
You ever wonder what's in it for those who translate manga for free? Do you think its fun?

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Good way to practice your skills, it's fun, many pro translators started as fan translators

also maybe you just like a story and want more people to read it

It can be fun as long as you don't run into holier-than-thou asshats.

Yes? Either fun or rewarding, for example i buy h-manga scans and pay for non-h translations but i never ask for money or approbation.

I translated manga for free when I was still an N4 shitter for practice. Now I'm at N1 level, I no longer translate manga anymore. I just stick with reading.

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no idea but they all have my eternal thanks

It's fun, also it forces me to actually practice Japanese sometimes since Anki reps are fucking boring.

Good to know!

Was the effort for an N1 worth it?

Of course.
I no longer need to shamelessly beg for scanlators anymore.
I'm reading like 50+ unscanlated/deadscanlation ongoing raw manga now thanks to that.
Though it can be quite lonely when you can't discuss raw manga that you like with anyone.
It's especially worth it if you're into seinen/cute girls manga since the vast majority of them will never EVER get scanlated, let alone fully scanlated.

>I'm reading like 50+ unscanlated/deadscanlation ongoing raw manga now thanks to that.
I've never taken the JLPT but I don't think you need an N1 for that.
>Though it can be quite lonely when you can't discuss raw manga that you like with anyone.
This is true, and is the reason I used to translate. But with niche tastes no one showed up for discussion even when translated, so I gave up eventually. Too much work for something very few people were willing to read.

is Tae kim still the go too for Japanese?

It never was.

Maybe they like making their fellow Anons happy.

Translator here, it's a mix of and wanting more people to experience the beauty of the stories I read. The serialization I mainly work on deals with a very underappreciated subject (lolibabaas) and I want to do my bit to give it more exposure.

then what do you recommend?

The translation side might be fun but it's hard to see how the cleaning/typesetting can be fun. If the ones doing it can't understand Japanese I assume it just ruins their first read-through.
Still very appreciated considering official releases wouldn't even cover 5% of the manga discussed here.

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And the porn. Don't forget the porn.

>how the cleaning/typesetting can be fun?
It isn't, some people simply consider that as the prices to spread the love for series that they like.

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>holier-than-thou asshats
You mean like most people on Yea Forums?

>holier-than-thou asshats
>most people on Yea Forums
That faggot is maybe on Yea Forums regularly (or at least his bot is), but he's hardly what you'd call as most people.

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I have fun toying around with language and it gives more people to talk to. It's disheartening seeing threads pop up about series with large amounts of untranslated content most people can't really comment on. It can also be nervewracking. I want to portray the work as best as possible, and if I slip up I feel like it dampens the experience. Maybe I'm just overly critical of myself, since I hardly get called out but spend a lot of time mulling over if I could have phrased something better. I've gained more respect for translators in general; so long as they don't make blatant mistakes or make shit up I think people should be more understanding of the imprecise nature of conveying a concept from one language to another.

>it's hard to see how the cleaning/typesetting can be fun
It's an easy way to burn through a podcast backlog, though redrawing is hell if you're a perfectionist.

It's a good example that humans are naturally inclined towards doing good and productive stuff, that the "profit incentive" is bullshit and that socialism can and does work.

Well, you don't need to, being an N3 level + dictionary is probably enough, but being able to read everything without assistance is great.

try googling imabi and 日本語の森

Considering how low quality some scanlations are I think most people just appreciate that someone who knows English is writing it. Any extra effort and quality of writing is a bonus. For example this page showed how much work some are wiling to put in to make it complete. I doubt I'd want to translate 98 names, half of which probably never come up again.
Also I assume it's rare to get called out on a scanlation as the people that understand Japanese probably aren't reading it and unlike anime you can't hear the mistakes between the subs and dialogue.

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I just want other people to like the manga I like man

What manga do you like, user? I'll give it a shot.

How does a person even get to that state?
He obsessively scours the internet to see if anyone is talking about him, but he'll never respond to anyone, instead retreating to his personal bubble where he can safely spout a dimwitted one liner into the void where no one will see it, patting himself on the back over his epic and clever comeback that totally put that guy with wrong opinions in his place.

>provides an interesting puzzle challenge
>deepens your understanding of the medium
>helps to spread works you like
>knowing moon to that level opens you to the 90~95% of works that never see translations
>epeen from people liking the work is nice and scanlation drama can be a riot if you're not the diva getting buttblasted
>most translators these days are shit so you can just bypass them and head for the raws
Also, learning any additional language makes it easier and easier to learn more of them since you start becoming more aware of the common structures literally change your thought processes.

I'd say N3 for most manga and N2 for LNs. Tried N1 once before and it was a pretty big jump in difficulty curve from N2 and N2 is supposedly enough to make you viable for work in japan language-wise.

Herkz is literally mentally ill. Think of the most retarded ESL burgersubber, then crank the autism to 11.


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Yes its fun, so more people can enjoy it

As for free, ive taken some comission here and there

>Low quality
The first one the comes into mind is LH translations

It's fun as long as you're treating it like a hobby, translating things you like to get more people to enjoy them.
When you're doing it for the e-peen there's somthing wrong.

Regardless of why you do it, thank you everyone for your hard work.

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I thought a lot about fansubbers during the VHS era. So much work. Those guys were extremely passionate or just crazy.

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