch any other anime not listed here, you do so at your own risk and discretion. Yea Forums bears no responsibility for boredom and/or disappointment caused by watching anime not specifically mentioned in this list.

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>one frame man

the bar is so low these days

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I'm relatively new to anime, but Kimetsu no Yaiba seems pretty good. The music is amazing in the show, the art style is nice and the story seems interesting.

>Kimetsu no Yaiba
eww, no thanks.

I doubt there is anything universally approved on Yea Forums

But what about fox loli

So many good stuff to watch this season

kimetu no yaiba and one punch are the two picks of the season

epic fail list

>baaaw, my favourite anime isn't on there

cringe reply

Fox loli incurs major depression so it has been left off the list for Yea Forums's wellbeing.

>still using the word cringe

Boku-tachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai
Midara na Ao-chan wa Benkyou ga Dekinai
Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu
Kono Yo no Hate de Koi o Utau Shoujo YU-NO
Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san
Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin

At least that's what I have set to watch. Still have yet to 3ep them.


go back


Last season I watched 22 shows, this season it's merely 13 (including leftovers), because they all just suck. Can't wait for whatever is going to air in summer.

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Demon Slayer, After Lost, and RobiHachi. Trying to get through Ultraman is hard, it's just so boring.

>Carole and Tuesday
These are the only shows on your list worth watching.

>Overrated trash
>Animated autism
>Netflix garbage
OP should watch some real anime for once.

>fairy gone
>not invoking utter boredom


Why does this board shit on KnY so much? it's not great but its as good as if not better than a lot of the other shounens this board pushes

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Name one title you consider "real anime" this season

Made by ufotable. Too popular. So they claim that it's only liked by the plebian masses, but not good enough for their superior taste.

I guess it's because I'm new to this board but hating a show due to the studio and not the actual show itself seems retarded

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seething herofags

Not talking about AOTS, step up your game senpai

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This season is shit. That's the objective truth.

All but Senko, Bocchi, and the one about the cat girl in Nagoya suck.

Isekai Quartet, the greatest anime crossover of the past 50 years.

I know you're watching it don't be tsundere.

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>fairy gone anywhere near top 10
>mfw this is actually true since this season is just that fucking bad
jesus christ

How's it bad? Lot of good shit, mate

In what universe?

>Jojo's dramatic adventure
>good shit
Sounds and visuals are nice, but it's got nothing else.
It's like the Avatar of anime.

It's an above average season and you know it.

whats with the popularity on this board (and society in general) to act like everything sucks and is the worst its ever been? no one likes whining faggots.

It's fucking not. The only season as bad as this one in recent memory is summer 2018.

why can't people on this board just enjoy shit?

loli fox

no fun allowed

>Jojo part 5
>literally worst cour in spring
Not gonna blame you

Every board hates what they are about.

But i love this show

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Well, looking at the global state of Yea Forums, /pol/ and Yea Forums, I'd not disagree with them.
It's disheartening.

>Too popular